A/N: This is a sequel to, No Escaping Him, which takes place during the twins (Lia and Liam's) teenage years. This story will center around how Olivia and Fitz handle the ups and down of marriage while trying to keep a healthy consistency in their children's lives. I would sincerely appreciate your feedback after reading this chapter. I also ask for your patience as I try and find my way back into writing this version of Olitz. This chapter may leave you with many questions but I hope to answer them in the coming chapters :) Xo


Chapter 1

Vermont Estate


Olivia paced the floor of the study, her heels echoing off the wooden floor with every step taken. She listened intently to the voice inside her earpiece and chimed in every so often when her opinion and direction were needed. The conference call was going as planned and she appreciated everyone's time committing on such short notice.

Olivia Pope and Associates was thriving, so much so, time away from Washington took careful coordination with both Quinn and Harrison. They were in the middle of an important case but that wasn't going to keep Olivia away from Vermont. It was the first day of the twins fall break from school and it was tradition they spent the time together in Vermont as a family.

The conference call continued along with Olivia's pacing when something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye.

Olivia walked to the window and paused looking at Fitz in the center of the stables. He was on top of Lia's new Arabian horse...a horse Olivia had not welcomed with open arms. She watched her husband on top of the animal, his body jerking violently again and again. The horse was a gift from Fitz for her thirteenth birthday but unfortunately the Arabian wasn't taking too kindly to his new surroundings. They suspected he had been mistreated by his former owner...which was all the more reason Lia begged her father to buy him.

She watched slightly memorized with Fitz's actions...his patience pouring in waves over the animal. His face spoke volumes and although the jerking continued she could see Fitz's reaction remain the same. The animal looked wild but it didn't matter how erratic his behavior was because Fitz counteracted him head-on clearly unwilling to give up.

"Wait," Olivia suddenly interrupted, cutting Harrison off. "We're going about this all wrong. Let's accept the terms-"

Before she was able to continue, Quinn interrupted not giving her the opportunity. She obviously wasn't happy with Olivia's decision and didn't shy away from making it vocal.

"Text me when it's done. I have to go."

Olivia ended the call letting both Quinn and Harrison know her decision was not up for discussion. She pulled her earpiece off and remained fixated by the window watching Fitz continuing to try and tame the animal. Nearly five minutes went by when Olivia decided to change into something more comfortable and head downstairs.

By the time she met up with her husband he looked exactly the way she last saw him from the study window. The closer she walked to the stables, the clearer Fitz's voice could be heard. His tone was soothing despite the blatant harshness from the horse which appeared to have no end in sight. Her husband's groans were difficult to witness and Olivia suddenly found herself regretting being there.

"He's coming around," Fitz eventually shared, acknowledging Olivia's presence. His voice was rough and edgy freezing her in place.

She stood behind the fence and stared, watching as Fitz caressed the horse's side. Lia insisted on calling the new addition, Thunder, and the name felt fitting considering the interaction unfolding before her. In time, Thunder slowly calmed and the jerking became less and less until all at once the Arabian stilled finally lowering his head in surrender.

Fitz waited for a few moments before lifting his body up and off the animal. Olivia watched as he walked Thunder back inside one of the stalls, eventually closing the gate altogether. He was dressed in full riding gear and he took off his gloves as he walked back towards Olivia. Sweat accumulated on his forehead and just as he leaned his arms on top of the gate Olivia reached over kissing him gently on the lips.

"I thought you had some work to do?"

He seemed surprised by her presence explaining his reasoning for coming outside in the first place.

"I was trying not to disturb you."

Olivia rested her head on her arm and mocked Fitz's mannerisms, also leaning over the top of the gate.

"I didn't realize you were such a horse whisperer," Olivia replied, rubbing his forearm. "I bet you're exhausted."

"Nothing a hot bath can't fix. When are the kids getting home?"

Olivia checked her watch before responding. Her hair was long and wavy flowing freely down her back. She wore a beige sweater with matching knee-high boots, one of her favorite pieces of clothing worn in the fall.

"I told Karen to be back in time for dinner."

"That means we still have some time. Let's go in."

Fitz eagerly opened the rod-iron gate leading Olivia back towards the large Estate. It was late afternoon but still cool despite the sun shining down on them. She linked her arm with Fitz's and remained quite still thinking about the case and her conference call with Harrison and Quinn.

"I'm glad we started this tradition with the kids. I just hope Liam takes a break this week. I want him to be a kid. I practically had to force him to accept Karen's invitation into town. If I hadn't intervened, he'd still be in his room reading."

Fitz's words were not new as he openly shared on many occasions his concerns over Liam's wellbeing.

"I was the same way when I was his age Fitz."

