About: Hermione makes a Ministry appointment house visit to Draco Malfoy in his dreaded Manor. Will she make it out in tact?

Notes: Honestly inspired by the trashy True Blood Fanfic I have been reading. Had to be done. I hope you enjoy the escapism, given how crazy things have been. It's been like a year since I have written and I am sorry. I am safe, well and employed through all of this craziness and hope this finds you in much the same position xx

Warning: M for adult content. Seriously, lemons ahoy. Do not read if underage or offended by such content.

In My Blood

I can't believe they're making me do this, she thought darkly as she stepped out of the floo. Her dream job for the Department for Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures had turned into a nightmare with the new administration, but she tried not to dwell on it as she waited in the opulent entry of Malfoy Manor.

She was there to check up on Draco Malfoy, a fact that disconcerted her about as much as being in the very Manor house she was once tortured in by one of the most famous dark witches of the past few centuries.

Of course, it had come as a surprise to her, when his file landed on her desk, to learn that Draco had, at some point shortly after the war, been turned. However, as luck would have it – it didn't quite take. Being only part Vampire was much more common these days than most people knew about, particularly when a vampire tried to turn someone with a strong magical core.

She sympathised with him, along with everyone else in the predicament. That is, after all, what had driven her into a career with the Ministry. She had always wanted to stand up for the rights of magical creatures. However, it would be a challenge for her to see the good in Malfoy – who had been a rotten man to begin with. Maybe not to his core, but certainly, rotten enough. She couldn't imagine what the added complication of vampirism might have done to him.

Hermione sighed and fiddled with her pencil skirt. She'd made a point of wearing her finest clothes, familiar with the kind of insults he would likely throw. She knew he was going to put her down anyway, but she figured she didn't need to give him the satisfaction of pointing out her clothes were cheap or dowdy.

The door creaked open and she was drawn from her pensive thoughts. "Hermione Granger, what a treat," he smiled, a predatory look in his eye. He'd had it since he was a young man, but the venom in his system had made it far more pronounced. She took in a deep breath. "Draco Malfoy, nice to see you," she said, putting her hand out politely. He smirked and took it. Unsurprisingly he was fairly cool to the touch, although not entirely dead, so not freezing like the few pureblooded vampires she had met. "I am quite sure it isn't," he said knowingly, clearly revelling in the witches discomfort.

"I expect you'll have questions and paperwork to complete before your invasive tour of my home," he said, an edge to his tone. Hermione tried not to roll her eyes. "I've had the elves prepare tea. We shall take it in the… drawing room," he said with a wicked smile. Hermione gulped uncomfortably, which seemed to delight him further. Despite her rapidly sinking heart, she refused to show him weakness – even though she knew he could probably feel it with his heightened senses anyway.

"Lead the way," she said with all the gumption she could muster.

"Very well," he said, turning on his heel.

"So, how's being a vampire Malfoy?" she asked, picking up the fine china tea cap he had placed in front of her, "must be tough, given your preferences for pureblood," she added, a sparkle in her eye.

Draco frowned. He was surprised she was holding it together so well, given their location. There was no way the witch was not traumatised by what his Aunt did to her there. He remembered it… vividly.

"Less fussy these days Granger…" he said with a handsome smile.

She simply snorted and took note in her little Ministry log book. Draco frowned. The whole checking up on him thing really rubbed him the wrong way. It wasn't his fault this happened to him, and he was guilty of no crimes… that they knew of anyway.

"You need blood several times weekly, despite the unusual ability to also be able to ingest food… please tell me where you attain the blood," she said coolly. He could tell she was avoiding looking him in the eye, instead focusing on something just above his head.

He loved that this made her uncomfortable. Having Granger do this was much more fun than the usual inspector. Draco had praised the Gods when he saw her name on the forms. Finally, a benefit to this shitty arrangement.

Though he had looked forward to this all week, he hadn't expected her to turn up looking like his next fine meal. She'd aged well. Her long dark curls, no longer the bird's nest of their youth cascaded over her slim shoulders. He could see a set of supple breasts held in by a modest but fashionable silk blouse and the flare of womanly hips, despite her slender frame, peaking out from beneath a tight pencil skirt. Her heels were high, but not inappropriate, and helped make her arse look delectable. And her lips, well, he tried not to think about where he'd like those to be right about now…

Draco pulled himself from yet another lewd thought about his childhood foe and Ministry inspector and sighed loudly, bored with the same old questions. She would already have the answer on her page from the last assessment. "I purchase some legally through a contact, and at times women… lovers…," he explained calmly, enjoying the red tinge in her cheeks, "give me their blood willingly," he finished.

She shot him a disapproving look but clearly thought better about making a comment. He wondered what kind of lover she might be. Would she be the boring prude she came off as, or would her strong, bossy nature make her the kind of wild witch that would fight him for control? He was curious to know, but not curious enough as yet to investigate further in the moment.

