
A/N: This one is a long one and there's a purpose to it. I decided to change my whole thing for this story, everything after chapters 1 & 2 ended up having two different versions of chapters and I was always going with the second version. So prepare for soap opera level drama because that's some of my favorite shit to write.

Enjoy and please Read n' Review and give suggestions because now there's things to plan and I love suggestions!




Friday had to have been the best days Maya had had in months. There was no school, Riley was to busy getting ready for prom to pester her about what happened on the roof with Josh and to top it off Shawn and Katy were going on a mini vacation or a "pre-baby moon" as her mom had called it. As much as she hated to say it Josh trying to apologize had been a good thing, she could avoid and he provided the perfect excuse. She could ignore the outside world all the while staying tangled with Lucas in a bubble of their own.

"Mmm when's your Mom coming home?" a reluctant Maya asked as she pulled away from Lucas's lips.

"Is that really what your thinking about right now?" He asked his large hands keeping her straddled on his lap.

"Oh baby that's not even on the top five but I'd rather your Mom not walk in on us doing some of that," she replied smirking at him.

"So what are you thinking about?" Lucas wondered, his hands rubbing from her thighs to her hips a smirk playing on his lips.

"Oh nothing big," she smirked as she planted wet fervent kisses along his jaw.

Lucas brought his head back against the headboard as the tantalizing onslaught excited him with every lick, nip and grind she gave him. A strangled moan slipped past his lips as she continued, already he was beating himself up for what he had to do.

"Not that . . . I'm not . . . Enjoying this," Lucas panted out as Maya moved to the other side.

"You're talking way too much Cowboy," Maya rasped out pulling away from his neck.

"Trust me I'm enjoying this," he told her with a dopey smile on his face.

Maya laughed at him, "Trust me I know," she teased before biting her lip at feeling how worked up he had gotten.

"Right, so uh do you want to go to prom tonight?" He asked as his fingertips lightly traveled around the band of her underwear touching both skin and fabric.

Stunned Maya let her arms drop from around his neck to his chest.

"Prom? You want to go to prom? With me?" She questioned as she tried to digest what he had just offered.

"Yes," he answered simply nodding his head as he watched her.

"Are you sure?" She asked looking at him with big eyes.

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to go with you babe," Lucas offered his fingertips still traveling around the band.

Taking a deep breath Maya slowly smiled and nodded her head before bringing him into a burning kiss that caused Lucas to gasp in surprise before he kissed her back with such intensity that she hummed in appreciation causing his large hands to grip her hips and bring her flush to his body. Reluctantly Maya brought her hands to his chest pushing against him creating space between them as they both gasped and panted for air.

"This will continue tonight because now I have to try and find a dress," she explained still short of breath.

"Look in the closet," Lucas replied with a dopey smile on his face.

Raising an eyebrow in question Maya got up from his lap and jumped off the bed. She felt his eyes follow her as she walked to his closet in her black cheeky underwear and a Fall Out Boy muscle shirt that just brushed her thighs. Opening the off white mirror covered door she grabbed the hanger with the dress bag covering the contents.

"You bought me a dress?" She questioned looking back at him as he stood from his bed covered in only a pair of navy colored boxers

"I did, now open it," he prompted kissing her cheek before going back to the small closet.

A smile played on her lips as she slowly took the bag off of the dress. As the white plastic came off, it revealed a blush pink dress. But not just any dress, it was the same A-line deep V-neck long blush pink cross cross backed dress she had looked at while helping Izzy dress shop the week before.

"You bought me a dress," Maya repeated in dismay.

"I did. Do you like it?" He asked nervously.

"Lucas you bought me a dress. The dress that I was looking at when I was helping Izzy. How'd you know?" She asked finally turning to look at him.

"She sent me a picture. Said it was the fourth time you had pulled it out of the rack. She also helped me get these," he explained pulling out a pair of nude ankle strap pumps.

"Well aren't you just full of surprises," Maya remarked as she sat the dress down on the bed.

"Did I do good?" Lucas questioned.

