Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Knight or Neverwinter.

Warnings: OOCness, Gay Vamps, Crossdressing, Grammar mistakes, Swearing

Genre: Romance/Fantasy

A/N: A little info to know before you read. This is set during the Rido arc, also Zero has never bitten Yuki in this fic, from there everything completely deviates from the original storyline. I'll be using "Neverwinter" a MMORPG as inspiration for this fanfic.

Most likely there will be oc's, and updates for this story will be random, so I apologize in advance.

All author notes will be at the end of every chapter, please enjoy your day reading and take care.

"If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak,

return to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you get there,

you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom,

even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong." – Masaru Emoto

Chapter 1: A secret unravels like the petals of a flower.


It was the night before Samhain also known as Halloween, a time of trick-or-treating for most humans yet one that is sacred for vampires. It would've been a normal holiday celebration to anyone, but for Zero Kiryuu it certainly wasn't.

The night skies had no stars twinkling, the once silvery moon eerily glowed a crimson hue; it was a blood-moon, a rare phenomenon that only happens every 5,000 years when all Hallows Eve arrives which was funnily enough his actual birthday. No one except his trusted companions knew the "real" him. Zero sighed, he would've left Cross academy to a forest far away from here by now if it weren't for the promise he made to the chairman. Kaien and Yuki roped him in to help organise the pre-halloween ball (which he always avoided attending). Now he had no choice but to go, he was a man of his words...damn his soft heart for giving in.

"Fuck...this is bad, really fucking bad. Shit!" He hissed, as he stared at the blood-moon from his window.

It was a small consolation that it would be a masquerade theme for the pre-halloween ball, yet his mood would worsen as the Night class students will be there particularly a certain pureblood bastard. His full transformation will happen at midnight and he was dreading the outcome.

He could hide from the rest of those blood-sucker's though Kuran is a different story. The fucker is a pureblood, future King of Vampires, the Kuran ancestor and Yuki's brother. Yes, he's always known who Kaname Kuran truly was but didn't give a shit as he had his own problems to deal with, which the pureblood had "inadvertently" caused.

Zero rolled his eye's, the smug asshole was manipulative, cunning and intelligent not to mention extremely handsome, powerful and dominant.

He's screwed if Kuran ever finds out he was never truly a level-D vamp, no, he was something that vampires cherished and yearned for if they ever find out the truth. In the meantime he'll act as the knight to protect Kuran's princess, a role he was used to and played with ease.

He checked the time on his phone, the celebration had started round eight o'clock; he was supposed to be there already overseeing the students, and other shit that was expected of a prefect and hunter.

He snorted, yeah like fuck he would go early going late was the way for him, less time to mingle with people. Kuran would probably be annoyed cause he wasn't there to protect Yuki, the girl is old enough to look after herself... well, not really, she's quite the clumsy midget and tends to tumble into troublesome situations that either he or Sayori has to pull her out from.

He cares for Yuki as a sister although to other's (mainly Kuran) they might think he was "in love" with her. He sees Yuki only as a younger sibling to watch out for and has no wish to pursue a relationship with her. Besides, he wasn't into incest - even though he and Yuki weren't related - in vampire society it's perfectly normal especially if you're a pureblood; the whole "keep the blood pure" crap going on, load of horse shit if you asked him.

He'll make sure to keep himself hidden, straightening his back he smoothed down any wrinkles that might've formed on his dress.

Yes, you heard him correctly.

A fucking dress.

It's not the first time he's worn one, but usually he'd only wear it for an undercover mission from HA (Hunters Association), which he rarely took. There's another reason why he was familiar with wearing a dress, but he'd rather not think about it too much lest he form a headache.

Kaien, his girly and way too cheerful guardian, had begged him to put on this outfit. Don't ask him why Kaien bought this costume for him instead of Yuki, the chairman was weird like that.

He begrudgingly admitted that the gown was beautiful, it showed off his feminine curves wonderfully.

He wore a black choker with a single ruby round his neck, his tattooed seal nowhere to be seen; the dress was shoulderless and sleeveless, giving a nice view of smooth, unblemished, moonlight skin. Rubies dotted across the slightly ruffled front, leading towards a black-and-red, lacy corset, emphasizing on his thin waist. Further down the silky, midnight skirt swayed, it hugged his curvy hips and thighs just right. There were long slits on both sides of the dress that gave a glimpse to slim legs covered in thigh-high stockings and knee-high boots.

