I do not own any characters, plots, or anything else pertaining to "Grey's Anatomy". Well, this will be the last chapter of the story. I've enjoyed writing it immensely, as I have with my other Japril stories. Thanks again to all of you who have taken the time to follow/favorite this story and comment.

Chapter 25


6 Months Later

April can't imagine a better Christmas. She loves this Holiday and having her family back together again this year is the greatest gift she could have ever asked for. April feels her bed start to move and her eyes immediately open. She has been waiting for her children to wake her up this way, more specifically the twins, but is surprised to see her nugget sitting on the edge of the bed with a smile. The twins start jumping up and down, nearly falling on top of a sleeping Jackson. April can't help but laugh when he shoots up in bed with a frown. He looks over at the twins and then at her. "The munchkins decided that it's time to wake up." Jackson shakes his head and then rubs his eyes. "Alright, I'm up." April notices that sexy smirk of his appear on his face before the twins drag them out of bed.

They all head towards the living room, the twins skipping the whole way, and Harriet shaking her head pretending to be disgusted. Her oldest daughter turns towards her and Jackson. "They've been doing this since the crack of dawn." April can't help but giggle at that. "Better you than us." says Jackson. Harriet gives her father a playful glare before following her brother and sister to the brightly decorated Christmas tree. Ever since she was a child, she's always loved Christmas. There's just something so magical about this time of year. From baking gingerbread cookies, to decorating the Christmas tree, it's all such a joy.

As her eyes scan the gifts left by Santa the night before, her heart warms. Her little munchkins practically dive into their presents and Harriet travels over to her side a little less eager, but soon she sees a smile appear on her face. April watches her babies start to unwrap their gifts for a few moments before she remembers the camera. She quickly turns to the love of her life and smiles when she sees him with the camera already in his hands. "You remembered?" Jackson nods his head. "I know it's been a few years since we celebrated together, but I know how much you love Christmas." She laughs at that and watches the smirk cross over his face. "I knew there was a reason I married you." Jackson shifts to give her a brief kiss and then they both turn their attention back to their children.

April watches the excitement on Mary's face as she opens a new doll that she's been pointing at, whenever they've gone to the toy store. She then shifts her focus to Gabriel who clutches his new skateboard to his chest. "I need to write a thank you note to Santa for this." says Mary with a big grin. "Me too, mommy. This is the best present ever." exclaims Gabriel. April lives for moments like these, her children happy and full of life. She suddenly hears a scream coming from the other side of the tree and it quickly turns her attention to Harriet. "It's the exact boots I wanted, can't wait to show everyone at school." As the kids spend the next few minute opening the rest of their gifts, April can't help but feel blessed with the family that her and Jackson have made together. While it hasn't always been easy, she's thankful for all of it, all of them. "Mom, you have a present from dad." April's knocked out of her thoughts by her oldest daughter and she gives her a smile as she hands her over the present.

Before she opens it, she turns to Jackson with a grin. "I wonder what's in here?" He gives her a smirk. "Open it and see." With that, she looks down at the small box and opens it. Her heart stops, when she sees a beautiful diamond ring nestled inside. April feels the tears begin to glisten in her eyes and she knows that she won't be able to hold them back from falling. "Do you like it, mommy?" asks Gabriel. She looks up at her son and nods. "It's beautiful." Her son gives her a smile. "We helped daddy pick it out." April's eyes travel over to her other munchkin. "Well, you and daddy did a great job picking it." She feels the happy tears fall down her cheeks and her heart explodes with a sense of overwhelming love.

April's eyes finally lock with Jackson's and she knows that this is it. They are both finally in the right place to make this work. April's heart does a flip as she watches Jackson give her a smirk and then kneel. "April Kepner, will you marry me again?" She feels the happy tears continue falling down her cheeks and she knows that there's no doubt what her answer will be. April must take too long to answer because she hears Harriet clear her throat. "So, mom, what's it going to be?" She turns to look at her nugget for a few moments and then over to her little munchkins. April smiles at all three of her beautiful children. She knows in her heart that there's no one else she'd rather do this with, grow old with. April's always known.

She stares at the man that she loves with her whole heart, the only man, and gives him a nod. "Yes, I will marry you again." Jackson quickly grabs the ring out of the box and slips it on her left finger. It's where it's meant to be. April knows this time around that she'll forever be tied to Jackson Avery, and that they'll finally get the ending that they deserve, the ending that they've both yearned for. As she puts her arms around him, she soon feels three sets of arms surrounding them both. Yes, April knows that this is her dream coming true, and that they're writing a new story together. One with no end this time.