YWMChapter 1

Hello peoples okay so I've decided to fix up this story so that it doesn't look like a piece of garbage [in my opinion]. So give me some time to fix the whole thing and maybe it'll flow better and the grammars will be fixed. So enjoy!

Warning: Genderbending; fem Grell, fem Sebastian, Fem Alois parings; Ciel x Alois, and Claude x Sebastian enjoy!

Chapter 1:

Inside the Trancy manor we find the young platinum-blonde Earl staring down at his plate angrily, fiddling with his food. He was pretty upset since his last attempt to foil the Phantomhive brat was a complete and utter failure. No matter how close he got to making the boy his, he always seems to be one step ahead or he always wiggled his way out of his grasp. If it wasn't for that damn butler of his Sebastian, he would have had the other Earl by now, and said damn butler would be beyond miserable at losing his precious meal. At this thought the boy growled in frustration.

"Is something troubling you your highness?" Asked the earl's stoic dark butler. "As a matter of fact there is..." Said the boy as he somewhat calmly put down his fork, "I'm trying to figure out why it is that you can't seem to win against Sebastian, and why Ciel still hasn't submitted to me yet." He drawled in a pestered tone as he propped his elbow onto the table, with his hands clasped in front of his face. He darted his icy blue eyes toward his emotionless butler.

The tall golden eyed demon just darted his eyes back toward his master without an answer to divulge. The little brat then went into another one of his brief tantrums and threw a crystal cup of juice at Hannah. It hit her dead between the eyes causing her to fall backwards. One of the triplets Thompson immediate helped her to the kitchen while she held her bleeding forehead. After calming down the annoyed child just slumped back into his seat. 'I want Ciel to be mine...why can't I have him?' He thought as Claude, Timber, and Cantabury began cleaning up Alois' mess.

As he wiped up the juice from his master's spot at the table, Claude said "Your Highness if I may, I think the best solution to cripple Lord Phantomhive, is by crippling his strongest pawn." He said. This made Alois' eyes widen. "You mean to say we weaken his butler and then I'll have Ciel?" He questioned. With a nod Claude answered, "Precisely Your Highness." The blonde then thought about it for a moment and the more he pondered the suggestion the more brilliant it seemed to be. If they make it where Sebastian is in no condition to serve, or protect Ciel the dark blue-black haired boy would be left vulnerable. This suggestion made the young Earl giggle maniacally, it was absolutely perfect. However he stopped when he realized he had no idea how to "cripple" the raven butler or even what to cripple him with."How will we do it?" Asked Alois. Claude paused for a moment in thought. After cleaning the mess Claude opened his mouth to speak, "I-..." AHHHHHHHH! A loud feminine scream was heard from outside the manor.

"Claude what was that?!" Shrieked the frightened Earl. The butler immediately went out to check.

Beheld to the spider demon and Trancy servants was none other than the red haired gender confused reaper Grell Sutcliff. He was sobbing uncontrollably on the lawn of the estate like the heartbroken woman he thinks he is.

"Excuse me but what brings you to the Trancy Manor?" Claude asked realizing that the poor chap was a familiar face, and at the moment harmless. "Huh? I thought this place was abandoned." Said the confused Death God. "I thought Bassy got rid of you and that brat." He said. "Sebastian Michaelis did not manage to kill us, nor my master." Informed the butler. Apparently it's been a year since he and his master met the duo counterparts. Now the Guard dog and Spider were at the worst enemies, and bitter rivals at the best.

They managed to maintain as much dignity and grace toward each other in public and on their cases, but when face to face with one another alone, Alois was relentless in trying to claim younger Earl.

"Now, why have you come here?" Asked Claude. The reaper just started tearing up then cried again. By this time Alois had come out. He was somewhat standing behind Claude. "Huh? You again, what now?"Said an annoyed Alois. He remembered the obnoxious red head from the year prior, and how he tried to collect his soul, being near death at the time.

