Theresa opened her eyes and stared out in an unfamiliar room. Not only was she in a room she had never been in before, she also felt someone resting a hand on her hip. The last thing that came to mind was that man in a yellow shirt with bad teeth that she had allowed to sit down and talk to her. She hadn't gone home with him, had she? Had she really been that far out that she had gone home with him? She pushed his hand away and quickly moved out of bed without turning around to look at him.

"You're awfully fast this morning considering how drunk you were last night," Seth said.

The sound of his voice made her spin around fast. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to feel when she came face to face with him. Relieved that it wasn't the man from the bar, angry that he had taken her somewhere unknown.

"Where am I?" She asked.
"Dean's house. He's not home right now though," he answered.

Dean's house, of course. She should have known it would backfire on her to ask Dean for a name of a bar. Of course he had told Seth. She didn't feel like digging into it further so instead she turned around again, opened the door and walked to her right. He jumped out of bed and followed. She opened the first door she came to but closed it again when she found a bedroom on the other side. Defeated she turned around and looked at him.

"Where's the bathroom?" She asked.
"The other way," he said and pointed behind him. "Last door on the left."

She walked past him and shortly after found herself inside the bathroom. She closed the door and he walked down and waited outside of it. Once he heard the toilet flush, he knocked on the door to get her attention.

"Can I come in?" He asked.
"Go away," she said angrily from the other side.

He reached for the handle and opened the door. She rolled her eyes at her own forgetfulness of locking the door.

"Your bag," he said and pointed. "I figured you'd like to get that whiskey breath out of the way."
"Like you have the best breath in the morning," she sneered as she located her toothbrush in the bag.
"No, but I was up an hour ago to pee and brush my teeth," he said.
"Then why crawl back into bed with me when you know you're not welcome?" She asked.
"I couldn't help it," he said.

She put the toothbrush in her mouth as it was the only way to keep the string of curse words inside that threatened to come out right in that moment. He watched her brush her teeth, oddly enjoying the sight of her doing something normal. For a short moment he pictured her in his bathroom on a casual morning, brushing her teeth, saying good morning, living there with him. He was brought out of his little fantasy when she spit out the toothpaste and whiped her mouth. She looked at him as he stood there in the doorway with his arms crossed.

"Are you gonna move or am I prisoner in here?" She asked.

He let his arms drop but he didn't move. It was his one chance of forcing her to hear him out unless she chose to open the window and jump out of it but he doubted that even she was crazy enough to run through an unknown neighbourhood in nothing but panties and a tee.

"I know I fucked up and I'm sorry. When you pushed me away Saturday, my pride got hurt," he said.
"Aw, poor little Seth, can't handle rejection," she mocked.
"I said some things I shouldn't have," he continued. "And you didn't deserve any of it."
"You're right, I didn't. You're a fucking asshole and the second you move away from the door, I'm out of here and we'll never have to be around each other again. Lose my number just as I'm gonna lose yours," she said.
"No!" He said firmly.

He took a step towards her and one of his hands reached for the door.

"No?" She asked.
"I said no," he said.

He took one more step into the room and closed the door behind him.

"Stop messing around, Seth. I'm not one for playing games," she said.
"Neither am I," he said.

He took two more steps and stopped right in front of her.

"In case you haven't figured it out yet, I've fallen for you. Not just puppy love but I've fallen for you so fucking hard and it's happened so fucking fast that I don't know what's up and down anymore. I'm in love with you and I shouldn't have treated you the way I did. Now I can stand here and tell you how sorry I am till I'm out of breath or you can trust me when I promise it'll never happen again," he said.
"Trust?" She laughed. "That's a good one."
"Stop laughing," he said.

She didn't. She just laughed even louder, making him even more upset. He grabbed her hips, backed her up against the bathroom wall and kissed her.

"Stop laughing," he said lowly as he broke the kiss.
"Are you out of breath yet?" She asked, still a hint of a mocking tone in her voice.
"Let's see who gets out of breath first," he said.

