Hey guys. If you haven't noticed from the description of Jane Eleven Hopper, I actually first released it way back in 2017. After watching season three, I really wanted to continue with it (mostly because I was extremely dissatisfied with S3 as a whole), but I realized that there isn't really much of a point to my story.

There's no conclusion in sight for a story like this, and if I'm being completely honest I only write these kind of stories when I'm on a Stranger Things high. I've realized that I deeply care about the story of New Grief, which is what I'm currently writing, that goes beyond just wanting to write about Eleven.

I love writing fics, and I will continue to do so, but I think it's time I officially lay this fic to rest. It's honestly kind of embarrassing to see how short my chapters were, and how basic the story was. I definitely haven't updated this in a long enough time span for anyone to really care, but yeah this is officially gonna be labeled as "complete", because I won't be returning to it unless you all really want me to.

If you by some small chance still care about this story, comment or PM and let me know! Also, I recommend reading New Grief, because I'm so much prouder of that than I am of this. But I won't delete it, because it was my first fic, and I plan to write many more in the future.

So thank you all for you're support throughout the life of this fic. From its surprising popularity to its awkward reemergence two years later. I wish I would have continued it, but unfortunately, life got hard. Once again I encourage you all to check out my New Grief fanfic and any other fics I may have written by the time you read this.

Have a long day, and a pleasant night
