Wanted to try a new pairing - here goes!

Marie sat on the porch of her family home drinking a beer she'd snuck out from under her parents' noses.

She wasn't afraid of being caught. Her parents were in a deep sleep in their bedroom on the first floor. Beside her was a packed duffel bag.

Marie stared at the starry sky that illuminated the night and finished the beer.

Despite the warm weather of the south Marie was covered from head to toe while leather gloves covered her hands.

She rose from the porch and placed the duffel bag over her shoulder and the empty beer bottle on the porch.

Marie took one sorrowful look back at the house which had housed so much happiness in her childhood and so much pain and sadness these last few years.

She sighed and resolutely left the property.

In the dead of night no one noticed the eighteen-year-old girl walking through the neighbourhood while tears slowly made their way down her face.

When Marie neared the busier parts of the city she wiped her face as well as she could with the sleeve of her woollen coat.
After many tries Marie summoned the powers of the first mutant she'd ever absorbed, and finally managed to hail a cab.

"Where to?" The driver asked her.

"Airport." Marie answered simply.

The rest of the twenty-minute drive was silent. Marie didn't want to converse and the driver didn't try to.

She paid him for the fare and entered the airport while pulling out her boarding pass she'd printed earlier at home. This time at night the airport was almost empty and Marie flew through the security checkpoint with no problems.

As she boarded the plane she couldn't help but wonder what awaited her in the new life she was making for herself.

A stewardess approached Marie. "Miss, We have an available seat in business class if you'd like a complimentary upgrade." She informed Marie with a smile.

Marie was surprised but quickly accepted and thanked her. The stewardess showed Marie to a comfy looking leather seat next to the window.

She had to sit next to a forty-something year old handsome looking man, but Marie didn't mind. The seat it self was enough to make the next four-and-a half-hour flight to New York worth it.

While Marie was getting comfortable, taking off her coat she accidently hit the man's arm. "I'm sorry." She told him with an apologetic smile.

He waved her off. "No problem, I think I'll live." He joked making Marie smile wider.

"I'm Marie." She introduced and offered him her gloved hand. The man took it in his and shook it gently.

"Nice to meet you Marie, I'm Phil." He replied with a grin.

"Business or pleasure?" Phil asked Marie and she looked confused. "Your travel? Going to college or vacationing?" He asked her.

"Oh!" Marie exclaimed then blushed. "Neither to be honest." She bit her lip.

"I'm moving to New York… On my own." She answered honestly.

Phil frowned. "Aren't you a bit young to be going on your own?"

Marie shrugged. "I'm eighteen," She told him "and I agree with you but I don't have a family anymore and I need to support myself. Besides I don't see myself being able to survive living in the outskirts of Mississippi, it's not exactly where the jobs are." Phil nodded in sympathy and comprehension.

"What about you? What brought you on board?" Marie asked him.

Phil smiled. "The first plane I was supposed to go with broke down. I'm an accountant and part of the job requirement is to fly around wherever I need to work." He told her simplifying the truth.

The captain informing they were ready for take off over the COM system interrupted their conversation.

Once they were in the air they continued their conversation. They spoke of everything. Becoming friendlier and more comfortable with each other.

In the end Phil excused himself to sleep, as he was too tired to continue their conversation.

As he and the rest of the plane's occupants slept Marie took of her gloves. She stared at her hands and then at the man who slept beside her. Marie bit her lip.

"Don't do it Marie…" She hesitated. "But it won't kill him and besides he's already asleep less of hassle. Accounting would be a good skill to have when job hunting in New York." She justified to herself and then frowned.

"I have to do this for my own survival." Marie thought while frowning. She looked at Phil's hands resting on the armrest.

Marie looked around making sure no one was watching. When everything was clear she touched her hand against his.

Veins appeared where their skin connected the only thing exposing that Marie was hurting the sleeping man. Phil frowned in his sleep and then suddenly relaxed having fallen unconscious.

Marie gasped lightly as her mind was bombarded with the man's memories, skills and knowledge.

"Ok. So definitely not an accountant." Marie mumbled lightly to herself staring at the man in shock.

Agent Phillip J Coulson

Only child


Black belts

No living family

Secret operations



Best field agent of his time

Marie leaned back into her seat processing everything the man knew. It was a lot.

Marie bit her lip again.

There were so many top-secret operations and information's in this man's head. Marie spent the remaining three hours of the flight sorting through it all.

Some of it sickened her. "No wonder the world is going to hell." She thought tiredly.

This also absorption confirmed what Marie had suspected for a long time. If she absorbed a person who was unconscious she didn't get a copy of the person inside her mind like she did with conscious people.

Marie sighed.

While the man had many talents and skills Marie wasn't planning on becoming an assassin or SHIELD agent as many of his protégés were. "Maybe I can use his organisational skill and tidiness to be a personal assistant." She thought humoured.

Marie shook her head tiredly. She put on her gloves and slept away the last hour of the plane ride next to the unconscious man.

Marie hoped that when Phil woke up he would suspect his exhaustion and fatigue was from an uncomfortable sleep.

Marie didn't wake up until Phil gently shook her awake. If she hadn't been as tired as she was she would have panicked at the thought of someone touching her in her sleep.

Instead she tiredly flinched, said to Phil "Five more minutes." and groaned as she rubbed her eyes. Phil chuckled as Marie stretched as well as she could.

"We're landing. Buckle up." Marie thanked him and looked at him. If Marie hadn't absorbed Phil's observational skills she never would have seen the flicker of suspicion in his eyes.

Marie ignored it in favour of making small talk. "On a scale of 1 t' Michael Jackson's hung-over face; how tired do I look?" She joked her accent thickening from her exhaustion and Phil grinned as he shook his head.

"A strong 4." He joked before replying. "Don't tell me. I feel like death."

Marie winced slightly.

"I guess we just need a good rest and a warm bed and we'll be right as rain." Marie smiled.

Phil nodded as the plane shook lightly from connecting with the airstrip in the airport. Soon they exited the plane, and once they stood outside Marie could see a younger man waving at Phil.

Clint Barton, Protégé and friend. Her mind informed her.

Phil turned to Marie. He pulled out a business card and gave it to her. "New York's a rough city, especially for young girls. A piece of advice, don't take shit from anyone and if you ever need my help just call me. Any time no matter the problem." Phil offered her stubbornly.

Marie smiled and thanked him. "I appreciate it. Have a safe trip home." She added.

The two shook hands and Phil left and greeted Barton with what Marie knew was a rare hug.

"Phil is a good man. Through and through." She thought with a small smile and felt a bit guilty at absorbing him.

"Survival." She justified to herself again.

Marie turned from the sight of Phil and his friend conversing and took in the masses of people before taking a deep but shaking breath.

The uncertainty and regret was slowly bubbling to the surface.

"No going back now." Marie told herself and shook her head resolutely.

With Phil's knowledge in her head she'd be fine she thought, while she tightened her grip on her duffel bag.

She took a step.

Then another.

And then she'd made her way to a bus stop and bought a ticket to the city.

An hour and fifteen minutes later Marie found herself in middle of New York's mecca.

All around buildings with massive screens illuminated the city and Marie couldn't help but think that Times Square was exactly as the magazine portrayed.

The streets pulsated with masses of people all hurrying to get from a to b.

It was the perfect environment for a stranger to get lost in and start a new life away from the past.

Marie looked at the fancy stores around her and decided that while she was carrying her duffel bag none of them would give her chance.

They weren't even open yet and figured she'd have to aim her applications at bakeries and coffee shops that were open.

Marie left Times Square and walked around for a while. Soon she found several open cafés and started handing over applications.

By noon Marie had exhausted herself, her feet were killing her and she had run out of applications.

She was starting to feel hungry and decided to find something to eat before searching for a place to live.

Marie hadn't really taken in her surroundings before.

She was in a more run-down neighbourhood but quickly found a small diner and entered.

She took in the people and chose a booth in the back away from the windows.

Marie figured she might as well ask the waitress if she knew of any cheap rentals nearby. She soon ordered a burger menu and sighed in relief while her feet got a break. When the waitress returned with Marie's food she chuckled at Marie housing question.

"Honey you wont be able to find anything under 400 dollars a month in this run down part. It's still New York City." The waitress said taking Marie's young appearance.
Marie sighed but thanked her.