"And you don't drain or damage the women?" she asked, biting the inside of her lip unconsciously. He could hear her heart, which had barely calmed down since she came in.

"I have excellent self-control…" he replied, looking at the creamy curve of her unmarked neck as she flipped her hair back and scribbled in her log book.

"And why would they subject themselves to this? Do you use imperious or any latent glamouring abilities you may possess as a half-blood vampire?" she asked curtly.

Draco felt insulted. He didn't need that bullshit. Women threw themselves at him, desperate to be bitten. Some were hot, some pathetic – but he found their blood was good either way. Even Granger was attracted to him, he could tell. Therefore, he didn't appreciate the implication that he needed to deceive or curse to do it.

"They do it for pleasure Granger… don't pretend you're that much of a prude," he sneered.

Her lips formed a hard line and she shuffled in her seat uncomfortably.

"If you say so," she replied, her eyes dropping as her blush grew from her cheeks to her chest, which peaked out above her professional blouse.

Draco made note of the fact she clearly didn't have a kink for being bitten… which mattered very little to him given the enjoyment his meals felt was of little consequence to him most of the time. Pleasure was, however, a common by-product of the process. He certainly preferred giving pleasure to pain, but he wasn't averse to inflecting pain to get what he wanted either. He was a Malfoy after all.

He licked his lips and turned his attentions back to the witch in front of him. He wondered idly if given a choice, would he choose pleasure or pain for her?

"So, who did you piss off to get this task Granger?" he asked challengingly.

"Excuse me?" she snapped. She had hoped to avoid any non-inspection related questions with the blonde.

"They know your background. They know me. They know what happened to you in this house…" he said cruelly, eyes drifting to the spot on the floor where Bellatrix took a blade to her arm, knowing she would follow his gaze. "…So cut the shit Granger… who did you piss off?" he asked.

Hermione gritted her teeth as the bastard smirked at her. He was goading her and she was trying desperately not to rise to it. Not to give him the satisfaction.

"Internal politics," she admitted tensely. Not that it was any of his business.

Draco snorted and gave her a sceptical look.

"What happened to you Granger. Two-word replies? I seem to remember you never used to shut up," he pressed.

"Well you were probably observing me around people I like…" she hit back as she snapped her log book shut.

"Thanks for the tea Malfoy," she began, moving to get up and commence the inspection.

"Schoolyard nicknames aren't very professional Granger," he replied smoothly, mirroring her action and standing up.

"You used mine," she replied, trying to keep her cool despite wanting to slap him across his pale, handsome face.

"I'm not at work," he reasoned. Hermione felt like she was going to explode, but she knew she couldn't. Instead she decided to 'pick her battles' as she had so often been advised to do.

"Very well then. Thank you… Mr Malfoy," she said, narrowing her eyes at his self-satisfied smirk. Victory did not look good on him.

"As this is the final inspection of the year, I'll need to conduct a detailed sweep of the property to look for any signs of misconduct – all routine," she explained, "this may take several hours. You are welcome to observe me, or wait elsewhere in the Manor."

"I can't imagine any scenario where observing you would be a worthy use of my time," he said, stepping into her personal space as she tried to leave the room.

Hermione felt insulted and relieved at the same time.

"Well then, that seems an agreeable outcome for both of us," she said primly, adjusting her blazer and stepping past him. He'd been a menace in their teens, and it appeared he was still the same, if not worse.

Huffing, she strode out of the room, heels clicking loudly on the marble floor in her wake.

Unbeknownst to her, and despite his apparent lack of interest and failure to move as she left, Draco tracked her heartbeat all the way down the hall and through the Manor.

Hermione sighed loudly and looked at the beautiful old lamp, burning beside the library shelves she was checking. Day had slipped into night, moonlight drenching the window. Of course, she knew from the beginning she was not likely to find anything. Malfoy was many things, but he wasn't stupid. If he was up to anything, he'd have it well enough hidden that a standard Ministry sweep wouldn't find it. Not to mention, they had no evidence of misconduct associated with vampires anywhere on their books, so it was likely he was telling the truth about his conduct.

She figured she would finish up soon, looking around at the beautiful library enviously. She wished she had access to something so wonderful, but life was often unfair. This was entirely wasted on Malfoy. She wondered if he even used it?

It was then a small section of the shelf caught her eye. She moved to take a closer look at the volumes that looked out of place in the old library. Slipping a book out, she realised they were romance novels. Hermione cocked up one eyebrow and looked around. She had read the odd romance novel in her time, but it was a guilty pleasure. She hadn't seen or heard Malfoy during her investigation, and figured he wouldn't notice if she took a few minutes to see if the tome she had selected was any good.

