Yami Ryuu, Shiro Tenshi

Hey, I'm back doing a revised edition of Yami Ryuu, Shiro Tenshi here on its ONE YEAR ANNIVERSAY. That's right; this story has been on for an entire year now. Seto/Ryou has been an ever-growing hit for a whole year! Yatta...

Even if you haven't read this previously, feel free to do so now. And I welcome back old fans who want to read this fic with better quality now! Not too many differences, just better writing qualities and I'm leaving in the Songs of the Chapters and other stuffs. There are chapter names!

Ooh, and ya know how I said Whitewolf-chan hated me for non-official couplings and all those original notes and stuff? Well, now I fully support Seto/Ryou, even if they'll never be canon. And Whitewolf-chan is just as... loving of the coupling... as I am! Almost... I DO have dibs, mind you.

Seto: She doesn't own Yugioh, fortunately. Or else you would bee Ryou and I holding hands and kissing. Aren't you glad she doesn't?

Ryou: ...Seto, if they're reading this, then there is a good chance that they'd enjoy that. Unless they're just passing time... I don't know. Plus... **pouty face** You mean you don't want to?

Seto: Gomen ne...

So, without further adieu, onto the fic that started my legacy of Seto/Ryou and gave me a beautiful reputation. **soft sigh** Happyful...

Chapter 1-

Serendipitous Escapes

Kaiba Seto wanted to think. Correction, he needed to think. Between work, supporting Mokuba and himself, school, and being a teenager, he was on the brink of suicide.

Ok, it wasn't as if he hadn't flirted with the thoughts of suicide before. In fact, they were on a first name basis with each other.

He wanted to go to the park, but that was full of barking dogs and little yelling children with their babysitters while all their mommies and daddies were at work. Along the streets there were cars, screaming, and little old ladies scolding people to be more courteous.

He went to the zoo. It was his very last, desperate resort. It would hopefully be quiet, what it being a weekday in the summer.

He fingered his Duel Monsters deck as I bought a ticket and entered. It smelled like an average zoo and looked like an average zoo. It was an average zoo.

His hand left his cards and swiped through his hair. Duel Monsters had been his passion, his life, his only love; but it seemed so empty now, after the Duelist Kingdom. After facing Pegasus and nearly losing Mokuba...

A patent Kaiba Seto glare wouldn't work here, so he didn't.

Instead, he went to the new tiger exhibit that was soon to be moved to the Tiger Walk area and looked in. Seto stared at the imprisoned being. He had developed a fascination for the large felines. They were so much like him. Trapped, though it could be so much more...

The tiger stared back, as if jealous of the boy's- man's- freedom. Its golden eyes bore into his soul, searching for any weakness. He left the tiger exhibit, feeling naked, stripped of his cool exterior.

Of all things next were the eagles. There was a golden eagle from North America. It too looked over at him, but with a sense of ferocity. It reminded Seto of Yuugi. Or, his other half. Graceful, beautiful even, and had the same glaring look in its eye.

Regular Yuugi was like... like a panda. Yeah, Mutou Yuugi was like a big fuzzy panda. Seto laughed. It was a true laugh too, innocence in its purest form. Something he hadn't done in so long.

He made his way through the zoo, passing the mighty rhinos, the majestic leopards, quizzical elephants, powerful lions, the almost comical bears, and so many herd animals. Of course, he ate lunch somewhere in there, and mentally complained about the food.

But at last, he came to the last exhibit up near the entrance, which he was about to pass up. Arctic foxes, come on! But he watched anyway, and they were actually what interested him most- besides the tiger. They were part of a breeding program, so there were two in there. They slept together, looking like the puppies Seto never had. But they also reminded him of someone, though who was unidentifiable.

Shrugging, he went to the souvenir shop to see if there was anything to pick up for Mokuba. Mokuba was with Yuugi today, they had actually become good friends. Seto brought a stuffed panda to the counter.

"Hey Ka, how much do the pandas cost?" The girl at the register called.

"I don't know Amber, look at the tag. Courtney, help me restock!"

"Fine!" The two girls restocked the shelves while the one at the counter finally found the tag and scanned it. Spotting a postcard rack, Seto casually grabbed a card with one of the foxes on it. Twenty-five cents.

He paid, and then made one more stop by the exhibit. But someone had taken his place on the adjacent bench. A small, frail, white-haired figure. Bakura Ryou.