He dropped to his knees in front of her and yanked her panties off. With one hand on her stomach, he forced her to stay up against the wall while he buried his head between her legs. She tilted her head up against the cool tiles and moaned as he swirled his tongue around like a snake. His free hand quickly found its way up between her legs as well. Two of his fingers came into play and he had her cumming in no time, screaming out inside the bathroom, her voice almost echoing off the walls.

"Are you out of breath yet?" He asked teasingly as he pulled his head away.
"Fuck you," she said lowly.
"Not yet. Guess I got more work to do," he said.

He kissed her up her stomach as he got back on his feet. His hands moved the tee over her head and he tossed it behind him. He yanked his boxers down and kicked them backwards.

"Seth," she said lowly.
"No, you don't get to talk right now," he said as he grabbed her neck. "We've done enough talking and that's gotten us nowhere. Time to get our anger out in another way. Now you're gonna feel the wolf and no fucking way are you gonna fight him off."

With his hand on her neck he yanked her off the wall just to spin her around and push her back up against it. She put her hands on the tiles and pushed her ass out. He chuckled at the sight, knowing she had just silently given her consent. He ran his hand over her ass, making her moan slightly, before moving in behind her, teasingly running his dick up and down her folds without pushing inside.

"Is this what you want, fighter?" He asked.
"Fuck me, wolf," she answered.

He bit his lip to keep from laughing and then pushed himself inside her. They both moaned as he bottomed out. He grabbed her hips as he pulled out again, snapping his hips forward hard, drawing another moan out of her. He kept thrusting into her, going as hard as he could, fucking his anger out of the system and by the sounds she was making, she was getting all her anger out as well. He gritted his teeth and squeezed her hips tighter as she came, desperately trying to work his way through her orgasm before he had to let go too.

They stood there, sweaty and panting, still connected with him inside her but no longer moving. He reached a hand up and pushed her hair out of the way before leaning forward to kiss her between her shoulder blades.

"I really am sorry," he said.
"I kinda got the memo," she giggled.
"Can we just erase these last couple of days and start over?" He asked.
"We can't erase it but we can move forward from it. But I swear, Seth, one more fuck up like that and I'm gone for good," she said.

He finally pulled out of her and spun her around, his lips claiming hers again in a desperate kiss.

"I won't fuck up again. I promise," he said.
"Don't say, just do," she said and reached her hands up to pull his head close again.
"I'll show you just how good I can be," he purred in her ear.

He reached over and started the shower. Water ran down both of them as he continued holding her close and kissing her. When they were finally done in the shower, dried off and gotten dressed, they made their way to the kitchen where they found Dean with his laptop.

"Damn, you guys are loud," he said and grinned.
"Shut up!" Seth said and slapped Dean on the back of his head.
"Hey! I'm just being honest here. It's still my home," Dean chuckled.
"You got Skype on that thing?" Seth asked and pointed at the laptop.
"Of course," Dean answered.

Without asking Seth took the laptop from Dean, sat down on a chair and logged on his Skype account. He pulled Theresa down on his lap before making the call.

"What are you doing?" She asked.
"Like you said: don't say, just do," he answered.

Shortly after he had called both Kevin and Chris.

"What's up?" Chris asked.
"You guys remember Theresa?" He asked.

Both men stared at Seth and Theresa on the webcam.

"Yeah, the not-girlfriend who you tried lying about," Kevin chuckled.
"You knew?" Seth asked dumbfounded.
"Everyone could see it," Dean giggled next to them.
"Anyway, what I said last night wasn't true. I was angry and I took it out on the wrong person," Seth continued.
"We figured," Kevin laughed. "Keep him in line, Theresa."
"I'll try," she said.
"See you assholes Friday," Seth said and hung up the call.

He turned his head to look at her and was instantly met with her lips over his. He wrapped his arms tight around her waist to pull her closer. They sat like that for a few seconds until Dean cleared his throat.

"As much as I love free porn, I prefer it not happening on my kitchen table where I usually eat," he said.
"You're so boring," she giggled.

Seth gave her a quick peck before lifting her off his lap again.

"Go get your bag. We're leaving as soon as you're ready," he said.
"You know it's an entire day of driving to Iowa from here, right?" She asked.
"Better get a move on then," he said and slapped her ass.

She giggled and quickly left the kitchen.

