A few things before I begin-

No UnderSwap, UnderFell, FellSwap, GlitchTale, and most other AUs. The PTA AU will be here, but it's the only one unless I change my mind, which is highly unlikely.

Frisk is a girl in this story. I know some people say she's agender or a boy, but I like to think of her as a girl. I can accept Frisk as a 'they' sometimes, though, so if we're using specific terms I would say she's a demigirl or close to that. "She" and "her" pronouns are what I'll use for her. If Chara gets here, she'll be female as well.

Frisk, in the story, will speak like... half the time? When she's faced with a stressful situation, she signs. She speaks at home and at school, but she might sometimes sign, I'm not sure yet. She has Asperger's Syndrome, a mild form of autism, here as well. I might just be doing that because of a combination of my experiences with it and the fact that a lot of Post True Pacifist stories have her be autistic as a way to explain her signing or just have her be mute.

Monster Kid will be referred to with either male or gender-neutral pronouns in this story.

By the way, Blooky will have some type of autism probably, and will identify as a demiguy/demiboy/demigender (so I'll likely use male pronouns).

Here is something slightly confusing- Happstablook, the ghost form of Metatton, is a girl here. Mettaton is a boy... so you can either say Mettaton is genderfluid, bigender, or transgender. Happstablook (as ghost Mettaton, no Underswap) will make an appearance.

I'm not much of a Soriel shipper, I much prefer Sansby and Torigore. Sans and Toriel are purely a platonic pair in this story. Like best friends or something.

Flowey and Asriel will both be here, but the way I'm going to introduce them is quite... unique, I guess. Flowey, especially. I've never seen anyone do what I'm planning, but he won't be here until after a few chapters.

When the story takes place is a rather iffy subject- for reference, I'll just say the school year of 2017-2018 since that's what was going on when the story was beginning to be written.

The ghosts here aren't like the ones you see in the game, they have a more humanoid form here. However, they are somewhat transparent. Looking through one seems like looking through colored glass. Napsta is light blue, Happsta is pink, and Maddsta is yellow.

Napstablook has a cutely-oversized light blue sweater with a black music note on it, black headphones, and has messy hair. He also has white pants with blue tennis shoes.

Happstablook has a pink tank top, blue jean shorts, and hair in a high ponytail. She wears sandals.

Maddstablook has a black leather jacket, black ripped jeans, black combat boots, and short spiky hair. He also has a scar on his face.

Now that the author's note is over with, let's get to the first chapter!

Light shone through the window of what was apparently a young girl's room. She was asleep in her bed- her brown hair on her pillow and tan skin. She was somewhat rolled up in her blanket like a burrito.



She- somewhat lightly- smacked the snooze button. However, just after she did so, a lady with blue skin and red hair in a ponytail burst into her room. "WAKE UP, PUNK!" She yelled.

The young girl shrieked in surprise and fell out of bed, her legs stuck in the blanket. The lady, wearing a black tank top and jeans, watched as the girl unrolled herself from the blanket burrito.

The girl stood up, giving the woman a "are-you-kidding-me" look.

"Come on, Frisk! It's the first day of school! I don't know how you weren't already up, Papyrus has been yelling for hours," she said. Frisk simply shrugged and went to move past the fish woman. "Fine, Undyne. I'm up. Still not very excited for school, and it's not like you can change that." Frisk honestly was so tired she didn't even care anymore.

Walking down the stairs, Undyne was running and then jumped the last three. Toriel was making breakfast in the kitchen, and Papyrus was off yelling at Sans for whatever reason.

Frisk plopped down at the table, still tired.

Sans shortcutted his way to the kitchen table, teleporting into the chair next to Frisk. "hey kiddo. are you excited for the first day of school?" Frisk shook her head.

Walking out of the house with combed hair, her favorite sweater, capri-length pants, and sneakers, with her backpack on her back and lunch bag in her hands, Frisk set off to the bus stop she would be sharing with a few other kids. Unfortunately, she knew none of them. One was an overweight bully-looking boy, another was a slightly snobby blonde girl, and the last was a slightly-emotionless redheaded girl with a neutral expression. Frisk didn't even get the chance to try to speak with any of them; the bus arrived just after she had.

She sat next to the redhead during the bus ride, which was filled with chatter and for some reason, memes. For whatever reason it was, three fourths of the kids on the bus kept shouting out random memes.


When they had finally reached the school, Frisk managed to be one of the first ones off the bus. Finding her locker was relatively easy, and her first class just so happened to be math.

Her teacher, Ms. Smith, was a woman with that can-I-speak-to-your-manager haircut, and overall gave the vibe of a sheltering suburban white mom. "Hello class. I will be assigning seats- for simplicity, boys will take their things to the left side of the room, girls on the right."

Frisk picked up her stuff and went to go to the right side of the room, when Ms. Smith stopped her. "Young man, what do you think you're doing?" Frisk was confused.

"What? I'm not a boy."

"Yes you are, now go stand over on the left side of the room so I can tell you your seat." Frisk didn't listen, she just kept standing on the right. Ms. Smith glanced at her seating chart for Frisk's name. "Frisk, get over on the left now."

"I'm not a boy though! I'm a girl!"

"Frisk, you are a boy. Don't lie to me. I don't care what kind of things made you somehow think you're a girl, but you are a boy and always will be a boy. Now be good, and get. To. The. Left." Ms. Smith order.

Frisk went to explain, but she knew her teacher wouldn't care. She begrudgingly took her things over to the left. Frisk hated being misgendered, something that was sadly common before she fell into the underground...

"Frisk!" he looked up as his mother came storming over to him. "What is the meaning of this?!" the book in his lap was forgotten as he stared in horror at the photo his mother had on her phone.

It was a photo of him hanging out with one of his female friends, Paige. The two were in formal wear, but instead of Frisk wearing a suit, he wore a fancy dress that belonged to another friend. His makeup was done and the way his long-ish hair was styled made him look... like a girl.

Paige had posted it on Facebook, a site that Frisk had his own account (even though he was eleven, he just used it to contact her and his other friends since he only had an old flip phone). "U-uh..."

"Please tell me this is a joke. You are a boy. You shouldn't be crossdressing, I don't want you to end up like..." she shuddered. "One of those disgusting freaks."

Frisk was snapped out of her memory as Ms. Smith called her name. "Frisk, sit here." she instructed. Frisk did as she was told. The red haired girl from the bus was conveniently to her right, and a boy she didn't know at all was to her left. Nobody was in front of her, but there was a... actually, she couldn't tell the gender of who was behind her. They had black hair- quite curly. Hazel eyes, too.

As Ms. Smith was still assigning seats, the red-head leaned over to her. "My name's Bella. You're Frisk, right? Ambassador of the monsters?" Frisk nodded.

"Yeah, that's me."

1,533 words in the first chapter. I usually try to hit about 1,000, but later on as I learn to write better, they'll be longer. See you next time!