
Chapter 14

Vermont Estate


Olivia slowly read through the Secret Services weekly report and sat back in her chair digesting its contents. One of the perks of serving in the White House was your children being assigned their own private detail which meant every aspect of their life was explored and documented. This report was a conversation between Lia and a boy from school named Trey. It was clear from their conversation she appeared to have a crush on Trey. Although there was nothing blatantly indicating her assumption, she decided to trust her gut and took some time thinking of the best way to handle the situation. Lia would be turning 16 in less than a year and the topic of dating was something they simply couldn't avoid much longer.

Unable to come to a clear conclusion, Olivia stood from her desk and decided to look for Fitz. He was her sounding board on issues like this and she prayed they would handle this conversation like reasonable parents. After checking the rooms upstairs, she went to their bedroom window and peeked outside. It had the best view of the grounds and just as suspected, she caught glimpse of Fitz at the stables. He wore faded jeans, his favorite pair of riding boots, along with a fitted grey tee. The site of him brought back so many memories she couldn't help but lean against the window and stare. After a few minutes, she saw Fitz hang up a rope and begin his way up the long path straight towards the estate. This was her cue to gather her thoughts and meet him downstairs.

Once in the kitchen she poured two glasses of ice water setting it next to the large bowl of fruit on the island. Soon the front door opened and in walked the love of her life flashing her his signature crooked smile. His cheeks were sunkissed and from a distance she could see the sweat accumulated on his forehead. She smiled as Fitz headed straight to the kitchen grabbing the tall glass of ice water. Several gulps later he went to the sink and washed his hands before taking a seat next to Olivia.

"What happened? You have that look." His tone was dreadful as if he was afraid to hear the news.

"What look? I don't have a look." Olivia shot back, clearly offended.

"You most certainly do have a look. It's the look that says, I'm about to give you some bad news."

Olivia stared at her husband knowing everything said was true, however her pride wouldn't let his comment go.

"I was about to suggest we take a bath together since we have the house to ourselves."

In an instant, Olivia's seat was scooted completely over, the legs making a loud noise across the floor. Fitz was hovered over her body and the mixture of his cologne intertwined with the outdoors made everything inside ache.


He spoke the word low within inches of her lips and Olivia closed her eyes willing him to hoist her up on the countertop and fuck the shit out of her then and there.

Much to her disappointment, Fitz stood his ground leaving Olivia no choice but to come clean. She leaned back creating space between them and showed Fitz the printout from Secret Service. He looked it over carefully between sips of water and Olivia watched his face transform before her eyes.

"You should've made me something much stronger before handing me this."

He set the water down along with the paper and stood heading straight to their liquor cabinet. Olivia remained quiet, thinking over what he just shared, and he was right – he DID need something stronger. They both did. As if he read her mind, Fitz peered over his shoulder asking if she wanted some wine. She gladly accepted and waited his return thinking about the report. Soon the wine was placed in front of her but before she could take a sip, Fitz grabbed her by the hand and led her upstairs causing her to nearly spill her drink.

"I decided to take you up on your offer," he said nonchalantly. "Having you naked in a tub will help clear my mind."

Olivia couldn't help but laugh, her sound radiating all through house. From his profile, she could see a childlike grin spread across his face and it was just like her husband to try and lighten the mood before discussing something they both dreaded.

Once upstairs, they each undressed watching one another from across the bathroom, the only light coming in from the windows. Fitz was first to move taking both of their drinks and setting them on the edge of the tub. She watched him turn it on while grabbing the necessities for their bath. It made her heart warm seeing him act so attentive to her needs and likes. She would never grow tired of seeing the former president of the United States prepare a bath.

By the time the water filled the top, all was in place and they both stepped in simultaneously getting comfortable. Olivia resumed her normal position directly in front of Fitz and he wasted no time squeezing her favorite body wash on a sponge. A quick lather formed and once he began his familar pattern down her back, Olivia decided to bring up Lia.

"She going to be 16 soon, Fitz. I knew it was just a matter of time this happened."

Fitz remained quiet so Olivia reached for her wine and took another drink.

"We really need to discuss how we're going to handle this. I don't want to be taken off guard…and you know Lia, she can't keep anything a secret. It's inevitable she's going to want to bring up her feelings for Trey."

Fitz was now focusing on her arms and still quiet, when a thought entered her mind.

"How did you handle Karen dating? How old was she?" She was hoping this line of inquiry would shed light on their situation.

To her surprise, Fitz stopped mid stroke and it wasn't until that very second Olivia regretted bringing up Karen.


Fitz stilled at the question unsure of how to respond. Shame soon washed over him as well as guilt and he hated the way the two always seemed to travel together when it came to his past. Before he could answer, Olivia turned to face him created a disturbance in the water. Much of it spilled over the edges of the tub but neither cared. They were soon eye level and he placed the sponge back in its place looking Olivia over.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"

He could see the worry on her face and it wasn't long before more shame washed over him. He had no choice but to be honest.

"I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I have no idea. That time in my life is such a blur, just goes to show what a shitty father I was."

