
Harry stood on the top of a hill gazing out at the miles upon miles of dense forest below him. The past seven years had seen many changes in the fae.

Oberon had returned to being queen with Lily at his side. Harry had been a little weary at first, but soon realized that Aeval's hatred had not been shared by the majority of the fae. He still preferred solitude as opposed to crowds and parties, so he spent most of his time wondering the forests.

Most magical creatures were thrilled to have new habitats. With the merger of the realms had come a surge in child birth, of both fae and wizard.

As for the wizards, relations were still tense. Oberon had not been happy about the way they had mistreated his son. They were trying to build a new relationship, but things were rocky at best. Luckily for everyone involved, Hermione had agreed to be ambassador to the wizards. Privately, Harry hoped they'd be able to mend fences. He wasn't keen on fighting another war.

Lastly, the mundane people still had no idea of the new land that had appeared on earth. Oberon didn't know how long that would last, but Harry hoped it would last a while. Either way he was going to enjoy the piece as long as it lasted. He smiled as a doe and her fawn stopped at a small stream to drink.

If there was one thing that could be said for the merger of realms it had helped the mundane wildlife as well as the magical. Somehow those animals that dwelt in forests had sensed the appearance of the new forests and come to investigate. Harry had asked his Father about it, but all he got was a raised eyebrow and a one word response.

"Magic," Oberon had said with a grin.

Hearing a rustle behind him, he turned to see Ginny emerging from between two trees. "Hi love," he said leaning forward to give her a kiss. "How's Mum?"

"The pregnancy is going well. Ariana says that she'll give birth soon."

"Good," Harry said. "I was worried about that. I mean she gave birth to me just fine, but…"

Ginny slipped an arm around his waist and stared out at the forest. "Still can't get enough of the forest can you?"

"Yeah, I just hope we can keep the mundane peoples from cultivating it. We have more forests and that's the one thing there's not much of."

"Well, there's plenty of woodland now," Ginny said. "As for the muggles cultivating it, I don't think you have to worry."

"Oh?" Harry asked raising an eyebrow. "Why is that?"

"Because of the test Hermione's done. Anything above the simplest machinery shuts off once it arrives on fae land. I guess it's the magic."

"Any way to tell what machinery will work?"

"If it's got a computer or microchips, it'll fry. Basically, the more electronics in the machine, the more likely it is that it won't work."

"Interesting," Harry said. "So we will be able to hide for a while."

Ginny nodded.

"They'll come here eventually," Harry said darkly. "Oberon says that when the magical energy levels off they'll probably find us."

"Yes, I suppose they will, but we have time. We can use it to figure out how we are going to reveal ourselves if the need arises."

Harry and Ginny stood together in companionable silence for several moments.

"So," Ginny finally began. "How's Luna?"

"The baby is doing fine surprisingly. I didn't even know fae/vampire hybrids were possible."

Ginny elbowed him gently. "Don't you mean tribrid? Luna is my friend. I would've been willing for you to impregnate her the old fashioned way just the once."

"No," Harry said shaking his head. "For one, Luna and I don't feel that way about each other. For another, the child will be a Lovegood, not an Evans. Luna just wanted to insure her Father's line wouldn't die out."

"Speaking of Bloodlines," Ginny said. "There will be a new Evans pretty soon and I'm not talking about Lily's."

Harry spun to face her. "Are you?" he began.

Ginny grinned. "Only a few weeks. Surprise!"

Harry scooped her into his arms and spun her around. "That's great," he said kissing her firmly.

"Have you told Mum?"

"No, I was wondering if we could tell my family first. I haven't seen them in a while."

"Sure," Harry said. "Do you want to tell them now?"

"Later, for now I just want to stand here and relax."

Hermione appeared beside them, smiling widely. "You told him I see."

Ginny nodded and hugged her friend. "How are the wizards?"

"They're content for now. The Wizengamot have agreed to work with the fae to hide our lands for as long as possible. It seems that the influx of magic caused by the merger of realms has added to the protection of Wizarding settlements."

"That's handy," Ginny said. "Any luck on imbuing fae magic into steel?"

"No," Hermione said. "The enchantments just fade away over time. We've got some blacksmiths from Diagon Alley working with us, so hopefully we'll be able to figure it out soon."

"How are your parents?"

"They're good, just happy to have years of peace." She grimaced. "They keep on bugging me about giving them Grandchildren."

"Do what I did," Luna said appearing beside Hermione. "Just have Harry Father them."

"Do I look like a sperm bank to you?" Harry groused.

"What?" Luna said innocently. "You have a few million to spare. Besides, Ginny's already pregnant, so they're useless to her."

"I'll think about it," Harry said, "but Ginny and I will need to talk about it first. Besides," he said turning to Hermione. "Wouldn't you prefer to have a husband of your own to give you children?"

"I don't know," Hermione said thoughtfully. "I kind of like the idea of continuing my own bloodline. You could give me a child. You would of course be able to see it any time you want."

"I don't know," Harry said. "I did this for Luna because she couldn't have children any other way being a vampire and all. You can. Maybe you should just hyphenate your name with whoever you marry."

Ginny took his hand. "That's something to talk about later. Why don't we go and see Bloodwind. He says he's got a new drink for us to try."

"If it's anything like the last one, no thanks," Harry grumbled. "I couldn't leave the toilet for hours."

"It did get rid of your hiccups," Luna pointed out reasonably.

"Only because I was scared to."

"Whatever works," Hermione said with a grin.

As they prepared to teleport away, Harry gazed out at the forest. Things may be changing, but everything would be alright. He was no longer the outcast prince that had been brought to the Wizarding world a little less than thirty years ago. True, life hadn't been easy, but then again it never was. Regardless of what happened, the next few years were shaping up to be very interesting.


A/N I hope you enjoyed this story. If you did, please drop a review and tell me what you thought.

Until next time.


True, there was no doubt going to be hardships and pain, but that was life. He would live the best he could and try not to worry about trouble until it came along. As the forest dissolved around him, he smiled.

He had come along way