There is officially 25 days till Christmas! So like I said, I am redoing this story, and the storyline will still be the same with a few changes, but I really will be working on character development. I have decided to keep the Chapter's I had before, modifying them a bit.

Summary: Since the beginning of their tribe, Quileute wolves were rewarded with that of a soulmate. A bond so powerful, no fool would ever dare try to break it. Until one day someone tried. There's a darkness that surrounds the LaPush tribe, eager to destroy only one thing. Bella Swan.

Chapter 1: Hate

Old Quil watched with disdain as Jared elicited his big news. His eyes could only widen with the fact that she was none other than Charlie Swan's offspring. "A paleface." He spat to himself. "What was that?" Billy asked, wheeling forward to look at him. He plastered on a fake smile and shook his head. "Nothing, it's just good to see Jared finally imprinting. Billy hummed in content. "It's a nice things isn't it?" Billy asked, wheeling towards the pack of young boys. "Disgusting." He muttered.

Jared watched the girl with careful eyes. She sat with Jacob laughing about something he was whispering in her ear. The wolf didn't like the close proximity the two shared, but he understood they had a friendship. She looked up and met his eyes and just as quickly she looked away blushing. Jared liked her blush. It meant she was human. When he found out that those dastardly Cullen's were in town and the mind reader had feelings for his mate, he was quite pissed. But there wasn't much he could do abut it.

He imprinted on her the night she found out about the pack. Everyone accepted her as everyone knew she belonged to him. Jacob respectively stepped aside but refused to let their friendship disappear and Jared had no problem with that as long as baby alpha knew where he stood with his little Swan. He watched Bella walk inside and Jared pushed away from the tree to follow Bella inside. He decided to get close..just a little. He leaned against the door watching as Bella rummaged through the fridge with a concentrated expression on her face. "Dammit, where does Billy but the- ow!" Bella stumbled backwards as she hit her head on the freezer door and before she could hit the ground Jared had her in his arms.

"Oh! Sorry...uh Jared? Right?" Jared chuckled and nodded positioning her upright. "Thank you. Sorry, I'm a bit of a klutz." Bella could feel his warm hand seeping into her skin. "I see that. If I let you go, can you promise not to fall?" His warm breath fanned over her face and Bella blinked a few times as her mind clouded over. "Y-yes. I should get back outside. Thanks again." Jared let go of her waist and watched as she stumbled outside totally forgetting about what she came for. Seconds later she came back inside and Jared raised a brow. "Do you know where Billy keeps his sodas?"

Every night Bella always glanced outside her window for any sign of the sparkling pale creatures that drain people for their blood. Finding out that Edward was a vampire wasn't the scary thing, it was knowing that he could end her life at any time he pleased and knowing that her blood called out to him like no other. She knew though that the wolves would protect her no matter what.

She always watched for a wolf outside but lately she craved to see just one. Bella didn't understand why but she wanted to see Jared out there. Looking out for her. He was huge, not as big as Sam but just about. Bella knew he had dark brown fur and dark gray around the eyes. Sometimes she found herself thinking about him a lot. It was like a need to see him. Bella wanted to talk to Jake about it but she didn't know how. Maybe she should just go to Jared?

Bella caught a glimpse of brown yellow eyes and she couldn't help the slight feeling that made her want to run downstairs and touch the fur. Instinctively she knew it was Jared and she walked back to her bed and laid down. She felt calm and she fell into a deep sleep.

Jared watched his mate leave the window and in minutes her breathing evened out and Jared sat watching the house.

"You're going to tell her soon, right?" Sam's voice spoke interrupting the young wolf's thoughts.

"Of course. I just need to get close to her. I don't want to scare her."

"If Bella can handle vampires and wolves, I'm sure she can handle imprinting."

Jared agreed and Sam let him be. He sat under her window all night just watching for any sign of danger to his mate. He made plans to get closer to his Bella and his wolf happily agreed. She would be his soon and nothing could stop it.

Jared watched Bella in her kitchen as she leaned against the kitchen counter. "What is this between us? This electricity? I know we haven't really been around each other and everywhere I look, I see you. I look for you and it's not normal. I-What is this?" She asked confused. Jarred made his way towards her, pushing her hair behind her ears.

Letting his hands slide from her face, down to her shoulders, and finally her waist, he pulled her close. "One thing we've never told you about the legends is that wolves have a thing called imprinting. It's when a wolf finds his soul mate. It doesn't mean that it has to be romantic, but it pushes the wolf into the right direction of the one he needs to be with. Who will complete him and vise versa." Jared's thumbs caressed the side of her hips gently waiting for her to understand. Bella pursed her lips and a million things crossed her mind.

Noticing that her silence went on for a little longer than he thought, he grasped her hips and sat her on the counter. His warm hands cupped her face as he looked into her eyes. "Hey, what is it?" Bella shook her head trying to clear it. "So, I'm your imprint?" Jared nodded and stroked her face. He always had to be touching her. "We don't have to rush Bella. Our relationship doesn't have to go fast. Understand that I can never be with anybody else but you, never love anyone else but you. I'd die for you Bella."

Bella sat on the log next to Emily as the boys discussed the plan of action on how to deal with Edward. "We can't necessarily kill him.." Sam trialed off. Bella's attention on the conversation was cut short when Old Quil approached her. Emily smiled, standing to give the elder a place to sit. He shook his head, giving her a smile. "No no, sit. I wanted to take this one for a walk. Dear?" He asked, offering Bella a hand. She gave Old Quil a smile, having admired his bravery during his time as a shifter.