"Konnichiwa Kaiba-kun." Ryou smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Seto returned coldly.

"I could very well ask you the same thing." Ryou laughed. His gaze then went over to the exhibits. "I'm here because it's peaceful to come when there are no crowds and the animals are much more active. You?"

Seto was becoming annoyed by his overly-good nature, but answered anyway. After all, the boy was just trying to make conversation, may as well at least humor him. "I've been feeling stressed. Between work and life in general, I don't see much point in living."

Ryou now looked at him sadly. "I would think your brother was a reason."

"He is the only reason."

Ryou scooted to the end of the bench. "You can sit down."

"I prefer to stand."


"But you know how it is," Seto continued, though he didn't know why, "being a teenager. But add having to support you brother and running a multi-million dollar international corporation, and you get to feeling suicidal."

"At least you don't have another self that is so violent and cruel and completely different from you." Ryou pointed out, though put himself in a bad position.

Now Seto felt sorry for him, at least as sorry as he would ever let himself feel for anyone besides Mokuba, mind you.

But Ryou's face brightened up. "Why don't you and your brother come over for dinner? Father and I could use the company." He shrugged casually.

"Mokuba is over at Yuugi-kun's." He stated simply.

"Ok, just you then. It would help to get out for a while."

Seto mumbled bitterly in his mind. Not even when hell freezes over. "Sure, whatever."

"Great!" He quickly checked his watch. "It's a little after 3:00 now, so we should head back. Did... you come in a car?"

"No, I walked." He now wished he had driven, however. It was getting a little hot outside...

"Oh, as did I." Ryou nodded. "Shall we go?"

"Ok." Seto knew he was just trying to be nice, as a lot of people used to do, but it seemed to work more affectively. Maybe it was the sincerity?

One of the foxes opened its eyes and peered at him curiously, giving a really cute yawn and as a small sound escaped its throat. Seto swore he saw the glimmer of Ryou's eyes in there instead.

Ryou's father was a great cook; that was the only way to describe it. He had dark blue-purple hair and gray-brown eyes that were covered by glasses. His skin was tanned a little, probably from his work as an archeologist. As his son was, he was also good natured.

They went on with the normal 'kid brings their friend over' standard conversation, including the 'So, you two know each other from school?' and the classic 'You're a Duelist too?'

After finishing, Seto announced that he was to make his leave. After saying goodbye and bowing in thanks, he walked home.

Seto's POV

I guess you could say that I felt troubled- mixed emotions from then on. It wasn't gratitude that I felt, nor was it ingratitude. It was something more. Could it be friendship? Maybe. I had never felt actual friendship before. Rather, I had been too full of work and too full of myself to even try to get along with others. I had become overshadowed by my own aesthetic needs.

Of course I did not know that that moment had been a serendipitous one.

Oh great Seto, I told myself, referring to my previous thoughts, you're becoming a poet. Stop while you're ahead. Not like you'll ever be a starving artist though. But still, emotions can lead to weakness, and one needs to be strong with the barbarians called corporation heads.

For something to be serendipitous, the situation must be unexpected and something unforeseen and good would have to come out of it. If only I had a look in the future...

Droplets of water started to fall as I reached the house from the long driveway. Closing the door, I shook my head to relieve myself of collected water. Automatically, I noticed that the TV was on. Mokuba was home.

"Seto!" His head appeared over the couch. He had on his own unique grin. "Guess what, Yuugi-kun taught me some of the more advanced moves in Duel Monsters! I'm gonna be as good as you someday." He had a look of determination reflected in his eyes that reminded me of myself when I was younger, before my life had gotten all fucked up.

I chuckled anyway and rubbed the top of his head. Yeah, he probably would become better than me someday. Knowing my usual self-esteem level... and the fact that he was in better living conditions than I was at his age. And he believed in his cards with childish innocence.

"Hey, you got something to eat, right?" I asked. A plate sitting on the coffee table answered my question before he did. There were remains of a ketchup pool on there and slightly burnt french fries. I don't know why they're called french fries, given they're considered American foods- something Mokuba eats once in a while, but I myself never had a taste for. Anyway, why are they french? Did they originate in France or something? Never mind.

Then again, Mokuba likes sugary foods much more than I do. He just hates celery... but I'm not too fond of it myself. Or Oden, for that matter... and now I mentally shudder. I don't like fish.

