Hey, everyone! This is the renewed version of "Shine"! Sorry I deleted the old one, but I feel like it was necessary. Either way, I hope this one is better than the last one! :)

I would make a long beginning author' note, but that would seem redundant. However, I will say that this is an AU where Boyz Crazy never happened. The whole portion of season two happened though, but without Stan finding out about the Journals, Ford not coming out of the portal, and without Bill causing Weirdmageddon. ;)

So now, without further ado, I'll give you the disclaimer! ;D

Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls, Stephen King's "The Shining", or even Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining". This is just a fan-made story. There, I hope we're cool now. XP

[EDIT 6/1/2018: Okay, this chapter experienced a lot of rehauling and revising, Now that I know some details, medical-wise and time-wise, I'm going to try to make the beginning chapter be a little more believable. So wish me luck here! :O ]


"Oh, this is gonna be SO AWESOME, Dipper! We'll get to go back to Gravity Falls and see everyone again! Only this time, it'll be for Christmas break!" a young girl named Mabel said excitedly. Her pet pig, Waddles, jumped up on her bed and laid there, watching Mabel jump up and down in happiness.

It was Friday, and in a home in Piedmont, California, there were two teenagers who were absolutely excited. This excitement carried them throughout the day at school, and when they came back home, they rushed upstairs, their pet pig in tow. They went to each of their rooms(both conjoined along with a jack-and-jill bathroom), grabbed their suitcases out of their closets, and plopped them on each of their separate beds. Right now, Dipper is in Mabel's room, helping her pack, since he already got his suitcase filled(he was a fast organizer). Mabel has been trying to stuff over thirty sweaters into her suitcase as of now in a sloppy fashion, and Dipper, being the good brother that he is, had to help her out.

"Yeah! I wonder what Gravity Falls will look like in the winter?" Dipper wondered as he folded one of Mabel's sweaters.

"Maybe it'll be a Winter Wonderland!" Mabel said, her eyes sparkling with a braced filled grin.

Dipper softly chuckled at his sister's enthusiasm. "Maybe. The only sure difference will be that when we get there, we won't have to work at the Mystery Shack since its winter."

"Hooray! That means we can have fun in the snow the whole time!" Mabel cheered as she went to her drawer to get herself some other warm clothes as well.

As the last summer ended for the Pines Twins, they returned home to their average life in their hometown of Piedmont. They had been doing their usual routines for the remaining fall season; going to school, hanging out with their old friends. Dipper read his books and Mabel did all the eccentric things with which she filled her spare time. As months passed by, the twins missed the small Oregon town and the good friends that they left behind, as well as their Grunkle Stan.

They had left behind great memories back in Gravity Falls: Making new friends, going on adventures and solving mysteries. But, there were also memories of heartbreak. Mabel had gone through some ups and downs with relationships; one with an albino child, a merman and a hand-puppet obsessed boy. As for Dipper, he had his heart ripped out when he confessed to Wendy in a moment of raw, vulnerable horror, in a secret bunker deep beneath the earth. She let him down gently, and they remained good friends. Dipper, though wounded and embarrassed, had understood, and decided to let go of Wendy (for now).

Gravity Falls had proven itself a town that was anything but uneventful. The underground bunker had been but one strange encounter in a summer full of them: A struggle for survival with a sentient dating simulator (Soos had gotten a girlfriend out of that debacle, at least), a skirmish with a memory-altering secret society and even a mini-golf match with Mabel's rival, Pacifica, in which the golf balls had been both alive and disturbingly violent.

There had been another run-in with Pacifica which was pleasantly surprising, in Dipper's opinion. He'd been at the Northwest Mansion, solving a ghostly haunting for the Northwests, and Pacifica had helped him capture it. Soon after, it had escaped and started to turn everyone into wooden versions of themselves. At the last second, the young heiress had stopped it by breaking the curse on her family. Dipper had a different view of the rich girl now, and he, along with Mabel, had come to terms with her in the last portion of summer, even considering Pacifica a friend. Pacifica was forced to keep their burgeoning friendship a secret, as her parents would never approve.