He briefly turned to look at Olivia but didn't respond making his silence all the more uncomfortable. She felt as if there was more on his mind but simply wasn't certain why he appeared to be holding back. When they finally reached the back entrance Hal appeared letting them know the children would be even later than expected.

"Daniel checked in Sir, Ma'am...there's some roadwork on the interstate causing a bit of traffic."

They both thanked Hal for the information who disappeared just as Fitz and Olivia entered the house. Fitz remained just outside the back entrance slowly removing his riding gear. Olivia went ahead into the kitchen and grew busy as she often did when something weighed heavily on her mind.


Olivia turned at her name but didn't make eye contact with her husband. He was seated at the barstool and shirtless, stripped down to nothing but his jeans. His skin was tan, sun-kissed from the sun but her eyes refused to connect with his. So much was going through her mind and before she could fully process her feelings, she poured her heart out hoping Fitz could accept it with an open mind.

"He wants to be President one day, Fitz. And you know as well as I do once he's made his mind up about something nothing can change it."

"Olivia he's thirteen. Thirteen. He should be thinking about girls or sneaking out of the house or whatever it is teenagers think about doing these days."

"Why is THAT what he should be thinking about? Because that's what YOU were thinking about at his age? He's NOT YOU FITZ-"


Olivia's eyes widened at his honesty, his words stinging in ways she wasn't expecting. It had been quite some time Fitz raised his voice to her in this manner and she knew it was best she distant herself soon. No good would come from arguing over this.

Without hesitation, Olivia left the kitchen and headed upstairs returning to the study. She looked through some notes on the desk and was about to make a phone call when she sensed Fitz behind her. He was barefoot, something she didn't notice before, and she continued looking anywhere but in his direction.

"I'm sorry...that came out wrong."

Olivia turned her body away from him unwilling to acknowledge Fitz in any form or fashion. Tension rose in the room and after a few more uncomfortable minutes of silence Fitz took the opportunity to try and clarify himself.

"I don't wish a life of politics on anyone especially our children. He has no idea what he's wishing for, Olivia. When I was thirteen my father was breeding me for that type of life. I had no control over ANYTHING-"

"Do you know what Liam asked me the other night?" Olivia asked, interrupting Fitz altogether.

It was the first words she'd spoken since coming upstairs...words that felt heavy just releasing them into the air.

"He wanted to know why neither of us ever speak about our parents. And I couldn't come up with an answer, Fitz. We've spent so much of our time protecting them- trying to shield them from the ugliness of our past."

Olivia briefly stopped, sucking in a long breath. Fitz's face looked pained and sad and she hated how hard parenting was...wishing with everything inside she could just forget the past.

"Liam is EXACTLY like me, Fitz." she finally continued. "Driven, focused, so in-tune with everything around him-"

"And that's not a bad thing." Fitz interjected his turn to now interrupt Olivia. "What I said earlier...that wasn't fair."

He was now inches away, ignoring her personal space, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closely towards him.

Olivia gave in letting her guard down while closing her eyes at his touch. He would forever be her weakness and after years of pushing him away she came to only one conclusion. There was simply no escaping him.


Quiet filled the air and Olivia finally found the courage to ask what she couldn't get out of her mind.

"What are you afraid of?"

Fitz slowly inhaled at the question and rested his forehead against Olivia's. He smelled of being outside and looked so tired. Images of watching him on the horse surfaced and she still couldn't believe someone his age could be so unbothered by such physical exertion.

"Because I know you, Liv," he hesitantly responded. If our son wants to be President you're the one person who can make that happen. I keep waiting for him to change and become interested in something else. And then I ask myself did I do this? Does he feel some type of pressure because of me?"

"He's been obsessed with President's since he was five years old, Fitz! It's not about you. This is HIM. At least it's him right now. But this could all change...after all he is only thirteen. I just wish we didn't argue about what he will or will not become one day."

"You're right," Fitz agreed. His voice was matter of fact and serious.

"We can start by dropping this right now. Come take a bath with me...while we still have time."


Fitz turned to leave the study but didn't let go of Olivia. They walked hand in hand into their bedroom and headed straight for the master bath before each going in separate directions. Within seconds, Fitz was naked and turning the water on watching Olivia from across the room.

She was slowly taking multiple layers of clothing off while standing in front of the mirror. Once she was left in just her panties she grabbed a pin and pulled her hair up twisting it high on top of her head. Her body was beautiful...perfect in every way imaginable and he kept his eyes steady while lowering himself down into the oversized marble tub.

His aching joints welcomed the warm water instantly making his body relax. He didn't realize how much strain the horse ride was on his lower back and he closed his eyes leaning his head against the tile.

When Olivia joined him he briefly opened his eyes allowing her body to slip in between his legs. She faced him grabbing the sponge and soap behind his head and lathered up a generous amount placing it directly onto his body.

