
I wrote this as a way to cure writer's block and ended up liking it. Hope you enjoy :) It's short but it's only the prologue. Later chapters will be in first person, alternating POV's.


Ana had a crush, a big crush. The object of her affection was not the most popular boy. He mostly kept to himself, but that only made him even more attractive in her eyes.

When she became aware of this crush, a dilemma began to form. She was not really friends with Christian. She only knew him primarily because his locker was adjacent to hers but also because she sat next to him in art class. So she resorted to eavesdropping, and in this way, she pieced together his schedule, and gained other personal information. Among other things, she learned that Christian hated peas when a friend of his named Jack came up to him eating a potato salad topped with eggs and peas.

Seeing him day after day by the lockers was not enough for Ana, but what else could she do? She wasn't one of those outgoing girls with loads of admirers of the opposite sex at their heels. In fact, not one of her friends was a boy so she didn't have the faintest idea what boys were really like. That's why it was so hard to talk to Christian and admit her love.

And then she made the mistake of asking her mother for advice. "You're just a baby," she'd laughed, throwing her head back with utmost delight. And then, to add insult to injury, she even had the nerve to suggest she ought to be playing with Barbies like the good little girl next door.

One day, Ana got tired of waiting for prince charming to notice her. It was time to take action. Yes, she was going to write him a letter. It was the perfect way to at least get his attention.

The thing was, a regular letter wouldn't do. She didn't even had the courage to give it to him directly. So she thought of an alternate method. She was going to write the letter and place it on her locker instead of his.

"To Christian, from your secret admirer."

She printed the words on the outside of the envelope, and stuck it on her locker after he'd left school. She made sure to wrinkle the envelope though as though to appear as though someone had stuffed it through the door even made a show of attempting to pull the envelope out of the slot the following morning when she and Christian arrived at their locker.

"Wh-what's this?" She wondered out loud, going through her locker and peeling off the letter in an obvious fashion. "Oh, I think it's for you."

Christian glanced down at it, half-astonished, half-drowsy, it was morning after all. Besides, he was a growing boy who needed all the sleep he could get.

"Is it a love letter?" She added with enthusiasm but he was too bewildered to notice. Why would anyone go to all the trouble of writing him a letter and stuff it in the wrong locker?

He opened it and began to read it silently.

Dear Christian:

You're the most attractive boy I know. You're my crush, I just wanted to know I think about you all the time. I hope one day you think of me as much as I think of you,

With all my love,

Your secret admirer.

Christian chuckled. "A secret admirer!"

Ana was mortified and partially hid behind her locker door to hide the flush to her cheeks. Oh, no, He thinks my letter is ridiculous!

"Well, um, I know it's none of my business but maybe, um...I could help you find out who your secret admirer is."

Christian closed his locker and gathered his things, "maybe," he mumbled distractedly and was about to walk away when she spoke again, trying to appear nonchalant.

"Maybe you should try replying to it."

"Um. But how am I gonna give her my letter?"

Ana bit her lip. "Well, you could try and tape the envelope onto my locker door," she casually suggested.

"Maybe," he casually replied, swinging one strap of his backpack strap over his shoulder. He hesitated for a moment, watching her biting her lip like that did things to him that he couldn't quite understand. But he wasn't worried about that. Right now it was all about surviving seventh grade. And with that thought, he walked away, off to class.

She watched him walk away with a dreamy look in her eyes. He was so cute! She was going to marry him one day, and he didn't even know it, she giggled.


REVIEW if you like this. Yes, in this story both Christian and Ana are in 7th grade. Tentative plan: Later chapters will feature them in high school and then later as adults.