Yesterday's attempt to get to Paulina were unsuccessful. She was much to wrapped up with the cheerleaders and A-listers to even seen Danny after school. She couldn't even text him back until 10pm and all she said was:

"Sorry babe, extra busy all afternoon and now I'm extra tired. Love you~"

He took that as 'we'll talk tomorrow'

and went to bed.

Tuesday rolls around and Paulina called Danny first thing in the morning to tell him she didn't want him to pick her up this time. Danny had a funny feeling about her request but he didn't argue it and let her be but he hasn't even spoken to her since then.

As the school day began Danny couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, but for some reason the feeling of sadness or pity came with that watchful eye. He looked up at the now full classroom and he saw not only Sam giving him a very cold stare with a smile he couldn't read he saw a lot of faces glancing at him with a pitied and sympathetic look in the their eyes. 'What are they looking at me like that for?' Danny wasn't sure yet but he assumed it had something to do with what happened at the party and what Dash possibly had planned for him.

"Hey Danny?" Danny looked behind him to see a pretty short, jet black haired girl smiling at him. He recognized her as one of Paulina's friends from cheerleading and from what Tucker told him, she was the third most lusted after girl on the team. Her jet black hair, icy bluish gray eyes, and curvaceous body were the wet dreams of a lot of boys for a long time so it begged the question, why was she talking to Danny.

"Oh what's up, um, Kim right? What can I do for you?" Kim giggled at him. She found it cute how flustered he got.

"I was just wondering if you were free Saturday because I would love to go on a date with you. Paulina kept gushing about how sweet you were to her and I am desperate for a sugar high."

"Um, heh, I'm not sure about that since I'm not really sure were I stand with Paulina."

"Oh I'm sure she wouldn't mind since you're relationship isn't official. Besides, what's one date?" She began to run her fingers through his hair."So whadda ya say Danny boy? Wanna take me out?"

"Hm...let me think on it and I'll let you know at lunch ok?"

"I'm very impatient, but I'll make an exception for you Danny, I'll see you then." She kisses him and goes back to the group of cheerleaders who had the same home room as him. He looked around the room to see Sam's cold look soften up. He also saw everyone's side looks change as well.

For some reason he felt this change wasn't as good as they were making it out to be.

The school day going by pretty quickly for Danny. However, the same couldn't be said for his lover who is wish 3rd period would end already.

'I wonder what my Danny is up to? Is he thinking of me? Is he fighting ghosts without me?! No, he would do that plus the school would be in a panic.'

"Hey Paulina, the thought just dawned on me about you and Danny." Tucker said from behind her. "Why don't you just disband the A-listers? I mean wouldn't that save you and Danny the trouble of have to wait until after school and weekend to enjoy your relationship?"

Foly, of I disband the A-listers they will just reform under Dash. I know I'm the one who started it but anyone who adores me fears Dash and the football team more. Plus, a lot of cheerleaders will side with Dash including Star. So even though I could do it, once they reform it could spell even more trouble for Danny and me."

Tucker was ready to argue but as he thought about it, he realized just how right she was. He knew their were girls in the A-listers who be more than happy to tarnish her reputation with lies and rumors just to be the new queen bee. He also knew just how far Dash would go just to get his way.

"Trust me Tucker I've really thought about this a lot there is no other option. I don't want Danny to fall victim to whatever they try to throw at him if I try to break the clique up."

Tucker shook his head and chuckled."Danny really likes you Paulina it would take a lot more than some bullshit your 'friends' and 'boyfriend' would spew about you, and I know first hand that Danny can take some physical punishment. So tell me what's really stopping you?"

She couldn't say anything back. He was right and her reasoning for wanting this gig up seemed even more shallow that she made it out to be.

"Paulina, Danny didn't want me to tell you anything about this but I will at least give you a hint. At some point this week there will be the day you have to choose what you truly value the most between the man you love and the reputation you love and whatever you choose will change every permanently."

And with that the bell rang and Tucker left Paulina confused and wanting to know what he meant.

As she made her way to her locker, she couldn't help but reflect on everything that Tucker said to her and she began to get frustrated trying to understand.

"Ugh! Why is everyone being so cryptic about my relationship with Danny?!" She hissed to herself. "Shit I've been so wrapped up in this A-lister mess I completely neglected the consideration of what Danny might feel." She slammed her fist against her locker. "Ok all I have to do is get to Danny before he sees me with Dash." And as if on cue, "Hey baby, let's go grab some food from nasty burger before lunch starts everyone is waiting in the parking lot." Dash cam yelling from around the corner of the hallway. "Sure thing Dash let's hurry!" She quickly grabs his hand. 'This is perfect if I can avoid Danny until lunch is over then meet ip with him after school we can definitely work this out together with no problem.'