Old Quil led her down a path into the woods close to the beach. Bella walked along, trying her best to keep her footing. She could hear the waves crashing, the sun shining over the treetops. The cool water was refreshing as she could smell the salt water. She closed her eyes for a moment, before opening them to see Old Quil standing in front of her. His face was very different than a few minutes ago, and Bella wondered what warranted his expression.

His voice was cold and deep as he spoke to her, making Bella shiver slightly. She instinctively took a step backwards. "You. I do not like you. For centuries, we have never mated with an outsider. You already bring danger with that cold one, and now you want to taint our bloodline." Old Quil walked forward with his cane, jabbing Bella in the shoulder with it hard. Bella winced as she took a few steps backwards. She gritted her teeth looking at him. "You said it yourself that destiny cannot be fought. Sam and Emily are a prime example. I can't help that Jared imprinted on me. Edward is not my fault either. I suggest you get that stick from up your ass." She snapped, pushing his cane off her. Bella could say in that moment she felt proud to stand up for herself and the relationship she and Jared would someday have.

Her eyes widened as his fist hit her gut, making her lose her breath and balance. She went to her knees, grasping his arms. "Trust me, I'll run you off. Say a word about this, and I will give you hell paleface. Besides...who would believe you?" He whispered in her ear. Bella sucked in a breath. "Are you alright young one?" He asked suddenly, he held her face in his hand, his eyes warning her to keep her mouth shut. She could feel the electricity behind her, Jared's hands on her shoulders.

"I'm fine." She wheezed. "Something I ate I think." She replied. The thing that Old Quil wasn't aware of was that Jared was keen in intuition, his body almost like a human lie detector, and he knew then and there, that Bella just lied to him. "I'll take you home." Jared stated, taking into account that Bella could barely stand, which he had no problem carrying her.

She clung to him, hiding her face in his neck as he walked back to her rust bucket of a truck. Jacob watched in concern, noting the tenseness of Old Quil. His brow furrowed as he moved to the side, feeling this dark aura around him.

Jared was right at the bathroom door when Bella opened it, knowing something was completely wrong. He glanced her over, feeling as if something was hurting. "You lied to me." He stated in concern staring her in the eyes. His eyes raked over her body assessing her for injury. "What?" She asked, trying to move around him. He grasped her arm gently, his eyes zeroing in on her left shoulder. "What happened to your shoulder?" He asked, and Bella could see it in his eyes, he wasn't going to take no for an answer. "I.." She started, her eyes starting to swell with tears. She didn't want to hide anything from Jared, but she was also worried about what Old Quil had threatened.

As Bella tried to gather her words, Jared lifted her shirt, his lip curling at the purple bruise. "I knew it wasn't something you ate.." He snapped. He grabbed her chin softly, forcing her to meet his eyes, which were the brightest she's even seen them, the yellow hue seemed to swim in his eyes.

"Answer me. Who did this?" He asked, looking deep into her eyes. Bella broke the contact by looking down at his feet. "Hmm?" He asked again. "Will you believe me?" She asked. Jared nodded, pushing some hair from her face. "Of course I would..why wouldn't I..." He trailed off, his eyes growing darker.

"Did..Old Quil do this to you? When you two were by the beach?" He didn't wait for her to answer as he pulled her shirt down to see her shoulder once more. He could see the circular shape. He clenched and unclenched his fist. She lifted her shirt as well, showing Jared the large forming circle.

Jared pulled her close, breathing her in. "I'll handle this." He whispered, kissing her head.

"Drop it. She's an imprint." Billy glared at Old Quil not liking the tone he was using. Old Quil sneered and stepped forward. "Doesn't mean shit Billy. That girl is not Quileute and never will be. We need stronger blood lines!" He spat. Billy glared. There was a look in his eyes that screamed crazy. "What did you do?" Billy asked, for once terrified of the man.

Billy looked up at the loud knocking at his door and wheeled himself over to get it. He wasn't surprised to see an angry Jared at his door shaking and a growling mess. "Old Quil?" Jared nodded his yellow eyes zeroing in on the man. "Jared. What did he do?" Billy asked concerned. Jared walked past ignoring Billy.

Before Old Quil could get a word out Jared stalked towards him. Spit flew from his mouth as he spoke. "Council or not, don't and I mean don't speak to my mate the way you have, or touch her again. She's mine and I will kill you if you as so much look her way. Are we clear?" Old Quil glared. "Listen boy, you will respect authority I will no-" Jared cut him off with a growling roar that made Billy shudder. He watched the usually calm level headed wolf lose control. "Authority my ass! Stay the fuck away from my mate, I mean it." Jared turned stalking off out the front door in a blur.

Billy looked on concerned, his wolf was very close to the surface almost as if they lived in the same body and not body and mind. Interesting. Turning back to his oldest "friend" he glanced upon the shaken man. "I don't know what you've done, but you put your hands on her? What's going on with you?" Billy prayed for this man as he started to come to strange conclusions. Old Quil was a man of time, he didn't like change. He wasn't going to listen. Jared on the other hand, something was going on. He seemed to grow to almost Jacob's height and Sam's stature in wolf form. Billy feared Jared could be a Uley as his birth father was too unknown. If that's the case, as the alpha line runs in not only the Black but Uley line as well Jared could be Sam's brother and Jacob's Cousin if Joshua Uley sniffed his nose around.

"Dear god. You're fucked..." Billy turned away going back to the kitchen. Old Quil shuddered taking a seat. No matter how scared he knew he had to do something. Something that wouldn't be so honorable but it had to be done.

AN: As you can see I left the first Chapter somewhat the same. Old Q has physically laid hands on Bella, Jared making it quite clear that death will be an option.