These are the characters that are accepted to the main story!

Characters from "Merry Band of Misfits" so far. (15/15)

1. Ki'tto "Silent Claw". Khajit, male, straight (unavailable).

2. Kain Verfaas-Kendov "The Anvil Destroyer." Half Nord/Half Giant, male, straight (requested for someone else).

3. Jimmy "Bloodied Thief". Full on Nord, male, straight (probably unavailable). Another SI-OC.

4. Yona "Red". Breton, female, asexual (unavailable).

5. Maharib Alnaar "Fire Whisperer". Redguard, male, straight (available).

6. Evelynn Branwen "Blind Raven". Dunmer, female, lesbian (requested for some else).

7. Ka'Tarr "Spellsword". Argonian, male, pansexual (available).

8. Laelia Ofanius. Imperial, female, bisexual (available).

9. Corvus Sicarius, Imperial, male, bisexual (available).

10. Kyanne Sarkrana, "The Dragon Princess", Female, lesbian (available).

11. Fenrir, "The Wolf Elf". Male, straight (available).

12. Belethor, Nord, male, straight (taken).

13. Konstantin, Imperial, male, straight (taken).

14. Dar'Alrim, Khajiit, male, straight (available).

15. Ashura, Breton, female, aromantic (no romance).

Main peeps are already all accepted, head to the side character submissions