Marie took a bite of her burger when she noticed a man entering the diner. Marie didn't need Phil's observational skill to see that the man stood out like sore thumb.

He wore a dark grey expensive designer suit with tie. His blonde hair was slicked back and he wore glasses.

He was probably his thirties and Marie recognized him from a news article she'd read some time ago.
The man was Justin Hammer, a weapons contractor who worked for the United States Military.

From Phil's memory of a meeting with the man it was clear he was driven and passionate about his work, but also extremely competitive.

Phil had made an assessment of him for SHIELD and had concluded that the man could potentially turn on anyone if he estimated the risk being worth it. He was extremely motivated by money.
He was, according to Phil's memories, not to be trusted.

Their eyes met and he sent Marie what he probably thought was flirtatious wink. Marie rolled her eyes, returned to her food and took a sip of her milkshake. "Creep." She thought and ignored him.
Marie wondered if he was going to bother her but was relived when he left the diner shortly after receiving his order to go.

Marie had never described herself as beautiful but her friend and family always had. She had always felt that she was pretty with her green eyes, long and wavy auburn hair, curvy body and heart shaped face but never beautiful.

Marie sighed.

She paid and left the diner walking around for bit. Her goal was to find a hostel or motel before nightfall.

Marie passed an alley and froze when she heard garbage cans falling and a grunt. Marie was about to walk past it when she heard the sound of someone grunting again. Despite her better judgement Marie made her way into alley slowly not wanting to draw attention to herself.

She hid behind a dumpster while carefully scoping the situation. Two men were trying to kidnap none other than the creep Justin Hammer.

Marie sighed. It was just her luck. Hammer was struggling against his kidnappers but was clearly losing. One guy had him in a chokehold while the other tried to zip-tie his hands together.

Marie figured that Hammer wasn't going to last much longer the way his face had started get a bluish hue. She looked around and grabbed a brick she found. Marie took it and snuck up on the guy trying to zip-tie Hammer. Marie smacked him as hard as she could.

Both men let go of Hammer, who fell to the ground, and turned on her.

The bigger one Marie had smacked jumped her but Marie instinctually round housed kicked him first in the stomach and followed up with harsh kick across his face that knocked him out.
Marie gasped in surprise and thanked God for Phil Coulson.

The other slightly smaller attacker managed to punch Marie across the face and pulled out gun aiming it at her face. Before he could fire his shot Marie used her right hand to move the gun from her face and elbowed him with a great force of power in the face. The crack that sounded confirmed that Marie had broken his nose. The attacker fell slightly back in pain and surprise.

Marie used the momentum it gave her to grab the gun from his hand by twisting and breaking his thumb causing his grip to loosen around it. Marie butt-headed him with the gun and he fell like a sack of potatoes to the ground unconscious. Marie secured the gun and placed it on her lower back between her pants and shirt.

"Christ." Hammer harshly exclaimed still trying to catch his breath from the chokehold. "Don't let me get on your bad side." He told Marie as he rose from the ground.

"You're not getting on any side of me." Marie told him coldly before turning to walk away.

"Wait!" Hammer exclaimed before rushing to Marie's side. "You saved my life. I owe you! What you did… It was incredible! Who do you work for?" Hammer questioned her and Marie shook her head.

"No one. I'm just a black-belt." Marie lied but it worked and Hammer bought it.

"Incredible!" He exclaimed again. "I'm Justin Hammer, and you are?" He asked holding his hand out. "Anna." Marie answered courtly.

Marie didn't know if it was Phil's inquisitive nature or her curiosity that made her bend down and search for some ID's or anything else that could tell her who the men were or worked for. She noticed there were no wallets; only a phone, and all the while Marie could feel Hammers eyes on her. Marie checked the phone but no number was listed.

"Dead end." She told him and tossed him the phone as she got up and started walking away again.

"Wait. How can I repay you? I owe you and I don't like owing people. What do you want? Money? A house? A job? Say it and I'll make it happen." Hammer told her seriously.

Marie lifted a disbelieving brow in response before saying "Right." and shaking her head. Hammer grabbed her arm as she turned again and Marie panicked before twisting under his arm causing his to be twisted in a painful angle.

"Do not touch me. Understand?" Hammer nodded as he noticed the anger in her voice. Marie let go of him.

"Still," Hammer said while straightening his clothes. "I meant what I said. What do you want?" Marie stared at him.

Normally Marie would decline any offer of repayment for helping people in need but then it may just have been Phil's suspicion of Hammer that made her take his offer.

"Fine. I want a nice apartment all expenses paid, one million dollars in cash and a job at your firm – position of my choosing." Marie joked and tested his generosity to see how far he'd go.

Hammer only laughed. "Done."

Marie stared ridiculously at him. "Wait, seriously?" she exclaimed.

Hammer nodded. "I always repay those who help me very generously, but even more so those who save my life. Besides you look like you know what you want and you're not scared of getting physical to get it." He leered.
Marie rolled her eyes at him.

"Let me make this clear," She said poking him in the chest. "I will do worse bodily harm to you than I did those idiots if you try anything or disrespect me in any way." She told him sternly and Hammer held up his hands up signalling he'd do as she said.

"No problem." Hammer only just then noticed the duffel bag on her shoulder.

"Guess I better make some call and get you that apartment ASAP. Let's get you situated in a hotel in the meantime. On me of course." He said and Marie nodded.

Hammer made a call while they left the alleyway and two minutes later a limousine picked them up. Marie wasn't stupid. She knew Phil mistrusted the man for a reason and when the chance came Marie would absorb Hammer too and make sure nothing was amiss.

Marie had been overwhelmed when the hotel staff had opened the door to the presidential suite and told her this was where she was staying. She didn't know weather or not to be disgusted or impressed that Hammer was a regular and could get the suite whenever he wanted. Still, Marie checked the room for any bugs or cameras. When she found none she let out a long overdue breath of relief.

Marie looked around the suite. She was being too reckless she thought to herself, she knew she relied on her power for protection too much.

Marie remembered what happened last time someone had gotten around her power and hurt her. She winced and refused to let her thoughts linger on those particular memories. Instead she decided to burn of today's many events in a steaming hot shower.

Marie didn't know how long she'd spent showering but the tub had been too inviting and she'd prolonged her bathing time.

When she finally left the bathroom dwarfed in a complimentary robe, slippers and hair twisted in a towel, she was more relaxed than she had been the last couple of years.

She was ready to jump the massive king-size bed when a knock sounded on the door. Marie realized she had to be careful as she wasn't wearing her gloves but answered the door nonetheless.

A hotel employee was holding several boxes and two large leather suitcases.

"What's this?" Marie asked him as the employ left the items on the large sofa table in the suite. "Mr Hammer says these are your belongings. He also told me to inform you he would pick you up for breakfast tomorrow at nine and to wear something nice." With a small nod of his head the employee left Marie with the many boxes and leather suitcases closing the door gently behind him.

Marie stared at the boxes in suspicion before picking up a note that was attached to a small one.

Thought I'd throw in a sign on bonus – In a generous mood since it struck me that I actually didn't die today. Don't be late tomorrow morning. 9 a.m. sharp in the hotel restaurant. – JH

Marie frowned but opened the small box. A beautiful yet feminine diamond watch in rose-gold colour sat on a small pillow. Marie's eyes widened in shock, she hadn't expected that.

She lifted the watch gently running her fingers over the soft curve of the metal. Marie checked for trackers again but didn't find any. Phil's paranoia was getting the better of her she thought smiling slightly.

She put it on her wrist the diamonds reflecting the light incredibly. It was beautiful but Marie sighed knowing it wouldn't be seen under her gloves and she felt bad about hiding away such a beautiful piece of jewellery. She took it off again and placed it back in the box.

She opened another small box and inside was a key on a ninja keychain and a note.

Your apartment is ready tomorrow. I'm a resourceful man and you're welcome.

Marie rolled her eyes but was impressed. When Hammer promised something he really went all in and got it done. She smiled at the small ninja figure and shook her head. Marie left the key on the table before grabbing another box this much larger than the first two.

When Marie opened the box she was annoyed.

