Hi! This is my first fanfiction on this site. Basically, Tobias and Tris met whilst in Abnegation. A few days before Tobias left for Dauntless, they sleep together and Tris becomes pregnant. Two years later, it is Tris's turn at the Choosing Ceremony…

Disclaimers: Veronica Roth owns all.

Chapter One


Tobias holds me close, our bare bodies entwining. After two years of secret meetings, stolen kisses and quick glances, I could finally have him in this way. I am nervous, the desire overcomes that. I pull him closer.

Abnegation forbids this kind of love until after marriage, but seeing as Tobias has his Choosing Ceremony in just three days, there wouldn't be any opportunity for this for another two years. I already know that he will choose Dauntless, faction of the brave, to escape his father.

My fingers trace the scars on his back as we kiss passionately, each mark courtesy of Marcus Eaton, the leader of Abnegation. He is friends with my father. I moan into Tobias's ear. He captures it with another kiss, and I mumble his name into his ear.

'I love you, Tris,' he murmurs, using his nickname for me, a short form of Beatrice, my full name.

'I love you more,' I whisper, eyes closed.

'I love you most.'

Two Years Later

I balance Elisabeth on my hip. Mom chose her name; it is very Abnegation. But in a couple of days we will both be Dauntless, and I can finally see my Tobias again.

I first realized I was pregnant two weeks after he left. In the beginning I cried endlessly, and refused to tell Dad, scared of his reaction, even after Mom figured it out. But when I began to show it was inevitable. Sometimes I feel as though the whole city knows about my scandal. Still, I have kept Tobias and I's secret. But after my Choosing Ceremony, I will never have to keep it again.

I don't even know if Tobias made it through Dauntless initiation, which is apparently super tough. I haven't seen him for two years. He doesn't know about Elisabeth, unless he heard the rumors.

Elisabeth places her hand against my neck, sleeping peacefully. At fifteen months old, she is the perfect mix of Tobias and I. She has his dark blue eyes, my blonde hair and thin nose, and his full lips and smile. To me, she is flawless. I love her so much, more than I ever thought possible. Maybe even more than I love Tobias. Having a child has made me more selfless, and it helps me fit in more before we leave.

When I choose Dauntless, I'll have to find her a new name.

Divergent? How could that be? Erudite, Dauntless and Abnegation? Erudite, my father's enemies, my faction's haters? Abnegation, where I am so stifled? And Dauntless, brave yet stupid, whom I would choose anyway?

Tori, my aptitude test administrator, looks at me sadly. 'Go out the back door,' she instructs quietly. 'If anyone asks, the serum made you sick, and I sent you home. And your result was Abnegation, okay?'

I nod, frightened, for myself and my daughter. She gestures at the door, and I hurry out of it, checking to see if my bun is still neat. My heat is racing, my eyes darting around everywhere. All I know is this:

If anyone finds out I'm Divergent, Elisabeth and I are dead.

'Beatrice Prior.'

My name shakes me out of the daze I had gone into when my brother, Caleb, selected Erudite. Erudite! Our enemy! They have been trying to rebel against Abnegation, who run the city, for years now. My brother... This is what he meant when he told me to think of myself too, last night after dinner. But I must think of Elisabeth now.

I walk up to the five bowls, her on my hip, and ignore the whispers of an Abnegation having a child at sixteen.

Marcus hands me the knife, at which point I glare at him for all the wrong he has done to Tobias, all the pain he has put him through. I cut Elisabeth's hand first, wincing as she begins to cry. I quickly slice my own palm, ignoring the stab of pain I feel, and squeeze our hands together over the lit Dauntless coals.

The whispers are louder now.

I walk over to the rows of Dauntless seats, and a pierced girl of around eighteen rises. 'Let me take her,' she offers. 'I'm Shauna, by the way. She'll be safe, I promise,' she adds when she sees my nervous expression.

I nod, biting my lip as I pass Elisabeth over, who is still sniffling, before sitting next to a dark-skinned boy for the rest of the Ceremony. Soon all the names have been called, and the Dauntless stand first, exiting the Hub swiftly. We break into a run, and I am glad handed Elisabeth over. All the Dauntless climb up onto a train track, so I copy them, pulling myself up the metal columns. When I finally flop onto the metal rails, I am pulled to the sides. I wonder why, but a second later my . Not sloquestion is answered.

A train appears in the distance, and it is fast approaching the line of initiates and members. Not slowing down.

We have to jump.

Of course we do. This is Dauntless. I start running before it passes me, and grab onto the side of the train, straining to heave myself on. A Candor extends her hand, and I take it gratefully as she pulls me up. We watch as an Erudite boy fails to get on to the train, and collapse to the ground. It is that easy to get cut.

