This Chapter is obviously rushed I know. But there'sschool tomorrow and most likely there will be a ton of homeworks to do and I don't want to delay this any furthur (I am very well aware of how it feels to not receive update for a very very long time)

And thank you for the favorites an follows, hope you enjoy (Mostly Unedited)

Albus Dumbledore is a man of great wisdom and knowledge, and it is in his wisdom that when the Dark Lord attacks the family of the Chosen Boy, said family would die. Of course this was a pessimistic expectation but if one was talking about the Dark Lord, even the most pessimistic person would be shocked when it comes to Tom Riddle. So to see the Potter family alive and well (save for the slight trauma that their four year old son had suffered) surprised him.

They had not been expecting a betrayal from Pettigrew, but Albus knew that no matter what, prophecies will and can do the impossible. The Longbottoms had been spared as well, with the exception of the unfortunate death of Augusta Longbottom when she threw herself infront of her grandson just as Bellatrix Lestrange had casted an Avada Kedavra. The Longbottoms were happy to see their son alive but just as dismayed at the premature death of his grandmother.

Lily Potter was crying with both relief and terror when she along with the rest of the Potter family and Sirius Black presented to Dumbledore's office that same night. Bundled up in her arms was a little baby boy named Harry Potter, the boy who saved the Wizarding World from what may have been eternal damnation.

James, who was carrying Charlus did most of the explaining on behalf of his wife who was still shaking with fear for she had witnessed the casting of the Killing Curse itself on her son unable to do anything to help since she herself was under the Cruciatus Curse.

Lily tried to explain the bundled up memories, about the ebony shield which spread glowed when the green lights of Avada Kedavra deflected off of it and back to its caster and the figure cloaked in black robes standing beside her observing the scene but not even the Greatest Wizard alive (save for the Master of Death) could comprehend this.

They tried using a pensieve but that too had failed, for everything was muddled up and blurry.

After a while they had dropped the subject and settled in basking the peace that came with the death of Lord Voldemort with Dumbledore saying that in time the secret shall be revealed and to enjoy the tranquility while it lasts for he feels that this peace is merely a short break, a recess in the wild flurry of school, the calm before the storm.

Both Wizards and Witch from every corner of the world cried in joy and celebrated the death of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. They praised Harry Potter- whom they now refer to as The-Boy-Who-Lived as the Hero who vanquished the Dark Lord. Toasts were made to a baby who was aware not of what he did, and the Potters were forced to leave the sanctuary of their cottage in Godric's Hollow and back to Potter Manor much the James' displeasure.

"This place is way too large for my liking" he complained, all the while Transfiguring some items to be more 'modern' as he called it. "Come off it, Prongs. This place is home" Sirius grinned as he settled himself on the comfy loveseat which he always used to sit on when he was still living with the Potters. Well he still is now.

James snorted at that but said nothing as Lily made her way to him with baby Harry in her arms. Lily's protectiveness over their youngest son shot from 99 to 9000 the moment Lord Voldemort had entered their home in Godric's Hollow, she seemed to be attached to the baby and it was getting in Charlus' nerve.

"James" she said softly to him, motioning towards the baby in her arms and to him. James sighed and ran a hand in his hair (that habit did never cease when they graduated from Hogwarts) very much stressed. He wanted to refuse but the look on Lily's green eyes made him halt and oblige, taking Harry into his arms.

Lily was paranoid, James could understand that, she didn't want to leave their son alone with no one to look out for him. But sometimes it exparated him to no end, he could just see how wrong this will turn out if she keeps up with this protectiveness. Their baby boy would grow from the frail child who was attacked by the very being of evil itself to a young man tasked to save the world. The boy would soon grow tired of the nagging and blow up or grow up to be spoiled, James didn't know which one was worse.

But for now, he would be patient with her. After all, if his bad habit of rumpling his hair didn't cease when they had left Hogwart's roof. His love for her most certainly didn't.

Young Severus Snape was relieved from his job as a spy as well, with Dumbledore calmly explaining to those who had the rights to know (that included the Potters, the Longbottoms and other wizarding families who had played vital roles in the war) about Severus' job as a spy for Lord Voldemort and how he had supplied Dumbledore with precious information that had saved countless of lives.

They did not wish to make this revelation too detailed in the face of the public and only gave the Daily Prophet sufficient information that the remaining Death Eaters would just think of this as Severus' way to thwart the light. He was offered a position as the Potions Master of the school and had the honor the relieve Horace Slughorn from his post.

