Jay tilted his pencil up and down repeatedly, lightly tapping it against the book he was attempting to read. He was trying to focus on the words, he really was, but his attention couldn't help but be drawn to the girl sat across from him, looking down intently at the thick, hard-covered book in her small hands. Her lips moved as she scanned the pages, silently reading the words in an attempt to make them stick in her mind. It didn't seem to matter how annoying his study-habits were, she never complained once, and that was one of the things that irritated him the most. It was wrong of him, to try and make her annoyed enough to show a little anger, but he couldn't help it. He needed to know if she was still in there somewhere.

It had only been a month since he'd brought Queenie to Auradon after she'd asked for his help, but it felt longer somehow. The girl he looked at now was nothing like the girl he'd brought with him. This particular girl was confident, happy and sane. She always made sure to look her best before heading to classes in the morning, and was friendly and polite to everyone she talked to. Not that she hadn't been that way before. Back when they'd been together on the Isle she'd still been polite and sweet, but she only talked to someone if they spoke to her first, and never walked right up to anyone unless she had to. This Queenie was every part a princess. She gracefully walked down the halls, her head held high with a smile on her face, like nothing could bring her down from whatever cloud she'd floated up to. Instead of wearing her hair down so that it covered her face, she now wore it up in a messy-yet-neat bun, her bangs tucked behind her ears. Her red dress was always ironed and clean, along with her suede black boots with a clear heel. She even put on make-up now, like all the other girls in Auradon. Jay couldn't deny that she was beautiful, she always had been, but the ever-present feeling of failure he got whenever he looked at her would always be a reminder. Very few knew why she like this, and he was unlucky enough to be one of those people.

Back when Fair Godmother told him she could help her, he believed her, and in some ways she had. Queenie was better than ever now, but it had come with a price. He could still hear himself shouting at both Ben and F.G. when she'd spelled Queenie, asking to know what the Fairy had done to his friend. The woman had told him that she did what she had for the good of the Kingdom, since Queenie was too broken and tainted to be released in Auradon without her 'aid'. He understood why she did that, but he didn't agree with it. Not one bit.


Queenie's voice pulled him out of this thoughts, and he stared at her. "Huh?"

The princess giggled. "I asked if you were okay? You looked like you were somewhere else for a sec'." She explained, putting her book down to concentrate fully on him.

"Oh, uh, just trying to study." He lied smoothly, knowing that telling her the truth would be much harder. "Can I ask you somethin'.?" The girl nodded in response and picked up her book, able to both listen to him and read. "Do you remember much from the Isle?"

His question caught her off guard, though she didn't seem too worried about it. Queenie shrugged her shoulders and paused in thought. "Not really. I remember my mom, and you and the others. I remember how bad it was there. Why? Are you thinking about it?" She asked him with slight worry.

"Yeah, I think about it sometimes." He wasn't lying this time. On the odd occasion he did think about the Isle, about how his dad was and if he was okay. He always would, since the man had raised him, even if he didn't do a very good job in the 'protective-parent' department.

"Me too. I mean, not all the time, since I'm glad I came here. Sometimes I think about my mom. I know she kicked me out and everything but...I don't know, I still care about her. Sounds stupid, right?" Queenie smiled shyly, and Jay shook his head.

"No, it's not stupid. It just means you're a good person." When Queenie smiled at his statement he felt even worse. He wanted to tell her, he really did, but he couldn't. He'd been sworn to secrecy by F.G. and he wouldn't break that promise. His worry for Queenie's mental health would always come first, no matter how bad he felt.


Both he and Queenie turned at the female voice, and while the princess smiled in greeting his eyes narrowed. What did she want now?

"Hey Uma, you here to study?" Queenie asked curiously, and the teal-haired girl scoffed.

"No way, I actually have to talk to Jay. D'you mind?" Uma said to Queenie with a sickly-sweet voice. The princess nodded and gathered her books without hesitation, pulling her backpack up onto one shoulder.

"I'll see you at lunch, okay?" She said, and Jay nodded.

When the Red Queen's daughter got far enough Uma took her place on the opposite side of the table, crossing her arms on the wooden desk to stare Jay down.