But the most interesting part of their summer vacation in Gravity Falls was the powerful, mysterious and apparently insane dream demon Bill Cipher. The enigmatic entity had tried to go into Stan's mind to find the deed for the Mystery Shack and to give it to local 'psychic' Gideon Gleeful, ultimately failing in the attempt. He also possessed Dipper to try to destroy Journal Three for whatever reason, only to be thwarted by Mabel. That was the last time they ever heard of Bill...

The finishing touch of their visit was their thirteenth birthday party that Stan and the Mystery Shack gang threw in remembrance of them. Soos, Wendy and her friends (including her boyfriend Robbie, who begrudgingly decided to come despite his past rivalry with Dipper), Candy, Grenda, McGucket and even a poorly disguised Pacifica had all celebrated Dipper and Mabel's first step into teenhood.

Neither of them wanted to leave Gravity Falls after all the memories and adventures they made, but their bus ride back home was inevitable, so they'd had to pack up and leave when the time had come. Thankfully, Stan had allowed them to keep Waddles after a little 'negotiating' with the bus driver.

Grunkle Stan had grown very fond of his great niece and nephew, spending as much time with them as he could before they went back home. The kids had really started to bond with their great uncle, especially once Dipper found out that Stan had also witnessed the supernatural at work in Gravity Falls, despite the man's previous denials.

But then the summer ended, and months passed with the regularity of a normal life in a normal town. Looking back, at times it had seemed like Gravity Falls would remain nothing but a distant memory...

That is until the twins' parents had received a call a week ago on Thursday from someone surprising. As if their prayers had been answered, Grunkle Stan was on the phone and asked if Dipper and Mabel would like to come to Gravity Falls during Christmas break. Thrilled by the opportunity, the twins begged their parents to let them go. For their part, Mom and Dad were a little suspicious as to why it was only the kids who were invited, Stan having noticeably failed to extend the invitation to the adults. Stan said that he just wanted to see the 'little gremlins' again and spend time with them before Christmas, and meant no offense. He even said that they could prepare everything for Christmas with no distraction from the kids. The twins' parents were satisfied with that answer and the opportunity presented, so they booked a bus to Gravity Falls on a Saturday morning in December.

The twins were overjoyed by this turn of events. They talked about how they'd get to meet their friends again and go off on new adventures and solve mysteries.

Now that they were thirteen, their appearance had changed slightly. Dipper had grown a little taller, around three inches taller, and his hair grew a little shaggier. He still kept his signature white and blue pine tree hat on top of his mop of hair, while his voice has lowered quite a bit, but still having that boyish tone.

Mabel had also grown a couple of inches, though unfortunately for her she was no longer a millimeter taller than Dipper. Her hips had grown a little bit wide, her legs a little longer, and her auburn hair was still long and flowing. She still had her braces on and her love of bright sweaters was intact.

"Man, I can't wait to see Grunkle Stan and the gang again!" Dipper said with delight.

"Me too! We'll get to see not only Stan but Soos, McGucket, Candy, Grenda, heck, even Pacifica! And we shouldn't forget about Wendy!" Mabel glanced back at Dipper as well, a sly smirk on her face.

Dipper blushed and went back to helping his sister with packing more stuff. However, a small smile emerged on his facial features. "Yeah…it'll be good to see her again. I'm glad we got in touch through email." He frowned slightly. "I still can't believe she's with Robbie, though."

Mabel glanced back at her brother with a sympathetic look, "Aw, cheer up, Dip! Maybe when you're back at Gravity Falls, she'll see and adore the more mature you!"

Dipper glanced at his sister with a sincere smile and said, "Thanks, Mabel."

"Ah, don't mention it!" Mabel said with a dismissive wave. Mabel stuck her arm down the sleeve of a wadded sweater and pulled it through, only to realize it had been the right way before and now it was inside out. She tossed it into the suitcase anyway, deciding to deal with it later. "I wonder what Grunkle Stan has planned for us during the holidays?" she said. "Maybe he'll take us somewhere, like an extravagant Christmas light show! Or maybe a play of a Christmas story! OH! Maybe we can watch 'It's a Wonderful Life!' at the Shack on Christmas morning!"

Dipper chuckled and said, "Maybe. Who knows? I wonder if Grunkle Stan likes 'It's a Wonderful Life'?"

"Hey, Grunkle Stan is a softie at heart, of course he would," Mabel said in defense of Stan. "He wore that farewell sweater that I made for him when we were leaving! I could even see the tears in his eyes!" Mabel said with a knowing grin. "Besides, he could watch it just so he can be reminded of the good ol' days and junk."