Sucking in her breath she opened the book a few chapters in and began to read, the writing quickly becoming more and more explicit. She felt her pulse quicken, and a warmth build in her belly as she read about a particularly erotic lovers' tryst between the protagonist and her leading man. She felt her cheeks heat up, somewhat embarrassed she was enjoying such a torrid book, but hooked she continued to read.

Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her and stiffened, reaching down for her wand a little too late. Strong arms caged her between the shelves and the body of her assailant.

"They belong to mother," said Draco, his breath ghosting her hair. Hermione shivered involuntarily.

Hermione felt embarrassed, concerned for her safety and aroused all at once, resulting in her inability to respond.

Draco ignored her silence and continued. "I didn't have you down as a fan of dirty books Granger," he purred, removing one of the arms pinning her to gently brush a curl from her shoulder, giving him complete access to her neck.

She resisted the urge to struggle, instead she stood her ground. "I could have you written up for this Malfoy" she hissed.

"It's Mister Malfoy, remember? I'd be interested to read your report. Particularly the part where you stopped doing your job to read a dirty book in my library and became very, very aroused… if the scent I am catching is anything to go by," he said with a dark chuckle. By now, his lips were ghosting her neck.

She fought the urge to scream in fear, embarrassment and frustration, her heartbeat so loud she felt like it was vibrating in her ears. "I am in no such condition!" she lied unconvincingly; her tone indignant.

Draco smirked and twirled her around to face him. "Still a shit liar," he said, his sharp, handsome features illuminated in a mixture of lamp and moonlight.

She swallowed loudly.

"Reading something compelling?" he asked casually, picking up the book that had dropped to the counter behind her and flicking through the pages as though there was nothing unusual about their proximity. He raised his eyebrow when he got to the part she had been reading.

"I..um…" she began, more unsure of herself than she had ever been and just wanting to get out of there and get home to a warm bath and a movie, "umm… I am sorry for snooping," she finished lamely.

Draco shot her a charming smile, but did not stand back. Their bodies were practically flush and it was doing nothing to quell the heat in her stomach and warmth in her knickers. "As pleasurable as it is to be on the receiving end of an apology from the Gryffindor Princess… I must confess I am finding it hard to be annoyed with you given I am finding you, alone and aroused, in my library after dark, to be a particularly compelling situation," he said quietly, a dangerous and lusty quality puncturing his tone.

"Oh," was all she could say, looking up at him with heavy lidded eyes. Was he using some kind of magic on her? Or was she just one of the stupid little girls who fell for his charms so easily?

"Well I had better go," she said awkwardly, trying to slip past him.

"I don't think so," he replied, grabbing her hips and pushing her backwards onto the ledge of the dark wood shelves.

Hermione moaned, pulling her skirt upwards so she could wrap her legs around him as he pressed his tongue into her warm mouth. He groaned as she pressed her core against him, his own arousal straining to be free of his trousers.

Draco growled as she nipped his lower lip, urging him closer, locking her ankles behind him. She couldn't believe how easy she was, giving herself over to him like this. It had been about six months since she was intimate with anyone and her hungry body had all but burnt up the moment he'd pushed her to the shelves and taken her mouth with single-minded determination.

She wasn't sure what would have happened if she fought back, or said no… but that idea had been farthest from her mind as the attractive blonde assaulted her senses, his hands roaming all over her slender frame as though he were free to take whatever he wanted from her, do whatever he wanted to her…with her.

Hermione gasped as she felt, for the first time, his fangs scrape along her throat, ready to strike at any moment. She wasn't in to being bitten, she really wasn't… but a morbid curiosity overtook her, causing her to tense and clench her fists against his robes.

Draco was overcome by lust, but feeling her tense at his fangs he retreated, instead focusing on pulling apart the buttons of her blouse to reveal her lovely breasts, encased in a plain white bra which he promptly bit in half. He had no time to bother with clasps, he wanted to taste them without preamble.

She groaned and ground her core against his knee as he rubbed and suckled her sensitive globes, worshiping them as he felt his own arousal building. He needed to possess her, to fuck her, to bite her. His need was volcanic, and he had never felt such a sense of being unhinged with a witch before. It would have scared him if it wasn't so thrilling.

He reached beneath her skirt and ripped her knickers clean off, his intense strength driven by both his condition and his lust for her. She gasped as he thrust two fingers inside of her, pumping her roughly as he turned his attention back to her perfect neck, pulling her head to the side firmly by her curls. He could feel her riding his fingers, building towards an orgasm as she coated his digits in her arousal.

