Hey guys :) We have a meeting between Maleficent, the VKs and the AKs. It won't be good, I tell you.

Disclaimer: I don't own Descendants.

Malice felt sick on his stomach. He was angry that he couldn't protect Evie and the others from that stupid brat Willow and her idiots of followers.

His eyes glowed green from fury and sadness as he walked into Faery Castle. His parents were on the living room. He stared blankly at them and he turned to go at his room, when Maleficent's voice stopped him.

"Malice." the fairy said calmly but with a serious tone. The prince huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. "What?" he asked rudely, shocking his parents and angering Maleficent.

"We need to talk, mister." Maleficent said to him annoyed "I don't like this attitude of yours."

Malice glared at his mother and rolled his eyes. "Sure. Whatever. Talks the woman who puts all the blame on her own son." he growled and Maleficent's eyes glowed green while Diaval scolded him.

"Son, watch your tone with your mother." Malice groaned in frustration. He felt like he wanted to punch something. He felt weird. He felt evil. And he couldn't explain it.

"You need to know, that a king doesn't act like a little child, Malice. Your behavior is unacceptable. I expected more from you." Maleficent said flatly.

"EXPECTED MORE FROM ME?! FROM ME?! Mother you need to see a eye doctor. The dwarves' behavior was the one you should judge, not mine, and especially not the VKs'" he growled and his eyes flashed green and his hair turned purple, only for them to change back to normal in a second.

Maleficent and Diaval froze in shock and fear. Malice showed his dragon side, something that has never happened before.. "Bring the VK's here. You have to learn some things." Maleficent said seriously.

Malice nodded rapidly and then disappeared in a puff of black smoke.

The VK's stood in Evie, Uma and Skylar's room, making the last preparations for the plan. "Okay guys, let's make a preview. Henry, Skylar, and I will stand in the front, as we are the royals' dates. Uma, Jay, you will stand next to Chad and Audrey, in case Charming and Phillip decided to raise swords, and Carlos you will steal a remote and drive us to the Isle with a limo. I will use a sleeping perfume on him, and then we will be ready to go." Evie stated and held a blue bottle on her hands.

"Okay" everyone mumbled sadly. Tomorrow, everything they loved to know will be gone. And it was because of the brattish dwarves. The heroes didn't do anything, though. They proved they didn't trust them. So be it, then.

A puff of black smoke appeared inside the room, only for it to be revealed it was Malice.

"Guys! We need to talk." he said and went to hug Evie, who hugged him back a bit awkwardly.

"About what?" Henry asked alarmed. He didn't want them to be caught. He didn't want to do this whole-heartedly either. He felt like a mess.

"My mother wants to speak with you. Now." Malice said nervously. He didn't like this. If his mother would be harsh at them, he knew he would react badly.

"What for?" Evie asked annoyed. Because of Maleficent, Evil Queen became the most evil and heartless person ever known. Her betrayal turned her mother into a monster. She didn't want to see the Queen of Auradon right now.

"I don't know, love." Malice replied looking sadly at her. "But you have to come." Everyone nodded their heads and mumbled Okay's. Malice snapped his fingers and teleported them to Faery Castle.

At Faery Castle, Maleficent and Diaval waited for Malice and the VK's to return while Mal, Amy and Malev appeared with Ben, Chad, Audrey and Jane.

"Mal? What are you doing here?" Maleficent asked her. She didn't want everyone around when she told her story.

"What are we doing here?!" Mal yelled. "Really, mother? Malice comes to get the VK's here in the middle of the night, while we know nothing about it." she continued.

"You act like we aren't in the family." Malev stated sadly. Maleficent looked at them sad. She was pushing her children away and she just realized it. She focused only on Malice while she had another three children that loved her to death.

"Seriously, Mommy. What's wrong?" Amy said and made the Puss in Boots look at her mother. "Awww" Diaval cooed. "Diaval! It's not time for that." Maleficent scolded her husband and rolled her eyes playfully at his soft spot for Amy.

"Excuse me but you asked us to come here, for something i assume." Malice stated and growled at frustration.

"What is it, Maleficent?" Evie asked and everyone gasped at her rude behaviour to the Queen.