"Mabel, he's not that old."

"Still, it's like the bestest feel-good movie ever! It even has money in it, and Grunkle Stan loves money!" Mabel tried to reason.

Dipper smirked. "You make a good argument."

Mabel giggled. "You bet I do!"

Dipper folded yet another sweater of Mabel's while he stands, looking down in a moment. "I wonder if..."

"Wonder what?" Mabel asked as she puts in more clothes in her suitcase.

"I mean..." Dipper paused for a moment. "...Nothing."

Mabel became silent. "...Ooookay."

They continued to pack their things in silence...

"…So," Dipper started, catching Mabel's attention, "you'll get to see Candy, Grenda, and even Pacifica again."

Mabel perked up again from hearing her friends' and once rival's name. "Yeah! It'll be great seeing them again! Grenda, Candy, and I are definitely gonna have a winter sleepover at the Shack! Hey! Maybe Pacifica can join!"

Dipper smiled at her. "That would be nice."

Mabel grinned back at him. "Yeah! I wonder if she ever had a sleepover before?"

"Well, you can always ask. You got her number, right?"

"Oh, yeah. I'll ask her after we pack."

"Actually, text her. We don't want her parents to find out who's calling her."

"Oh, that's right!" Mable pouted in irritation. "Man, talk about messed up! Poor girl..."

"Yeah..." Dipper solemnly frowned as he glanced down. "I wish we could do something for her..."

"No worries, Dipping Sauce. We can secretly treat her for some tacos! I think she liked them when we drove her back to her home that one time after that mini-golf fiasco."

"She was gorging that taco down like no tomorrow."

Mabel laughed. "For someone who supposed to be so skinny and perfect, she certainly knows how to wolf it down! Either way, I'm going to try to invite her. In the meantime, I'm gonna put in more of my festive sweaters!" Mabel says as she stuffs more sweaters into her suitcase.

Dipper chuckled softly at her enthusiasm to put in even more sweaters. He was glad she was still in good spirits after what happened on Monday exactly three weeks ago in November, three days before Thanksgiving.

...He wishes he could forget that day. But it still bothers him to no end.

Dipper's face turned into another frown, this one looking thoughtful.

"Mrs. Goldweather, something's wrong with Mabel! I think she's having a seizure!"


"Wait, what? Mabel? W-Where? Where is she!?"

"In the girl's bathroom!"

He wishes he could forget...but he couldn't.

He remembered being in that ER room, waiting...

Mr. and Mrs. Pines and Dipper Pines were sitting on chairs, anxiously waiting in the ER waiting room. Dipper's parents were hunched over; Mr. Pines holding Mrs. Pines hand and patting her back, the latter trying to keep it together, while the former was doing the same, but keeping his composure in check. Dipper was holding his cap and wringing it nervously with a worried frown. Really, he, in general, was the most scared one of them all, wondering what the doctor will say about Mabel.

They heard footsteps as they looked up to see a male ER doctor come up to them. All three instantly stood up and rushed to the doctor.

"Doctor, is our daughter alright?" Mr. Pines asked in concern.

"What happened to our little girl?" Mrs. Pines whimpered, scared out of her mind.

"Please tell me she's okay!" Dipper said, his anxiety almost reaching his limit.

"Whoa now, calm down, calm down," the doctor gently said with his hands up to further calm them. "There's no need to worry, she's perfectly fine. She looks to be functioning quite normally now."

Dipper and his parents all sighed in relief, faces looking relieved. The former put a hand on his chest to calm his heart as he put on his hat back on.

"Oh thank goodness!" Mrs. Pines said, letting out a shuttering breath.

"So, nothing has happened to her mind or anything?" Mr. Pines asked carefully.

"Well, she seemed to be a little out of it once she came to, but that's normal after having a seizure, so we tested her if she remembered anything simple. We showed her elementary math problems, color flashcards, and let her read some basic sentences." the doctor informed.

"Did she answer them correctly?" Mr. Pines asked in a hopeful tone.

"Yes. Quite well actually." the doctor nodded.

Dipper looked confused. "She did? I mean, that's great, but...don't seizures usually let them have memory loss?"