"I think she forgave you," Dean said.
"But I'm not done making it up to her yet. I doubt we'll make the drive without a few stops," Seth said and winked.
"And I thought I was the dirty one," Dean laughed.

They took turns driving and as expected they had a few stops along the way when Seth couldn't keep his hands to himself. They finally arrived a little over noon Wednesday. Seth carried all their bags inside and just threw them on the floor.

"We'll unpack later. First..." He said and wrapped his arms around her, starting to walk her through the house. "I believe you didn't get a chance to sleep in my bedroom the last time you were here."
"Oh, we're actually gonna sleep?" She asked teasingly.
"I was trying to pretend to be a gentleman, at least until we got in there," he said and moved his head down to softly bite her neck.

The days went by way too fast and suddenly Friday had arrived and he had to get back on the road. He wanted her to come along but she declined it. She wanted to stay in Davenport and look for a place to live on her own. It wasn't until he had made her promise to stay in his house rather than go to a hotel and that he had made sure they sealed the deal with mindblowing sex that he finally left.

He didn't miss out on calling her every day, ending each night in a different hotel room with her voice in his ear, not missing out on the opportunity of telling her exactly what he was planning on doing do her multiple times once he came back home.

"Roman, a quick word?" Seth asked as they were heading out the door after RAW that Monday.
"Sure, what's up?" Roman asked.
"It's about Theresa," Seth answered.
"I figured that much," Roman chuckled.
"I'm in love. Like really, really in love," Seth said.
"So what's the problem?" Roman asked.
"It's so new and already I feel like I never wanna see her leave my side," Seth said.
"You're not thinking about asking her to marry you, are you?" Roman crossed his arms.
"What? No! Even I am not that crazy," Seth said.
"No one ever knows for sure when it comes to you," Roman chuckled. "So what is it then?"
"Is it too soon to ask her to move in with me? She's already in my house but she's looking for a place to stay and I just don't wanna see her go," Seth said.
"Only you can answer that," Roman said.
"Not the answer I was hoping for," Seth said.
"Do you love her already? Do you wanna spend the rest of your life with her?" Roman asked.
"Yes and yes," Seth answered.
"So ask her. The worst thing that can happen is that she says no but at least you'll know," Roman said.

Seth's face lit up early next morning when he saw her waiting for him at the airport. He didn't care that their relationship was new and that fans might get a picture of them. He just ran straight to her, scooped her up in his arms and kissed her.

"I missed you so much, fighter," he said.
"I can tell. You should go away more often if this is how you're gonna greet me everytime you come home," she giggled jokingly.
"Oh, it is and that's not all," he lowered his voice and moved his mouth to her ear. "When we get home, I'm gonna fuck you like you've never been fucked before."
"Why are we still standing here?" She asked.

He laughed and took her hand. They walked together to her car and got in. Once they were on the road, he reached over and placed a hand on her thigh.

"I got a question for you and I'm so fucking scared to ask it," he said.
"Why?" She asked.
"You might say no," he answered.
"Me saying no to you, wolfboy? How often have you seen that happen?" She laughed.
"Move in with me," he blurted out fast.
"That wasn't a question. That was an order," she was still laughing, thinking he was joking.
"Stop the car," he said.

She looked at him and the look on his face made her instantly pull over. He took both her hands and looked her in the eyes.

"Will you move in with me?" He asked.
"I'm already there," she said.
"So will you stay there forever?" He asked.
"Are you absolutely serious right now?" She asked.
"Yes, fighter, I know it's fast but I know in my heart that I love you and I almost lost you last week. I don't ever wanna be apart from you if I can help it," he answered.
"Seth!" She shrieked happily. "You just told me you love me."
"Want me to say it again?" He asked and smiled. "I love you, fighter. You and only you."
"Fucking hell, wolf, you're making me feel shit here," she laughed. "I love you too and yes, I'll stay in your house. Move in for real."

He leaned over and kissed her. She moaned lowly and he felt a certain need press on all of the sudden.

"Start the car," he mumbled against her lips.
"What?" She asked.
"Start the fucking car and get us home fast or I'll fuck you right here for everyone driving past us to see," he said.