"Did you want something?" He sighed.

"Well that depends." Uma sighed loudly. "Have you told her yet?"

"Really?" Jay asked exasperatedly. "This again?" The witch tilted her head and stared, and eventually he caved. "No, I haven't told her. Happy now?"

"Oh, I'm fucking over the moon. Can't you tell?" Uma dead-panned, and Jay glared. "You have to tell her, Jay. She deserves to know."

"Why do you care?" He demanded, beginning to pack away his own things. "You don't even like her."

Uma pursed her lips. He wasn't right, but he wasn't wrong either. She hadn't liked Queenie too much back on the Isle, that was true enough. She thought the girl was weak, and her obedience was annoying unless she was benefiting from it in some way. However, while she sometimes lost her shit and liked to make people suffer, she'd never been cruel, and what Jay was doing to Queenie was exactly that. Uma didn't know all the nitty-gritty details, she didn't have to know, but what she did know she didn't like. Only after speaking to Queenie for the first time since seeing the girl in Auradon, and overhearing a rather intense conversation between Jay and Evie, she'd put some things together in her own head and deemed them true. After all, Jay never denied her accusations or thoughts on the matter, so she'd long since decided she was right.

"That doesn't matter." Uma finally exclaimed, drawing some attention from people passing by. A quick and angry look from her sent them scattering though, so she ignored them and turned back to her old 'enemy'. "She's going to find out eventually, wouldn't you rather she hear it from you?"

"What makes you think she'll find out?" Jay asked, and Uma rolled her eyes.

"She's a girl, Jay. We find out everything eventually."

"You think I enjoy this?!" Jay shouted, quickly lowering his tone as he took note of the very few people moving towards their next class. "You think I like seeing my friend walk around acting like someone else? I know it's not right, but she's happy. For the first time in maybe forever she's finally happy. Why can't you accept that?"

"Because while your little 'friend' is enjoying herself, my first mate is going crazy back on the Isle. He's going to come here eventually and, when he does, you'll regret this. She needs to know." The girl stated firmly.

"I'm not listening to this." Jay declared, banging his fist on the table and getting to his feet.

"You know I'm right!" She shouted as he walked away, his back to her as he quickly left.

Jay ignored her, instead staring down at his feet as he moved. He knew Uma was right, not that he'd ever tell her of course. Harry's invitation to come to Auradon had already been sent, since the pirates were a few of the last to be brought to Auradon, but a part of him hoped the psychotic teen would rip it up. Queenie was doing so well now, she'd settled into Auradon perfectly and she had so many friends surrounding her, he didn't want anything to risk that happiness. Another part of him, though, knew it wasn't all Queenie. It was a pretence. She wouldn't be the way she was if she knew everything, and he prayed that she wouldn't ever find out. He couldn't bare to see her the way she was before, so broken and empty, but he had to admit that the way she was acting now was no better. He really wished he'd made F.G. take away that damned spell and let Queenie stay how she was. No one deserved what Queenie went through on the Isle, but no one deserved what the Fairy had done to her either.

When the Fairy finished with whatever spell she was doing, she took her hands away from Queenie's head, quietly standing from the chair. The princess was sleeping now. Her face was calm, her eyes moving beneath her eyelids as she dreamt about something, or nothing. Her hair stuck to her forehead, sweat dripping down her cheek and neck. It'd been a long, hard process but it was finally done.

Jay withdrew his hand from Queenie's and gently lay it beside her, tucking her body in with a thin blanket. Her screaming had stopped a few seconds ago, and he was glad to see her getting some rest, but he couldn't stay again if it would always be like that. "Is she okay?" He asked with worry, carefully moving a few strands of wet hair from the girls face.

"She's fine, her mind's just resting. It's all done, she'll be right as rain when she wakes up." The Fairy reassured, and he nodded, his mind calming with relief.

"Did you take her pain?" Ben asked curiously, settling himself down at the foot of the bed.

"I did. And a few other things." The last part was a small mutter, but it was enough to have both Jay and Ben reeling. What other things?

"What do you mean?" Jay asked, a frown on his face.

Fairy Godmother took a deep breath and from the look she held, Jay knew it wasn't good. "In order to heal her completely, I had to remove a few memories."

