Title: Fun at Club Deck!s

Genre: Romance, Humor

Rating: T for exotic dancing, cursing, alcohol, and heavy flirting

Summary: Yami, an overworked business man, meets a charismatic bartender and a seductive singer at the newest and hottest club.

Pairings: YugixYamixAtemu

Notes: I do not own the song or the characters. I got the song from the movie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" but the version of the song is from Chris Villian



Yami stared blankly at his computer screen in complete frustration. He pinched the bridge of his nose and clenched his eyes tiredly. Thank God today is Friday…Seto is such a slave driver.

He exhaled a deep breath and figured to at least try to get some of his work done by 5. Yami Sennen was no lazy man, oh no. He was a hard working man of 24 years old and all of his hard work showed. He lived in a beautiful 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom ranch house with a large backyard. He had a tone muscles from working out occasionally, tri colored locks that everyone always asked if they were natural (yes they were!), sun-kissed skin and purple colored eyes with a hint of red in them. He was a gorgeous man but he was also very lonely. He had a huge house and no one to share it with. Let's just say the last man he dated was less than satisfactory.

So he chose to focus on his work but lets face it, there's only so many nights you can survive with your hands alone. He looked to the clock again, praying that his day was almost over.

4:45 p.m.

He groaned again out loud catching the attention of his desk neighbor and best friend Joey Wheeler. The man was initially from Brooklyn and moved to Domino when he was around 10. He was tall at 6'2 and had crazy blonde hair with warm brown colored eyes. He and Yami met towards the end of high school when Yami used to be bullied by Joey for being short. On one unfortunate day Joey was messing on him and Yami had enough and knocked him flat on his ass. Both boys got detention for the next week and when being in a small room by yourself for a week you tend to talk to anyone to make the time pass by. So they got better acquainted and Joey confessed that after his punch he admired Yami for appearing small in size but being huge in strength. They were friends ever since and even started working together.

"Rough day buddy?" Joey said with a sympathetic smile.

Yami looked back to the clock and saw it was 4:50 and slammed his head on his desk. Joey winced at the slam but chuckled none the less. "Dat bad?"

"I can't even express in words how much this day has sucked. First I was late to a meeting, therefore making Kaiba rip me a new one, I was supposed to make copies for Kaiba but no one told me that the copier wasn't working so I had to hand fix it and was late, making Kaiba rip me a new one and you know global warming and all that jazz therefore making Kaiba rip me a new one." He finished with a sarcastic tone.

Joey rolled his eyes. "Seto ain't dat bad Yams."

"Says the one that's fucking the boss." Yami said with a teasing smile.

Joey rolled his eyes wit a smirk. "Hey give me a break, the guys hot. But you know what you really need Yams?"

Yami smiled at his old nickname and continued typing at his computer. "For you not to call me Yams at the age of 24." He teased.

"You're stuck with it so hush! But back to the point dat I was trying to make, you need a night out on the town. There is this club that Seto and I go to that's amazing and always gets us hot and heavy after being in it." Joey said

Yami shivered in disgust. "As….fun as that sounds, I'm gonna have to pass. It's bad enough I hear him call you puppy in public."

"Yami! Please I swear I will make Seto behave and the club is amazing!" Joey pouted in desperation and slammed himself on his knees with his hands clasped together. "Please please please please!"

"FINE! Fine yes." Yami said to get his annoying friend to stop begging him. "Lord do you have any dignity?"

Joey smiled in victory and stood up to leave. "Not since I got with Seto." He said leaving Yami.

Yami looked back to his computer screen looking at the time.

5:05 p.m.

Thank God



Yami sat on his bed tapping his foot irritably. The first time he'd be out for fun in forever and he had no idea what to wear. Did he forget how to have fun? Had it really been that long?

"You could really help me you know…" He said coldly to his other best friend in the world.

His name was Anubis and he was a pure black Great Dane. Anubis lifted his huge head and yawned bored. Yami groaned and fell back on his bed. "Anubis help me!"

Anubis growled irritably and hopped off the bed walking out of the bedroom.

Yami watched him leave and gaped in shock. "Some friend you are!" He fell back against the bed again and laid his arm over his eyes in frustration.

Next thing, he felt a cold wet nose against his cheek and opened his eyes. There was Anubis holding a shirt in his mouth.

"Hey boy, what is that?"

Anubis plopped the shirt in his master's lap and laid back down on the bed thinking his job was done for the night.

Yami inspected the shirt. It was a black tight tank top that showed off his biceps. He looked in amazement a this lazy friend who apparently had more fashion sense than he did. He put in on and nervously paced back and forth in his living room waiting for his humorous friend.