And though he did everything- spying on the Death Eaters and sacrificing his happiness for Lily Evans Potter, Severus did not continue to pursue his love for her and was content in knowing that his dear best friend was happy in the arms of James Potter (though he still held some seeds of bitter resentment towards the man) and tried to settle down in life as well.

Everyone was at peace,they lavished in the illusion that the Order had cast upon them that the Dark Lord was no more because like most Witches and Wizards the Order members also wanted a break from the fight, they wanted time to grieve for their fallen family members and even if that means sleeping under the charm of a one year old boy they did so.

This was what they all thirsted for for a long long time and Merlin be screwed if they let this moment slide out of their grip.

Narcissa Malfoy watched contently as her two sons and one daughter darted the fields of grass with their arms held up to the sky and giggles evident even from where she and her husband sat. Flowers blossomed in this field, daisies and dandelions alike, even a couple of poppies were adding colour to the scenery. It was what the Malfoys wanted for their children.

After they had recieved the dreadful news of their Master's fall in battle, they had immediately fallen back from battle to check on their sons. Make sure the light wizards haven't got to them, of course they would be aware that they would know if someone did break into their house but both husband and wife couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong.

Upon arriving at the scene, there was nothing of course. They found their two sons sleeping next to each other peacefully, entangled in each other's limbs with Draco's voice evidently ringing but not loud enough to wake his brother up apprently.

Lucius had claimed (along with the generous amount of donation to the Ministry) that his awful actions were not in fact his but from an Imperius Curse that the Dark Lord supposedly cast on him and his wife, of course it worked wonderfully given his wealth and it wasn't long before his case was dropped and they moved on to the next Death Eater in question.

Of course the Light wizards weren't just going to let this go, they know that he was under no curse and acted upon his own will. And even though Lucius would claim that he regretted doing so, the Light would want to plant revenge on him. They would not listen to a man who changed his views of the world the moment he became a father to two and now to three. No, they only care about their own selfish need of revenge and had not it in them to forgive him.

So, after all that Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy wasted no time in Strengthening their wards even more and letting no one save for those they really trust (Severus for example, as the man had been named Godfather to all of their children) even set a foot in their fields.

Eight years had passed by and in those eight years were probably the best days of Narcissa's life. They had been blessed with yet another child, this time a daughter whom they named Danae. The boys' reaction to an additional roommate was memorable (though they now had a room of their own).

Deimos acted like he knew what to do and what not to do. 'Smart child' Narcissa had once mused, thinking that it was probably because he had to deal with a more childish Draco all the time that Deimos had learned to mature. He acted like the perfect big brother to the new addition in the family.

Draco however, was more displeased than happy. He was used to being in the centre of attention and now that a little baby (who came from out of nowwhere mind you) had come and took all of the attention away. Even Deimos'! And his twin always paid him attention!

He stomped his feet and huffed, claiming that no he did not want to see the new baby. But after a few days (months) he did give in. That's not saying that it had been easy though..

It was Sunday morning and Draco was more than eager to have this day all about himself, no ickle little babies in the way. He shudderd at the thought of his new baby sister who barged in his perfect life and ruined everything. For the first nine months, Father paid more attention to the growing bump on Mother's belling, whispering sweet things to it as if the bump could actually hear it! And what made him more enraged was that those things were supposed to be said to him.

But he didn't mind it that much, okay Father is probably just joking around and that bump in Mother's belly will go away soon like some kind of disease. 'That's probably it' he told himself, it was just a disease and Father was making it go away with the sweet words because that thing was so dreadful that it hated anything sweet.

However, after those nine months, out came a little devil spawn if he may say so himself. He never really got to see what his sister looked like, but he knew that no matter what he will always be the most charming one in his family. Even Deimos said so. But even his own twin his own half had paid more attention to the new family member instead of playing with Draco.

Deimos held their baby sister in his arms, cradling her gently with Father's support and giving her cooes, Draco was enraged how dare she? No! How dare it!

He walked across the hall, humming happily to himself. Surely his brother would still be asleep now, and then Draco would pounce on him and demand that they play outside before his older twin could go even near Danae. 'A pretty name for the bane of darkness nothing more' Draco once thought to himself.

Much to his surprise though, his brother wasn't in the room, 'Nor is he in the bathroom' Draco added as he burst in said room after harrassing the door by pounding on it five times. 'It's impossible, Deimos usually sleeps until eight' he says to himself internally as he walked down the hall.