The contents were clothes; various different things from shirts, dresses, two jackets and some pants. "I'm drawing the line at him playing Barbie with me." She thought but had to admit the clothing was really nice and clearly expensive.
Marie moved the large box behind the couch because out of sight meant out of mind.
She opened the next box and it was filled with shoes and … gloves.

Marie sighed.

"Maybe I could keep some of it. It wouldn't hurt anyone." Marie argued with herself. She'd only brought a handful of clothing limited by the size of her duffel bag and what little belongings she wanted to bring.

"What the hell – I can get some on my own soon." With that thought she turned to the two leather cases.

Marie opened them.

Bothe cases were filled to the rim with 500-dollar bills.

Marie bit her lip before jumping up and down excited yelling "I'm rich! I'm rich! HAHA!"
The eighteen-year-old girl eventually stopped jumping, her mood changing and yelled from the bottom of her lungs "FUCK YOU OWEN! FUCK YOU PRICILLA!" Tears started to run down her cheeks as she fell to the floor.

"You told me I would never be anything but a demon whore but here I am!" Marie sobbed out loud.

"This demon whore is going to survive everything you did to her!" Marie cried out.

"I don't care if I have to absorb the entire world – I will fucking survive!" She exclaimed while rubbing her eyes. Marie rose from the floor and closed the cases filled with money.

"I'll survive." She repeated this time softly making her way to the bed.

Marie fell onto the bed and tiredly stretched her arm out to take the alarm clock. She barely had the energy to set the alarm before her eyes closed. Marie fell asleep and inside her mind she let the walls she'd built fall away. Her mind filled with voices and chatter.

"You know Marie you can't just keep us locked up constantly. It's not fair we wanna see the world too." Neena said.

Neena was the first mutant Marie had encountered and befriended. Neena's mutation was as physical as it was powerful. Neena's skin was blue tinted and a birthmark that surrounded her eyes was dark blue. She was Marie's blue guardian angel. Neena's power was the ability change probability making her extremely lucky.

Marie smiled sadly. "I know but you know what happened last time I let you guys out during daytime." Neena nodded understandingly.
"Doesn't mean it isn't boring down here. I'm all for you adding more people to the party but I mean the new guy doesn't even talk. The only thing he does is sleep." Neena commented while pointing at a sleeping Phil Coulson who was stretched out on a comfy looking chair.

Marie changed the boring house setting they were stuck in to a beach party.

Phil's chair turned into a deck chair and Neena grinned happily.

"Now we're talking." She exclaimed.

Cody, a good-looking blonde ran past them with another girl and boy jumping into the water happily.

"The water is amazing! Jump in!" he told them. Neena shrugged and ran into the water and splashed Cody playfully. Marie took a towel and placed it on the sand next to the sleeping Phil. Marie stretched out and decided she wouldn't worry anymore.

After a while Neena joined her on land again.

"Do you know what you're doing?" she asked Marie slightly worried and Marie sighed.

"No, but I'm done hiding away. I'm done being used and I'm done with my past. It's time to start a new life." Marie told her.

Neena took Marie's hand in her own. "I get that but is using this Hammer guy really the way to do it?"

Marie shrugged. "He's a start. I could just take the money and leave but I'm also eighteen. I wanna live; make my own mistakes and learn from them without the threat of torture or death hanging over my head. To be honest I think I got lucky with Hammer." Marie said hinting slightly that it may have been Neena's powers that were messing around.

This time Neena sighed. "Be careful with that. It can be addicting." She warned Marie who nodded.

"I'll stop tomorrow night. I just have to make it through the day." Neena looked her in the eyes.

"Promise." Marie sighed. "I promise."

Marie felt her body move through her sleep and knew she was about to wake up. She and Neena hugged. Marie changed the setting of her mind back to the house it originally was.

Marie woke to the sounds of the alarm next to her pillow. She sighed but rose from the bed knowing if she didn't she'd immediately fall back asleep.

She washed her face; the ice cold water killing off any feeling of sleep that had remained.

She stood in front of the box of clothes. She pulled out a pair of black pants, a dark green silk strap shirt and a black leather jacket.

The shirt was a bit low cut compared to what Marie was used to and thought comfortable, but the moment she put on the jacked it didn't bother her anymore.

Marie was a bit surprised that the pants were a little too tight but other than that the outfit was perfect. She opened the shoe and glove box. There were shoes in various sizes and Marie found a pair of chunky-heeled black boots in her size and pair black leather gloves. "Perfect." She thought happily as she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

Marie checked the watch on the wall, picked up her new apartment keys and decided to make her way down to meet Hammer for breakfast.

Marie saw him drinking a coffee and reading todays newspaper. Before she joined him she decided that turning the notch up a bit on Neena's powers.

Hammer smiled kindly when he saw her. "Anna." He said greeting her in a friendly manner as if they'd known each other a life time and not less than twenty-four hours.

A waitress joined them and Marie ordered something to eat and drink while she sat down across from Hammer.

"So what's the plan?" She asked him. Hammer looked Marie up and down appreciating the younger woman's looks.

Marie glared at him and Hammer remembered the threat of bodily harm from yesterday and averted his eyes as he cleared his throat.

"I'd thought we start by discussing job options, then we'd go to your new apartment to sign the papers." He informed her and Marie nodded.

"Don't worry about your things. I've already made the necessary arrangements to have them moved to your new apartment." Marie thanked him and new he was only going out of his for her because he wanted to get into her pants.

Marie felt some stomach acid burning in her throat at the thought. "Maybe Neena was right. Maybe I shouldn't be using him this much."

"So lets talk Jobs and numbers." Hammer said and Marie couldn't help but bite out "Don't you have an HR department for that?"

Hammer grinned. "Being the founder, owner and boss of your own company has its perks." Hammer pointed at her. "What do you want to work with?" He asked.

Marie shrugged. "Do you have something that dooesn't require education above high school level?" Hammer frowned.

"How old are you?"


Hammer choked on the water had taken a sip from. "Jesus Christ you should be in school."

Marie glared at him.

"Sorry." He said when saw the look. "I'm just surprised. You look a bit older, thought you were in your twenties."

Marie sighed. "Look do you have any jobs where I can organise or supervise things? I'm pretty good at that."

Hammer looked uncomfortable.

"You're not going back on your deal?" She asked him disappointed.

Hammer sighed this time. "No, don't worry. Look my assistant quit two weeks ago and I'm falling behind on my meetings. Let's do a trial period. You work for me the next three months. If it works you can keep the job – hell I'll triple the salary. If not we part ways, and you'll still have an upgraded CV."

Marie smiled. She was happy that her young age was making him uncomfortable, it meant the man still had some morals and it was one less thing for Marie to worry about. "I can deal with that." Marie responded smiling widely once again thanking God for the efficiency she new Phil Coulson would provide to her work performance.

"What's the pay?" She asked him bluntly.

Hammer grabbed a piece of paper and wrote many zero's down on the paper. When he passed it to Marie her jaw dropped. This time she thanked God for Neena and her powers.

"Capitalism at its finest." Hammer commented.

"I can't wait for you to triple that in three months." Marie joked.

The apartment was nice. It was located on the Upper East Side, and while Marie felt the neighbourhood was very snobbish and extravagant she didn't mind it at all. It was a big change from the small town life in Mississippi.

The apartment had a comfy atmosphere; it had a massive kitchen-living room, one massive bedroom, a big comfortable bathroom and a walk in closet.
Because it was the fourth and top floor it had a big terrace that held a park view.

The apartment was decorated with wooden panels and soft colours but with modern and high end furniture. Marie thought it looked like something out of a designer magazine.

"I love it." Marie said not being able to say anything else. She turned to Hammer who smiled. "It must have cost you a fortune." Marie frowned and Hammer shrugged.

"Pocket money."

Marie turned to him. "You really mean that don't you?"

Hammer nodded.

"Wow." She said not knowing how to reply or if she even could reply. The door phone rang making Marie jump.

"Probably your things from the hotel." Hammer noted.

Marie turned the intercom and its video system on.

"Movers." The large man said into the camera.

"Fourth floor on the right. Elevator is straight ahead to your left." Marie replied and the man thanked her.

"Now for the official part." Hammer told her and handed her the papers. Marie read through the papers carefully and signed them once she was satisfied.

She signed her full name on the papers, Anna Marie D'Ancanto, on the papers and handed them back to him.