Just then a honk was heard and Yami sighed deeply. He turned back to the black dog laying on the bed. "Wish me luck." And walked out. Anubis yawned in boredom and went back to sleeping.



As soon as Yami, Joey and Seto arrived they came up to a flashy building called Club Deck!s. Yami took a deep breath and staggered it out.

"Come on Yams! Partying and drinking awaits." Joey smirked. Seto glared at Yami to deny his boyfriend and dragged Joey inside.

Yami groaned this time and finally followed the two men. Once he got inside he saw a stage with a pole that reached almost to the bar and even a lounge type area with many young people taking excitedly on leather couches.

Maybe this wont be so bad….

He finally came across Joey and Seto at the bar and went to go sit with them.

"What can I get ya?" A deep baritone voice asked him.

Yami turned to the voice and just stared. This man could have been his twin. They shared the same hair style except his black tips were a crimson color matching his eyes and he had a dark mocha skin tone. He was leaning against the bar with a devilish smirk and a towel laying over his shoulder from cleaning glasses.

"You want a drink or are ya gonna continue to undress me with your eyes?" The stranger purred.

Yami blushed a ripe tomato red and shook his head to compose himself. "Umm…a-an iced tea please."

The stranger nodded with a knowing smirk and went to make his drink. Yami banged his head against the bar in humiliation. How could he just openly gape at someone like a creeper. Idiot! Idiot! He scolded to himself. Joey and Seto turned to the distressed man and looked on in confusion.

"Iced tea. On the house."

Yami looked up and nodded in thanks. Joey raised his eyebrow in shock and watched as the bartender continued working on the other side of the bar.

"You must'ave made quite an impression on 'Temu there Yams." Joey said with an mischievous smile.

"Wait who is 'Temu?" Yami asked in confusion.

"That would be me Pretty Boy. It's actually Atemu, Atemu Hassim." The stranger now named Atemu said.

Yami snorted. "Oh I am the Pretty Boy? Good one." He said eyeing the man up and down.

"Honestly you're more like a tight ass but I didn't want to come off as rude." Atemu said with a wink.

Yami was at first offended but eventually smirked back at Atemu. "I like you."

"Don't like me too much Pretty Boy, I'm taken." He said flashing the gold band on his ring finger. Yami held up his hands in surrender.

"Don't worry I know a battle lost when I see it. Friends?" Yami said holding out his hand in apology and sincerity. Atemu smiled back and they shook hands.

Seto who finally decided to honor the men with talking spoke up. "Speaking of, Swhere is the midget husband?"

Atemu glared from under his bangs. "Watch it CEO, I'll spike your drink so hard, you wont know what hit you."

Seto flipped him off and turned to watch the club scene.

"Your husband work here too Atemu?" Yami asked curiously. He was actually wondering what the man's husband looked like.

Atemu smiled a dreamy smile. "Yeah and you'll be seeing him soon too. Star of the club actually, right Joey?"

Joey nodded eagerly. "Little guy definitely has this club wrapped around his little finger. Has Atemu wrapped too." He said finishing the sentence under his breath.

"What does he do?"

Atemu opened his mouth to speak with the lights suddenly changed to a light purple hue. He smiled and looked toward the stage and then back to a confused Yami. "You're about to find out."

Yami turned to face the stage and saw Joey, Seto and bunch of other excited men and women sit at chairs below the stage. Joey waved to him excitedly and pointed to an empty chair next to him. He chuckled and sat next to his best friend.

"You're in for a treat." Joey said and turned to the stage practically bouncing in his seat. Just what the hell did this guy do? Magic tricks?

Soon smooth jazz started to play and everyone got quiet as someone began to sing.

I got plenty money, 1922

Yami watched as a beautiful man who looked a little like him came out singing in a gorgeous tenor tone. He had tri colored hair in amethyst tips matching his large and innocent eyes. He was wearing red glitter shorts with a matching vest with no shirt underneath it. His feet were bare as he sashayed across the stage.

You let other rich men make a fool of you

Why don't you do right,

Like some other gals do?

Lets get out of here

I got some money for you

The man walked over to the pole and slid down it sensually while smirking at the lust filled gazes aimed at him. Yami was still in shock at this angel on stage with his mouth wide open. "That's Atemu's husband?!"

"Yeah, I'm a lucky son of a bitch huh?" Atemu said slyly surprising Yami by showing up beside him. He casually closed Yami's open jaw and continued to watch his husband on stage doing what he loved.

You sittin' down wonderin' what its all about

If you ain't got no money they will, put you out

Why don't you do right

Like some other gals do

Lets get out of here

I got some money for you

Yugi walked up to Seto and slid a dollar bill in his mouth much to the billionaires displeasure. Seto rolled his eyes and shook his head at the playful shenanigans of the young man.