"I'm glad you're taking this semester off," Olivia whispered while washing her husband's chest. "It's nice having you be so flexible."

Fitz's eyes remained closed while Olivia made large circles on his body. Her touch felt reassuring and he couldn't stop feeling guilty about their earlier conversation.

"You're my entire world, Olivia."

Her hand briefly stopped when she heard the words and continued only when he spoke once again.

"I'm sorry about before-"

"Fitz, stop apologizing. I understand your fears. Believe me, I have them too."

Fitz opened his eyes at his wife's revelation but didn't respond right away. Instead he pushed her hand aside and pulled her waist forward splashing water everywhere.

"Maybe you're right...maybe we should encourage him to be more of a kid. He's just so headstrong."

"He listens to you, baby. Your opinion matters most."

Olivia grew quiet and that was Fitz's cue she was still processing the situation.

"It may be time we talk to them about our parents," she finally replied. "They deserve to know the truth...I'm afraid the older they get the bigger chance of them finding things out on their own."

The idea of sharing anything about Fitzgerald Grant Jr. brought sheer and utter distain into Fitz's heart. Both Lia and Liam knew the basics about their grandfather...meaning the same information any stranger could google and find out about the beloved Senator. Fitz rarely spoke of his childhood and certainly didn't share about his father's negative influence on most of his adult life.

An overall somber mood filled the room and Fitz studied Olivia's face for some time. He loved this woman more than life itself and prayed their children could be spared such ugliness the world had to offer.

"Our children so are different...Lia wants to save the world while Liam wants to run it."

It was the honest truth and the example brought a smile to Olivia's face. Seeing it pleased him immensely and he loved how her breasts pressed against his chest in the most subtle manner .

Her brown eyes twinkled in the dim light and he couldn't resist gently kissing her on the lips. The older the twins grew, the harder parenting became and he tried to remember why things never felt this difficult when Karen and Jerry were teenagers. It was a thought that remained in the forefront of his mind until Olivia broke free from their kiss.

"We should go away for the holidays," Olivia suddenly shared out of nowhere.

Fitz's eyes widened sharing his distain when Olivia explained.

"AFTER we spend Christmas here," she clarified. "We should take the kids back to Italy. They were so little when we last visited."

The mention of Italy brought such fond memories to his mind he couldn't help but smile. He knew this was Olivia's way of lightening the mood and it honestly worked. Something within sparked and before Olivia could protest, Fitz turned her around splashing water over the sides of the tub.

He repositioned her body against his chest cupping her breasts while speaking directly in her ear.

"Can we leave tomorrow?" Fitz playfully asked. "The things I've done to you in Italy."

His voice sounded nostalgic and filled with pride.

"I don't think there's ever been a time I've mentioned Italy and NOT gotten this type of response," Olivia laughed.

Her eyes were now closed and she sounded completely relaxed allowing Fitz to fondle each breast beneath the warm water. The longer his fingers remained intertwined with her nipples the harder they grew. It wasn't long until Fitz was rock hard, his cock pressing against her backside.

Before things could progress any further they heard sounds coming from afar letting them know there time alone had come to an end. Olivia sighed heavily into the air but didn't mention the obvious. He took the opportunity for what it was worth and made certain his wife knew just what he had in store for her.

And her body.

He gingery ran one hand down her chest stopping directly in between her legs. His middle finger grazed the outside of her pussy purposely not penetrating her core.

"I'm gonna put my mouth right here very soon," he vowed, whispering into the air.

Without warning, Olivia jerked his hand roughly pushing his middle finger inside.

"Promise?" Olivia countered grinding her hips in response.

Voices soon began to grow louder leaving forcing them to recollect themselves and exit the bathtub. Fitz cleared his throat and eventually removed his finger helping Olivia stand and get out of the tub. He watched as she quickly got dressed leaving him no choice but to take a much needed cold shower.

They didn't speak for a while, each of them taking care of their personal needs before heading down to join their family. Fitz watched Olivia dress while he quickly showered allowing his body to respond the way he needed it to from the freezing water temperature. When he was finally done, he reached for a nearby towel and stepped out of the shower just as Olivia returned once more before leaving to welcome the kids back.

"I'll see you downstairs," she announced, placing one hand on his cheek.

"I won't be much longer," he replied, kissing her hard on the lips.

She turned but before she could leave the bathroom he called after her forcing Olivia to turn around once again.

"I love you."

His voice was raspy and honest and seeing the words wash over Olivia with such intensity left him feeling like the luckies man alive.

"I love you, too," she replied, her face vibrant and filled with contentment.

She paused for a brief moment and stared at Fitz, flashing him a smile he had ingrained in his soul.

Their desire for one another was stronger than ever, equal to the undying devotion they shared. It was a love few experienced, a love difficult for some to even understand.

A love certain to grow evermore.