"That damn Undertaker, he tricked me into being his damn test subject!" He said he then pulled his red coat apart to reveal something that made Alois shriek in disturbance. The reaper had a pair of large breasts, about a size smaller than Hannah, and under the rest of the coat his hips were wider. The wannabe "actress" was now a true woman. "That crazy old geezer did this to me! It was just awful!" He-um-she cried.

Alois didn't even try to hold back his laughter at the reaper's expense, no longer was he in shock at the strange predicament now it was down right hysterical! "It's not funny you little git!" Yelled Grell. Claude who was unfazed by what was displayed just calmly pushed up his glasses and exhaled in exasperation. "I see so you've come to grieve." He said plainly. Grell immediately began snuggling up to the stern demon seductively. "Yes, what happened to me was absolutely horrible, but I'm sure the comfort of your strong arms will make it all better." Flirted the idiot. Alois soon stopped laughing and quickly became annoyed by the contact between the reaper and his butler.

"Honestly I can't even perform my duties as a reaper because of this, I mean really how can I enjoy the use of of my lovely scythe if I can barely hold it right?" The reaper complained as she drew circular patterns onto the butler's chest with her finger. Suddenly a light switched on in the blonde earl's head. "Wait you can't be a reaper because you're a woman now?" He asked. Grell then straightened up,"Oh please I can perform my duties but these keep getting in the way." Said the now she-reaper as she pushed up her very surprisingly nice rack. Alois pondered over this information.

"If that is the case then is there any other reason you're here...m-miss...?" Claude didn't even know if miss was actually appropriate but it seemed to be. "Sutcliff, Grell Sutcliff darling, charmed!" Giggled the feminized reaper as she winked little pink hearts at the tall dark butler. This made said butler's eyebrow twitch in annoyance. "Anyway, there isn't really any other reason. I went to complain about the matter to Will, but he told me that I should take some time off until I've sorted out my problem. Can you believe that? So I came here to be alone, believing that it was deserted and all." Pouted the frustrated tart.

Alois then got a brilliant idea on how he could cripple the Phantomhive butler. He began giggling wildly as he latched onto Claude's arm to ask, "Who did you say caused this problem of yours?" He asked half innocently and half sinisterly.

Poor Grell was a bit confused but nonetheless she reprised the name of the madman who humiliated her. Alois had the perfect idea of how to thwart the oh-so-perfect Phantomhive butler and demean him in the process. With a dark chuckle to himself the blonde whispered, "This is going to be fun." He and Claude later set out to see the Undertaker.


At Noon...

The Trancy boy and butler made their way through town silently, Claude was driving the carriage while inside Alois smirked to himself as he thought out his brilliant plan to make Ciel his. The Undertaker, informant for most of Alois' and Ciel's cases, had the key to his plan. Once he acquired it he would finally have his wish. Soon he felt the carriage stop. "We are here sir." Said Claude.

Alois hopped out with a spark of enthusiasm skipping up to the fairly large dismally spooky shop. Not many people would look so excited to walk into an undertaker's parlor, but then Alois Trancy wasn't most people. The bell jingled as the dark butler swung the door open for his master as he skipped into the shop before the immediately looking around for the reaper. As always the dark gothic setting of the shop was eerie and mysterious it didn't faze the blonde boy or his stoic butler one bit however, they were use to it and they were both pretty much mentally counting down the moments that it would take until the old reaper made his entrance.

"Well, well, well-if it isn't Lord Trancy come to vist mi' humble establishment." Said a darkly ammused voice from nowhere. Suddenly the creepy silver haired reaper made his appearance as he crawled slowly from behind one of his coffins. He gave a chilling laugh as the two looked at him with plain faces.


"So what brings you here lord Trancy? I doubt ye' came for information on any murders, so what can I do for you?" Asked the giddy reaper as he took a bite of one of his bone shaped cookies, which he shared with the boy. "A person by the name of Grell Sutcliff was at my mansion. I've encountered him before but I distinctly recall him being male. When I found him at the estate he was-er...female." Said Alois before taking a short sip of his tea from a glass beaker. The Undertaker then bursts out laughing uncontrollably. "Ah ha ha ha ha ha!-ah! What a good bit of fun that was, it was quite the laugh!" Said Undertaker.