Draco let out a low growl as he felt her fumble with his belt, releasing his large erection from its confines, pumping it as she guided him towards her. "I'm gonna.. cu….umm for you…" she moaned, still riding his fingers, "I want you inside me," she finished, throwing her head back as he inserted another digit and thrust harder. He knew she would ache tomorrow, a fact that delighted him given he knew she'd have to think of him. "I am inside of you," he purred cockily, enjoying how desperate she felt in his arms. "All if you," she commanded, bringing her eyes up to meet his.

He couldn't deny the witch what she wanted anymore. Submitting to her will, he lined himself up and slammed inside, giving her no time to adjust. She gasped and whimpered, an intoxicating mix of pleasure and pain he could feel vibrate through her body. He felt like he was on fire. Nothing had prepared him for how it would feel to join his body to hers. To experience her fully.

His heightened senses were in overdrive. From the smell of the shampoo in her hair to the scent of her arousal coating his manhood, he was overcome by her. He could hear her heart beating furiously, her breath hitching… he could feel her muscles vibrating as she clenched him. Her beautiful gasps washed over him as she took his violent thrusts like the most prolific of the whores he had fucked, despite her conservative nature.

He loved it, but he wanted more. He needed more.

"Let me taste you," he purred, slowing down and once again dragging his fangs along her neck. She gasped as he nipped a little – but not enough to break the skin. He wanted her consent. Somehow, he knew her blood wouldn't taste as sweet without it. He couldn't betray her, shock her – regardless of how good he knew it would feel for her and how much she would enjoy it in the end.

She pulled back and looked at him seriously, a slight 'o' in her lips as he continued to pump into her, albeit more gently than previously.

"Will you be gentle?" she asked, biting her lip and driving him to the edge of madness – blood lust threatening to take over.

"I promise," he replied, uncharacteristically mailable to the witches wants and desires.

"Okay," she breathed, leaning in and kissing his throat.

She felt a deep ache in her body from his manhandling of her as he picked her up from the ledge, letting her wrap her legs around him for stability, his cock still buried in her as he took her to an emerald green chaise lounge by the window.

She felt relief to have a break from his onslaught, but somehow missed the feeling of him pushing her body to it's limits as he did his best to tear her in two. She'd never been shagged like that, never thought she would like it so much, but something in her had awakened.

Now, he took his time, positioning her beneath him and sliding into her gently, rubbing her breasts before trailing his hand upwards to rest on her neck.

Without squeezing her held her in place, taking her slowly and looking down at the point where they connected lustfully. Her skirt was all she wore, bunched firmly around her stomach, everything else exposed to the blonde wizard.

"Fuck, Granger," he groaned, clearly trying to control himself. Hermione felt a pang of nervousness as she wondered when he would bite her and what it would feel like. She hadn't wanted to deny him, despite her scepticism. Something about him that day made her want to please him, as if bewitched.

Sensing her unease, he leaned down and placed a sweet kiss on her lips, then slowly trailed gentle kisses until he reached the sweet spot on her neck. She wondered how well he could hear her heart racing, if he could sense the blood pumping through her body. How much he wanted it?

It was too late to back out or to wonder if she could trust him not to lose control. They were there now and there was no turning back.

Sucking her pulse point he reached between them and rubbed tight circles on her sensitive bud, leading to a string of expletives tumbling from her mouth as she approached her peak, stretched and stimulated beyond what she thought she could take by him. At the very moment she tumbled from the cliff, he bit down, expertly draining her sweet blood.

He felt her convulse beneath him as her orgasm tore through her. He felt his own release threaten to erupt as he took another deep pull of her intoxicating blood. All at once he came, filling the know-it-all mudblood with his seed as he simultaneously drained her from the neck.

It felt so good it took him every ounce of control he had to stop and seal her up again – knowing that if he let himself drain her totally, he'd never get to do this again. Not too mention, the headaches he would have with the Ministry.

She whimpered, her entirely human body sensitive after having been worked over so completely by the not so human Malfoy.

"Good girl," he purred, stroking her hair and kissing the spot he had been draining only moments before.

"Oh god," she said, spent and probably already regretting her actions.

"There is no God Granger," he chuckled, nipping hear earlobe and causing her to moan, quite involuntarily he supposed.

"Such a good girl for me Granger… who would have thought," he mused out loud, reaching down to stroke the curve of her hip.

"Yeah… I…" she began, letting out a tired sigh.

"Let's get you something to eat," he said, wiping a drop of her blood from the curve of his smile. Her eyes bulged.

"Oh, no… I better get going," she said, realisation dawning on her like a bucket of cold water.

"Oh Granger, you're not going anywhere," he laughed coolly, "you're mine now."


Sorry again that it has been so long. If you were a regular reviewer before, please let me know you are OK! Also, if anyone has any ideas for story plots, you'd like me to write let me know. Just completing this was a major triumph over writer's block. Though it isn't my favourite story ever, it's certainly not my least favourite and that's a major win for me!

Much love xx.