The room was deathly silent. Jay could only stare in absolute grief and heart-break, while Ben seemed utterly confused.

"Her memories?" Ben spoke, since Jay appeared unable to do so.

"Yes. That girl has been through a good deal of hardship and, to calm her enough to consider her safe to be in Auradon, I had to hide a few things. Anything after the coronation, she won't remember. It's better this way." The Fairy seemed to be convincing herself more than them, but that did nothing to soothe Jay's sudden anger towards her.

"You can't just take away someone's memories." He exclaimed as hushed as he could. He didn't want to wake Queenie.

"I can and I did." Fair Godmother said firmly. It was the first time Jay had seen her show something other than cheerfulness, and he didn't like it. "You didn't see what I saw, young man. This girl did horrible things. It doesn't matter how she was raised or treated, no one should do anything so evil. I did what I did for the safety of everyone."

"Godmother." Ben gasped, his heart stinging with betrayal. He'd asked her to help, not take away something so important.

"Don't you look at me that way. It wasn't my decision alone. A council meeting was held, and we all voted. You have to understand, Ben, she was not in a good place. She would have been a danger to everyone and I feel we made the right choice. She'll be wonderful when she wakes, like a completely different person." Fairy Godmother explained as best as she could.

"Why wasn't I told about this meeting?" Ben demanded. "I'm the King, I should have had a right to vote as well."

"With all due respect, your highness, we felt you would be swayed by your friendship and relationship with them. You run this Kingdom now, and I know you want to do what's best for those on the Isle and I respect that decision, I even agree with it. However, we could not allow you to let your sympathy's take control."

"Who voted?" Ben asked, his tone softer than before.

"I did. The rulers of the other Kingdoms also voted against the young one, though her Aunt was the only one to disagree with the notion. It doesn't matter who did, or did not vote. It's done and it cannot be undone." Fairy Godmother sighed. "I'm very sorry, but this was the only way."

"Jay," Ben gaped once the Fairy left the room. "I had no idea, I swear if I knew-"

"It's okay." Jay assured the King, and friend. "Can you leave me alone, for a sec'?"

Thankfully, the King knew not to ask or say any more, so he left. Once he was gone Jay moved back towards the still-sleeping Queenie. He'd promised her that she'd be safe and he'd let her down...again. It wasn't his fault this time, though. He had no way of knowing what they'd do. Not even Ben knew. It didn't help calm that ache in his chest, though, if anything he felt worse.

"I'm so sorry Queenie."

Jay wandered about for a little while and eventually found himself in the cafeteria. He saw Queenie a little ways ahead, her books laid out in front of her as she occasionally looked up to talk to Jane and Lonnie. He'd been eager to tell her what happened when she finally woke up three days later, a pain in her head and no idea of how she ended up in the dorm room, but he didn't. The change in her was instant. When she eventually came to, she'd hugged him tight and asked what had happened. She'd never hugged him before, he could still remember the way she flinched away from his touch back on the Isle, and for once he was going to put her first. So he didn't tell her, and now here she was, absolutely content and loving her new life. Uma's sneaking and sly ways had put a bit of a bump in the road. He could only hope that the sea witch's daughter wouldn't tell the princess, and a part of him believed she wouldn't. Uma might not have enjoyed Auradon as much as they did, but even she knew that trying to change Queenie's mind back to how it used to be would be a dumb plan, one that would ensure she would end up back on the Isle again. It was a risky move, one he knew she wouldn't take.

Harry coming to Auradon was the worst thing that could ever happen. Even Jay could tell how obsessed Harry was back on the Isle with Queenie, and he knew for a fact that, if the pirate did come, he'd go straight for her and ruin everything she'd built. The former villain wished hard that the day would never come, that Harry wouldn't come to Auradon and would just stay where he was.

But that was a dumb wish. Harry would come. It was only a matter of when.


Gil ran as fast as he could down the streets of the Isle, his feet making a loud 'thump' with each leap and jump he made. Harry had sent someone to get him, and that person had made sure he knew it was important he come very, very quickly. So he did.

