Chapter 1

It was an ordinary day like it always was. It was summer, June to be exact, and the temperature was extremely hot and humid. You could look over the horizon and see nothing but untarnished landscape as far as your eyes could see. Beautiful prairies lined the area with a tree or two every so often. As you looked further in the distance there was some mountains, with visible snow at the cap. However, as you scanned the area it was apparent that there were some strange creatures roaming around the ground, almost as if they were dinosaurs. In fact, there was one coming into view right now.

"Yaaaay! Whooohooo! Alright, let's keep playing!" You could see a blue blur running across the ground. Closer inspection revealed what looked like a small child, wearing a blue and green Chinese styled shirt, with a purple undershirt with matching pants (with a red scarf), and black shoes. However, something was off. It seemed as if the child was running like a bullet train across the earth.

"Goten, stop messing around! That's dangerous!" Behind him was a large, scaly creature that was in fact a Paozusaurus. The look on its face would have made the manliest of men wet himself at just how utterly terrifying it was. "Brouhaha," yelled the creature as it emitted a loud roar which sounded like it went for miles. If you looked behind the dinosaur, there was an older boy flying just directly above/behind it midair. He looked to be about in his teen years wearing a purple gi with a red sash, blue wristbands and brownish-orange shoes.

Goten, filled with almost superhuman levels of enthusiasm and energy, ignored his brother's plea to stop. You could see an overly pissed look on Gohan's face with a vein bulging out of his head. "That's it! I am stopping this right now!" Before anyone knew it, Gohan immediately vanished and reappeared with Goten being grabbed around the torso by him. While doing this, Gohan removed a peculiar looking object from Goten's possession; It was an egg with large, bright-green specs on it. Gohan immediately did a 180 degree turn to the dinosaur which made it almost fall over in its tracks; The dinosaur desperately trying not crush its precious offspring. Gohan looked up at the creature and said, "Look we got your egg right here, its unharmed!" Gohan gently set down the egg for the dinosaur to inspect. With an inquisitive look, she sniffed the egg and then gave off the air of being content. Gohan then proceeded to pat her snout and consoled her while saying, "Hey, look. We're sorry to have taken your egg." He continued to pet her, "We didn't mean any harm, my little brother was just messing around." The dinosaur seemed to look calmer now, without any visible sign of anger in her eyes. She then proceeded to back away from Gohan, and gently pick up her egg with her maw agape as to not crush her delicate offspring. The dinosaur looked at Gohan one last time before she turned around and went the other way.

"Man, that was fun! Let's do it again! Do it again," said Goten in an enthusiastic tone. Gohan, tired of his little brother's escapade, decided to give him the full force of his fury; He was glaring daggers at his little brother. Goten gave Gohan an excited look and said, "Gohan lets go bother some pterodactyls next, I bet we ca- Bonk!" Goten rubbed his head as a giant cartoonish bruise started forming. As he kept rubbing, tears started to form in his eyes and he said, "Ow! What was that for!?"

Gohan was getting annoyed with his brother's inability to understand the situation. "What have me and mom told you about going off and messing with the dinosaurs!"

Goten seemed to look guilty and looked towards the ground in shame, "Not to go around them because they're dangerous."

Gohan was relieved his younger brother finally understood. "Yeah, that's right." Gohan began to think about all that just transpired, and after he finished mulling over everything, he just sighed and then smiled. "I know it may seem fun to do that, but its seriously dangerous and if something happened to you mom would be beside herself." Goten had a look of guilt and tears started to form in his eyes. "But hey, don't worry about it.", said Gohan as he rubbed Goten's head. "I used to do stuff like that all the time when I was a kid, but you just got to make sure you understand that its dangerous." Goten wiped away the visible droplets of tears at the corners of his eyes and nodded in agreement. Gohan began to walk the other way and motioned Goten to follow him Gohan said, "C'mon, let's go. It's about time for dinner. If we're late moms going to kill us." Goten nodded to this and called out into the air and out in the distance you could see an orange cloud coming closer to them by the second and before you knew it, the cloud was right in front of Goten. Despite all that just happened, Goten was back to his old self.

"Race you home big bro," said Goten as he jumped onto the orange floating cloud with a big smile.

Gohan smiled back and said, "You're on!" Both sped off at mach speeds into the distance until they were both out of sight.

A/N: I am sorry to have been gone for so long. For the people who saw my first chapter of The Legend of Korra/DBZ crossover, I apologize for not doing anything with it. I just kinda lost interest in it mainly since I didn't watch much of The Legend of Korra; I didn't know any of the characters personalities, quirks, or mannerisms. I didn't want to write a story where I didn't understand the characters to their fullest extent, it would be weird for you guys to see them out of character. Not only that, but life stuff like college came up, so I have been busy. I have watched Boku No Hero though and have a pretty good idea on how each character acts, therefore I will probably stick to this story for now until I watch the Legend of Korra. Sorry :(

P.S.: When you guys read this, and have any suggestions as to improve my writing style, feel free to say something. The substance in my writing is ok, but I have a very simple, basic understanding of how grammar is supposed to be done. Really, if I could get an editor that would be great. Also, if somebody could tell me how to format all of this properly, that would be great. I don't know if my font is off, if I am not adding enough material, or what, but it just looks off.