"Oh Cowboy you have no clue how good you did," she marveled taking the shoes from his hand and letting them drop to the floor as she brought him in for another heated kiss.

"At this rate we are never going to get there," Lucas informed against her lips.

"You are so getting laid tonight Cowboy," Maya whispered in his ear before bending down and picking up the forgotten heels.

"And I wasn't before," he asked raising an eyebrow in response.

"Don't ruin it Lucas," she responded as she walked out of the room.

Lucas couldn't help the shit eating grin that came across his face as he turned back to his closet to get out the tux his Mom had helped him pick out a few days before.

"Luc. We're going to prom," Maya stated as she walked back into the room.

"I know?" He questioned walking out of the closet tux in hand.

"The only people that know are Zay and Izzy and she only knows because he can't keep a damn secret from her," she explained.

"Maya how many times in the past three weeks alone since we've been back have you spent the night here? We were bound to get caught. I know people are going to be upset but I'm with my best friend and I'd like to think we are both really happy in this," Lucas countered setting his hands on her waist.

"So prom?" Maya questioned a twinkle in her eye as a smile tugged at her lips and she bit her lip in anticipation.

"Just you and me," He laughed before quickly dropping a kiss on her lips.

"Mmm I have to get ready," she mumbled hands now on his chest.

"I'd do anything for you, now go get ready I promised Mama that we'd stop be the hospital before we went to the hotel so that she could get some pictures," he replied kissing her cheek before pulling away.

"You told your Mom!" Maya exclaimed in surprise.

"I needed help with my tux and she uh kind of found a pair of your underwear on my dresser," he answered rubbing the back of his neck as he let the information come out.

"I told you to check your dresser! But no you didn't think they'd go that far," she yelled in exasperation as she walked out of the room with her hands in the air.

"Do you need anything?" Lucas asked instead of commenting.

"Your just lucky that I was already staying the night and had all my stuff," she yelled back before closing the bathroom door behind her.

Maya couldn't help the wave of happiness that seemed to over take her. After taking the time to make sure her makeup and hair were done Maya opened the door and walked back to Lucas's room. She was looking through her makeup bag making sure that she had the lipstick she wanted for the night when she heard a low whistle.

Lucas had his shirt open and was trying to button the cuffs of his shirt when he heard Maya's soft footsteps bringing her back to his room. He was taken aback by her. The waves that just moments before his fingers were tangled in frenzied bliss, were now in twists leading to a braided bun just off her shoulder, her eyes and lips painted a mauve with dark lines and a fan of lashes making the blue eyes that made him weak more intense. Lucas thought she painted a beautiful picture still dressed in just her muscle shirt and underwear.

She stopped in his doorway after hearing him and was surprised herself at what she saw. In the middle of his room Lucas stood in a black wife beater with his dark button up shirt open one hand working on his cuffs as the matching charcoal grey pants sat low on his hips only half done up.

"My, my Cowboy don't you clean up nicely," Maya told him smirking as she sat her makeup bag on his dresser and walked over to help him.

"You just . . . Wow," he replied watching as a blush creeped into her cheeks while she took his hand and began to button his cuffs.

"Thank you," she smiled before taking his other hand into her own to repeat the same actions.

Smiling down at the blonde Lucas watched as she skillfully did up his buttons before dropping his hand to grab her dress from his bed.

"Do you need help?" Lucas asked as she started to walk back out of the room.

"You might have to zip me up," she yelled back before closing the door.

Nodding his head Lucas smiled and bit his own lip as he picked up his phone.


Z: So you guys are coming?!

Luc: Yeah she's getting dressed right

now. Tell Iz I said thanks for the help with the dress and shoes

Z: Will do.

Z: FYI Mathews is here and I think he brought his brother

Luc: Thanks for the heads up

Luc: Gotta go man she just came out

"Zip me up?" Maya asked coming into the room.