"You know why we are all here for, Evelyn." Maleficent glared at her and Evie went pale for a while but hid it well. Malice saw the interaction between them and hugged his girlfriend's side.

"We're all here to tell you about something I've been hiding for 20 years. My past." Maleficent stated and Diaval squeezed her hand in support.

"Past? What past?" Chad and Audrey asked together and Uma and Jay giggled softly at their partners' antics.

"My past life. The life i had before. When i was...a villain." the Queen of Auradon said.

"WHAT?!" Malice asked in fury.

"Let your mother talk, son." Diaval scolded him and his eyes flashed green.

"Once upon a time, there was a fairy that used to be the protector of a kingdom different from the others. The Moors. A forest near the human's kingdom. Both kingdoms were at war with each other. The fairy swore to protect her people. But she was foolish. She fell in love with a human, who came across her. His name was Stefan and the fairy was named Maleficent." Everyone got shocked at the news. Audrey hung her head on shame. Her mother told her how terrible people were her grandparents and how Maleficent brought peace between the kingdoms. But she never mentioned about Maleficent being evil.

"But Stefan betrayed me. He left and went to work for the King. I waited for him and years later, he returned but with bad intentions. I forgave him for leaving and then he kissed me, saying it was True Love's Kiss. We fell asleep together and then..." she stiffened. "he cut my wings."

Everyone gasped in horror at her revelation. Mal, Amy, Ben and Audrey were crying. Malev looked upset while Malice's eyes stopped glowing and his expression softened.

"He became King after that. It was the prize of killing me by King Henry." she hissed. "And he had a daughter with Queen Leila." Audrey's head shot up at the mention of her mother.

"My anger and hate overtook me and i did something evil. Something horrible. I cursed Aurora." she said and everyone gasped in horror, except the VK's who knew.

"Stefan and Leila sent Aurora with the three good fairies. But the trio couldn't raise her well. If it wasn't for me the child would have died." She continued "I grew to love the child and became his protector. Diaval helped me through all these 16 years. In the end, the sleeping curse took action and Aurora fell asleep. It was me who woke her up with a motherly kiss on the forehead." She completed her story.

"Aurora gave me back my wings and our people went in peace." she finished and everyone had tears on their eyes. Audrey went and hugged her godmother "It's okay, Godmother. You were hurt. "

"You didn't reveal everything, though" Evie said and smirked.

"What do you mean, Evie?" Amy asked her.

"Your mother, the years she had cursed Aurora, travelled to a nearby kingdom and made alliance with another queen. They grew close and thought they could trust each other. The queen's name was Grimhilde. My mother aka The Evil Queen" she stated and the quadruplet's eyes went to their mother's direction.

"But your mother did the thing she hated the most. She betrayed the Evil Queen when she needed her the most." Evie said and her eyes glowed blue.

"Your mother wanted to kill my friends." Maleficent yelled and her eyes glowed a devilish green. "I couldn't allow it."

"You made your choice, Maleficent. You chose your side. Now you have my mother as an enemy. And that won't ever change." Evie stated and she disappeared into blue smoke, taking the VK's back to their dorms with her.

"Really, mom?" Mal asked. "The Evil Queen was your best friend?" Malev asked disgusted. "The woman who almost used the Dark Curse to Auradon?" Amy continued angrily.

"I have made my mistakes but i changed for good. I have been through enough" Maleficent said loudly.

"That doesn't justify your opinion on the VK's. They're trying to do whatever they can to change. Just like you did. It disgusts me that you were even against my proclamation" Malice yelled and his eyes glowed green.

"Malice-" Diaval said softly but was cut off by Malice.

"No! I am not going to sit here any longer. I have a coronation tomorrow if you care." he said and disappeared into black smoke.

Mal, Amy and Malev looked upset and looked at the floor. Ben squeezed his girlfriend's hand while Audrey hugged her by the shoulders. Chad also hugged Malev tightly, while Jane hugged an upset Amy.

"You know mom? We are leaving. We have things to do tomorrow." Mal said harshly and she transported herself and her friends back to Auradon Prep.

"Oh M. What will we do?" Diaval said. "I don't know." Maleficent said broken and got hugged by her husband.

Hope you guys liked it :)