Lucy could feel someone looking at her after the match, it was pretty creepy, it was like they were following her wherever she went.

Lunch came, and Levy and Erza dragged her to meet their other friends

"Lu-chan! Meet Cana Alberona, she uses card magic, she in our class, you know the one drinking booze at the back, Cana, this is Lucy Heartfilia, the new transfer" A brown haired girl holding a bottle of beer greeted her "Heya, Lucy!" Cana slurred, Lucy smiled "Nice to meet you Cana-san" Cana grimace "Just call me Cana, Cana-san makes me feel old" Lucy giggled "Alright Cana"

"The girl with the short hair is Lisanna Strauss, she uses takeover: animal-soul, she a year lower from us, of course she's part of Fairy Tail, Lisanna, this is Lucy, she in our year" A short haired silvernette waved at her, she was grinning like crazy "Nice to meet you, Lucy-nee! Is it okay if I call you that?"

Lucy grinned "Sure! Can I call you, Lis-chan?" Lisanna nodded like a maniac, then a long haired silvernette joined them at the table.

"Mira-nee! Isn't my new sister adorable!?" Lisanna asked as she stuck to Lucy like glue, rubbing her cheek against Lucy's

"Lucy, meet Mirajane Strauss, she's a year ahead of us, she uses takeover: demon soul, and of course she's Lisanna's elder sister" Mira smiled softly, but she pouted "Lis-chan! Stop hogging Lucy-hime all to yourself!" Mira argued, Lisanna on the other hand just mocked her.

"Ehh? Lucy-hime?" Lucy was curious as to why she was given that nickname "It fits you perfectly! You look a princess out of a fairy tale! You're so adorable! I want to keep you forever!" Mira squealed.

Lucy looked at Levy, Erza, and Cana for help, but they were smiling too "Maybe, we should call you Lucy-hime! For now on! Your Fairy Tail's Lucy-hime!" Erza said her eyes were twinkling.

"Lucy-hime! Call me Mira-nee! Come on say it!" Mira was holding out a video camera 'How did she get that?' Levy, Erza, Cana, and Lucy thought.

Lucy shyly fidgeted in her sit, 'Now I know what Wendy feels like' Lucy lips quivered, "Miwa-nee" suddenly Mira got a nose bleed, Lucy just bit her tongue while speaking was too much for her.

Lucy blushed the same shade as Erza's hair "I so happy! I think I going to die! She too adorable!"

Then Cana finally went to rescue Lucy from the Demon Sister fawning over her "So Lucy, you used to attend Clover High, right?" Lucy nodded

"People there are so, SOOO so different from here, all they think is magic that and magic this, there a few people that are nice though" Lucy said

"Lis! You should have seen Lucy fight Yukino! She was amazing" Levy said

Lucy noticed Lisanna frown at the mention of Yukino's name "Don't talk about her in front of me!" Lisanna screamed and stormed off, but not before she hugged me "It's so nice to meet you, Lucy-nee!"

Mira sighed "She still hasn't let it go" Lucy tilted her her questionably, "What happened between Lis-chan and Yukino?" A moment of silence filled the table

Lucy bowed her head "I'm sorry! I don't have the place to ask that question!" Lucy apologized, Mira shook her head "No it's fine, it's just Lisanna used to be friends with Yukino, they were like twins until Yukino, she broke Lisanna's trust, and Lisanna's still healing, I feel bad that I couldn't do anything to lessen her pain"

Lucy's eyes saddened as she looked at Lisanna's retreating figure, then her Lacrima phone started to vibrate "Ahh gomen, I have to answer this" Lucy said and left their table.

With Lisanna ~~~

Lisanna was standing in a corner, near the area where Blue Pegasus students often sit down, she saw a certain archive Mage "Hibiki!" Hibiki smiled flirtatiously "Yes, M'lady?" Lisanna started to feel guilty "I want you to search about Lucy Heartfilia"

Hibiki just complied, after all, who wants to anger the Demon Mirajane's little sister, and Lisanna was the Demon in training "Lucy Heartfilia daughter of Layla and Jude Heartfilia, heiress to the Heartfilia Konzern, a powerful celestial magic user who obtained the Star dress in an early age, and that's what my magic can get"

"That's it! How about Clover High? She used to attend Clover High!" Lisanna said in frustration "It says that there wasn't a girl named Lucy Heartfilia who attended Clover High"

"How about a girl that looks like her?" Hibiki typed and found an article, when he pressed it, his magic began to haywire, "I'm sorry but someone is blocking my magic" Hibiki was panicking all his files were being copied as well.

Lisanna huffed and walked away, Hibiki on the other was terrified, a mark he knows all to well was flickering in the screen, Oracion Seis, 'Shit'

with Lucy~~~

"What do you want?" Lucy asked the person in the other line

"There's another attack, Wendy got hurt, she in a coma, Oracion Seis are serious this time, they're hunting you, Lucy"

Lucy's eyes widened "What!? When I get my hands on those assholes, I'll, grrr!"

"I'll be there in a moment" Lucy gritted her teeth

"Gate of the Portal! I open thee! Clover High!"

Lucy quickly went through the Portal and was greeted by the sight of Mystogan holding an unconscious Wendy.

"Analysis?" Lucy asked as she placed her hand of Wendy's head

"2 broken ribs, a busted lip, and a deep wound on the stomach" Mystogan said

"Shit! Gate of the Sky Dragon! I open thee! Grandeeney!" A tall woman with silver hair appeared in front of them, she was horrified by the sight of a bloodied Wendy.

"I'll make them pay for this" Lucy growled

"Lucy, it's time" Grandeeney said

A blue light radiated from one of her keys, a moments later, Ur appeared.

"Lucy, find my Apprentices, they'll be the key to finding Ultear, she is the one that can help you" Ur said with a serious face.

Lucy gave Grandeeney's key to Mystogan "Summon her when you need her"

"But Lucy-" Lucy shook her head "Don't worry, I still have Aceso, I'll be fine"

Lucy sadly smiled and kissed Wendy's forehead "Just take take of her"

Lucy went back to Fiore Academy, she just kept walking.