Strange Sensation Chapter 11

Ichigo POV:

Honestly, I can't believe that jackass did that in my sleep! What a fuckin' perv! Ughhh, I'm not really mad at it though.

Grimmjow left a few hours later, telling me that he'll be staying with Urahara. That meant I could see him anytime. I had no idea that Urahara and my dad put all that together last night while I was passed out. Everything seems to be working out great.

The next morning, I carried on as I always did. I got up, took a shower and got ready for school. Though...I was a little sorer than usual. On my way, I stopped at a jewelry store, something caught my eye in the window. I stuffed it in my back pack and kept on walking. I wonder if he'll like it. It's not much. I just want to show him how thankful I am that he came to my rescue. I hope it's not too weird, especially after last night.

My thoughts trailed off when I arrived at school. The second I walked into the classroom, Orihime leaped into my chest embracing me. "I'm so glad you're okay Ichigo." She cried. I just stood there dumbfoundedly. "What do you mean Orihime?" I asked as I pulled her off of me. "I heard about what happened from Urahara. He wouldn't tell me much, just that you were attacked." A bit of relief washed over him when Orihime told me she didn't know the details. "I'm fine, really Orihime." I assured her. She nodded and sighed in relief.

"Hey, Ichigo." I heard Rukia and Renji say as they walked up to me. Along with Chad and Uryu.

"Hey, guys. You're here too?"

"Ya, after that crazy reiatsu appeared yesterday it damn near caused an earthquake, so we came to make sure everything's alright." Renji explained.

"Yes, that reiatsu was strange. It almost felt like an arrancar. I heard you were in the middle of it Ichigo. Are you alright?" Uryu asked.

"Ya I'm fine. All that spiritual pressure did knock me out though." I said.

"Well that figures." Rukia chimed in. "Do you know what it was?"

I kind of laughed nervously and just to brush the question off but Uryu wasn't having it. "You know something, don't you!" He scolded me.

"Ya, so what if I do know somethin' about it!" I bantered back. Our foreheads practically pushing each other back and forth.

"Do you have any idea how worried we were after hearing you were in the middle of all that? You don't have your spiritual powers anymore, so you could have gotten really hurt!" He tried to disguise it, but I could hear the sense of worry in his voice, just a little.

"Jee, Uryu you keep talkin' like that and I might actually think you care about me." I smiled as he blushed in embarrassment, turning around quickly.

"Of course, I don't." He said, adjusting his glasses.

We all laughed and took our seats before the teacher walked in. "Alright class, we have a new student that will be joining us today." She exclaimed happily. "Come on in please." She shouted, and the door slid open. I turned to look to see who it was, and my mouth just fell open. I could feel the tenseness in the room and my heart stopped.

Oh fuck!

The teacher welcomed him and motioned him to stand in front of the class. "Tell us your name." She asked, fawning all over him.

"Grimmjow Jeagerjaques."

Grimmjow POV:

Yesterday evening.

"Now, since you're staying here let me lay down some ground rules." Urahara exclaimed. "Every morning you'll have a set of chores to do."

"Ya, ya." I annoyingly said.

"The only time you're allowed to fight is in the training area, located in the basement."

"Fine." I grunted, sipping some milk.

"And finally... you have to go to school every day."

Milk splatters everywhere and starts chocking. "WHAT?!"


Damn, this really sucks! I can't believe that bastard's makin' me come to this lousy school. Half of this class is made up of fuckin' soul reapers. What a fuckin' pain.


I looked over to the right and saw Ichigo completely shit shocked, practically sweating. It's not like I coulda told him about this. It's not like I knew what that sneaky little bastard was gonna make me do. I hope he's not too pissed at me.

I could see Ichigo start to bury his face in his hands trying to find himself. That's when an idea hit me. I did tell him I was still gonna make his life a living hell and I plan on keepin' my word. I feel a smirk start to crack through my face. This game is still on.

Ichigo POV:

No, no, no, no, no no...Ah man, this is really bad. What the hell is he thinking?