"Well, they do at times, young man." the doctor said, "But in your sister's case, her memory is still intact."

"But that doesn't explain why she had a seizure! None of my family and on my husband's side had any seizures." Mrs. Pines informed the doctor.

"Really?" the doctor asked intrigued.

"Not that I know of." Mr. Pines confirmed.

"Hm...interesting. Well, I'll tell you one thing, I don't think it's epilepsy. She still has her memory, so this seizure could just be a one-time thing."

"Is it really?" Dipper asked, hoping the answer would be 'yes'.

The doctor glanced down at the floor with a tentative frown. "That I don't particularly know. Seizures have an effect on the brain, and it seems hers isn't damaged. But, just in case if it does come back, we'll be standing by."

"So...we don't know then?" Dipper asked in dread.

Mr. and Mrs. Pines. exchange worried glances.

The doctor sighed sullenly. "I'm afraid not...but, there is something that I want to get your attention on."

All three looked at him curiously.

"What's wrong, doctor?" Mrs. Pines wondered.

"Well...while she was having the seizure, she was...calling someone's name."

"Someone's name?" Dipper inquired.

"Yes. I think the name was…Susie, I think." The doctor recollected.

"Susie?" Mrs. Pines questioned. She glanced at her husband and son and asked them, "Do you all know a Susie?"

"Susie…?" Dipper muttered to himself, a hand on his chin.

"Hmm…didn't she had a friend named Susie one time?" Mr. Pines asked.

"I don't know, I can't recall…" Mrs. Pines said, at a loss.

"Susie…Susie…Su-wait a minute!" Dipper said suddenly, startling his parents and the doctor. "I think I know who Susie is! She used to be Mabel's imaginary friend when we were little!"

"Imaginary friend?" Mr. and Mrs. Pines asked in unison.

"Wait..." Mr. Pines thought about it for a moment. "Yeah...I think I do remember her having an imaginary friend when she was little."

"Susie...wait a minute, that's right! She did have an imaginary friend by the name of Susie! She was four-years-old at the time!"

"Really?" said the doctor surprised, "…Interesting. Go on. Tell me what you all know about 'Susie'."

"I was actually busy with work at the time." Mr. Pines said a little shamefully. "I heard about her imaginary friend from my wife, and I thought it was one of those phases that little kids go through her age."

"I actually thought it was a creative input for her. She was always imaginative. She brought her around the house everywhere she went, always talking to her." Mrs. Pines added.

Dipper thought on what he could say about this. "Well, she did have an imaginary friend one time when we were little. I remember her talking to Susie at times...like she was an actual person. She had her for a while..." Dipper mulls it over some more. "I remember her saying that Susie was the one who 'left' though when she turned five."

"Hm...did Mabel brought Susie everywhere she went or was it just around the house?" the doctor asked.

"I think...Susie 'comes over' whenever Mabel thinks it's fine to let her come over...I guess." Dipper said as he tries to think.

"Was Mabel different when she was 'with' Susie?" asked the doctor, very interested.

Dipper shook his head, "No, she was basically the same." Dipper thought for a moment, "…Mabel didn't actually treat Susie like the other kids who would treat imaginary friends though. What I mean by that is that Mabel treated her like she is imaginary. It's like…she knew she wasn't there…yet she acknowledged that she was there. Like, she knew she was in her head or something…but…I guess all of a sudden, Mabel decided to let her go after a while…" Dipper frowned as he looked up at the doctor and asked him, "What was Mabel saying about Susie?"

The doctor thought back, "Hmm…when Mabel was back to normal, we did ask her who she was talking to. She said that this Susie was showing her…bad things…she didn't say what they were, but she also said that Susie didn't mean to make her see bad things, that they just…appeared. Which would explain the things she was saying when she was having the seizure, things like…'No' and 'Don't Susie,'…like she was trying to fight it back mentally. She sounded very distraught."

Dipper and his parents' eyes widened in shock.

"Doctor…d-do you know what is happening to our daughter?" Mrs. Pines asked fearfully.

The doctor gave out a solemn sigh. "I wish I knew, but I don't. I will say that whatever is happening with your daughter, it seems to relate to this 'Susie' character." he looked at them with dejected eyes. "I would suggest to bring her to a neurological clinic, preferably the one in the San Francisco area in the pediatrics department."