Do you know how amusing it is for me to go to an expensive restaurant with the CEOs of other companies? I mean, they're all distinguished men who are served wine. Me? I'm not twenty yet, so I can't legally have alcoholic beverages- seeing as the American drinking age is either eighteen or twenty-one, I never cared. Not saying I haven't tried ordering some, but only few types I've ever found to my liking. This particular white wine that I had once was really good, but I never did like red wines.

Some waiters assume I'm one of the sons of my business partners and ask if I'd like a Coke. It's a funny thought for them to serve Coke in a restaurant of that caliber. I usually oblige in a glass of water- or now that I think of it, iced tea.

"Yeah." He answered my question on his eating, turning back to his TV program. A Duel Monsters tournament, the thing I used to care about more than anything. I may start back up, someday. But for now, retirement was the life.

I reached into my bag and pulled out the panda. I knew Mokuba was getting too old for toys like that, but still. Couldn't resist. "Hey, I got you something." I set it on top of his head. He looked upwards and the sudden movement caused it to fall into his lap.

"Arigato nii-sama!" He stood up on the couch. I bent down and he hugged me around the neck. Straining, I picked him up. He was growing up fast, but still my little brother. "Hey Seto?" He asked, looking at me.


"Are you going back to playing Duel Monsters? I mean, if you don't, then there may not be a reason for me to."

I set him down on the floor and he looked back up at me. "Mokuba, you play, ok? Become what I couldn't be. Listen to Yuugi-kun and Jounouchi-kun, they're both good Duelists. But, don't tell either of them I said that."

"Ok, but you still didn't answer my question."

Damn, he's getting a lot smarter too.

"Well, I may. It all depends on how I feel." Hopefully, that was a suitable enough answer.

"Alright. Where were you though?"

"I was at the zoo. I met Bakura-kun there and we hung out."

"Seto, if you can be friends with Bakura-kun, can't you be friends with Yuugi-kun as well? I mean, they're all cool. You'd like hanging around with them."

"It's all about principles." I shook my head and smiled sadly. "Yuugi-kun and I are rivals. We both wanted to be the best at the game. It would be strange if we hung out, wouldn't it?"

"Even though you said you may not play anymore..."

"But old habits die hard."

He seemed to get the point, though it was a very lame one. "Ok, but at least try to get along with them, alright?"

"We'll see." I turned and walked upstairs to my room. I still got bad vibes from being alone somewhere from when Pegasus had sent his goons to try and kill me at the summer home, but my actual home was one of the safest places for me to be. Still getting vibes from occurrences almost a year ago, miles away. Pathetic, huh? Maybe I have been getting weaker and softer than I thought. Even if they did come after me in my no-longer-secret computer lab here...

Mokuba was on my mind, blocking out any other thoughts that may have been in my mind previously. I love my brother. As I had told Bakura-kun, he was my only reason for living. And I had almost lost him. He was always used as a hostage against me. And because of Yuugi-kun, I didn't lose him then, or ever for that matter. I was bitter, but was grateful. Strange feeling, eh? It happens.

Gozaburo, you fucking bastard. You may have gotten Mokuba and I out of the orphanage, but you brought us into hell. You gave us wealth, but pain and misery. You trained me like a dog and were so cruel to him. I didn't care what you did to me, as long as you didn't hurt him. All I wanted was a home for him, and for me to be there to protect him. But no, you wanted an heir to your corporation. Well, you got one dammit! A coldhearted jackass who can't even live a normal life anymore. I hope your happy, tou-san. You have a 'son' that rants to himself for absolutely no reason!

Enough of that, Seto. I calmed myself down. Enough of that, back to normal life, as normal as it could be. Sleep was what I needed, though it was only around seven now. Yeah, sleep. But sleep was a luxury for those who could afford it. I could afford almost everything, but not that simple comfort. Sucks, huh?

But I undressed down to my boxers and tried anyway, snuggling (yes, snuggle... stop laughing) into the soft haven of quilts. And somehow I did sleep.


There was Bakura-kun and Mokuba-kun. They were waving at me. Yuugi-kun was behind them. But so was Yuugi-kun's other self. And... a panda. Yeah, that's right, a big fuzzy panda. Weird. It was waving too. And smiling like an idiot. What the hell?