The door opened and the movers placed her meagre belongings in one go on the floor of the living room before they left again. Marie noted with relief that the black cases were there and looked untouched.

"Now that were done with that, I think its time you're welcomed and get tour of Hammer Industries." Hammer said and Marie nodded.

It was a long day but Marie didn't mind. She felt she'd grasped what Hammer tech did, and the who's-who in the firm.

The labs and research facility they housed impressed her and even more so when Hammer informed her that there were three entire levels dedicated only to that.

After lunch Hammer had decided to bring her up to HR and have them make her contract so it was sign ready Marie had been given the stink eye from various women.

It was clear to Marie that they thought she a young gold-digger or something equally gross.

Marie would ignore what ever rumours would surface when she started work tomorrow. She knew she wouldn't make any friends here. "Doesn't matter. I don't need any backstabbing snobbish bitches to be my friends." Marie thought uncaringly.

Marie's first week was hell.

There was no order or system in Hammer's calendar and it seemed everyone was trying to book a meeting with him stressing Marie out. By the end of the week she was ready to pull her hair out.

The second week she'd decided she'd pull Phil Coulson's planning, supervising and immaculate order skills (which was on the verge of being OCD Marie thought) creating a system and order that Marie could actually understand. She stressed less even though the rearrangement meant more work for her.

The third week was a breeze as Marie had managed to get an iron tight grip on his calendar and meetings. Anyone who wasn't supposed to meet him didn't get in and Marie made sure to note who those people were.

By the fourth week Hammer was no longer behind on meetings and could focus on his projects and had offered Marie the job full time despite earlier having agreed to a trial period.

Everything was going well and time flew by fast for Marie who felt she was working twenty-four hours a day.

By her fourth month in the company Marie had realized that being the personal assistant to the CEO and owner of the company meant she held a great deal of power in the company. Whenever Hammer was out of town everyone turned all their questions and request to Marie as if she knew what to do. Marie had sighed and managed as well as she could in the circumstance and informed Hammer when they had time to talk.

Hammer had only shrugged and told her it was normal and that she shouldn't be afraid to take charge.

Today was one of those days where Marie was supposed to take charge over something she had no clue of.

The head of R&D came to her because he wanted Hammer Industries to invest in Medical tech. He wanted to offer solutions and robotics that were not made or labelled for the Military industry because he believed it would advance the medical industry, help save lives and make them a ton of money. Marie hesitated and then turned Neena's powers on as she always did in the situations.

She took the documents he offered her and told him she'd get back to him in an hour. Marie tried calling Hammer in Japan but he didn't answer. "This is definitely out of my jurisdiction." She thought and bit her lip.

The documents contained the information she needed to make her decision. Apparently there was a medical company who needed to burn some kind of bacterial infection off a five year old boy's brain and their lasers were to harsh and big for the careful and steady hand it needed to be done with.

The head of R&D had contacted them and told them of the fine and small laser Hammer Industries had developed by mistake.
It was the size of a small pencil and the tip was thin and fine as a needle. Because it was so small in size Hammer hadn't made it possible for it to burn through anything other than soft organic material and had decided it was a fluke. It was everything the medical company needed for the operation. Marie signed the papers immediately and sent them to the company lawyers to look through.

From what Marie had gathered from the documents it would be a 60-40 split in favour of Hammer Industries of any proceeds they made from it and Marie figured it was fair deal. In the end it was the little boy's survival that was important. It took an hour for the lawyers to clear deal, though they did send her weird looks when she joined them for an extra signature she'd forgotten.
The lawyers sent the documents express and the head of R&D was to join the surgery with their laser in two days time.

Two days later when Marie was walking through the entrance one of the receptionist, Emma, warned her. "Hammer is back and he's on the warpath." Marie nodded and sighed.

She was expecting this.

It was one of those days again. Marie placed her bag on her desk and took of her woollen coat.

She was wearing a long-sleeved dark grey sweater dress that stopped mid calf and high-heeled ankle boots topped with a pair of short black silk gloves.

Marie figured that no one was going to touch her legs so she decided to stocking-free for the day.

Everyone else was covered from head to toe as the winter slowly began giving Marie the freedom of not over dressing as she usually did.

She entered his office and mentally prepared for the screaming that was about to start.

When Hammer noticed her he threw a copy of the documents she'd signed two day earlier. Marie ignored the papers, said nothing and glared at him steely.

"Do you know what the hell you've done!" Hammer yelled angrily at her.

Marie continued to glare but calmly replied. "Yes. I took charge as you specifically told me to three months ago." Her icy calmness agitated Hammer to the brink of insanity.


Marie wasn't bothered, she'd gotten used to his outbursts by now.

Hammer was about to yell some more when his office phone rang. In his anger he punched the loudspeaker button harshly.

"What!" he exclaimed.

"It's Jones. The surgery was a success." The head of R&D said excitedly. "They're starting production immediately. It's going on the global market. We're looking at a billion dollar profit!" The man exclaimed happily.

Hammer froze. "What?" He repeated unbelievingly.

"It's true! HAHA!" With that Jones ended the conversation.

Marie lifted an eyebrow her face still in an ice-cold glare as Hammer jumped up and down excitedly yelling out "SUCK IT STARK!"

He stopped when he saw the look on Marie's face. Hammer rubbed his face. "I guess I owe you an apology. You did well."

Marie said nothing and Hammer exclaimed a "What?" not understanding why his apology wasn't accepted.

Marie muttered an annoyed "Men!" before turning and storming out of the office leaving a confused Hammer in his office.

Hammer called Marie into his office after lunch. Marie was clearly still annoyed with him and Hammer had decided to make it up to her.

"Yes?" She asked him as she stood in front of his desk.

Hammer cleared his throat a bit before handing her a ticket to the Monaco Grand Prix show.

"This is?" She asked looking at the ticket in confusion.

"My apology," Hammer said. "I got some business to attend to in Monaco and our company is sponsoring the best driver there. He'll be going up against Stark's driver and I, of course, want to be there when he destroys him in the race. I thought that my personal assistant could use some fun time too."

Marie looked at the ticket. "Why not. Apology accepted. When's the race?"

"In two days. We leave with my jet tonight." Hammer grinned before continuing. "Take the rest of the day off and go pack." Marie nodded and thanked him again.

Marie understood why Grace Kelly fell in love with Monaco and its people.

It was beautiful with the blue coastline, the ancient buildings and the simple yet beautiful charm of the country.

Marie was surprised by the warm weather here that was a stark contrast to the cold and grey weather in New York but enjoyed it nonetheless.

Marie was dressed to the nines as she was told by Hammer only the richest of the richest were allowed inside the Grand Prix Exclusive Members club.

Marie wore a long-sleeved green maxi dress that had a sophisticated but deep cleavage and slit at the legs showing her long and toned legs that she'd covered in an almost invisible nude nylon tights. She wore black sandal heels and short silk gloves. Sophisticated yet simple she had thought.

Marie was on her way down when Neena suddenly appeared in her mind. "Looking good Marie!" Neena said and whistle.

Marie stopped suddenly and grabbed her head already feeling a headache coming on. "What are you doing up here. Get back inside!" Marie thought annoyed.

"But I wanna have fun too." She said sadly guilt tripping Marie.

Marie sighed.

"I'll let you have your fun tonight in the casino, ok! Just go back!"

Neena laughed. "Deal!" before Marie managed to shove her down into her sub consciousness again.

A warm hand on her arm pulled Marie out of the migraine that pulsed through her mind.

"Are you all right?" Clint Barton asked her concerned.

Both of their eyes widened in surprise and recognition. "What the hell is Clint Barton doing in Monaco?" Marie thought while managing a slight nod and winced.

"Yeah," She said slowly after a second. "Jus' a migraine… Aren't you Phil's friend who came for him in the airport some time ago?" She asked him and Clint smiled a great smile.

"Yes, Clint Barton." He introduced.

Marie offered a hand. "Marie."

"Phil and I are in town checking up on some client's business." He replied smoothly and Marie smiled knowing it was a cover.

"No way! Phil is here? Where? Can I see him?" She thought while excited to see the man, who technically made her life what it was today.

Marie knew Phil was a true kind soul and there were few of those around, so she appreciated the man and what he did for the world.