Mr. and Mrs. Pines', and even Dipper's expression was somber. Mr. Pines sighed as he said, "I think that would be the best option."

The doctor nodded. "I'll try to make an appointment today as soon as possible."

"Wait! W-What would happen if she has the seizure again tomorrow or before her appointment? What do you at least think we should do?" Dipper asked frantically.

The doctor frowned as he stayed silent to think...until he said, "For the first question, I don't know...but all I know is, is that Mabel is a very sweet young lady...and I hate to see someone like her to be hurt. For the second question, like I said before, you can call the ER anytime. But for now, try to be with her as much as you can. Be there for her."

The three of them stood there in silence…

Until Dipper said with determination in his voice and eyes, "We'll help Mabel as much as we can."

"Dipper?" said a soft female voice.

Dipper snapped out of his thoughts as he looked at his sister, whose back was somehow turned away from him. "Yeah, Mabel?"

"What were you thinking about?" Mabel asked, her voice a little timid.

Dipper's eyes widened and stuttered, "N-nothing. Why?"

"Dipper… you were thinking about the day when Susie came back, weren't you?" Mabel said sadly.

Shocked and with his mouth slightly agape, Dipper said, "N-no, Mabel. I-I wasn't thinking about that! R-really, I was thinking about nothin—"

"Dipper, don't lie."

Waddles made a noise that sounded like a worried 'oink'.

"Mabel?" Dipper asked in concern, moving closer to her.

"I…I couldn't help it. S-Susie…she just came back to me, and she was showing me things. I didn't like them, but…" She sniffled. "I still think she showed them to me for a reason. I mean, she wouldn't show me bad things just 'cause she felt like it…" She sniffled again as she lightly sobbed.

"Mabel?!" Dipper said in surprise as he reached for her shoulder. Mabel tensed at the contact but didn't move away. She did, however, turned her head to glance at her brother. Her eyes were red, tears dripping onto her cheeks.

"Mabel…" Dipper softly said to her with a sad look.

She turned to Dipper and wrapped her arms around him, crying onto his shoulder as she shook with each sob.

Dipper returned the embrace, rubbing and patting her back as she sobbed. "Shh…it's okay Mabel. It's okay…" he said quietly, doing his best to reassure her.

As Mabel was crying, she asks her brother, "D-Dipper…" she sniffed, her voice so small, "…I-I'm not…I'm not a freak, am I?"

Dipper lets go of their embrace as his hands slipped onto her shoulders and stared at her with a hard, but resolute look, "No. No, Mabel, you are not, and never, a freak. Never." he said gently, his eyes caring.

Mabel looked at her brother's determination, her tears staining her pretty face, as her eyes were still watery. She smiles slowly but warmly at him, "Thank you Dipper," she then hugs him again, saying, "Thank you so much."

"Anytime. Always." Dipper whispered as he hugs her again as well, "Don't worry Mabel. We'll get you through this…"

They stood that way for a minute...

"Dipper…" Mabel said in their embrace, her voice hoarse from crying.

"Yeah, Mabel?" he asked softly.

"…Susie comes to me in my dreams at times...she said she'll come back someday…but I don't know when." Mabel said to her brother.

Dipper stood there, his arms around his sister, not sure on what to say to that.

Before he was about to say something, Mabel also said, "Don't worry Dipper, I'm fine. She...she just came to me and showed me things...that was all…even though I don't know what the things she shows me means…"

"…Do…do you want to talk about the things you saw?" Dipper asked, hopeful that she might open up to him.

"…No…they're…kind of scary," Mabel said, uncertain that she wants to tell him about it. "...She's not really bad, Dipper."

Dipper lets go of her, his hands on her shoulders once more and gazed at her in concern.

"She...she says she was just trying to help me...from what, I don't know..." Mabel looked down in confusion for a moment. She glanced back up at her brother, "Don't be mad at her, Dipper. She's not bad. She's still the same from when I had her..." she then stared hard at Dipper with a look of resolve, "You don't have to worry. I can handle her."

Dipper stared at his sister, his eyes filled with worry, "Are...are you sure?"

Mabel nodded, "I'm one-hundred and one percent sure."

Dipper couldn't help but smile at his sister's bravery. "Okay..." He gave her one final encouraging look and said, "Mabel...just know that I'll be there to help you any way I can. I promise you."