Placing his matching mask of black-and-red with decorative feathers onto his face, and his boundless hair flowing freely down to his hips (an early sign of his transformation). Zero was an image of vampiric beauty, a seductress of the night. No doubt he would be the envy of many ladies and fantasy for the gentlemen's, possibly a tall - smug bastard - brunet will think twice of Zero's role of a simple knight.

Letting out a soft sigh, Zero did a small prayer to the deities his family served for many generations in the ancient language of his people, before jumping out the window, disappearing into the shadows that would take him to his destination.


"Yori-chan!" Came a shout from a short brunette in a soft pink gown, she quickly made her way to her friend who was without a mask.

Sayori or Yori-chan as called by her closest friends, turned to Yuki with an eyebrow raised.

"What's the rush Yuki? You're looking for someone?"

Yori stared at her breathless friend, waiting for an answer. The brunette in front of her gulped for air, before nodding.

"Y-yeah, I'm looking for Zero, have you seen him? He's suppose to be here! Mou." Yuki huffed, annoyed that she didn't see her adoptive brother anywhere.

"I'm not sure if I have, this is after all a masquerade ball. It's possible I've walked by him and never knew he was there." Yori said whilst shrugging her shoulders.

She wouldn't be surprised if Zero didn't come at all, heck, she didn't want to go either, but because Yuki was her best friend and wanted to go to this function she gave in. If Zero skipped out he should've taken her with him. Standing here, watching other's make a fool of themselves in front of the Night Class was entertaining, more so if Zero was here with his sarcastic remarks that always managed to make her laugh.

'Then again I can't blame him for not wanting to be here, I know he'd rather be sleeping in or spending time far away from Cross academy.'

Yori was glad she got to know Zero personally, she felt privileged to see his softer side, his true self that not even Yuki or Kaien knew.

Of course she knew Zero's real identity, her clan has always followed and been loyal to Zero's family. The Wakaba's, publicly known as lawyers and bankers, yet underneath they were borne "Trickster Rogues." She's trained her whole life to be one of the best Trickster Rogues, as the next heiress of the Wakaba line her number one duty was to watch over and protect Zero, just as her ancestors did before her.

There were instances where she was tempted to eliminate a few vampires who dared to think of harming the silverette, but held back as Zero would glare half-heartedly at her knowing her thoughts, to which she only smiled innocently.

'Honestly Zero-chan, you're too kind-hearted sometimes. A shame that other's don't see it often.' Yori thought fondly of her old friend and leader.


A deep voice as fine as wine spoke from behind the two young girls, they both turned to the new arrival.

The half-mask made of white gold, etched with roses and rhinestones accentuated the sharp, aristocratic features of the brunet. His burgundy eye's looked upon Yuki affectionately, a charming smile on his lips.

Kaname Kuran wore an all black, European, eighteenth century inspired suit that outlined his tall, masculine physique perfectly, and a top hat to match it.

It had many ladies, and Yuki (excluding Yori) blushing at his outfit as well as his handsome smile. Yori stared boredly at Yuki and Kuran, very much wanting to be somewhere else...she wished she knew what Zero was wearing. She remembered texting Zero if he was coming or not, and if he was, what did his costume look like? His reply to her message was that Cross bought it for him, and she felt sympathy swell inside her. She only hoped the chairman bought something decent and not totally outrageous for Zero.

Kaien Cross, the fangless vampire and ex-hunter, is known for having a... unique taste, both in cooking and clothing.

'Poor Zero, hope he's okay. Maybe Cross got something good for him.'

Yori turned her attention away from the spectacle in front of her, seriously, she didn't hate Kuran. He was an okay vampire for the most part, what she did hate was the way he treated Zero. She'd much prefer it if the guy left her leader alone, but the pureblood was adamant in using Zero in his schemes. Once again, Zero warned her to leave it be yet she knew if she told her other companions about this mistreatment they would raise hell, especially Zero's personal bodyguard Tori.

'Ah, Tori. Would be good to see you again.' Yori sighed, and made her way to the buffet, she was hungry.

Tomorrow she'll spend time with Zero and give her present to him. She'll also get to see the others, who'll no doubt turn up to celebrate Zero's birthday.


Soon Zero made it at 11pm to the Hall where the pre-Halloween party was held then immediately hid his aura, and scent to be unrecognizable to other vampires, although to be extra sure he kept his distance.

He closed his eyes and let his mind wander as he leant back against a pillar, ignoring the stares of the crowd around him. Zero did his best to remain inconspicuous, though it was impossible as the human's and vampires took notice of his beautiful visage.