Clint nodded while looking her up and down. "Sure I was about to join him down in the Club and I'm guessing you're on your way down too?" Marie nodded and Clint offered his arm to her.

Marie looped hers around carefully and lightly. "Lead the way." She grinned and noticed he too was dressed to look the part of the rich crowd. Marie also noticed how strong and well trained he was. "Not bad at all."

Inside the elevator Marie couldn't help but wonder what kind of mission had brought them here.

Nothing in Phil's memories linked to the Grand Prix.

"So," Clint said. "Do you come here often?" Marie couldn't hold back the snort that escaped her.

"Wow! Really?" She turned and looked at him. "That's what you're going with for a conversation starter?" Marie and Clint both laughed.

"Gotta get some points for making you laugh." He said grinning and Marie nodded. "Half a point. Keep it up and soon you'll get a golden star." She teased him. "And no. It's my first time here. I'm here with my boss, he decided I was overworking myself and decided he didn't want an angry and negative personal assistant, so he brought me along. What about you?" She asked as they exited the elevator.

Clint shook his head no. "Been here before. Phil and I are checking up business, clients and visiting a friend of ours."
Marie was intrigued now. She wondered who the mysterious friend was.

"Sounds like fun. " She commented and Clint shrugged.

"Could be worse. " he joked and Marie agreed.

They gave the security guard their tickets and entered the club. Neither could find Phil inside and soon Clint excused himself to search for the man.

Marie found Hammer by the bar with a half empty glass. "How many have you had of those?" Marie asked him with a flicker of concern.

"Two." Hammer told her holding his fingers in a piece sign. Marie rolled her eyes and took the glass from him before he went from slightly tipsy to shitfaced. It was a fine line she thought as Marie remembered the company party a month ago that had ended up in a lawsuit.

Marie shook her head.

Hammers attention was suddenly caught; it was none other than Tony Stark and his CEO Pepper Potts who stood at the other end of the bar.

Marie sighed. This was not going to end well.

Hammer grabbed Marie by the arm making her raise an eyebrow in return as casually led them in front of their path.

"What are you doing?" Marie whispered angrily to him.

"Nothing. Just ignore them. Pretend that we're talking." He whispered back making Marie roll her eyes again.

"Anna, what you did was amazing! You clearly have CEO potential." Hammer stated loud enough that it caught the attention of both Stark and Pepper, and other people in the vicinity.

"Hammer." Stark said ignoring the man while eyeing Marie. "It's normal for men his age to have performance issues." Stark told her as matter of fact.

Marie rolled her eyes and responded. "Something you're well aware off?" It was a statement more than it was a question. Beside him Hammer laughed while Pepper snickered. Stark gave Pepper a wounded look before calling her a "Traitor."

"Ms. Potts," Hammer said and smiled kindly "Congratulations on your promotion to CEO." Pepper thanked him. "I was just telling Anna, my personal assistant here," He continued wanting to use the opportunity to boast, "That she too had great potential like you. You must have heard about Hammer Industries deal with MedTech, it's been all over the news. It was all Anna's doing. " He proudly said and Marie refrained from rolling her eyes.

"Wow!" Pepper exclaimed honestly impressed. "That's a billion dollar deal! impressive!"

"Thanks." Marie said kindly.

A redheaded woman joined them and whispered something in Pepper's ear. Pepper nodded and the woman disappeared again. "So that's who Clint and Phil's mysterious friend is. Should have guessed it was Romanoff based on her friendship with the two according to Phil's memories." Marie thought not surprised in the least. "I wonder if Pepper knows her assistant is a SHIELD agent."

Hammer decided to walk away while he still had the upper hand on Stark.

Stark turned to Marie and said, "I want you."

Pepper hit Stark in on the arm "Tony!" she exclaimed appalled.

"Ew! Gross!" Marie exclaimed disgusted. "Not interested old man."

Tony shook his head in annoyance at being called old. "No, I meant I want you in Stark Industries. What do you want? I'll double your pay! No triple, no quadruple your pay!" He exclaimed excitedly and Marie frowned.

"No thanks. I'm good where I am and I'm not taking your offer just so you can gloat about it to Hammer." She told him resolutely and shook her head in disbelief.

"Oh come on," Stark said, "You're what, twenty-two? You have your entire life to be loyal – take the offer, come on." He said and Pepper sighed loudly giving up on him.

"I'm nineteen, and it's not about loyalty. I just don't wanna work for you." Marie finished with a shrug and the two stared at her in surprise before Pepper tried to salvage the situation.

"Ignore Tony. I usually do and it saves me a ton of headaches." She joked and Marie smiled at the kind woman.

"That's what I usually do with Hammer too. Do they always act like this?" she asked Pepper who rolled her eyes. "You have no idea. They're like children, no, they're worse than children."

Stark exclaimed a "Hey!" in objection but the women ignored him. Marie and Pepper chatted excitedly about their work lives and Stark disappeared in the meantime.

When Marie caught sight of Phil Coulson at the other end of the bar an hour later she smiled and excused herself.

She snuck up on him smiling brightly. "Hello there, stranger." She told him a bit of her accent coming through.

Phil, who was thoroughly surprised, turned around in shock. "Marie!" He exclaimed. "What are you doing here?" He noticed the fancy clothes and Marie could already see him making theories and drawing conclusions in his mind.

"Well technically I'm working, but if we're honest this is a vacation." She told him excitedly.

Phil smiled at her enthusiasm. "I'm guessing New York was nicer to you than the rest of the young girls who move there." He stated happily.

"Depends how you look at it." She told him and Phil frowned. "How so?" He asked her.

Marie smiled. "Well, the day I arrived I was truly out of luck. I'd handed out all my resumes, I'd walked around the city until my feed bled and I'd given up on finding a place to stay." She told him and Phil nodded "but then I walked past this alley and I heard a grunt and rattling, and I was thoroughly tempted to walk past it," She said and Phil was captivated by her story.

"But then I heard it again. So carefully I snuck into the alleyway and hid behind a dumpster and I see these two guys trying to kidnap some man." Marie continued but Phil interrupted her.

"Please tell me you didn't get involved?" He asked concerned and Marie grinned. "That's exactly what I did Sugar." Marie exclaimed remembering the rush of adrenaline from using Phil's martial arts skills.

"I grab something from the ground, I think it was metal pipe" she lied knowing it would cause suspicion if she told the complete truth.

"And BAM! Smacked the big guy over his head and he falls to the ground unconscious. Then the other guy rushed at me, but this time the man they'd tried kidnapping was free and I threw him the pipe and knocked the other guy out!"

Phil shook his head in disbelief. "Seven months later here I am as the personal assistant to Justin Hammer because I saved his life and he gave me a job." She finished the story.

Phil didn't know what to say. "You're one of those people who always attract trouble aren't you?" Phil smiled at her and Marie laughed.

"More than you know. Anyways I just wanted to thank you." Marie told him sincerely.

"Whatever for?" Phil asked her surprised.

Marie held up a finger, "Excuse me for being a bit un-charming," She said as she fished a small piece of paper from her bra. "But," She said as she showed him the paper. "This has kept me safe and going every time I was afraid." She smiled.

"My business card." Phil stated surprised as he looked over the worn piece of paper.

"Your kindness." Marie elaborated, "So thank you." She told him again.

And it was true, except it wasn't the business card but Phil's own person and knowledge that had kept her safe.

If Marie had been any less observant she never would have noticed that her gratitude had touched Phil deeply. "The offer is a standing one Marie. Just call if you need anything." Marie nodded and the excused herself so that she could go to the bathroom. She heard cheering from the rich people and guessed the race must have started. Marie wasn't really into the racing so she didn't care if she missed it.

The bathroom was quiet and empty. Marie took a breath and stared at her reflection in front of the sinks. She noticed something in her eyes had changed; they looked older and more confident.

Marie sighed.

Another woman came into the bathroom and leaned against the door for a second but Marie didn't pay her no mind.

"You know," the woman said and Marie startled before turning her attention on the small brunette woman. "I honestly didn't expect you to be so hard to find Marie." The woman said and Marie was confused.

"Do I know you?" She asked and Marie felt the hair on her neck stand when the woman laughed.

"No, but soon you will." The woman jumped Marie and punched her straight in the face.