Now if you have prepared 20 years ago

You wouldn't be wonderin now from door to door

Why don't you do right

Like some other gals do

Lets get of here

I got some money for you

The man saw a fan girl giggling at her seat. He smirked and hopped off the stage and bent low to get eye to eye with her making her squeal and blush heavily. He winked at her and made his way over to Yami and the rest of the gang. He saw his husband and walked behind him and ran a hand through his hair making Atemu bit his lip from the pleasure of his husband`s affectionate touch. God Yami wish that was him. Finally the man saw Yami. He walked away from Atemu and grazed his hand behind Yami`s shoulders and hopped back onto the end of the stage and made direct contact with Yami. Deep purple connected in a trance with seductive amethyst.

Lets get out of here

I got some money for you

Why don't you do right

Like some other gals

Just than the man leaned down from the stage and got really close to Yami's face. He grabbed a hold of Yami's black tank top and made him get closer to his own soft lips like they were going to kiss. But as soon as Yami was about to close his eyes…..


…the man pulled away teasingly and let Yami go. He sang the last mesmerizing note of his song and began to walk back to the entrance of the stage. And that was the last Yami saw of him as he disappeared behind the curtain. He finally let out the breath he was holding and plopped back in his seat.

"Dat….was hot!" Joey spoke up.

Yami blushed and glared at his best friend. "Joey! God think of Atemu!"

Atemu chuckled. "Don't worry about my feelings Yami, I quite enjoyed you and Yugi's little show."

Yami blushed harder and glared. "Not helping!" He turned his embarrassed face away so the men wouldn't know that their words were getting to him. So…his names Yugi. Cute…

"Atemu!" Yami turned to the voice and saw that it was Atemu's husband Yugi running toward them. Instead now he actually looked down to earth. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a Panic at the Disco shirt with his tri colored locks pulled back in a ponytail. Oh and he actually had shoes on, red converses to be exact. He tackled Atemu and smothered his face with kisses. Atemu chuckled and accepted the loving butterfly kisses from his little lover. Yami looked away from the affectionate display not really knowing how to feel.

"Yug' my pal!" Joey shouted and grabbed Yugi from Atemu's arms and twirled him around. Yugi giggled cutely.

"Joey let go." He giggled and connected eyes with Yami again. "Hey again! Sorry I did that to you in front of everyone." He said guiltily.

Atemu sighed and leaned his arm on Yugi's shoulder. "Don't be sorry babe, my new friend, Yami enjoyed the attention." He said with an evil smile making Yugi smirk at Yami's red face. He put more meaning behind the word friend for some reason making Yami confused.

"I did not!" Yami defended.

Yugi pouted cutely. "You didn't like my song or show Yami?"

Yami looked at Yugi's watery eyes and immediately felt terrible. "No no I loved all of it!" As soon as Yami said that, Yugi's tears were gone and a bright smile replaced his face.

Joey leaned closer to Yami. "Looks like Atemu isn't the only one that Yugi has wrapped around his finger." He said slyly. Yami glared at his friend making Joey laugh hysterically. "Just messin with ya Yams. But Seto and I are gonna go. Atemu and Yug' will take care of ya."

Yami gulped and looked toward the club workers. They both had evil smiles on their faces. Yami gulped. "A-Are you s-sure Joey, buddy ole pal?" He said fearfully with a stutter. It wasn't that he didn't want to be with the club workers, but he was afraid how much of a fool he'd make of himself in front of these two gorgeous men.

Joey rolled his eyes and both he and Seto left the club.

"Don't be scared Yami." Atemu said soothingly and leaned against Yami.

"We'll take good care of you." Yugi said next leaning on Yami's other side.

Yami shook is head on shoved away from the married couple. "Guys please I'm confused. I mean you guys are married. Why are you hitting on me?"

"We're completely confident in our relationship with each other Yami. I may have said not too like me too much because I'm taken but…" Atemu began and looked to Yugi when he didn't know how to continue.

Yugi smiled and kissed Yami lightly on the lips making him widen his eyes in shock. "What Temmy means is that we like ya cutie. We of course love each other but we feel like you're different and maybe you could learn to love us too. Wanna give us a chance at something new?" He asked fearfully.

Yami looked between the hot bartender and the seductive singer and bit his lip. Did he want to take a chance with two complete strangers in a polyamorous relationship he just met that night? He finally smiled at the men.

Why the fuck not?"



Wow that was long and its been a bit since I've written anything. Just so everyone knows I am indeed going to update on my No Strings Attached story. But a lot has happened including me getting married, going on our honeymoon and moving into a new house.

Just be patient with me and don't forget to review. I'm sorry if this one-shot isn't that good.