He soon made it to Ursula's shop and when he got to the doors he stopped, huffing as he caught his breath. He very rarely ran so quick, but Harry's temper wasn't to be messed with. It'd taken a small dive when Uma left, but then things got better. It was only after Queenie left that things truly went south, and fast. Gil was one of the lucky ones, he'd always slip up and say stupid things so Harry knew to expect it from him, and even though he got mad he didn't ever hurt him. However, anyone who so much as mentioned Queenie's name was beaten badly and locked up in the cells for at least two days. Harry was a good Captain, always making sure he came through for his crew and making sure he protected everyone that paid him, but something had changed after Queenie left. He'd stayed in his room for at least a week, no one knew what had happened to him, some thought he'd been drinking since they often heard yelling and crashing and other noises in the middle of the night, but once that week had gone by Harry came back out, much the same as he had been before, but something had definitely changed. If Gil could see it, then it must've been something drastic.

"Ye certainly took yer time." The Captain sang once Gil entered the shop.

"I came as quick as I could." The other boy replied defensively. The place was empty for once, so it seemed this wasn't a crew meeting. "What's wrong?"

Harry let out a loud laugh and Gil jumped, moving away from him without making it obvious. "A lot of things, Gilly-boy. But, it seems somethin' is finally goin' right." His reply was cryptic, and Gil had absolutely no idea what was going on...again.


Harry jumped up from his chair and dug his hook into the table. "We've been given a chance here, we're goin' to Bore-Adon."

"Really?! When?"

"Whenever I sign this letter, apparently." Harry shrugged, sitting back in his seat and crossing his ankles on the long table, holding the piece of paper in his right hand. "Uma says 'hi'."

Gil smiled widely. "How's she doing?"

"Eh, she's all right I suppose. Give this a read, will ye? Out loud." Harry slid a smaller letter across and Gil picked it up, noticing the way it was crinkled.

"Harry, you better be taking care of the crew and the ship, if you haven't I'll throw you overboard." Gil read, jumping up onto the desk. "This place sucks but it's not so bad, better than the Isle anyway."

"Yeah, yeah, get to the good bit." Harry urged with a bored tone.

"Uh," Gil scanned through the multiple paragraphs until he saw something familiar. "Oh! Hey! It says Queenie." His joyful tone soon switched once he realised what he'd said. "Oh, uh, I mean-"

"Jus' hurry up lad!"

"Okay, okay! Um...Queenie's here." He stopped, eyes glancing at Harry who, thankfully, wasn't too mad about him saying the girls name, so he carried on. "There's something wrong with her, Harry. I don't know for sure what the weirdo's have done but it's serious. You have to come to Auradon. Uma." Gil finished, still not completely understanding what the big deal was. "So, the plan is?"

"Now read this one." Harry tossed another letter to the son of Gaston, ignoring his question completely and Gil, despite still feeling rather perplexed by the entire thing, picked up the paper and began to read.

"Harry, I wanted you to hear this from me before someone else told you. I'm going to Auradon. I need to be fixed, Harry, and I really think they're the only ones who can help me." Gil paused to take a breath, and he found Harry relaxing back in his chair, his eyes closed as if he'd decided to take a quick nap. "I need you to know that I'm not leaving you, I would never leave you, but I can't be useful to anyone right now. I don't want you to think you did something wrong because you didn't, you were only looking out for me like you always do and I messed up again. I won't be gone long, and when I come back I promise I'll be better than ever. Please don't be mad, I'll see you soon. Queenie." Gil looked at the letter, then up at the decorated ceiling, then back down at the letter. "I'm confused." He declared.

"About what?" Harry asked, opening his eyes to look at his friend.

"How long has she been gone?"

"About a month."

"She said she wouldn't be gone long, but a month is long. Right?" Gil asked, and Harry nodded in confirmation.

"Aye, it's a very long time."

"Then why would she lie?"

It wasn't hard to tell that Gil was upset. While he hadn't been as close to Queenie as Harry was, he still liked her...a lot. She listened to him and never called him stupid, or threw him out for saying the wrong thing. She was his friend, and the thought that she'd left them had him feeling quite heartbroken.