If Lucas hadn't already seen her he was sure he'd have made a fool of himself. He thanked god that Izzy had gone shopping with him because the dress fit his girl perfectly. As she turned around he forced down a groan once he realized how close to her butt the zipper was. Stepping forward he carefully placed one hand at the top of it, his fingers brushing against her skin causing Maya to jump a little in surprise. Using his other hand he found the pale pink zipper that stayed in its place just above the curve of her butt, carefully taking the small piece of metal between his fingers he slowly brought it up to her lower back and made sure the small clasp was secure. Before stepping away to finish getting dressed himself he brought both hands to rest on her hips and placed a gentle kiss on her neck bringing a smile to Maya's face.

"You know if you wanted me to meet your Mom all you had to do was ask," Maya told him as she sat on his bed to put her shoes on.

"Oh she's seen you," he told her as he started to button up his dress shirt.

"What do you mean?" She asked confused as she began untying the lace up straps.

"She saw you briefly one morning as you were leaving," he explained as he tried to figure out his tie.

"Oh my god," Maya gasped her shoe falling into her lap.

"Do you know how to do this?" Lucas questioned looking at her.

"Your Mother saw me leave your house after spending the night with you and your asking about a stupid tie?" Maya asked in exasperation.

"She didn't know it was you till you and Izzy came over to work on that history project with me and Zay. She also asked if we were being safe and if I knew if you were on birth control," he told her finally giving up on the tie and throwing it in the vicinity of his desk.

"Oh my god," Maya groaned laying her body on his bed the shoes still in her lap.

"Come on Maya, she likes you she was actually really excited when I told her we were seeing each. You have nothing to worry about babe," he comforted leaning over her.

"You really are just full of surprises tonight aren't you," Maya mumbled pushing him up as she brought herself back up.

"And it's only the beginning Shortstack," he replied smiling at her.

Smiling herself Maya shook her head and began to put her shoes on. After she knotted the last strap she stood up and walked over to the full body mirror to make sure she looked alright.

"Gorgeous," Lucas replied kissing her cheek again and he checked out his own outfit.

"What time is it?" Maya asked turning to face him.

"Almost nine-thirty why?" He answered pocketing both his own phone and hers.

"Just checking. I know Riles was up for royalty and I just don't want this to overshadow her moment," she answered walking back to his dresser and grabbing her lipstick to do touch ups.

"This is your prom not just hers. Come on let's go see Mama," he told her holding out his hand to her.

Smiling Maya quickly touched up her lipstick before placing it in his pocket and giving his thigh a little pinch.

"Hey why so mean?" He asked jumping back.

"It was getting to sweet. Grab your jacket Cowboy," she told him with a grin that seemed to reach her eyes.

Smiling himself Lucas quickly grabbed the suit jacket and put it on as Maya turned off his bedroom light. Together they walked hand in hand out of the apartment building and into the cool night air to go take pictures. When they came to a crosswalk Maya pulled her phone out of Lucas's pocket and as they waited she captured a shot of the couples shoes and their hems. Smiling she put the phone back as Lucas began to walk in the street.

"Did your Mom really plan on living two streets away from the hospital she works at?" Maya asked.

"Yeah. Fresh starts are a bit more expensive than the movies tell you. She figured it'd be easier to live within a reasonable walking distance than further away or in a neighborhood like Riley and Farkles," he explained as she grabbed the skirt of her dress to safely jog across another street to bring them to the hospital entrance.

"Lucas!" A woman called as she walked out of the building.

Soon the couple was met with a strawberry blonde who seemed to only be an inch shorter than Maya was while in her six inch pumps. Butterflies seemed to erupt inside of her as Maya watched mother and son hug.

"Oh sweetie you look absolutely beautiful," the light accented voice of Lucas's mom Leena greeted as she looked Maya up and down.

"Thank you ma'am," Maya replied smiling and nodding her head.

"Okay I know you kids have a dance to get to and I'm on break so let's get your pictures. Carrie, Mark!" Leena yelled as a nurse and a doctor came walking out of the building.

"Leena, Lucas and I'm going to guess this Lucas's girlfriend," the nurse Mark greeted as he came walking up to the small group.

"Take some pictures real quick?" Leena asked handing the tall bearded man her phone.