Marie stumbled and fell against the back wall in shock before dodging another punch.

This time Marie managed to knee the woman in the stomach before elbowing her on the neck making her fall forwards.

The woman quickly turned and roundhouse kicked Marie in the ribs. Marie fell to the floor in pain and noticed a pair of feet quickly pulling themselves up so they wouldn't be noticed. "Fuck! So it wasn't empty!"

Marie narrowly avoided a kick to the face.

She blocked the foot and twisted it making the woman fall to the floor in pain. Marie used the momentum to get on top of the woman to punch her several times in the face until finally the woman managed to roll them over.

The woman strangled Marie and it was only then she realised the woman was completely covered, even her hands had gloves on.

Marie gasped in pain as the chokehold stopped any oxygen from entering. Her vision was starting to blur.

The woman who hid in the stall smashed opened the door straight into the attacking woman's face. Her chokehold released immediately as she fell back in surprise.

Marie gasped in pain but got up and grabbed the woman's head with both arms and smashed it into the tile wall behind her.

The woman from the stall screamed when the attacking woman only laughed and head-butted Marie. The panicked woman fiddled with the lock before it finally opened. She ran out of the bathroom leaving Marie in the stall with her attacker.

The attacking woman punched Marie again making her fall backwards.

Marie didn't have enough energy or oxygen in her body to continue the fight, so when her attacker kicked her in the stomach and punched her in the face again Marie fell to the floor against the cool tile half conscious.

The attacking woman was about to finish Marie off when two extremely blurry figures ran into the bathroom.

Marie must have blacked out because next thing she knew someone was saying her name and she couldn't see her attacker anywhere.

Marie groaned painfully and slowly rose to stand up but a figure pushed her gently down again.

"Don't touch me." Marie slowly while squinting her trying to focus her sight. The figure tried to calm her by placing a hand on her shoulder but Marie pushed it off angrily.

"I said don't touch me." She stated and suddenly her eyesight wasn't as blurry and she could se the figure crouched down next to her was Clint and the standing one was Phil.

Marie rose this time managing to stand on her feet for a full ten seconds before she lost control of them, luckily Clint caught her and leaned her in on him.

"Ow." Marie said pathetically as she leaned into his muscular shoulder.

"Is she gone? What happened?" She asked while looking around suspiciously.

Phil sighed. "Whoever she is she's gone. She managed to get past both Clint and I." Phil stated with a concerned frown.

"Do you know that woman?" He questioned and Marie winced as she felt pain shoot across her face. "No… No one I know." But Marie had a micro suspicion that she knew who the woman worked for.

"Clint you're starting to feel softer." Marie mumbled not realising the thought had escaped her mind and mouth.

Clint chuckled but held her tighter. "And you most likely have a concussion." Clint replied concerned. "Phil we need to get her medical attention." Phil nodded and was about to tell him to take her to a hospital when Marie interrupted.

"No." She said firmly her mind suddenly clear. "No hospitals, no doctors, no nothing." Marie let go of Clint and immediately missed the warmth the man radiated when he held her.

Clint was about protest when Marie held her hand op in a don't-argue-with-me gesture. Marie patted her clothes, took a deep breath and exited the bathroom slowly to the annoyance of the two overly concerned men.

Marie walked into an empty bar. The club was completely empty not counting the three of them.

"Jesus what did I miss?" She exclaimed in surprise.

"A lot, but then again you had your hands full in the bathroom." Phil answered plainly.

Marie turned to them. "I appreciate you guys saving my life – so thank you. Now if you'll excuse me," She said as she grabbed a handful of ice from an ice bucket on a table next to her. "I'm gonna sleep this horrible day away." Marie placed the handful of ice on her lip and gasped in pain.

Phil sighed and squeezed the bridge of his nose. "You can't go to sleep you might have an concussion."

Marie rolled her eyes. "Fine let me rephrase that; I'm going to my room to rest with this bucket of ice." She said as she grabbed the bucket.

Phil gave Clint a pointed look.

"I'll go with you. Can't have you falling asleep and waking up brain damaged." Clint said dryly.

Marie sighed. "Really? This is this the only way for me to get some rest and not go to a hospital?" she asked.

"Yes." Phil confirmed sternly.

"Fine," Marie agreed before looking at Clint. "But you get to carry me to my room. I can't walk in these heels without stumbling right now." She said wiggling her left foot. Clint rolled his eyes but lifted her easily bridal style.

"Happy?" He asked her while shaking his head at her.
Marie grinned. "Put a ring on my finger and ask me again in a couple of years sugar." Marie caught a humoured look on Phil's face causing her chuckle lightly before wincing.

Clint and Marie made their way up to her room and Phil left to deal with the Vanko situation.

Marie and Clint got many suggestive whistles on their way up. Marie would have laughed if she wasn't in pain and hid her beat up face in Clint's shoulder. It was only when Clint told her to unlock the door that she looked up. He didn't let go of her until he very gently placed her on her bed.

"Thanks." Marie said while she winced.

"No problem. " Clint looked her up and down before remarking. "Today really isn't your day, is it?" He grabbed the armchair that was in the room and placed it next her bed. He then went into the bathroom and came back with a first aid kit. Marie was so exhausted she didn't register that he was going to clean a wound on her face until his hand was inches away.

"Stop!" Marie exclaimed and pushed away his hand.

Clint froze when he saw her flinch away. "I'm not going to hurt you." He told her trying to calm her down.

Marie shook her head. "I know just… please don't touch my skin okay?" Her voice was laced with so much pain when she told him that, that Clint's heart clenched a bit. He looked through the kit and found some disposable latex gloves.
He decided to test her limits.

"Would it be okay if cleaned your wounds while I wore these." Clint showed her the gloves and Marie bit her already split lip before nodding carefully. "Just be careful." She said and Clint nodded.

Clint took great care in making sure he didn't accidently touch her skin with his uncovered arms from where his sleeves had been rolled up and his wrists. They sat there on the bed for half an hour as he carefully and skilfully cleaned every cut on her face. Marie winced but said nothing.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Clint asked Marie as he cleaned one of the last cuts on her face.

"About what?" She asked playing dumb. Clint shrugged as he disposed the gloves having finished.

"Maybe we can talk about the fact that you were attacked in the bathroom? That you have a fear of you skin being touched, or maybe we can talk about the fact that when Phil asked if you knew the attacker you hesitated for a short second before answering."

Marie sighed annoyed. "Look," She said, "Don't get involved with my personal life okay? I honestly don't know who attacked me," she was about to continue denying when Clint interrupted her.

"But you know why." He stated and Marie groaned.

"Just forget it okay, it doesn't matter because it's over and it won't happen again." Marie countered weakly and turned on the TV in order to stop the conversation.

Clint sighed and rubbed his face. "Phil and I thought you were dead when we entered the bathroom."

Marie flicked through the many European channels until she stopped on a news channel.

"But I'm not," She countered and sent him a pointed look "thanks to you guys. So please just leave it alone." She pleaded and out of the corner of her eyes she noticed the News were showing what had happened with Stark or the Iron Man and a giant guy attacking him on the speedway.

"Shit! Is Stark all right? Is Pepper?" Marie exclaimed seeing the footage of Pepper and her bodyguard crashing their car into Starks attacker and handing him the Iron Man suit.

Clint nodded. "A bit worse for wear but they'll be fine."

Marie sighed. "You guys were right when you said I'd missed out on a lot."

Clint grinned. "You should have seen Stark when he and Pepper left the hospital, all he could talk about was you."

Marie frowned. "Me? Why?"

Clint chuckled before clearing his throat. "Pepper," Clint said imitating Stark remarkably well making Marie laugh, "Why doesn't she want to work for me? I don't understand it? I'm Tony Stark! I'm Iron Man! I'm so much cooler and richer than Hammer! We gotta make a plan and get her out of Hammer's claws! We need her in Stark Industries." Clint finished with a laugh. "I don't think Stark is used to being rejected by anyone but Pepper."

Marie laughed shortly before another shot of pain made her gasp. "Yeah well his ego needs to be beaten down a bit." She said.

Marie's cell phone rang from its place on the nightstand and Clint handed it to her.

"Hammer." Marie groaned before answering it. "What is it?" She asked weakly.