"Hey," Olivia replied, grabbing his face with her hands. "You were in a much different place then and certainly a different type of parent."

Fitz leaned his head back against the tub and closed his eyes trying to recall the first time Karen spoke about a boy, let alone began dating one.

"Fitz, look at me."

He opened his eyes and stared at this beautiful woman – the same woman he was consumed with for all his presidency. The same woman he couldn't live without.

"You'll have to take this one, Liv because I have no idea what to do about Lia. If it was up to me, she wouldn't date until she was 35."

He watched Olivia smile at his comment and felt the urge to be closer to her despite them being within inches of one another. Without hesitation he wrapped his arms around her backside pulling her forward, her breast now rubbing against his chest.

"Maybe we should bring up the report and ask her about it. She knows everything she texts is monitored, and we see it. I almost think she wanted us to know her feelings."

Fitz thought about this possibility and had to admit, it made complete sense.

"I think you're right, Baby. She's probably worried about how we'll react."

Fitz paused for a moment and grabbed his drink taking a generous swallow. His movement caused Olivia's breasts to rub against his skin and the sensation shot straight to his cock making him hard.

"I don't want her formally dating anyone now – maybe when she's 17," he continued, hoping the quicker they could agree on the specifics the quicker he could be inside her.

"We'll have to compromise with her somehow, Fitz. To her 17 will feel like an eternity."

"True. But there's plenty of time to think of a compromise but now's not it."

He pushed her even closer practically digging his fingers in her skin.

"Making love won't take your guilt away."

Fitz leaned back again and instantly released her, his boner gone and only adding to his frustration.

"Then what will? Please enlighten me."

He could sense her stare and knew his comment was walking a fine line.

"More of those feelings will likely resurface... this is only the beginning with Lia. Deep down you already know that. We can't just assume these feeling stop. We both learned the hard way, that's NOT how it works."

Fitz exhaled at his wife's words and seriously hated how well she knew him. Despite her being completely right, he couldn't keep his feelings in check. Then out of nowhere, Teddy came to mind. This HERE was exactly why he pushed him to take things slow with Ella. He didn't wish the type of regret he was feeling on anyone... especially his children. The more he thought about his failures as a parent, the angrier he became until he couldn't hold his tongue any longer.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME, OLIVIA? You want me to admit I was a lousy father and only cared about who you WERE or WERE NOT fucking?"

Olivia's eyes widened at the comment and he could instantly see the hurt spread across her face. She quickly stood and stepped out of the tub not bothering to even dry off. Fitz knew his comment was more than out of line. It was just plain cruel. He remained in the tub alone with his whiskey for a good while not certain how they even got to this point to begin with. The more he drank, the sadder he became until the water grew cold forcing him to stand. With his liquor gone and skin now pruned he had no choice but to face his actions.

And try to make things right with Olivia.

By the time he was dressed and downstairs the twins had returned and were gathered in the kitchen with Olivia. They were each talking fast about their first day volunteering. Olivia coordinated with the local humane society on allowing the twins to volunteer at the shelter a few days a week learning how to care for the animals. They were both beyond eager for the opportunity and didn't hold back in sharing about all the different animals they met and worked with.

Fitz entered the kitchen quietly and greeted the twins sneaking looks at Olivia when appropriate. From the outside looking in, one would think all was well, but Fitz knew better. Her eyes were sad even though she was smiling, and her nose was the faintest color of pink indicating she had been crying.

After a few minutes of conversation with the twins, Fitz eventually asked them to both check on the horses. He explained he didn't have time to walk them that afternoon and needed their assistance. Although this was a blatant lie, Olivia never interrupted, instead letting the kids know to be back before sunset in time for dinner.

Fitz rarely allowed the twins to care for the horses without his presence, but he knew Secret Service would be in attendance and he really needed some time with Olivia. To his relief they quickly finished their snack and headed outside to the stables finally leaving their parents alone. The second the twins were out of the house; Olivia left the kitchen making it clear she had zero desire to speak. He watched his wife leave and that's when despair kicked in. Without thinking, he walked to the back of the house towards Secret Service's private quarters and informed Daniel he needed to leave. He requested for the detail to follow him as he wanted to drive himself.

In no time arrangements were made and Fitz was behind the wheel of his vintage sports car, a gift from Olivia for their 10th wedding anniversary.


Olivia told the twins goodnight and headed upstairs emotionally drained. It had been some time she felt this hurt by Fitz and wasn't surprised to learn he left to take a drive. It was a new hobby he'd come to enjoy and the memory of him seeing the 1964 Porsche in the driveway of the Estate soon filled her conscious. It was a memory that made her eyes water bringing on more sadness. All she wanted to do was be in the comfort of her bed and give her mind rest.