"Okay all together now. Lucas it looks like your playing grab ass hands up buddy and cheese," Mark called as Maya laughed at Lucas getting caught and Leena smiled before smacking him upside the head.

"Oh now one of mother an son," Carrie a small statured woman dressed in dark blue scrubs and a white doctor's coat, suggested with a mouth full of pretzel.

Giving him a quick kiss on the cheek Maya stepped to the side and over to where Carrie was standing as mother and son took their pictures.

"So your the infamous girlfriend," Carrie started with a smile as she tore off a piece of her pretzel.

"Umm I guess?" Maya answered confused.

"Leena had an idea that he was with someone after spring break. She was worried for a bit that he'd end up in her situation, his love life was quite the topic during our slow nights. Then she came to work and said he finally got himself a girl, so you my dear are infamous around here," Carried supplied.

Before Maya had a chance to answer she was being called back for pictures with just Lucas. Smiling she took her place next to him and couldn't help but look up at him.

"What's got you so smiley Shortstack?" Lucas asked his arms wrapped around her waist in the classic prom picture pose.

"Nothing I'm just really happy you got me to do this," she replied before looking back at the adults.

After a few more pictures were taken Maya and Lucas left with quick goodbyes as everyone got called back into the hospital, prom nights made them busy.

With his arm around her waist and hers around his they continued the walk away from the hospital till Lucas got them a cab.

"Cowboy you don't have to do that," Maya began as the cab stopped in front of them and Lucas opened the door.

"Think of it as a gift from Zay," Lucas suggested as he helped her get into the car before getting in himself.

"Where you going kids?" The older man asked as he pulled away from the sidewalk.

"The Hilton Depo sir," Lucas provides with a smile as he took Maya's hand into his own.

"A gift from Zay huh? Exactly how many people did you get in on this plan?" She asked watching him.

"Just Izzy, Zay and Mama. If I could convince you to come I didn't want anything to keep you from enjoying this," he explained thoughtfully.

The couple sat in a comfortable silence as they ventured nearer to where their friends were.

"Stop at the corner," Lucas said suddenly when they started to come up to the hotel.

"What are you doing?" Maya asked as they pulled over to the side of the street.

"Just trust me okay," he bargained as he stepped outside of the cab.

Nodding her head Maya allowed him to help her out of the cab and watched as he handed the driver the money before he started to straighten out his slim fitted suit.

"In case I haven't told you yet tonight. You look very handsome Cowboy," Maya told him as she stepped up and brushed nothing but air off of his chest.

Smiling Lucas bent down and gave her a quick kiss on the side of her head, "Thank you, you look pretty good yourself," he whispered his hands hands settling on her hips before roaming to her bare back where his fingers trailed up and down from where the dresses zipper ended to the middle of her back.

"Why Cowboy are you trying to seduce me?" Maya jokes pulling back from him but still enclosed in his arms.

"Ma'am I have no clue what you are talking about," he told her with a smile that reached his eyes before moving so that only one arm stayed on her lower back.

Together they began walking towards the hotel. But instead of a roaring party they found an ambulance and a couple of cop cars. Groups of kids piled out of the front door as one was wheeled out on a gurney. Quickly they walked towards the growing group.

"Hey what happened?" Lucas asked one of the kids they ended up standing next to.

"Oh dude you missed it. Some girls date got so loaded and then he ended up just passing out in the middle of the dance floor. And then when the chaperones came to see if he was alright they found out that his date and some of his friends where drinking too but not nearly as much as he was," the dark haired teen explained as he brought a cigarette to his mouth and lit it.

"Ahh Greyson! I found out who the date was! You'll never believe this, it was that annoying history teachers daughter. You know the one that just super oblivious to things and there's that rumor going around that her best friend is screwing her ex. I don't know all I know is that she busted out in tears when her dad realized she was drunk and tried to get him to let her leave before the cops came," a girl with a black pixie cut supplied as she ran up to them.

"Come on let's go wait for the call," Lucas whispered taking hold of a stunned Maya's arm and leading her away from the scene.

As they rounded the corner again Lucas's phone started to ring.

"Yeah," he answered not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"You guys here yet?" Zay asked on the other line.