"Ye see!" Harry exclaimed, leaping up from his seat and moving in closer. "I thought that too! Why would my little princess lie about somethin' like that. She might, but Uma would never lie ta me. Those Bore-Adon brats did somethin' to her."

"W-why would they hurt Queenie?" Gil asked with furrowed brows.

"Because, Gilly-boy, those dicks over there don' get it! To them, everythin's black an' white. Ye're either good or bad, no in between. But my little princess is different." When Harry saw no change in Gil's features, he knew he had to elaborate further. "I remember once, there was a little dirty kitty outside the shop, tearin' into the bins lookin' for scraps. I was gonna toss the thing away, but my little princess stopped me. She took it 'ome that night, fed it an' everythin'. She really loved the mangy little rat. I thought for sure she was gonna go to Bore-Adon, but I was wrong." Harry frowned as he thought back on that night, but then a chilling grin came to his face and Gil leaned away, just a little bit scared. "I've seen her do some terrible things, things that would scare the absolute shite out of those assholes on the other side. She's not good, she's not bad, she's just..." Harry trailed off into silence and gave a small shrug. "She's jus' Queenie."

It was the first time in a while Harry had said Queenie's name, and Gil found himself utterly dumbfounded. "S-so, what are we gonna do?" He asked.

Harry leaned back and lifted his hook, eyes following his index finger as he trailed it along the pointed object. "They took my little princess away, so I'm gonna go get her back. An' you're comin' with me."


Queenie leaned back and closed her eyes, a soft sigh of utter relaxation leaving her lips. She'd been running around all day, making sure she was on time with her classes and studying up on everything she'd missed. It was hard to find time to herself, she was often joined by at least one other person, usually Jay. So when she did manage to escape from everyone and be by herself, she relished the moments, since they were very hard to come by.

It was getting late. The sun was going down, the bright light peaking over the horizon and sending a beautiful gleam across the calm, ocean waves. There was a slight breeze in the air from being so close to the open water, and Queenie let herself enjoy it. She still wasn't sure why she came to the pier, if anything she should have gone to the enchanted lake. The view there was absolutely perfect. It may have been old, but it was still gorgeous, with it's glowing water and the sound of birds in the surrounding trees. It was easily the most calming place in Auradon, and yet Queenie always found herself down on the pier, which paled in comparison. The only thing worth seeing was the way the sun set over the water. From here she could clearly see the dreary Isle and the misery it held, and she didn't even like the sea that much. The smell of the salty air often made her a little nauseous, but she still came. Every single time she came here, and she still had absolutely no idea why.

A loud 'splash' rang out and Queenie opened her eyes, knowing that her time alone was over. For now anyway. "Hello Uma." She muttered.

"Princess." The teal-haired teenager replied in greeting, her tentacles flowing over and down into the water as she sat next to the Red Queen's daughter.

"What are you doing here?" Queenie asked, moving to sit straight as she pulled her knees to her chest, wrapping both arms around her bare legs.

"Just taking a late swim before I head back to the dorms. What are you doing here?" Uma inquired.

"I come her sometimes, to think." Queenie shrugged, lightly fiddling with her pendant.

"I could leave." Uma offered, though she didn't really want to. In truth, she wanted know if Queenie was starting to remember anything yet.

"No, you don't have to. You have as much right to be here as me." Queenie smiled, and Uma nodded.

They stayed silent after that. Queenie looked out at the waves, or down at her hands, while Uma just stared at the other girl in curiosity and wonder. The princess didn't remember anything about her from the Isle, so Uma had been given the chance to make the girl see her in a different way. They weren't friends, not to Uma anyway, but since Harry was taking care of everything back on the Isle for her, she thought it only fair to keep an eye on his little princess while they were apart.

The sea-witch's daughter spent a lot of time in the ocean, after all it was her rightful home. She didn't sleep there, but she found it was the most calming sensation ever. If she needed to think or just get away, she'd dive into the waters, spending maybe hours down in the reefs below. She'd noticed pretty quickly that Queenie came to the pier at least once a day. She never talked to her before, didn't even come out of the water, she just watched how the girl acted when no one was around and wondered if she truly had been changed, or she was playing pretend. Uma had been pretty disappointed when she realised Queenie had really been switched in some way, but there was something else there. Uma wasn't sure if the princess knew she did it, but she sometimes stared at the Isle...a lot. Most of the time it was with this lost, sad look on her face, like she was missing someone but didn't know who. It confused Uma at first, but when she finally started to see that magic hadn't taken everything away, she'd been just a little pleased, if not slightly irritated. Queenie was unknowingly making the other teen feel sorry for her, and Uma hated feeling bad for other people.