A Blue Eyes White Dragon roared. I couldn't see it, but I could hear it. The only way I knew that it was a Blue Eyes was a feeling in my heart.

I looked behind me and Mokuba stood there. Looking the direction I was previously facing, I saw no one was there now. I turned back to Mokuba. But it wasn't Mokuba. It was me. Me as a little child with big eyes and scuffed up hair. He wore jeans and a T-shirt, not the attire I wear now.

"Konnichiwa Seto." He said in a childish voice, one that I remembered from... how long ago was it?

I bent down to him and put a hand on his shoulder, trying to see if he was real.

"Yeah, I'm real. I used to be you, but now... you see how you are. 'Coldhearted jackass'? Isn't that just a little harsh? Listen to Mokuba, make friends. I've been asleep for so long, dreaming of when I'd come back into the world. Wake me up, ok?"

He seemed to grow older, until he was a mirror image of myself, except in the same clothes as younger me. Large blue-white wings grew out of his back as he morphed into a Blue Eyes White Dragon. With that, he flew off and I was left alone.


"Oh man, strange dream." I murmured to myself, trying to sit up. It was just... bizarre. I stretched, dressed myself, and then walked out into the hall. A smell caught my attention.

Walking downstairs, I watched Mokuba in the kitchen. He was cooking on the stove. Bacon, eggs, and pancakes. How the hell does he do all that...?

"Hey, who said you could use the stove?" I asked. It was dangerous after all. And I personally didn't want my house to burn.

He shrugged nonchalantly. "I thought you could use a good breakfast, for once. It's Friday, why don't we go out and do something. I know your vacation's almost up and you'll have to go back into work soon, so please." He gave me his chibi eyes.

I couldn't resist. "Fine. What to do?"

How did I end up here? I asked myself. I stood in front of the card store as Mokuba impatiently pulled on my sleeve.

"Seto, you promised."

"Fine." I growled. I opened the door and walked in.

"Kaiba-kun?" The whole group asked.

"What are you doing here?" Jounouchi-kun glared at me.

I pointed at Mokuba and left it at that. Jounouchi-kun made me irritable. But obviously, I wasn't very popular within their little group of friends.

I made eye contact with each one in turn- Yuugi-kun, Jounouchi-kun, Honda-kun, Anzu-chan, Bakura-kun. They all seemed to stare back at me with a hard expression, except for Bakura-kun. Well, at least he's accepted me.

"I-I brought him to hang out with us." Mokuba said.

Yuugi-kun looked down at him- or straight at him, seeing as Yuugi-kun's not much taller than Mokuba- and smiled. "That's perfectly ok with me."

"With I as well." Bakura-kun in his soft, childish voice. It was kind of weird to hear. Even Yuugi-kun's voice was deeper than his. Ok, enough musings for now.

Jounouchi-kun looked as if he would kill me if I just so opened my mouth, but he nodded anyway. As did Anzu-chan and Honda-kun.

"If Yuugi-kun's ok with it, I guess I am too." Anzu-chan said.

"Well, welcome to the group Kaiba-kun."

I had been accepted, for the most part. But that didn't mean that I would take advantage of it more than this once. Bakura-kun looked over at me and smiled happily. A feeling came over me. I don't know what, but something. But I ignored it. Looking back on this, I should have tried figuring it out then. But at least I know that he was the first to accept me.

And again I missed the serendipitous moment.

Song of the Chapter:


Five For Fighting

I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
I'm just out to find
The better part of me
I'm more than a bird...I'm more than a plane
More than some pretty face beside a train
It's not easy to be me

Wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
About a home I'll never see

It may sound absurd...but don't be naive
Even Heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed...but won't you concede
Even Heroes have the right to dream
It's not easy to be me

Up, up and away...away from me
It's all right...you can all sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy...or anything...

I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
Men weren't meant to ride
With clouds between their knees

I'm only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me
It's not easy to be me

I hope old readers enjoyed re-reading the first chappie, despite few changes. And I hope any possible new readers have enjoyed this. All the chapters are up, no duh. My nii-chan suggested to upload the chapters on their individual times, but... I don't keep that well records...

I had fun with the wine paragraphs... can you just imagine Seto sitting, in a suit at a fancy restaurant, drinking a Coke? **giggle**

Arigato PM-chan for translating part of the character book for me! -^_^-