Everything was eerie silent, which could only mean that everybody else was already downstairs... Only one way to find out. "Dobby!" he sneered at the house-elf, "What can Dobby do for young Master Malfoy, sir?" the house-elf asked inquirely, rubbing his hands together in an attempt to ease his nervousness.

"Where is my brother?" He demanded, barely being able to restrain himself from screaming out in frustration because 'Malfoys don't do such disgraceful things nor do they stomp their feet when they want something' his Father had said to him scoldingly.

"Young MasterMalfoy is in the Dining room with Mistress Malfoy, young Mistress Malfoy and Senior Master Malfoy sir" Dobby answered immediately, cowering in fear. Draco was not as kind as the other family members. Even more so when his sister arrived. But what do you expect from a child who had his way everytime he wanted something?

This time, Draco could not supress the growl that emmitted from his throat. 'So they were having breakfast without him now.' he raised a hand, motioning for the dismissal of Dobby and said house-elf did so willingly without another word.

He couldn't help the tears that made his eyes sting, was his family ignoring him now? In favor of the new family member? Fine, if they were going to play this game of ignoring one another, then he was up for it.

Without another second thought, Draco had turned around and stomped back to his room. Slamming the door loudly which caused the sound to reverberate all over the hall and locked it. He fell down face first to his bed, unable to to stop the tears and sobs as they wracked through his body.

Oh yes, Draco had been extremely difficult to handle but now, looking at the scene before her. Narcissa could say that her two younger children were closer than ever. Even more closer than the twins themselves, though you could barely see the difference.

She set her cup down gently, as she thought of her older son. Deimos was a strange child, in a good way. Too smart for his own good yet at the same time, too detached. He played with his younger siblings as though he had already matured. He let them win purposefully and let them be the 'hero' and he an 'enemy' in their roleplays when most kids would fight over the title of being the protagonist of the story.

He hadn't reacted the same way as his twin did when he was presentedwith a baby sister. Instead of being envious like Draco or nervous to handle such a fragile creature. He merely looked at the baby with a curious look on his face and asked if he could hold her.

He was no normal child yet... When Narcissa is extremely close to confirming that. Something always happens which makes her think twice about her suspisions. Once in one of their training in manners and ettiquette, the boy had managed to perfectly pour wine in a golden glass and cork said wine and put it back to the shelf.

Then as he made his way to his Father who was on the other side of the room, he met Narcissa's calculating gaze and literally tripped over nothing, drenching both his white robes and the carpeted floor.

Narcissa tried to tell herself that it was distraction which had plagued the boy but furthur 'accidents' made her think twice about that voice in her head as well.

"Something bothering you, my sweet?" Lucius Malfoy asked her worriedly, closing his hand over hers which was set on the table. Narcissa felt herself blush at the cheesiness as she shook her head. There was no use in doubting her own child, instead, she should praise whoever it is up there for giving her such a fine son. "Just thinking" she responded just as sweetly.

Lucius caught her eye and a spark of recognition ignited in his as he nodded, smiling to himself as well. For a moment there he had been worried when Narcissa had suddenly stopped talking and seemed to wander off into space. He should know by now that his wife would tell him if something was ever wrong, especially if it concerned their family.

The Dark Lord was gone at last and even though he knew it truly wasn't the end of his Master, he was going to bask in the sense of peace that his death had brought. Even if it means turning away from reality to live in the made up world the rest of the Wizarding community had constructed.

Believe him when he says he still hated Blood traitors and Mudbloods, wanting to erase them from the face of the Earth. They did not deserve to exist. However, if ignoring the filth which had put stain upon the world's white sheets is what it costs to be with his family then Lucius would gladly take that deal. There was nothing more important to him and his family.

He was still loyal to Voldemort, though not as much as before because family comes before anything else. He would and will not let any harm be done to them, even if it means throwing himself down the Dark Lord's feet and begging for the Cruciatus Curse.

This was what they all needed, light and dark wizards alike. A break, for the war had taken more than what they had offered and what they needed was some time to think. Some time to settle things down, to mourn, to heal, to live in this wretched world. No one would dare to destroy this tranquility, until the Dark Lord himself would inevitably come and do so. This was an illusion, yes, but this illusion is what the battle worn Witches and Wizards thirst for.

Even for just a litte bit, they want to rest. Lucius Malfoy along with many others who had sworn their alleigances were no exceptions.