"Kami I hate taking the bus." An annoyed voice huffed out. "Yeah well Sakura until one of us gets a car we are taking this big hunk of junk."

Her best friend said as the bus came to a stop in front of their school. "So what do you plan to do for your birthday forehead?" Sighing Sakura stood and they exited the bus. "Not sure Ino-pig. You know how my mom and dad are."

Walking into the school they headed to their lockers. "Well what do you want for your birthday?" Ino asked as she opened her locker. Pulling the hair tie from her head her hair fell from the bun that sat atop her head. Ruffling her waist length hair she opened her locker and grabbed her books. Laughing she smirked. "Sasuke," she said to Ino and closed her locker.

Turning she bumped into someone's chest dropping her books. "Oh I'm sorry," she said then kneeled to grab her things. Reaching for her notebook her hand stop midair as another hand picked it up. Looking up she said nothing.

"You said my name," a deep voice said. Standing she laughed nervously. "What? No I didn't I… said… see you later Ino." With that she turned on her heels and walked off forgetting about her notebook.

"Oh hi Sasuke umm she's just really excited to get to class." "Right Ino," he said then walked off. 'He walked off with her notebook,' Ino thought.

~4 hours later~

Sakura sighed as she glanced at the clock on the wall. Turning her attention back to the piece of paper on her desk she sighed again.

'I don't even know why I'm doing this,' she thought reading over the questions. "Who would you do it with if you could? The fuck?!" she hissed under her breath.

Turning slowly to not seem too suspicious she looked over her shoulder only to see Sasuke Uchiha looking right back at her. Turning back around, she shook her head. Writing his name on the paper she quickly finished and folded it up as the bell rang. Opening her bag she reached to slip the paper into the side pocket but missed as her book fell from her desk. Not noticing the paper on the floor she shouldered her bag and picked up her book then left.


"Oh my kami! Where the hell is it?" Sakura groaned as she dumped everything out of her bag on the table. "What are you looking for?" Ino asked taking a bite of Sakura cookie.

Sighing heavily she tossed her things back in her bag. "TenTen thought it would be funny to make up a sex test and have me fill it out. I did but I don't know where it is… oh fuck! I hope I didn't drop it in English class and Sasuke picked it up." She whined pushing her tray away.

"Hey Sak what's wrong," an energetic voice asked from behind her. "Oh Naruto you wouldn't believe the bad luck I'm having. I dropped-"she fell silent as she turned and found Naruto, her brotherly figure, and Sasuke looking down at her.

"Well look at the time. I have a term paper I have to finish," she said and bolted.

"That's the second time today." Ino said as the two sat down. "So is everything ready for the surprise party?" Naruto asked Ino. "Yeah and she has no idea although the present she wants for her birthday is impossible to get."

"If she wants it we will get it for her no matter what it takes," Naruto proclaimed. Shaking her head Ino pulled out her phone and sent him a text message. Pulling out his phone he read the message and coughed violently. "Is she serious?" he asked disgustedly.

"Yep she said it this morning. Hey Sasuke even though you don't know her do you wanna come to Sakura's surprise party?" Shrugging he nodded.

~Physics Class~

Sakura sighed in defeat and slid into her seat at the back of the class. Turning she stared out the window. "So how did the term paper go?" a deep voice penetrated the silence. Turning to the owner of the voice a confused look made its way to her face and then she looked around. 'So he is talking to me.' "Paper? Oh umm yeah it was uh… it was great." She said then fell silent.

Turning she groaned as her phone started playing Linkin Park's 'What I've Done'. Answering she held the phone between her shoulder and ear as she tied her hair back up in a messy bun.

"Lee if you say 'happy birthday' one more time I'm going to jump through this phone and stuff my foot down your throat." Putting her phone down on the desk she put it on speaker phone so she could take off her sweater.

She didn't mind if Sasuke heard. They usually talk about music, art, and martial arts. "You know Ino told me what happened. Twice in one day that's a new record."

"When did you start listening to her gossip? We are not talking about this." She declared. "Stop being a chicken and tell him you wanna ride his fa-"she quickly threw her phone out the window. "Oops," she said nervously looking at him.

"Hey Sakura I have bad news. I can't go to concert Friday. My mom wants me to go shopping with her," TenTen shuddered as she walked into the room followed by a couple more people.

"That blows, now I'll have to go by myself." she frowned. Glancing over to the Uchiha, TenTen grinned. "Hey Sasuke you like 'Three Days Grace' right?" "Yeah," he said flatly. Pulling out the ticket from her bag TenTen gave it to him. "Now you have someone to go with. Oh by the way did you ever finish that paper I gave you?" The brunette asked taking her seat in front of her distraught friend.

"I did but I lost it. Sasuke we don't have to go together or even see each other there. TenTen is just being annoying and over protective," Sakura hissed. "Over protective I think not. The last time we were at a concert some guy grab her ass and she beat the shit out of him. I'm protecting the general public from you."

"He so deserved it," Sakura laughed. "Alright class let's begin," their teacher said as he entered the room.


"Did you hear Sasuke broke up with Karen? He caught her making out with one of the guys on his football team." Ino told her pink haired friend. "So why are you telling me? It's not like he'll start talking to me or like me. We've been in the same classes for almost my whole life. Leave sleeping dogs where they lay Ino-pig." With that she walked to the other side of the court for the dodge ball game.

'Do all of my friends know I like Sasuke,' she thought not fully paying attention to where she walked. As she walked into someone she lost her balance but strong arms steadied her.

"Decided not to run away I see," Sasuke said as he stood her upright. Laughing nervously she tugged on her shirt and took a step back. Out of the corner of her eye she watched as Karin threw a ball aiming for her head. Catching it she launched it right back at the redhead hitting her right in the face, knocking her on her butt. Everyone laughed except Sasuke and Karin's followers.

"Guy-sensei do you see what she has done to my beautiful face?" she screeched. "Beautiful compared to what… a dogs butt?" Sakura scoffed. "Well Karin you tried to do the same thing to her. It's your own fault," he told her. As Sakura walked past Sasuke she grumbled to herself. "Fucking whorish she devil. That's what she gets for cheating."

As the game started Sakura took out her frustration on Karin's friends, taking them out one by one. After a while only she and Sasuke stood on one side and on the other were Naruto, Neji, and Kiba.

Sakura grinned maliciously. "Don't you fucking do it Sakura!" Naruto yelled as he and Kiba backed up closer to the wall. "Oh whatever do you mean dear brother of mine?" she asked innocently as she held one ball in her hand and another sat at her feet. Cocking her arm back she let it fly towards Kiba who ducked and laughed until he was hit in the back of the head as the ball bounced off the wall.

Naruto held his sides as he laughed hysterically not noticing that he was the only one left as Sasuke got Neji out. Clearing her throat Sakura gained Naruto's attention. The blonde watched as his best friend and sister nodded to each other and let the balls fly. It happened so fast that Naruto was on his back confused.

"Good game," Sakura said shyly to Sasuke as she extending her hand. Looking down he took hold of her hand and shook it. Sakura thought it strange that he held her hand longer than he should have but then just blamed it on her imagination and went to go check on Naruto.