As she and Dash exited the school into the parking lot she sighed in relief that she saw no signs of her ghost boy.

"Geez babe what's the rush we have at least half an hour to get back in time so relax."

She looked around and the only thing of Danny she saw was his 'Mini tank' as she dubbed it to be. "Sorry babe I gotta get used to this new privilege y'know?" She lightly hugged his right arm and intertwined her fingers with his.

I know but hey at least we don't have to worry detention anymore.


She looked over and saw Paulina and Dash talking about whatever. She was glad her friend came to her senses and made up with Dash. Dating Danny was only going to ruin the A-listers and she did NOT want that to happen again.

"Hey Paulina, wouldn't you rather go to the new chick-fil-A that opened up about 2 miles from here or go to nasty burger?" Star looked to her best friend and her boyfriend for help in this food matter.

"Isn't nasty burger closer?" Dash asked.

"They're both two miles from the school Dash. Plus, I'm in the mood for some chick-fil-A anyway." Paulina cute whined.

"Sorry fellas you heard the lady and wants," He sits her on the top of back of his car. "She gets." He began to make out with her and everyone around them began to gush a swoon.

'I love Danny, my heart is screaming at me to stop, but I can indulge in my fake love every once in awhile. What's the worst that can happen?'

But as she looked through the corner of her eye at the school parking lot entrance her artificial emotional high came crash down fast as everything around her slowed down.

Sam was standing at the entrance with her phone seemingly recording the entire moment.

'Shit! If she shows that to Danny...maybe he'll think it's fake if a can convince him it is...'

But it was like some higher power had it out for her because although Sam began walking towards the parking lot away from the set of cars the A-listers were gathered at she did make her way to the 'Mini tank'.

'Why is she ther-...oh no...plz God no...'

And her fear began to manifest as Valerie and Tucker also made their way to the RV. For a split 3 seconds Valerie and Paulina's eyes met and she saw the disappointment in her eyes as she continued to walk away and shake her head. Tucker, who was right behind also locked eyes with her and his eyes were glaring a warning for her. Once Paulina finally found the strength to break the kiss and get off and away from Dash, Danny walks out and one of the jocks whispers to Dash. "Hey look Fenton's coming this way, better show him who's boss."

And just like that he tightened his grip on her ass and began to suck on the sweet spot of her neck.

"Oh Dash~" Danny looked over to see a sight he knew he might see if had spoken sooner or later but of course he pray to every god he could that this wouldn't happen, not like this.

Danny felt his spirit break and his heart crumble he knew he couldn't cry because of what could happen to Paulina. Even though he should resent her, he still did love her. Her happiness was his first priority and if being with Dash made her the happiest then he had to deal with it.

"Hey don't go crying like a bitch, you were practically asking for this. Now move on."

That was right. I was asking for it, maybe this my punishment for trying to ruin a good relationship.

"Hey Fenton! It's not polite you loser your geek might be contagious!" Star snapped Danny back into reality and with that Danny quickly made his way to his RV what no one noticed was the new hollow, dead look in his eyes.

Once he made to his vehicle while drowning out the laughter in the background he just closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "So what are you guys craving?" Tucker and Valerie looked at him with sympathy

Tucker put a hand on Danny's shoulder. "Danny you don't have to-"

" I was thinking the new chic-fil-A that just opened". Sam interrupted. "There's a vegan store in that plaza I can go to so it's cool".

"Ok is that the plan then?" Danny wanted to seem like it didn't faze him. Valerie however was the first to notice the empty and hurt look in his eyes but she knew he would deny it with Paulina in the vicinity.

"Sure Danny...I'll set up the GPS." Valerie sadly smiled as he got in the RV and Sam followed suit.

"Come on Tuck I know how much you love chic-fil-A so let's get the new place broken in." Danny said as he got in the drivers seat. Tucker quickly climbed in through the back and Danny started it up and began the drive to their food location.

"Jeez how can he drive that thing? It's like a fucking tank. I swear he's such a freak." Star stated.

"Well star not everyone can be blessed with a Porche like Dash or a Corvette like me." Kwan laughed.

'Cállate, Cállate ¡Cállate tú pendejos! NO SE ATREVEN A HABLAR DE MI DANNY ASÍ!'!'

"Well it doesn't matter now he's gone and we should get going too right Paulina?" Star was happy to have the clique back together and belittle Fenton as usual.

"...right...l-lets go..." Paulina was furious but even more, she was sad and disappointed with herself. She knew she needed to explain everything now more than ever. She knew she hurt Danny but she also knew Danny was at least going to her out.

...Or at least she hoped so.

So this chapter went through way to many changes and too way too long but it still feels sloppy and rushed so I'm sorry but chapter 5 will more than likely take longer because chapter fight is when the claws come out both metaphorically and possibly physically...