After taking a quick shower she slipped into her nightgown and didn't bother checking her phone nor did she inquire about Fitz's whereabouts. As far as she was concerned, he could stay away all night as the last words he spoke to her continued to play on a loop in her mind. She slipped under the covers and refused to shed any more tears, her mind now taking over. Her intention was to get a good's night sleep and go into town tomorrow when the kids left for the shelter. She wanted to pamper herself and hoped this decision would help give her the answers she needed concerning Lia. Regardless of what happened between her and Fitz, their daughter was her first priority and that was never going to change.

The moment her head hit the pillow, she eventually drifted to sleep wishing more than anything she never brought up her stepdaughter.

Because if she hadn't, all would be well right now in her marriage.

She awoke from a deep sleep and immediately saw Fitz's silhouette sitting in a chair across from her. He appeared to have a drink in his hand and she slowly rose from the bed checking the time. It was after midnight and the more awake she became, the more she remembered what happened between them earlier that evening. She decided to sit up in bed and turn the nearby lamp on finally getting a better view of her husband.

'I'm sorry."

His voice cracked and the ends of his mouth turned down, a direct reflection of his feelings. He cleared his throat as if he was trying to regain his composure before continuing.

"It's no secret I was a lousy father, Livvie. And I can't help but feel guilty. Please tell me how to stop feeling this way because I can't do this on my own."

Olivia could hear the pain in his voice and her body instinctively stood headed towards him. It was as if his pain was no match for her own sadness. At this precise moment, all she wanted was to be his comfort. The moment she reached him, Fitz swallowed her up, burying his face against her skin.

"I'm sorry," he repeated again and again in between kisses. "I'm so sorry."

"I know you are, Fitz. I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have pressed the way I did."

This for some reason made Fitz more emotional and she massaged the back of his neck trying her best to calm him.

"Remember how happy Karen is right now! We're planning her wedding HERE of all places. And I know for a fact if you ask her about growing up in the White House, she remembers so many positive things because she shares them with the twins all the time."

Fitz remained quiet and Olivia honestly wasn't even certain if her words made a difference.

"We always knew the twins were a chance for us to make things right. We've been given such a gift. And I know the more we talk about it, the less it will hold you hostage."

It was those words that appeared to make the most impact, as she felt him sit up and search her face. His blue eyes bore straight through her and she kissed him hard hoping their night could end the way they both wanted it to. Without warning, Fitz pulled away breathing out what was obviously on his mind.

"I don't deserve you, Olivia Grant. I never have."

"Well I am a catch…. I mean I was on the cover of People Magazine and Vogue and Vanity Fair. Now finish apologizing to me properly."

Her tone was playfully confident laced with desire and watching a smile spread across his face was exactly what her heart needed. He lifted her in no time placing her on her back before slowly sliding her panties down. He slithered down her body slowly, bringing each leg over his shoulders one by one. She suddenly had the urge to prop her head up on a pillow getting a better view of what was happening down below. Her movement caught Fitz's attention and before she could get comfortable his soft tongue plunged deep inside her core. She desperately wanted to watch but each time she tried to open her eyes; his tongue slid deeper in her walls to the point the tip of his nose brushed her clit.

The sensation made her back arch taking the pleasure to another level. He began a meticulous rhythm with her pussy and the only thing Olivia could equate it to was a French Kiss. She gripped the sheets around her in anticipation until that exquisite fire ignited, spreading fast through her insides. Her climax was strong sending her into a tired and dreamlike state.

Sounds of Fitz's belt coming undone seeped into her brain but before she was able to gather her bearings, she felt her body being lifted. She was now sitting up with her legs straddling a very naked Fitz in the center of their bed. They reconnected instantly and it didn't take long for a new rhythm to begin.

"I can't ever lose you…. I wouldn't survive."

These words stirred Olivia's conscious and she wanted nothing more than to take his fear away.

"Shhh," she soothed into his ear, hoping to calm his heart.

Her hips began to wake and within seconds she took over, repeatedly grinding her hips hard until there was simply no more of her to give.

"I'm right here… I'm not going anywhere… Let go."

It was this permission Fitz needed to find his release and just as his head became buried in the crook of her neck, Olivia held him close continuing to remind him how far they'd come together.

"I love you, Fitz," she whispered. "That will never change."

"I am sorry, Baby. You have no idea how much."

She felt him finally lift his head and search her eyes again, his face filled with remorse.

It was both amazing and frightening how quickly a question could revert them to a former lifetime filled with chaos and uncertainty. The longer they were together, the less it occurred, but one thing was certain; when it did happen, they could easily spot the soul wound. It was like a cancerous sore that could flare up instantaneously without any given notice.

These thoughts swirled around in Olivia's mind while she soothed the man she loved – the man clinging to her as if she might disappear. It wasn't until her body slightly shivered when Fitz made the first move, lifting her up so they could disconnect. She immediately found solace under the sheets and watched Fitz stand disappearing into the bathroom. When he finally returned, he slipped under the covers and joined her, their legs intertwining in their familiar position. He appeared to be calmer and Olivia kissed his hairline hoping these last few words could coax him into a gently sleep, reminding him of the magnificent future they had awaiting them.

"Get some rest, Mr. President… you'll need to apologize to me properly again first thing in the morning."