I am really annoyed at this. I will never understand how and why everyone was constantly getting on my back for not taking Mike into battle, and doing the same thing for taking him into battle. It's their fault I made that foolish mistake. They should be blaming themselves for this. And to think the members of Team Sonic are my friends! Knuckles started the whole thing and bullied me for it, Amy condemned me for what happened and didn't stand up for me when I was being bullied and Tails forgot that he was supposed to be on my side.

But then, I heard something that I'll never EVER forget. "But I'm sure that we'll all learn to be compassionate after tomorrow's sensitivity training camping trip." My blood boiled when those words entered my ears. Oh, that... that... GIRL! Who does she think she is? How can she just talk about being compassionate when she knows NEXT TO NOTHING about compassion? She bullies people, she never apologises for her actions and she always thinks she's perfect!

I couldn't take it anymore. I have to say something... no, I have an even better idea. "Compassionate?" I spoke. "You know what I think is 'compassionate'?" And from that moment, I started to sing.

Once upon a time

Called someone 'a guy'.

Looked at with an ice-cold eye.

Everyone just looked at me, wondering why I am singing this song. Oh, they WILL know why, soon enough.

Here I am, condemned.

By the town, my friends.

Will this madness ever end?

Forgot about the things I only did for them

They were all confused, then shocked at what I was talking about.

For the hard work and the heroism

I never get a 'thank you'.

But if I slip up, everyone wants me gone.

All I ever get is criticism.

You know what? Just forget you!

I've had it, I've had enough.

And with that, I threw my paper hat to the ground and stormed out. I am DONE with being the hero and this pathetic excuse for a SENSITIVITY seminar. I walked around town expressing my true feelings through song. The villagers stare at me, with a look of confusion. I remember the time when I was condemned for doing the one thing they wanted me to do and scolding them for it.

Guy under attack

They don't cut me some slack

People just get on my back.

I tried to tell them

It's because of them!

It just made things worse instead.

Forgot about the things I only did for them

I turn around to look at them, hoping that my words and feelings pierce them like an arrow to the heart.

For the hard work and the heroism

I never get a 'thank you'.

But if I slip up, everyone wants me gone.

All I ever get is criticism.

You know what? Just forget you!

I've had it, I've had enough.

The villagers started to get angry, but I wasn't going to let them win this round. Not this time.

What about the things I did to save your lives?

Have you forgotten all the sacrifices I made to keep you safe?

What more do you want from me?

I remember all the times when EVERYONE (including the people I called my friends) gave up on me, turned their backs on me, in favour of someone else. Whether it's Eggman or any other person. The dimwits I saved slowly realise their mistakes, including the greatest mistake they ever made since the 'just a guy' incident.

For the hard work and the heroism

I never get a 'thank you'.

But if I slip up, everyone wants me gone.

All I ever get is criticism.

You know what? Just forget you!

I've had it, I've had enough.

And with that being said, or sung, I gave up on them. Including my so-called friends.

"Who's the singing voice of Sonic?" you may ask. Well, it can be anyone you want it to be. Crush 40, Tony Harnell, Steve Perry, you name it. ^u^