"Something's come up." Hammer told her excitedly and Marie frowned. There was something in his voice she didn't like. "I'm taking the Jet back tonight. I've left a business class ticket for you with the receptionist."

"Just great. Need me to do anything?" Marie asked annoyed before sighing.

"No. I'll see you in two days time." With that Hammer hung up.

"Something wrong?" Clint asked her noticing her frown.

"No… Just work." She replied still concerned about Hammer sudden excitement.

"Something's wrong." She thought but she knew there was nothing she could do at the moment. She'd interrogate him when she got back.

Marie sighed and carefully sat up causing Clint to rise. "Do you need something? I can get it." He offered and Marie smiled gently.

"I'm gonna take a shower. Could you maybe order some food?" Clint nodded and Marie took her clothes and fluffy bathrobe with her into the bathroom.

Marie had never had such an uncomfortable shower before. She thought the warm water would be nice and calming on her skin but instead it was extremely painful.

She didn't stay long inside the shower and when Marie looked at herself in the mirror she was surprised at how bad she looked. There were several small cuts on her face; she sported a nasty black eye and a bruised cheekbone. "That's gonna be hard to cover up." She thought while the urge to cry was getting stronger.

Marie sniffled as she put on her black silk negligée she used as pyjamas. "If I'd known I'd be sharing my room with a man I would have brought something more covering." Marie thought in despair. While Marie didn't like to sleep naked she despised sleeping clothed, so when she saw the skimpy negligée on sale she'd bought immediately. Marie thanked God for the fluffy and large robe.

She opened the bathroom door and tied the robe firmly.

Clint had made himself comfortable on her bed, zapping through the channels to find something interesting to watch.

"Glad to see you're making yourself at home." Marie joked and Clint grinned and shrugged.

"If I'm on doctor duty I might as well be comfy." He joked back but frowned when he saw Marie picking up her black silk gloves again.

"You don't have to do that." He told her nonchalantly.

Marie turned to him surprised. "Do what?"

"Put on your gloves. This is your room and I respect your boundaries." Clint told her seriously.

Marie sighed and stared at the gloves in her hands then back at Clint who'd turned his attention back to the TV.

Clint noticed the mental battle she was going through before she finally placed the gloves on the nightstand again.

Marie took a seat on the bed next to him putting as much distance as she could between them without being rude. Marie lifted her knees to her chest and her hands rested on her stomach the skin og her hands hidden away.

Clint guessed it was as good as it was going to get.

They found a movie about giant monsters attacking the world and giant man made robots fighting them.

Thirty minutes in to the movie there was a knock on the door.

"Room service." A male American voice called out and Clint went to answer the door.

Marie had a bad feeling in her stomach.

Clint looked out through the peephole and saw a man with a grey beard. He was clearly too old and fidgety to be the room service. Clint frowned.

He signalled to Marie to stay quiet and to hide on the floor next to the bed away from the doorway.

Marie quickly rolled of the bed and on to the floor with a small thud.

Clint hid behind the door before carefully yelling out "It's open! We're in the bathroom!" The door opened and the man rolled a tray inside not noticing Clint hiding behind the door.

When the man pulled out a gun with a silencer on it from his back Clint jumped him.

Clint managed to get the gun out of his hand before punching him in the face. The attacker fell back in shocked.

Clint managed to get him in a chokehold. "Who are you? Who do you work for?" Clint tightened his hold around the man's neck when he refused to answer.

The attacker head butted Clint in the face and Clint grunted in pain as he released the man.

The attacker spotted Marie on the floor and pulled out a knife and jumped her his eyes filled with hatred and murder.

He didn't manage to even graze her as Clint emptied the clip of the man's gun into his head and heart.

The body of the now dead man fell to the floor in front of Marie.

Clint threw Marie her gloves, which she caught by reflex. "We can't stay here. You're clearly not safe. Let's go."

Marie was frozen as she stared at the dead body. "Marie, move it!" Clint ordered as he pulled her covered arm but Marie took a step back.

"What is it Marie? We don't have time for this."

Marie shook head as tears fell from her eyes. "That's my dad." She said broken hearted.

Clint stared at the dead man.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed angrily.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Marie exclaimed as she hurried into the bathroom vomiting the contents of her stomach into the toilet bowl.

She heard Clint call Phil and talk to him but she couldn't make out what was being said. Marie rose and brushed her teeth as the acid burned her throat and mouth. She ignored the thought of the dead man, Owen, being her father. "What kind of father tries to kill their children? Then again that's not the worst he did to me." Marie thought angrily. The anger quickly turned to fury and Marie left the bathroom and stood in front of the body.

Clint stared in shock as Marie furiously kicked the dead body of her father. "YOU STUPID PIECE OF DUMB SHIT!" Marie yelled out as she continued to kick the body. "HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO ME! I'M YOUR FUCKING DAUGHTER! HAVEN'T YOU RUINED MY LIFE ENOUGH AS IT IS WITH YOUR STUPID FUCKING CULT?!" Marie yelled out still kicking the body violently as Clint grabbed her pulling her away from the body. "MARIE!" he yelled trying to get through to her. Marie struggled to get loose from Clint's grip, her fury burning brightly but failed.

Clint turned her towards him "MARIE!" Marie finally stopped struggling and cried her heart out. Clint hugged her carefully but tightly letting her cry on him. "It's gonna be okay." He tried comforting her. Eventually her crying turned into quiet sobbing, then into shaking and then into numbness.

Clint sighed as he held her. "I'm sorry." Marie told him sadly. "And I thought I had issues." Clint joked trying to lighten the mood. Marie half laughed-half sobbed in response.

She let go of Clint and sniffled.

"What now?" she asked him staring at the body.

"I made some calls. I have some friends in the police here. They'll take care of it." Marie nodded carefully before rubbing her face in frustration as she sat on the bed.

"Now spill. What's going on here?" Clint questioned her concerned.

Marie put on her gloves carefully taking a deep breath. "My dad is, well actually my whole family is a part of a cult." She revealed while looking him straight in the eye.

Clint sat down next to her rubbed her back. "They uh…" She hesitated before continuing, "I didn't want to be part of that. They don't take lightly on deserters." She finished not telling him the whole truth but it was enough for Clint.

"Christ!" Clint exclaimed angrily staring at the dead body.

Marie rose and grabbed her suitcase and started packing. "Marie what are you doing?" Clint questioned her.

"Getting out of here. I have to back in New York in two days anyways so I might as well leave tonight." Marie replied her voice betraying a sliver of fear. Her hands shook as they threw her things into the suitcase.

"Don't you think they'll find you there too?" Clint said while stood and crossed his arms.

Marie threw the robe she wore on the floor not caring that she was half naked in front of Clint. She jumped into a pair of black leather pants closing them over her silk negligée using it as a shirt. Clint didn't avert his eyes.

Marie grabbed the smallest heels she had and put them on. "Of course they'll find me there too, difference is I'll be ready there and inside Hammer industries most of the time."

Marie wore her leather jacket and fixed her hair before closing the suitcase.

"And you think that'll keep you safe?" He said watching her grab her phone and charger placing them in a small clutch.

Marie turned to him realising he was way closer than she was comfortable with. She took a step back the Clint followed as her back hit the wall. Marie gulped lightly as Clint placed his arm on her left side using his bigger size to intimidate Marie.

Marie wasn't about be frightened by his close proximity, so she did something very unlike her, she pushed op against his body trying to make room.

Clint smirked lightly when Marie poked him in the chest.

"No," She answered him, "But I made a promise to myself the day I left." She said blushing slightly when Clint leaned in on her again. "And that was?" He questioned her.

"Uh…" Marie shook her head lightly before pushing past him. "I promised that the rest of my life wasn't going to be spent hiding and letting them scare me. I will fight even if it means I will die. But I will never let them win. Never." She said and Clint looked at her with respect in his eyes.

A knock sounded on the door interrupting them.


Clint went to answer the door and greeted the officer in charge. They conversed in fluent French and Marie was impressed. Clint didn't seem like the type to speak other languages.

He showed them to the body and the Officer nodded and called it in. A female officer came to take Marie's statement, or it was actually more to make Marie's statement for her.