"Uma?" Queenie spoke suddenly, and the other girl nodded to show she was listening. "We're friends, right?"

"Uh, yeah. Of course we are." Uma assured. It was a lie, of course. Uma didn't like Queenie, hadn't trusted her on the Isle and wasn't sure if she did now. But Uma also had a duty towards her first mate. He'd proven himself to her numerous times in the past and she was only doing this for him, since she knew he'd do the exact same for her. She didn't have female friends, and she wasn't about to change that now, but she had been working her ass off to get closer to Queenie and this time she wanted things to go her way. So if she had to spin a few small tales and be a little nicer, then so be it.

"I need to get something off my chest, but it's a bit weird and you're gonna think I'm crazy." Queenie laughed, though she was far from amused. She seemed scared, and just a little sad.

"I won't tell anyone, I swear." Uma told the princess. "Have a little faith in me, Queenie."

Queenie looked at Uma for a second or two, before finally coming to the decision that the girl wouldn't go against her, or tell anyone else. "I think there's something wrong with me." She finally released.

"We were born on the Isle, Q'. There's something wrong with all of us." Uma chuckled, rolling her eyes as she moved to look at the Isle. She was hoping Queenie would tell her something big, something important. Not something absolutely ridiculous. "Why don't you go see F.G. about it?"

"No, you don't get it." Queenie sighed. "It's not something physical, it's up here." She tapped her left temple with her index finger, then moved it towards her chest. "And in here."

That caught Uma's attention. Queenie wasn't talking about some kind of bruised knee or a hurt elbow. She was feeling something, something she didn't understand. "Try and explain it to me." She demanded, wincing as she realised how much of her usual self had come through. "Maybe I can help." She added afterwards, making sure she sounded as worried as possible. She didn't want to scare the princess out of telling her.

"I can't." Queenie stressed, tears forming in her hazel eyes. "I'm going insane, Uma. If I'm around other people I'm fine, I'm happy. The minute I'm on my own things get weird. I get so, so sad about nothing! I feel like I've lost something which is stupid because I have everything and I spend hours walking around looking for it. And every time that happens, I end up here, on this stupid pier. There's this ache in my chest, and I have no idea why it's there." She was rambling, she knew that, but she couldn't help it. Her mouth just wouldn't stop moving. "There's something else."

Uma had been quite caught up in the princess's words, but she was smart enough to keep up. "What else?" She lightly pressed, urging the girl to tell her more.

"This." Queenie moved both hands behind her head and untied the knot of her dress.

"Uh, Q', you're pretty and everything but-" Uma stopped, her eyes widening completely. "What the fuck is that?" Cursing was severely frowned upon in Auradon and usually punishment was involved, but Uma didn't quite care at the moment. She couldn't hold back this time.

"I don't know." Queenie whispered. She held the upper part of her dress to her chest, hiding anything other than the scar from Uma's eyes. She hadn't shown it to anyone else, she'd been too scared to. "At first I thought it was a question mark, but then I looked closer and realised what it was."

"A hook." Uma finished for her, a familiar sensation of annoyance welling up within her. She hadn't paid enough attention back on the Isle, apparently. She knew Queenie belonged to Harry, he'd told her everything she needed to know. What she hadn't known was what they did when they were alone. Harry was fucked up, Uma knew that, but marking his 'girlfriend' was a rather intense thing to do. They must have had something more than just an owner-pet relationship. There were so many girls on the Isle willing to die for Harry, even some guys, and yet he'd gone and branded the weakest girl he could find. Uma wouldn't get any answers from Queenie, the princess's mind had been stripped blank of anything to do with Harry and the crew. Uma needed to speak to Harry, and if he wasn't coming then she'd just have to break through the barrier and drag him there herself.

