So the fencing arena -i don't know what it's called. -was closed.


Maybe I can just play some videogames?

When I walked home, I saw Adrien.

I hid, naturally.

He seemed upset...

I hope he's okay!

There's somebody following me.

I wonder if it's somebody I know.

Probably just some fangirl or something stupid like that.


Playing video games was a bust.

I can't stop thinking about this stupid scarf.

Why wouldn't Marinette have just come out and tell me she gave me a present?


I mean, my father would have taken it from her without noticing the stitching.

He probably didn't even get me a present at all.

Knowing him, he would've put a whole ton of pressure on Nathlie last minute because he forgot about me.

Then she would've seen the present that Marinette probably dropped off at the gate and gave it to me, pretending my dad gave me an awesome gift like that instead of the same stupid pen the past two years.

Or maybe Marinette didn't even know it was a gift for me.

Maybe Nino asked her to make the scarf, then he didn't get a chance to get it to me, because he was banned from the house, (stupid father) and so he had Alya give it to me, and she dragged Marinette with, and that's why I saw them leaving my house on my birthday.

Or maybe I'm just making up excuses and everybody's lying.

"You're right."