"It was quite hilarious." Giggled the blonde boy as he recalled his earlier amusement to the red haired reaper's predicament. "I am curious to how you were able to do it?" He asked innocently. Undertaker took a pause before reforming his wicked smile and crooking a long black-nailed finger telling the Trancy boy to follow him.

Alois obeyed and let the silver haired man lead the way while Claude followed silently. Some moments later they reached a small wooden door in the back of the shop. After unlocking the skull lock with a skeleton key, he opened the door slowly revealing a large collection of various bottles all labeled and corked. The old reaper scanned the bottles with a long hum, until he found the one he was looking for. "Heh heh heh, this is the one miLord!" He said holding up a round red bottle. "What is it some form of potion I assume?" Said Alois. "Of a sort miLord, it is water actually. I added some flavor to it but it is merely water." Alois straightened back with both hands to his hips in annoyance disappointed by what he had come to learn. "That's it? A bloody bottle of water? How could that have done anything?" He demanded feeling as though this whole thing was meant to waist his time. "Ah but it's not just any water Lord Trancy. This water comes from a hot spring deep within the mountains of the old babylonian ruins where a Goddess was said to have cursed the water, and turn any man who drank or bathed in it into a woman. I almost didn't believe it mi'self but it worked extremely well on the red head. I've never had such a glorious laugh before in mi' life!" Mused the Undertaker.

Alois was somewhat still skeptical but after seeing the affects of this concoction it must've been true. "Why ever were you curious to know of this miLord? Could it be that you were hoping to use it for youself?" He quiried slyly. "Well-Yes, not on myself of course but to inflict a similar hilarity onto someone else." He answered. This got the Undertaker intrigued. "Really now? Is it Earl Phantomhive?" He guessed. "Close, it's his butler I wish to use it on." He said with a wicked smile.

The elder reaper let out another high pitched chortle at this. Oh how amusing would it be to see the infamous perfect butler in such astonishment at being turned into a woman. "That would be far more amusing than my other test dummy! I'll give you the concoction if you let me assist, I must see it all unfold for miself!" Cheered the Undertaker. "Deal" said the young Trancy Earl.

This was it soon Once Sebastian drank the cursed water he won't stand a chance against Claude, thus Ciel would have no one to protect him but those pathetic human servants of his, and after they were dead the one-eyed Earl would have no choice but to submit to the blonde's whim. Sebastian will have to watch his precious meal go to waist and there'd be nothing he could do to stop it. He couldn't wait his excitement grew as he giggled at the swishing liquid contents inside the bottle. Its red illuminance from the dim amount of light shined with sinister intent.

"Claude do we still have those blueprints of the remodeled Phantomhive mansion?" Alois asked gleefully. "Yes I acquired them after our last encounter with Michaelis and his master." Claude responded. Alois nodded then said, "Use them to get into the mansion then plant the bottle. Undertaker you can assist Claude however you can just don't get caught." He ordered. The spider demon bowed as he responded with, "Yes you Highness." After that the young Earl set a time when his butler could meet with the reaper and plant the concoction without being detected preferably when Sebastian is off the premises.

Once the plan was set the Trancy boy and butler were off sending a gleeful greeting the reaper's way before driving off in the carriage. The Undertaker waved goodbye as well until they were out of view from where he stood outside his shop. He then went back inside and pulled the bottle of feminizing liquid back out of the little cupboard and went to work on his half of the plot. He proceeded to mix the fruity smelling water with some grape juice in a wine bottle. He swished it around thoroughly before corking it and putting somewhere safe.

He then smiled wickedly before taking out another bottle and mixing the water with the soapy contents in it before corking it up again and dancing around like a madman. "Oh what joy! Such a good bit of fun to fool Sebastian so easily!" He sang. He then held the new bottle up to his face and said in a near whisper, "...But to fool you as well Lord Trancy is twice the fun.

To Be Continued...

Okay hope this is a little better please review and please no flames. I'll update as much as I can so tuned!

-Anjie-Kun Out!