Day Seven: Violet

Ty Lee packed a violet bag with everything she brought on her weeklong trip to the Fire Nation. She loved the color since it blended the two phases of her life together so neatly. The Fire Nation, Kyoshi Island. Her favorite colors were pink and blue and together they were violet too.

As she admired her suitcase, Azula woke up and started watching her.

"I guess you're leaving. Did you have fun?" Azula stretched and acted like this was not hurting. She did not put Ty Lee through everything she did for such an anticlimactic goodbye.

This was supposed to end in something dramatic and beautiful.

Since Ty Lee was shoving things into that ugly violet bag, Azula supposed it didn't work out the way she wanted it to. That seemed to be a theme in her life lately.

"You jumped in after me," said Ty Lee, ignoring the question. "You jumped in after me."

She softly touched her own lips with her fingertips as she thought about the maddening event that kept her up all night.

Azula stared at her for a long while.

"So? You seemed like you were drowning." Azula shrugged and pretended it meant nothing.

"I've kinda come to a conclusion this week," Ty Lee admitted. "I'm still in love with you."

"That was painfully obvious from day one," said Azula.

"Then what was with all the tests?"

"I wanted to know if you were worth loving back."

"Am I?" Ty Lee set down her suitcase.

"Why does it matter?"

"I'm not leaving until you tell me if I'm worth loving back or not. Do you love me? Do you?"

Azula held up her index finger. Ty Lee gazed at it with her pulse racing uncontrollably. "Just one more test. Just one more."

"What is it?" Ty Lee asked softly, moving closer to the princess.

"Don't leave. Stay with me," pleaded Azula. "Stay with me now and forever."

Ty Lee took a slow breath. She knew she should not make this decision so quickly, but she always was a creature of impulse and her gut feeling never failed her once.

"Yes," agreed Ty Lee.

She wrapped her arms around Azula and she never wanted to let go. Their lips brushed against each other, and then crushed together fiercely.

Pretty pink and severe cerulean became glowing violet.

Ty Lee passed the final test of faith.