Out on the dance floor Kaname had been dancing with a few ladies, the first dance of the night he gave to his precious Yuki, his sweet girl wasn't the most graceful but seeing her smiling happily more than made up for it. Although in the back of his mind he was slightly irked that a certain silver haired prefect wasn't there to keep a vigilant eye on Yuki, the boy is his knight, and should've been at Yuki's side.

Thoughts of the silverette did not fade as he had continued to waltz until he felt a tiny pull on the half-bond he had made with the ex-human, it told him that the boy was nearby then he looked across the room.

A womanly figure leaning against a pillar, surrounded by starry-eyed male's. Why is the bond pointing in that direction? The mysterious woman opened her eye's and gazed straight at him...no one had amethyst eyes and silver hair like those except for one person.


As if the silverette had heard Kaname's whisper, the boy's lilac orbs narrowed as they finally registered who the person with a top hat and whitish gold mask was, it only took a second before Zero disappears into the crowded area, expertly dodging the human's in the way of his escape knowing that Kaname wasn't too far behind.

The pureblood ran after the elegant prefect, noticing the silverettes scent was changing as he got closer to his target.

He catches Zero by the shoulders, right outside on the balcony and spun the prefect around to face him, eye's widening slightly as he takes in the lovely vision of the silver-haired hunter, he is stunned and intrigued. His arm's instinctively wrap themselves around Zero's thin waist, pulling the younger boy to his chest. If he didn't know this was Zero Kiryuu, a male, he'd think it was a woman he was holding.

He slowly took his own hat and mask off then gently removed Zero's mask as well, watching the hunter blink then glare at him.

'Has Kiryuu always been this delicate?' Kaname wondered, his inner beast purred at the pretty image.

The pureblood shook his head, he can admit the boy is beautiful, but he wasn't interested. Yuki is his fiancee - despite her not knowing yet - he's always loved her, there's no way he has feelings for Kiryuu...right?

The beast inside Kaname disagrees, the silverette is theirs, their true mate and queen. Although the bond between them may be incomplete, it has been nagging at Kaname to fulfill it, the bond and his inner beast both yearn to be near, to have, and to hold the hunter close. To never let go of their chosen mate.

Kaname used his mental prowess to silently close the double doors, he had a feeling this conversation will be troublesome as instincts tells him he'll be learning something new, surprising if not life-changing about the hunter and he wasn't sure if he was ready to know.

"This is unexpected, you make quite the beautiful woman Kiryuu." Kaname said lightly, his mahogany gaze observing the widening of eyes and blushing cheeks of the silverette. Zero sneered and struggled to move, but the pureblood's arms were like steel. He couldn't shift away, "Let me go Kuran, w-what are you doing!?"

Large, graceful hands sild over Zero's plump behind before they gripped the boy's thighs, lifting the hunter into the air he pinned Zero against the wall; a gasp left the ex-human's lips as Kaname leant forward. He could feel the boy's heat, and the aroma... why is Kiryuu's scent different? Why does he find it strangely alluring?

"I won't let go until you tell me why you weren't with Yuki earlier, and why do you not smell like a level D?"

Kaname noticed the split-second panic in Zero's eyes, before it disappeared and the boy began glaring at him once again.

"Yuki isn't a little girl, Kuran. She doesn't need me to hold her hand 24/7, and Yori was with her. Also, how the fuck would I know if I don't smell like a D vamp? My scents the same as always, you prick!" Zero said angrily, his hands pushing at Kuran's chest yet the pureblood's stance was solid.

The hunter was uncomfortable with the situation he found himself in, or should he say the "position" he was currently involved with. He absolutely hated it.

"You are Yuki's shield Kiryuu. I can't have you failing and turning into a level E-"

Zero quickly cut him off, the hunters eyes glowing red with anger.

"Fuck you! I protect Yuki because she's my friend, and like a sister to me. And I will never become a level E, I'll kill myself before I do!" Zero hissed at the pureblood.

Kaname's wine coloured orbs narrowed; the boy really is disrespectful towards people of authority, more specifically towards him yet he could not help but admire the prefect's defiance, and beauty.

"Do not test my patience, Kiryuu. That pretty mouth of yours will only serve to get you punished and thoroughly fucked by me."

The words slipped before he could stop them, shocking Kiryuu and himself.

He didn't know why he said it, why the thought of touching the boy's body aroused him. He never felt like this for any females from his past, not even Yuki has made him feel like this nor has he ever said something verbally indecent to someone else.

"What the hell!? There's no way I'd let a guy like you, fuck me. I doubt you have a big enough dick to satisfy me, you'll probably only last one round!"

