For many days, perhaps a week or two, a constant buzz of conversation surrounded her. They were almost all centred around one topic — excursion. Camp. Fun. Whatever it was, it had many names.

El wished she could join in with the chatter, wished she could be as excited as the rest of the people in her year level.

Like the rest, the gang had make several plans and preparations for the week away from their family, homes and friends that didn't attend Hawkins High school.

El wasn't included in these plans.

It was for the best, she knew. Her nights were spent jolting awake from another horrid nightmare, only to cry in the darkness, legs tucked close to her chest and arms curled around her knees. Sometimes she would scream. Those nights, Hopper would quickly run to her aid and stay up with her, as late as she needed.

But there would be no Hopper at camp. There would only be a sea of other faces, only five that could help her calm. The other faces would only sneer and throw glares if awakened by her struggles.

Mike would insist to stay with her. Karen Wheeler would not let him. Ted Wheeler couldn't care less. So he went.

For most of it, she was sure she would be alone.

She was wrong. At lunch, Nancy, Jonathon and Steve would all walk over to her lonely form hunched over the food she never liked but found more desirable than the bland and tasteless menu at Hawkins Lab. With themselves they brought smiles, laughter and comfort.

She would leave with Jonathon afterwards and join him at his house, where Joyce would come home from work, make something delicious and then they would begin eating. Hopper would join. It would be fun. Happy. Family.

Steve would come randomly and declare his stay. He was funny and made her feel like not knowing certain things was okay. He didn't look at her weirdly. She decided that she really liked him.

Nancy would help her with pretty things. In the week where El was not busy with the gang, Nancy took the opportunity to teach her about dresses, hair products and make up. Eleven would ask her to.

She missed Mike.

She thinks that he misses her too.

At night to ignore her nightmares, she'd use her powers to invite him into the empty void her powers brought. When he would finally appear with his wide grin and happy stories, the black would slowly fade to his memories at camp.

She would laugh and smile. It was almost as if she was there, beside him.

Her nightmares became dreams.

Dreams of people that she cared about. People that cared about her.

In the end, she didn't mind not being able to go to camp.

Eh any suggestions? I'm not really sure what else to write about. Also, some of you have been saying to write a long one. I'll try to but with my writing, I feel like shorter suits it more.

But I'll still try to write a long one.