Mabel smiled warmly, "I know. …Thanks, Dip."

Dipper smiled back with the same warmth as he softly squeezed her shoulders in comfort before letting her go, "Anytime."

Mabel giggled, her mood lightening up, "You've been saying that word a lot lately, Dipper. You sound sort of like a superhero saying it."

"Superhero, huh? Well, if I was a superhero, what would you call me?" Dipper said with a smirk.

"Hmm…" Mabel put a hand on her chin in thought, "…Bro Fist!"

Dipper laughed, "Bro Fist, huh? That actually sounds pretty cool!" Dipper nodded in appreciation.

Mabel giggled again, "Thanks!"

Waddles oinked in confusion, which got both of their attention.

Mabel smiled at the pig. "Sorry, Waddles. We're fine now. No need to worry!"

The pet pig oinked once more in content at that answer as he lowered his head on the comforter on the mattress, staring at her with big adorable eyes.

Dipper smiled and petted Waddles, who oinked in delight. He turned to his sister and asked hesitantly, "So…you are okay now, right?"

Mabel nodded, "Don't worry, Dipping Sauce. I'm okay now..." she looked sheepish for a moment until she looked back at Dipper and with a braces-filled grin said, "Thanks again, Bro Fist."

Dipper chuckled and gave her a grin of his own, "No prob."

They went back to packing the last bit of Mabel's suitcase, anticipating Saturday morning when they go back to Gravity Falls for the winter holidays.

The car ride back home was quiet. Which was unusual, since the source of liveliness in the family next to Dipper would say some goofy and uplifting things right about now. It was like this when they picked her up at her patient room to go home. Dipper and his parents were asking her if she was alright, but all she said was, 'Can we go home?'. After that it was…just quiet.

Dipper glanced at his sister, who was sitting to his left with her hands on the seat to her sides and was looking out her backseat window of the car, watching buildings, trees, and other things pass by. Their parents were also quiet as well…

They really don't know what to say after what happened…

. . . . . . . . .

Dipper couldn't take it anymore.

"Mabel?" Dipper said to his sister, his head turned to her.

Mabel kept staring out the window, but Dipper had the feeling that she was listening to him.

"Mabel…the…the doctor told us about what happened...he told us about Susie."

When he said that, their father spoke, "Dipper, not now."

Dipper pressed on, "When Susie 'came', what did you see?"

"Dipper-Honey, please," their mother said with her head turned to the backseat with a sad expression.

"What kind of 'bad things' did you see?"

"Dipper!" Mr. Pines said sternly.

"I want to help her!" Dipper said to his parents, frustrated.

"Dipper, you can't-!" Mr. Pines started but stopped as he gripped the steering wheel anxiously and shook his head in grief as he sighed pitifully. He then said softly to his son, "Dipper...I know you want to help your sister, but…right now, let Mabel have some time to herself, okay son?"

Dipper looked defeated, his eyes expressing sorrow.

Mrs. Pines looks back at her son with a poignant frown. "Listen to your father, Sweetheart. I know today has been stressful, and she went through a lot today. So, let's leave her alone for now, okay Honey?"

Dipper wanted to object but knew that in the end, they were right. So he sat there with a frown and heaved a sigh. He glanced at Mabel again and saw her right hand resting on the seat.

He did the only thing he could do to comfort his sister at this point…he put his hand on her own.

Mabel, startled, gradually turned her head to the hand that was on her own. She looked up to see Dipper who gave her a reassuring, soft smile. He squeezed her hand and mouthed to her, "It's gonna be okay." Mabel gazed at Dipper with a blank expression, but she then soon slowly delivered a sweet smile to him. She mouthed to him, "Thanks, Dip."

Dipper's smile became wider and even warmer as he mouthed to her, "Anytime."

They didn't mention Susie from that point on.

As you can see, I made massive changes. And don't worry, the other chapters will come out sometime...soon-ish...I got to rewrite everything in them, actually. DX But it must be done to make this new vision work! :)

But yeah, tell me what you think! I really love to read your reviews! For the old readers, it still may be kind of the same chapter, but for the new readers, please do tell me what you think of the premise! :D

And as usual, leave me a follow and a fave if you really do love it! ;D

See you all in the next new and revised chapter! Keep on rocking! ^_^