I was practically beating my forehead with my fist. Dammit, why is- Suddenly I felt a sharp pull against the back of my head. Grimmjow had just ran his fingers through my hair and pulled it back to ware I was looking up at him. Everything happened so fast I didn't time to react before he pressed his lips to mine and stole a kiss. Right. In. Front. Of. Everyone. My life's completely over.

When he released me the whole class was gasping and freaking out. The teacher was fogging her glasses. Grimmjow winked at me and then took a seat in the back of the classroom. Everyone was looking right at me. I just sunk in my chair and placed my hand over my face wanting to die.

That was so embarrassing.

Immediately after class I was bombarded by the others demanding answers. I was completely surrounded. My life's a living hell. Why did he do that? I could practically feel my soul leaving my body before Rukia smacked it back in with her red glove. "I knew you were hiding something Ichigo!" Uryu yelled. "So I was right, there was an arrancar! And Grimmjow at that!"

"Come on, spit it out Ichigo! What the hell's going on?!" Rengi asked angrily.

"Just let it go!" I squealed.

"Ichigo he just kissed you and you did absolutely nothing!" Rukia protested.

The entire classroom had pretty much cleared out besides us and Grimmjow still sitting in the back watching all the commotion, probably smirking. That bastard. I can't believe he did this to me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Chad staring at Grimm, not saying anything. His face began to soften and then he returned his gaze to me. "I understand, Ichigo." Everyone now stared at Chad.

He stood his ground, tall and firm, not breaking eye contact. The right of him I could see a small smile curve Orihime's lips. She didn't seem upset by any of it. Maybe a little shocked, but more so than anything...she seemed happy. "Orihime, get a hold of yourself. Don't be distracted by two incredibly attractive guys kissing, this is actually a serious matter." Rukia said slightly blushing.

"You're the one whose distracted!" Uryu proclaimed. "Your face is red!"

Rengi put his hands on Rukia's shoulders. "Oi, Rukia snap out of it." He said, slightly shaking her.

Just then, Orihime started to move. Everyone all turned to stare. She slowly walked over to Grimmjow who was leaned back against his desk. He watched Orihime closely as she approached him. She stopped directly in front of him, her hands folded in a prayer manor over her skirt. Grimmjow gave her a slight snarl but Orihime just smiled. A moment later and Orihime said, "Welcome back, Grimmjow" and reached out to touch him.

He caught it softly as he begun to stand, never taking his eyes of hers. Once he fully stood he took a deep breath and uttered the words, "Thank you." Her smile returned and Grimmjow walked away. He just left.

After things started to calm down I told them what happened. How those men picked a fight with me, how they spat on me...and how they tried to rape me. I told them that it was Grimmjow that saved me and came to my rescue. My words were soft and broken. Tears began to form, but I wouldn't let them fall. My body was just shaking timidly. Then, I felt the warm embrace of every single one of them reaching their hands out and touching me, hugging me. That's when I knew...everything's gonna be alright.

I didn't see Grimmjow for the rest of the school day. He left without saying a word to me.

Grimmjow POV:

After I walked out I found myself in the school yard looking back up in the window of the classroom. There I saw Ichigo's friends embracing him and that girl shedding a single tear with a smile still on her face. At that moment, I knew there was something I had to do...

Ichigo POV:

After school, Orihime, Tatsuki, Chad, Uryu, Renji and Rukia and I found ourselves at the park. It was so nice out. There was a cool summer breeze whistling through the grass blades where I sat on a hill. My weight resting on my hands and extending my legs. I leaned back ever so slightly and enjoyed the view. Renji was gently wrestling with Rukia and tossing her around. I wonder if Rengi will ever tell her. My mind wondered as I watched my friends.

Chad and Uryu were training and Orihime and Tatsuki were playing frisbee. Everything just seemed to peaceful. I couldn't think of a happier time then at this moment. Slowly I leaned back against the soft grass, taking in a deep breath of fresh air and closing my eyes. A shadow soon hovered over me blocking the sun, so I looked up. Grimmjow was standing behind me. "Yo," He greeted. I smiled before I scowled at him. "I'm still mad at you." I made aware as I sat up and turned my head away. He smirked and sat down behind me, spreading his legs apart and pulling me back down. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. "I know," He started, "that's why I have a surprise for you."