"I'm crazy, aren't I?" Queenie asked, though it was more of a statement.

"No, I don't think you're crazy." Uma admitted, shaking her head lightly as she saw the girl's eyes light up with hope.

"You don't?"

"Nope. I think you went through some bad things on the Isle, like the rest of us, and maybe it's affecting you somehow. Have you talked to Jay about it?"

Queenie shook her head. "Not really. He asks me what I remember, I tell him and that's pretty much it. I think he knows, though. He looks at me sometimes like I'm a stranger, and it scares me to death." She admitted, feeling a little relieved to have gotten everything off her chest. Uma didn't shout or run away like she thought she would have. She was a good friend.

"I think he's just worried about you, Q'. I won't tell him what you told me today, if you don't want me to?" Uma told her, a part of her hoping that she would be the only one to know about Queenie's little 'secret'. It would be a lot easier to help bring Queenie's memories back if she wasn't going up against Jay and the others.

"I don't want him to know just yet. I wanna figure things out for myself, see if I can find anything about this." Queenie gestured to her sternum, now covered by the red fabric once more.

"Why don't you just ask F.G.?" Uma saw something in Queenie's eyes as that question left her mouth. It was quick and brief, but she'd seen it many times on the Isle. Fear.

"I don't wanna worry her, I'm sure she has enough going on." Queenie shrugged.

"Uh, yeah, I guess." Uma muttered in thought. Apparently the old Queenie was in there somewhere, she just needed to be brought back out. If anyone could do that, it would be her first mate. "Maybe you should head back to the dorms and get some sleep, we can talk more tomorrow."

"I think you're right." Queenie grinned, moving to stand straight, her backpack slung onto her shoulder. "You coming?" She asked the teal-haired girl, eyes sliding over to Uma's bright tentacles.

"Nah, I'm gonna stay here for a little bit longer. You go ahead." Uma told her, waving a hand nonchalantly. "I'll see you in class."

"Bye Uma, and thanks for the talk, it really helped." Queenie waved, turning to go back to the school.

When the princess disappeared from view, Uma turned to see the Isle. She absolutely hated the fact that even though it was so close, she couldn't go there. If she could she'd be there in seconds, yelling at her first mate about how much of an idiot he was. She knew how strange and over-possessive he was about the princess, but she never thought he'd go as far as to carve a hook into her skin. Apparently a simple tattoo wouldn't have been satisfying enough, he just had to go and make things weird. If anyone in Auradon found out what he'd done to Queenie, he'd be stuck on the Isle forever, just like his old man. Uma didn't want that for him. He was her best friend, he deserved just as much freedom as she did, and she would make sure he got that. First, though, she had to help him with Queenie.

"You better be on your way, Harry." Uma seethed. She knew full well he wouldn't hear her, but doing this made her feel better. "Your girl needs you."


Okay, so, I'm just going to clear a few things up. I've seen all of the reviews and I know a lot of you are disappointed that Queenie ended up in Auradon, and I get that, I really do. However, this is the way this story was always going to go, but just remember that things aren't so simple. To one of my reviewers, you are definitely right that Queenie made a big mistake in going to Auradon. Queenie will be a stronger version of herself...eventually. There will be a lot of things going on in between that will help her get there, trust me. This girl has a lot more to go through before she discovers who she truly is.

Now, to anyone concerned about Harry and Queenie being together, they will definitely end up together...at some point. This is the last chapter but I do have a sequel in mind, so don't worry too much about those two, they have so much more to go through both together, and alone. There is no way in hell I'm going to have Queenie paired up with Jay or anyone else.

I really hope all of you guys enjoyed this last chapter, I tried to make sure I made it interesting without using up any of my thoughts or ideas for the second story. I'm also so, so grateful to everyone who've reviewed, favourited and followed this story. I really wasn't expecting so many of you to like it so I'm really happy that a lot of you enjoyed it. I've loved seeing all the comments and feedback and thoughts.

Anyway, please leave a review to let me know what you thought of this chapter, or even the whole thing all together. Big thanks to you guys, again! Let me know if you'd be interested in a second part as I do have some ideas for that in mind.


Also, any typo's and such that you see will be corrected and changed once I re-read through.