'I'm Christina,' the Candor says, shaking my hand. The motion is unfamiliar, but I do it anyway. I am Dauntless now.

'Tris,' I say, using Tobias's name for me.

She smiles, and I do too as we sit against the wall of the train as it speeds through the city. All too soon, though, the Dauntless stand, preparing to... Jump off?

I look at Christina. 'Together?' I offer.

'Together,' she agrees.

'One... Two... THREE!' We leap and I land hard on my elbow, grazing it. But I just laugh. I can feel my Abnegation bun coming undone, but I find I don't care.

Somebody screams and I look up to see a Dauntless-born female gazing down where the train used to be. I walk over with Christina, and we both gasp as we see a body, on the ground, limbs askew and blood seeping out. Clearly dead. I swallow uncomfortably, looking away from the now weeping girl.

A dark man stands on the wall, so I look up at him, going over to where the other initiates are. 'Welcome!' he cries. 'My name is Max. I am a leader of Dauntless. To enter the compound from this roof, you must jump down here.' He point into the abyss behind him. 'So... Who's going first?'

Everyone shifts uneasily, even the Dauntless-borns. I am eager to see Elisabeth again. I raise my hand.

Max gestures to the wall as he hops off, and I walk forwards, stepping up onto the bricks. I look down into the black hole; the bottom is impossible to see. I take a deep breath, and remove my grey cardigan.

'Ooh, scandalous! A Stiff's showing some skin!' a boy calls -a Candor. Stiff is the slang word for Abnegation, because we -they- aren't very self-indulgent and won't bend out of our ways or let loose and have fun. How we act "Stiff" around others.

I ball up the cardigan and throw it at him. Hard. Then I throw myself off the wall, free-falling fast through the air. A rush of adrenaline courses through me and I land on something -a net.

I laugh, looking up at the sky, before I roll off the edge as people tug at the net. I would have fallen off the edge if someone hadn't have helped. I turn to thank them, and met with a familiar face.

'Tobias,' I whisper, only loud enough for him to hear.

He is taller, more muscular, the black tee stretching against his abs and biceps. His dark hair isn't Abnegation-short any more. But his eyes are the same: a dark blue, swirling, with a patch of lighter blue in one eye. I have spent so long staring into those eyes. Never have I imagined they would be so cold.

Tobias looks at me dead in the eye, dead being the appropriate word. His gaze is harsh and icy.

What have they done to him?

'A Stiff, the first to jump?' a woman says from behind us, one of her eyebrows cocked. 'Practically unheard of.'

'There was a reason she left them, Lauren,' Tobias says sharply.

Lauren rolls her eyes, and Tobias turns back to me.

'Name?' he asks.

Tobias, my Tobias, asking for my name? Does he really not remember me? Or does he just not care any more? What will he say when he finds out about Elisabeth?

'Tris,' I tell him, seeing as I told Christina that.

'Make the announcement, Four!' Lauren calls. Four? Who's Four?

'First jumper -Tris!' Tobias yells.


I had always known that he would change his name in Dauntless, to try and be as unconnected to Marcus as possible. But never had I imagined that it would make me feel as though he has cut himself off from me, too.

Christina falls into the net, screaming, and Lauren helps this time. I turn to wait further away, but Tobias -Four- grabs my arm.

'Welcome to Dauntless,' he murmurs in my ear, and I smile.

'And these are the dormitories,' Tobias announces to the group of nine initiates. Lauren took the Dauntless-borns, and Tobias the transfers. This concludes the tour of the compound. We have seen the busy Pit, the dining area, and the deadly chasm. 'Notice there are ten beds,' he says. 'We expected more of you.'

'We started with twelve,' Christina points out.

'We always lose some before reaching the compound,' Tobias says, and I think of the boy failing to reach the train, the girl landing on the ground. I shudder.

Peter, the Candor who made the Stiff comment, smirks at the boy and girl next to him, Drew and Molly.

'Hold on!' Christina calls as Tobias turns to go. 'Is this for boys or girls?'

'Both,' he answers, and I wrinkle my nose as initiates grumble loudly.


Shauna enters, holding a smiling Elisabeth, dressed in Dauntless black. It suits her. She hands her to me, and I kiss her forehead. I realize now how much I had missed her. Elisabeth is a familiar weight in my arms.

'It's just Tris, now,' I tell Shauna, and she smiles.

'Tris. It suits you,' she says.

'Wait,' Christina hisses. 'Is she yours?'

She points at Elisabeth. I feel Tobias's eyes on me.


Yay! Chapter One done! Let me know what you think about the story, and make your predictions! R&R