I blinked in confusion, looking back up at him. "You'll see." He said, still smirking. We sat there cuddled against each other watching everyone. A few minutes later, Tatsuki threw the frisbee at Orihime, but wind took hold and blew it toward the wood line. "I'll get it!" Orihime said laughingly, running towards the trees. When she knelt down to pick it up another hand reached out to grab it as well. Orihime gazed up and gasped.

There, knelt in front on her was a man. He had ghostly pale skin, shaggy black hair and large emerald eyes. He wore dark blue jeans and a white jacket. I leaned in closer, pulling away from Grimmjow's hold. My eyes widened, and my heart sank. "Is that..." I started. The man picked up the frisbee and stood, handing it out to Orihime. She just sat there, kneeling before him. I couldn't see her face, but I didn't have to, nor did I have to hear her sweet cry as she leapt into his arms.

Grimmjow pulled me close once more and said, "Ya, that's him. Espada number 4, Ulquiorra Cifer."

"He's alive?" I spoke softly, "I'm so glad..." I inhaled deeply and letting it out as if a giant weight had been lifted off my shoulders. "Thank you, Grimm."

Grimmjow POV:

I could feel the light return to Ichigo's heart as I held him. Seeing Ulquiorra alive freed whatever thoughts of pain he was harboring deep within. Personally, I don't really give a rat's ass about Ulquiorra, but I wanted to make Ichigo happy. I wanted that burden of his death and taking away whatever happiness that girl could have had with him disappear. And maybe it was my silent way of saying thank you to that girl. I guess the little princess ain't so bad.

After a moment of watching, Ichigo turned towards me and rested his head on my shoulder. I stroked the back of his head lightly. "I have something for you too," He said as he raised his head and crawled over to his bag, rummaging through it. He came back and handed me a small thin black box. "For me?" I asked confused. He got me something? No one has ever given me a gift before. I studied the box for a minute, looking at it closely.

I lifted the lid and inside was a silver chain with a pendent. Number 6. I took it out and held it up to my face. It's pretty. I could feel a light flush of warmth in my cheeks as I stared at it and a small smile start to spread across my face. Ichigo carefully grabbed the necklace from my hand and swung it around my neck, clasping it shut. "I love it." I said, placing a soft kiss on Ichigo's lips. "And...I love you too Ichigo."

His gazed widened and his cheeks flushed pink. A second later, his lips were pressed firmly against mine, leaning me back against the grass. His hand curled through my blue hair as we continued to kiss. When he pulled away, I found myself in slight shock and gazing into those sexy brown eyes. His orange hair rested on his eyelids. "You asshole..." He started. "I wanted to be the one to say it first."

I'm so glad. I leaned in slowly for another kiss. Ichigo...though our time as enemies is what brought us together...I wouldn't change a thing...Because...I flashed back to the times we was during those fights that I grew to have feelings for you. Each time our swords crossed, and our blood was shed I became more and more intrigued by you. You, a measly shinigami, had somehow manage to steal my once hollow heart. I will love you and keep protecting you until our time on this earth is finished...and even then... we will still be together.

The End.

Aww, it's so sad to see stories end. I personally really do like this ending. Who knows, maybe I'll do a spin off or something. Anyway, thank all of you for reading my story and enjoying it. Or I'm assuming you enjoyed it if you made it all the way to the end lol. Anyway, If you guy's like NARUTO I have a great fanfic called MONSTER if you'd like to check that out.

Strange Sensation is the first story I posted on here. I just went back and did a little editing. MONSTER is something I would highly recommend. It is a slow burn but it's filled with action, romance, friendship and lemons of course. I took these characters and put them in a darker world, each character may go through things that you've never thought about. Their character arches are truly something special and I'd be honored I you would be willing to go check it out!

Sorry for the ramble lol. You guys are AWESOME!