It rarely happened, but tonight was one of those nights, one of the nights where Stephanie almost got to feel like a Robin again. She and Batman were on patrol together, or well had ended up together after a gang-war between the gang that Steph was tracking and the one that Batman had been on. Plus Damien was off with Dick in Bludhaven, so that meant just her and the bat themselves.

"So…" Unused to patrolling with Batman, she was even less used to hesitating about what to say.

With his usual mind-game business, Bruce seemed to read her thoughts, "Don't tell me you're still worrying too?"

"Well you were without a soul apparently." She answered with a shrug.

"Apparently." Batman repeated, deadpan. Steph snorted a little laugh and pushed at him. Unmovable as always and yet far too quick for being an old man as he plucked at her hair and spun her around for good measure.

Stephanie was surprised, Bruce never messed around when they were in costume! But how fun! She pushed at him again, this time ready for his response. Grabbing and hanging on to his arm when he reached for her, feeling childish glee at being lifted for a moment. "See, I'm fine, blondie." He told her softly.

"Yeah…" She smiled, releasing him and following as they jumped off one roof and on to another, sweeping the streets. Not much going on tonight, probably the gang war was enough for once...

"THAT'S ENOUGH." A voice bounced off the walls from one of the projects, it wasn't a scream and yet this voice was booming. Batman and Batgirl both stopped, looking down to see a woman who stood above two grown men with her hands on her hips. "You're waking the children, go have your drunken fight somewhere else." She snarled.

"Eh?! You bitch-!" One of the men started to protest, but the words died on his lips when she slammed her foot between his legs, just inches from his crotch.

"I said, go away." Her voice was steel. And her look must've been equally powerful as the two men lumbered to their feet and then skulked away.

Stephanie let out a small whistle, impressed by this woman who wasn't afraid to stand her ground like that. "Looks like she doesn't need help, huh Batman?"

Batman was silent, still looking down as the woman gave a cursory glance about, even up towards them, before she went back inside. The bat was still so quiet, so focused, "B?"

Finally Bruce spoke, more like murmured, "It's her."

Author's note:So yeah, maybe Batman was a little OOC in this one? I dunno- but its my sucky fic so I can do what I want! XD

Anyways, yes that's the end...(for now? maybe?) ... Thanks all for reading and double thanks to those who reviewed! Hope it was semi-fun! :)