
A/N: Here it is my first gmw full story. Please read and review loves 3

Maya swore this had been a good idea last week. Two weeks with two of her best friends in one of the most beautiful places she had ever been too. But now a week into her vacation she was starting to rethink her choices. While the original idea of the vacation was still working the outcome that came from the time away from their normal day to day world, had resulted in feelings she thought long buried resurfacing and coming back with a vengeance. She didn't want them to come back because the feelings coming back meant more hurt and rejection that Maya did not want to go through again.

So after dinner she found herself walking along some of the more worn paths of the farm. Walking meant time and time gave her space to think. Stopping she stood at the deck watching the sun get lower and lower.

Before long Maya was sitting on the deck watching the water and listening to the crickets and occasional dog barking. The feelings building in her chest were conflicting and ones she knew she shouldn't be feeling at that. But being there in that moment she couldn't help but enjoy the quiet noise. Maya was so lost in her thoughts that she jumped when she realized Lucas was sitting next to her.

"How long have you been there Huckleberry?" She asked placing her hands in the pocket of her grey hoodie.

"Long enough. What you thinkin' about Maya? I could hear you all the way from the house," he replied giving her a small smile.

"Just things. It's really pretty here, you must hate it in New York," Maya replied looking back over the small lake.

"New York has its own beauty," Lucas explained never taking his eyes off of her.

Maya could feel him looking at her as she continued to look out over the lake. Bringing her knees to her chest she mustered up as much courage as she could because right now it was now or never.

"I lied," she started.

"About what? Zay's outfit for his date?" Lucas asked confusion written on his face.

"Back then, I lied when I told you I didn't have feelings for you. You needed to move on from me, you had to be with Riley, you had to choose her. I regret it you know, lying to you because now here we are in this beautiful place and I have feelings for this amazing guy but I'm not sure if I can do anything about it because whether we like it or not there's this big complicated history and a lot of people are going to get hurt. But that doesn't seem to matter because even though I know all this I can't help the feelings I have," She ranted feeling the tears leave tracks on her cheeks.

Maya could still feel Lucas starring at her but she refused to look at him, instead looking down at the lake below them.

"You know I never thought I'd hear those words. For so long I convinced myself that you'd never feel the way I did. And now here we are at this beautiful place just me and you. Where just a moment ago an amazing girl just told me she had feelings for me and like her I know we shouldn't do anything but I really want this girl to give us a try because the feelings I have for her just seem to grow the more time we spend together."

By the end of Lucas's own speech Maya was looking him in the eyes watching the emotions that swam in his eyes and came out for air in his voice.

Before either of them realized it they were kissing. Maya moved so that she now had her legs on either of side of his as she sat on his lap. She couldn't help the moan that came from her as she ground her hips against his, Lucas gave a moan of his own his hands gripping her harder. Each enjoying the pressure and pleasure that they were experiencing. Pulling back they each kept their eyes closed and they rested their heads together trying to catch their breath. Each wore a smile on their faces even though neither could see it. Lucas wrapped his arms tighter around her waist bringing her closer to his body as she wrapped her own arms around his neck effectively making sure there was no room between them.

"Do you want to go back inside?" Lucas whispered.

"Not right now. I just want to stay here for a while longer," Maya answered shaking her head against his shoulder.

They stayed there sitting together on the deck till the sun set. Maya eventually got off of Lucas's lap sitting next to him but still keeping her head on his shoulder and him placing a large hand on her bare thigh just below where her shorts sat. This was it, their perfect moment where everything changed but they both had yet to realize it.

"Come on Pappy Joe and Bee will get worried if we don't head back," Lucas told her squeezing her thigh.

Nodding her head Maya watched as Lucas stood up and took his hand when he held it out to help her up. Standing up Maya gave him a soft smile as he kept her hand enveloped in his as they walked off the deck and towards the house.

"Do you think we just screwed everything up?" Maya whispered as Lucas wrapped his arm around her.

"Not a chance Shortstack," he replied before bringing her to his chest and hugging her.

Standing there they enjoyed each other's warmth and smell. Something they were sure they wouldn't get a lot of on the rest of their vacation.

"I do care about you Maya," he whispered into her hair.

"I know, I care about you too Cowboy. Do you want to come to my room?" She asked not wanting whatever was happening to end.

"I'd like that. I think Bee made some cookies earlier," he told her as they pulled away from each other and continued the walk to the house.

Once they got to the house Lucas opened the screen door for her neither letting the others hand go. Upon seeing his grandparents quietly sitting in the living room with the TV on in the background as Pappy Joe worked on a puzzle and his grandma Bee working on her newest cross stitch project. Lucas jerked his head towards the kitchen and pulled Maya with him as he was now on a mission to get cookies.

"Want some milk?" He asked as Maya sat on the counter next to the Oreo cookie shaped cookie jar.

"Nope. What kind do you think Bee made?" She asked as she carefully lifted the lid peeking inside as Lucas grabbed the milk from the fridge and a glass from the drying rack by the sink.

"Not sure, probably chocolate chip or peanut butter," he replied as he filled his cup before placing the milk back in the fridge and closing the door with his foot.