"Yeah we just came up as they wheeled some guy and a bunch of kids off. What happened?" Lucas questioned as he rubbed a hand up and down Maya's bare arm.

"I don't even know man. Izzy's trying to find out now, but from what I've heard Riley's date got a little to into the party but brightside the dance is still going on so if you guys still want to make your prom debut you can," Zay suggested.

"I'm not sure, I'll call you back with an answer okay?"

"Got it, bye," Zay said before hanging up.

"What do you want to do?" Lucas asked turning to a thinking Maya.

"If Riley got pulled in then Mathews is with her. But if she went to the hospital then she'll call me. I wanna wait five minutes Luc, if she calls me I'll talk to her and see if she wants me there but if there's no call then we go to prom," Maya reported mostly for her own sake.

"Okay five minutes," the blonde responded with a nod of the head.

Silently the couple stood at the top of the street waiting for the call. It never came and for some reason unknown to her Maya wasn't mad in the slightest. Wrapping an arm around her, Lucas smiled and kissed the top of her head before calling Zay and walking back to the hotel.

"There you guys are. Come on I grabbed some bands so they won't get thrown out," Zay told them handing Lucas two bright orange bands as more people came through the doors.

"Aw you sneaking me into prom Cowboy?" Maya asked with a cheeky smile on her face as he wrapped the neon colored bracelet around her slim wrist.

"Livin' on the edge babe," he replied winking before she returned the favor and put his band on.

"Alright this is cute and all, makin me want to puke, but Izzy can only distract for so long and the crowd out here is winding down," Zay urged.

Quickly the three of them blended into a group going back into the ballroom. Once inside Maya looked up and smiled, the theme this year was a night under the stars. The tall ceilings held twinkle lights with fabric draped under them and garlands of little metallic stars hung near the tables.

"Welcome to prom," Zay cheered to the couple as Izzy came up to them.

"You made it!" She smiled.

Maya couldn't help but smile at seeing her friend in the cabernet colored lace cami midi dress they had spent weekend trips trying to find.

"Your dress looks perfect Izzy. How are the shoes holding up?" Maya asked looking down at the black floral pumps she had borrowed.

"My feet hurt but I'm having fun," the dark haired girl replied with a smile.

"Come on let's leave the love birds to their first dance," Zay told his date wrapping his arms around her waist before they walked off.

"Wanna dance?" Lucas asked turning back to her.

"I do actually," she smiled taking his outstretched hand.

Smiling the couple walked onto the dance floor. Ignoring the whispers Lucas wrapped his arms around her, bringing her impossibly close to his own body. Maya lazily wrapped her arms around his neck as the song started.

"You know this is really nice," Lucas whispered, their foreheads coming together as they swayed to the opening notes of 'Thinking Out Loud' by Ed Sheeran played through the room.

"What's nice?"

"Being here with you. Didn't think we'd ever get this far while in high school," he explained as they spun around.

Maya laughed and shook her head at his comment before quickly kissing him on the lips.

It was well past One AM before the couple stumbled laughing at the other, into Lucas's apartment.

"So how was prom?" Lucas asked as Maya sat herself on the kitchen counter while he got them bottles of water and a package of Pop Tarts.

"I was pleasantly surprised. You did real good Huckleberry," Maya answered wrapping her legs around his waist when he came to stand in front of her.

"I'm glad," he smiled cupping her cheek with one hand.

Biting her lip Maya looked at him. Carefully she placed her fingers between his pants and shirt and pulled him closer to herself and the counter. She felt her face heat up as he drew closer and closer to her lips, her eyes fluttered as they hovered neither sure in who was going to make the first move.

It was Maya's turn to gasp when his lips suddenly descended upon her own. The wet kiss went from careful to demanding causing her legs to clench harder around him making Lucas let out a muffled moan at the sinsation. Then just as suddenly as the kiss began it ended as he pulled away from her each madly out of breath.

"We should go to my room," he heaved as Maya's chest wildly moved in an effort to catch some air.

"Oh yeah," she whispered back with a steamy look crossing her face.