"Your date says you were in the room having fun with him when this man charged at you and attacked you. The motive was that hatred towards rich women." Marie nodded hoping she would go away. She guessed that the woman was probably a SHIELD agent.

The female officer nodded to herself and conversed in French with Clint and the Officer in charge. After thirty minutes Clint and Marie were excused. Marie grabbed her things before making her way down to pick up her ticket. "Sorry Neena. No fun tonight." Marie thought guiltily.

Clint was following her.

In the elevator it was only the two of them and catchy jingle.

Marie looked at him. "Are you planning on following me? Don't you have work to do?" she asked as she crossed her arms defensively.

Clint shrugged. "You're my priority right now."

"Are you going to New York with me?" she elaborated and Clint nodded.

"Great my own secret agent protector." She exclaimed and Clint froze.

Marie rolled her eyes when saw his expression. "I'm not dumb Clint. No accountant can do what you did in there or has the contacts to get the police to cover up… that." She said exhausted.

"I'm not denying nor confirming what you're saying." Clint responded tightly.

"No need to Mr Bond." She commented as she exited the elevator. Clint shook his head before catching up to her.

"Does this make Phil the M to your Bond?" She asked knowing full well it did.

"Stop asking questions." Clint told her annoyed as he observed the people in the hotel.

"That's a yes." Marie stated and thanked the receptionist when she handed her the ticket. Marie walked out and sat in the first cab she found and Clint joined her.

Marie sighed.

She appreciated Clint's concern but felt suffocated, she needed her space and quiet.

"I'll find a way to ditch him at the airport." She thought.

Inside the airport Marie was waiting for the seller to change the ticket. Clint was with another buying a ticket for himself. The sellers kept staring at Marie's face. "Motorcycle accident." She told them. "Didn't wear a helmet."

At this the sellers shook their heads while Marie could imagine them thinking stupid American girl.

Marie took in the airport looking for a way to get rid of Clint. She'd have to be sneaky.

And there it was, the opportunity she was looking for. Marie grinned before wincing in pain again.

They received their boarding passes from the sellers; they had twenty minutes until boarding was completed.

Marie walked over to the restroom that had a cleaning trolley in front of it. Clint was hot on her heels.

"I need to take care of business before we fly." She said and Clint responded with a "Me too."

Marie entered the women's restroom, counted to three, and then carefully opened the door to check if Clint had entered the restroom. He had.

Marie grabbed a mop from the trolley and placed it the large rectangular door handle blocking it so that Clint couldn't get out with out calling for help. Marie smirked. It would take longer than twenty minutes for someone to notice his cry for help at this time of night.

The door shook.

"What the hell?" She heard Clint say.

"Sorry Clint!" Marie exclaimed.

"Marie, open the door!" Clint angrily exclaimed.

"Sorry but it's for your own good Clint. You shouldn't get involved with my family or me. I'm keeping you safe. Thank you for all your help."
Marie grabbed a broom to add to the blockage.

With that done, Marie grabbed her small suitcase and left Clint to fight with the door.

Ten minutes later Marie was seated in her business class seat next to the window.

Another ten minutes passed and Marie yawned, her exhaustion had caught up with her. The seat next to her was still empty. Technically the entire business class was empty except for her.
Within five minutes Marie had fallen asleep. She didn't notice when the plane took off for the eight-hour flight.

Marie gasped in pain as she felt through her sleep that something was poking her sore ribs.

Another harder poke than the one before and Marie opened her eyes tiredly.

Clint glared at her.

Marie was shocked. "What the…" She exclaimed the exhaustion from her body replaced with annoyance. "How?"

Clint rolled his eyes at her. "In case you forgot I'm Bond." He told her.

"No, come on Clint! I don't need a babysitter!" She said in hushed voice.

"Your words, not mine." Clint responded flipping through a magazine. "Also I've been officially assigned to you. So congratulations, you have your own bodyguard now. When my boss heard that there was a sect traveling around the world trying to kill you, he figured it could lead to a potential diplomatic crisis and he was not willing to take that chance."

Marie groaned.

"No," she grabbed a hold of Clint's arm and squeezed it gently. "Please stay out of this! Please!" Marie begged and Clint sighed.

"Not possible. You're an official SHIELD case now." He said softly and Marie let go of his arm pulling lightly at her hair.

"This wasn't supposed happen." She said as Clint removed her hands from her hair carefully. "I was supposed to be free."

Clint hugged her and leaned her into his chest. "Freedom is a relative term." He said softly.

Marie sighed. "What now? How is this going to work?" She asked him resigned.

"Considering you know about my real work," He began, "Phil and I have already made several cover stories."

Marie bit her lip. "Let me guess, neighbour?" She guessed it was a bit of stretch she thought.

Clint cleared his throat. "Actually we were hoping you'd cooperate and go along with the cover of me being, with the age difference, your lover."

Marie froze. "You want me to pretend that you're my sugar daddy?" She laughed and Clint blushed making her giggle.

"You can be my boyfriend. The people at work already think I'm spreading my legs for Hammer." She said with a disgusted expression on her face. "A boyfriend will at least change those rumours to me being a gold digger with our age difference." She said and Clint frowned. "I think I preferred the sugar daddy to your gold digger rumour." He joked lightly and Marie sighed. "How old are you anyway?" Clint asked Marie.

"Nineteen." She said "But sometimes I feel like I'm way older." She said sadly and Clint nodded. "I know how you feel." Marie turned to him. "How old are you anyway?" She asked him.

"Thirty today." He told her and Marie froze. "It's your birthday today?" She asked him feeling guilty.

"Yup." Clint noticed her guilty expression. "Don't worry about it. I don't celebrate birthdays." He told her but it didn't help relieve Marie of her guilt.

A stewardess selling luxury duty free items asked if they wanted to by something.

Marie eyes caught sigh of something flower printed. "Is that a scarf?" She asked and the stewardess nodded. "A silk scarf from Gucci."

Marie took her credit card from her bag. "I'll take it."

The stewardess smiled and handed her the scarf when the payment went through immediately.

The stewardess left them after that.

"That's a lot of money to use on a scarf." Clint commented.

Marie brought the scarf to Clint's cheek making him chuckle. "Not really my colour." He joked.

Marie leaned in and kissed him on the cheek through the silk material. Clint froze.

"Happy birthday," Marie told him, "and thank you for saving my life twice now."

Clint smiled softly. "Any time." He replied happily.

Ten minutes passed and Clint fell a sleep.

Marie didn't have the heart to wake him because she wanted to sleep too, so she let him sleep the next four hours as she watched movies and listened to music keeping her self up.

A small burst of turbulence woke Clint up.

He saw Marie nodding off and looked at his watch. There was another hour and a half before they landed.

He pushed Marie gently into her seat and she fell a sleep immediately. Clint placed an arm over her stomach, arranged his face as far away from hers as comfortably he could and fell asleep again.

When Clint woke again Marie's head was on his chest and her arm was over his stomach. He gently moved her back into her own seat before waking her. Marie groaned but opened her eyes with great difficulty. She took a look at Clint and groaned again. "I feel like crap." She told him.

"That makes two." He said.

The captain told them to prepare for landing.

"We still have to discuss your housing." Clint told her. "I need to do a perimeter check and search your apartment before we enter."

Marie nodded before she realized what he said. "Wait did you say before we enter?" Clint nodded and rubbed his head. "That's kind a part of the cover Marie. We'll have to live together. Phil and I aren't taking any chances. Your own father attacked you in your hotel room."

Marie frowned. "How long is this supposed to last?" She asked him concerned.

The plain bumped as it connected with the ground.

"Depends. We've started at three months, but if the attacks get worse we're doubling it. If we can find a way to stop this cult," He told her "Then we will."

Marie frowned. "I have to share my house, my home, actually my life with you the next six months."

Clint grinned. "I'm aiming for the three, and then I won't bother you any more if you don't want me too."

"How is this my life?" Marie mumbled.

"Relax. I've been told I'm an amazing roommate." He joked.

"When was this nineteen-eighty-five?" Marie countered.

Clint rolled her eyes. "It'll be good with some adult influence."

"Yeah, mine for your childishness." Marie stated as they were told they could now exit the plane.

Clint grabbed her hand in his and squeezed. "We have a role to play from when we exit this plane."

Marie took a deep breath and then exhaled. "Let's do this."

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