Nodding her head Maya placed her hand in the jar and grabbed the first cookie she could feel.

"Ha yes peanut butter," Maya exclaimed as she took a bite of the cookie and her other hand went back into the jar to produce more.

"Grab me a couple?" Lucas asked with a smile as he watched the small blonde pull out cookies.

"Nuh uh, get your own Huckleberry," she replied placing the four cookies she pulled out of the jar on her lap.

"Wow won't even get a man his cookie," he said shaking his head as he walked over to the counter and placed his hand in the jar all the while a smile firmly placed on his face.

"Oh Cowboy you can get my cookie," Maya replied smirking as Lucas paused at her comment.

"That is an interesting offer," he replied smirking at her as he pulled his hand out of the jar with four of his own.

"I think we should go upstairs before my grandparents come in," Lucas told her after they didn't say anything else.

"I think your right Cowboy," Maya said winking at him as she grabbed her cookies and jumped off the counter.

Silently Lucas put his cookies in her hands and grabbed his glass of milk in one hand while the other grabbed her own. After a quick goodnight to Pappy Joe and Bee they went up the stairs and went straight to Maya's room as Lucas was sharing a room with Zay on this trip.

"Come sit," Maya told him as she sat down on her bed.

"So Shortstack, what'd you wanna talk about?" He asked getting comfortable next to her.

"Absolutely nothing, I just didn't want outside to end. It was really nice and I guess if this is just some vacation thing I want to enjoy it while it lasts," Maya explained suddenly becoming very interested in the quilt beneath them.

"Do you want this to be a vacation thing?" He asked suddenly feeling unsure himself about what was going to happen.

"No, but we're in Texas. This isn't New York where our lives and friends are, where our history is," Maya countered leaning against the headboard and taking a bite out of a cookie.

"Does that have to change whatever happens here?" Lucas wondered aloud.

"We both know it will. How about this we just enjoy what happens here and if we somehow figure out how to make this work back home then maybe we can try," Maya suggested looking at him.

Before he could answer Zay came barging into the room with a smile on his face.

"Dude it's called knocking, I could've been naked," Maya told him throwing a small pillow at him.

"Ha yeah like you'd be naked up here with Luke in the room and Pappy Joe and Bee just downstairs," Zay replied with a smirk picking up the pillow that had hit him in the chest.

"How was your date?" Lucas asked quickly covering Maya's mouth his hand before she could say something that would cause their friend to ask questions.

"Ehh been on better. So what'd you two do?" He asked as he laid himself across the bottom part of Maya's bed and quickly stealing one of Lucas's cookies.

"Hey!" He yelled his hand leaving Maya's mouth as Zay took a bite from the stolen cookie.

"I'd let the Cowboy see me naked thank you. And ha that's karma bitch!" Maya exclaimed in response to both boys comments.

"Oo did you guys finally have a sharing circle?" Zay asked raising an eyebrow at the maybe couple.

"Just because I'd let him see me naked doesn't mean anything Isaiah. Besides my bikini is basically the cut of my underwear give or take some lace," the blonde said smirking at both boys surprised faces.

"Zay leave," Lucas told him not taking his off of the smiling blonde who had gone back to eating her cookies.

"Ya nasties just remember that your grandparents are downstairs. Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Zay replies before walking out of the room.

"That leaves a whole world of possibilities Zay," Maya yelled after him.

"I know," Zay replied smirking as he stuck his head back into the room.

"Goodnight Zay," Lucas said looking at his best friend.

Maya couldn't help but laugh as Zay frowned and closed the door again mumbling something about Lucas not being any fun.

"So there's lace?" Lucas said turning back to her.

"Oh there's definitely lace Cowboy. But you're not seeing any of it yet," Maya replied smirking at him as she continued to eat her cookies.

"Now you're being no fun," he replied giving her a fake pout before turning back to what was left of his cookies.

"Here for the one Zay stole," she said hitting his arm lightly with the back of her hand presenting one of her cookies to him.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Lucas asked taking the cookie.

"Sure like what?" Maya asked turning to face him.

"I don't know did you bring any?" He asked shrugging his shoulders in response.

"No but I did bring season three of ER," Maya countered carefully putting her last cookie on the bed before getting up.

"Why season three of ER?" Lucas asked as he watched Maya walk over to her backpack that was on the floor by the small dresser.

"My Mom went through a Clooney phase so we have ER and I was bored and started watching the DVDs and now I'm on season three," Maya explained as she pulled out her laptop and the red colored dvd box.

Smiling she went back to the bed and began to set up the laptop and disc.

"I'm going to go change," Lucas said as the menu screen popped up.

"Go right ahead Cowboy I was going to change either way," Maya replied as she got off the bed again this time going straight for one of the dresser drawers.

"You're killing me Shortstack," Lucas replied as he got off the bed and watched as Maya pulled out a pair of small burgundy linen shorts.

"Go change and come back," Maya told him as she pulled her hoodie off her shirt riding up as she did.

"Give me five minutes," he told her kissing her quickly but soundly on the lips before walking out of the room.

Maya couldn't help but laugh as he walked out of the room. She enjoyed this their own little bubble, this escape from reality where they could be something without any consequences and just be happy together.