Now it was Zero's turn to say something surprising; both hunter and pureblood were breathing deeply.

Zero blushed at his own embarrassing words, wishing badly he didn't say that... damn it!

'Maybe Kuran was right about my mouth being trouble not that I'll tell the bastard, it would probably stroke the guy's ego to know he was correct, tch.' Zero mentally pouted. His night was turning into a disaster, he should have never left his room.

"Is that a challenge Kiryuu? I'd be more than delighted to show you how big I am. I'll have you begging all night to feel this inside you." Kaname's voice deepened; he had the boy's legs over his forearms so he could grind his bulge against the prefects bouncy globes.

Dear lord, he didn't think he could say something perverted much less be the first to initiate the lustful act yet here he is, humping the hunter and... did Zero just whimper? When had he started to refer Kiryuu as Zero? Kaname thrusted roughly, making sure to spread Zero's legs even wider, his possessive gaze roved all over the boy's trembling body, taking in the lewd expression and noting the hunters flexibility.

'Might come in handy for later.' Kaname absentmindedly thought. Marveling at the sounds he managed to produce out of the smaller body in his arms.

"Who knew you could sound so...lewd. What else are you hiding from me Zero?" Kaname whispered into Zero's ear, he had given up on denying his lust for the silverette. He wanted Zero to moan more, and he would get it.

Kaname shoved his lips onto Zero's, biting and kissing, it was messy - hot - it was downright sinful.

Thrusting his tongue inside the silverettes moist cavern, Zero's flavour was like the sweetest strawberries he's ever had the pleasure of tasting. It was highly addictive... and those seductive moans that the boy would try to hide only made the situation much more arousing, and harder to contain his inner beast.

"K-kuran sss-stop, you bastard! Ungh!" was all Zero could say between the utterly breathless kisses the brunet bestowed upon him.

Kaname pulled back a little to stare at the glazed look and flushed face of the hunter, before nuzzling the silverettes neck, leaving tiny marks and kisses of possession across Zero's exposed shoulders, and collarbone.


"Wrong name Zero." Kaname teased, it seems his inner beast had taken over. Now he was going by pure instincts, and the half-bond sings in excitement at having the boy in his arms, right where he belongs.

"K-kaname, please - we shouldn't - this isn't you! Ungh, shit!" Zero moaned as the brunet sucked harshly at his sensitive neck, right where his tattoo used to be.

Kaname only ignored the hunters words. He wondered what Zero tasted like; his crimson gaze of desire yearned for the blood of his mate, his sweet little mate. As his elongated fang gently scraped Zero's neck, readying itself to pierce the boy's flesh the hunter gripped his hair, pulling him back roughly before managing to kick him away in a moment of surprise.

That sudden hit gave Kaname enough time recompose himself, shaking him out of his lust-induced state. He mentally thanked Kiryuu for providing the distraction, not once in his long life has he ever lost control like that.

It was appalling to think that a mere level D vampire hunter could be the cause of this, why? Why does he want to have the boy so badly? There shouldn't be anything but a mutual dislike between them. He shouldn't want any other except Yuki, yet Kiryuu has him wanting to possess the boy's mind, body and soul. To make the silverette completely his.

"You fucked up pureblood! What the hell was that Kuran!? Explain yourself you fuck!" Zero angrily hissed, he wanted to shoot the horny bastard, unfortunately he left Bloody Rose back in his room. Fucking bloodsucking-shit! What time is it?

Zero looked down to search himself, did he bring his phone? Then realized he also left his phone back at the dorms.

'I don't have time for this, I need to leave!' Zero panicked, then glared at Kuran with as much hate he could muster as he gracefully ran towards the railings, jumping over it whilst leaving behind words that greatly annoyed if not slightly amused the pureblood.

"Don't ever come near me you perverted bastard!"

'Pervert, huh? It's the first time I've been called that. Rightly so though I hate to admit.' Kaname thought, agitated fingers running through his brown locks.

How on earth did that situation escalate so quickly? Was it Zero's, no Kiryuu's changing scent that triggered it?

Kaname frowned, he needed answers. Soon he disappeared into a flutter of bats.

He had a hunter to catch.

A/N: Happy Halloween! Mwahahahaha! A new story, and I've yet to complete the others I've written...forgive me oh noble ones! #sorrynotsorry #joking lol

I wanted pretty lotus flowers mixed with Halloween and an online game I had played before, and it gave birth to this idea.

Tell me what y'all think bout it? I needed to write something more as to improve on my storytelling.