Kara Danvers woke thirty minutes before the alarm. And she was ecstatic.

Today marked her first experience with the beach. But the reason why she was truly excited was because it was her first family trip with the Danvers.

She sat on the edge of her bed quietly, so as not to wake up Alex, and started planning all the activities she wanted to do. Ride the waves, play in the sand, build sand castles, eat lunch by the ocean, tan with Alex, and so much more. The more she thought about her day, the better it seemed to get.

Snap out of it Kara! You gotta get your swimsuit ready! Just get a hold of yourself. Everyone will be awake soon and you don't wanna be the one to hold them back from their trip, do you?

And with that, Kara stealthily snuck out of the room and changed into her bathing suit. She already had her bag packed and ready to go and now she just had to wait for Alex to wake up, so they could load the picnic basket together. It's something Kara could have done herself, but recently with Alex starting to really accept her, they seemed to be doing a lot more together.

As Kara got lost in thought about her budding relationship with Alex, she was jolted awake by the sound of the beeping alarm clock. She audibly yelped of pure, unrestrained joy and ran to go tell Alex to hurry up.

"Alex... Alex! Wake up quick! It's time for the beach! Aren't you excited? Come on!"

"Whoa, Kara. Slow down please. Oh my goodness, I just woke up," Alex groaned.

"Well if you're awake now, then why aren't you already in the bathroom getting changed? It's a big day!"

"How could I forget with you constantly reminding me?" Alex teased. And with that, she took her pillow and promptly smacked Kara across the face. She ran to the bathroom in hopes that Kara wouldn't hit her back.

"Hey! The only reason I'm letting that go is because you need to get changed! Hurry up though, we still have to pack the basket."

"Alright I'll be there soon. Just gimme a sec. Can you go make sure Mom and Dad are up?" asked Alex.

Before Kara could reply, Eliza's voice was heard from the hall. "Alright girls, we already loaded the basket! We'll be packing all of our stuff into the car."

Jeremiah added,"Just come outside whenever you girls are ready! But come quick or we might leave without you!"

With this, Kara freaked out and ran out to the car.

Alex thought,"Wow. What a day this is going to be. Well, at least Kara's happy. I better get a move on unless I want to deal with a grumpy alien during the car ride." She quietly chuckled to herself while she headed outside, excited for the day as well.

The drive was relatively uneventful. Unfortunately for the Danvers family, "uneventful" meant a singing, goofy, and impatient alien in the back seat. But they all loved seeing the happiness radiating from her, so no one said anything.

As soon as they arrived, Kara slammed the door shut and took off towards the sand. She had been waiting for this for what felt like weeks, even though it had really only been three days. Predictably, she made a beeline right for the water. Kara immediately made friends with these two siblings and they got into a fierce splash war.

When the Danvers walked onto the sand carrying all their stuff, they walked in on Kara getting teamed up on by the siblings and her subsequent laughing and retaliation. Her giggling was contagious, and eventually, the rest of the Danvers were laughing right along with her.

Once they had their towel and beach chairs set up, they all glanced at Kara to check on her. They found a wide toothy grin plastered on her face, while the siblings showed her how to start a sand castle.

Jeremiah commented,"You know, I don't think I've ever seen her this happy. It's so refreshing."

"It definitely feels great to see her so excited after all those nightmares she had last week," Eliza agreed.

"Yeah mom. She was so scared when I woke her up. When I asked her what it was about, she clammed up. She said something about how she thinks we're gonna leave her alone, like her parents," said a worried Alex.

Eliza advised,"Well honey, we just gotta make sure she feels loved so her abandonment issues can start to fade away a little. The best we can do is be there for her, and that'll be sure to keep that smile on her face."

"Yeah I guess you're right. I'm gonna go check on Kara and maybe help out with that sand castle," Alex said. And with that, she stood and walked towards Kara.

Kara had heard glimpses of their conversation accidentally with her super hearing. Something about her and abandonment and fading away. Those words rang through her head as her wide smile quickly morphed into a distraught frown.

I am just some random alien that crashed into their lives. And this is their family trip. Maybe I'm really not welcome and they just feel bad for me... Maybe they'll leave me alone anyways, just like my parents, even if they had all promised to stay. I did change everything for them, why would they possibly want me here? Alex hasn't even acknowledged me as her sister yet... Maybe I'm not meant to be here.

Alex was walking towards Kara when she saw a watery frown on her face. Growing concerned, she ran over.

"Hey... hey Kara. What's wrong? Why are you sad? I thought you were excited for the beach today?" Alex questioned. Her concern only grew when Kara turned her head downward and tears spilled into the sand.

Kara whispered,"Do you guys even want me here? And please don't lie. I know you resent me for coming into your lives and changing it so much... If I'm not welcome, just tell me and I can go if that's what you want..."

"Kara. What are you talking about? Why would you think this? We love you so much and you've only changed our lives for the better," Alex comforted.

"Is that why you were talking about me and abandonment just now? Why you-"

"Kara, no. That is not what we meant. Do you hear me?" Alex gently lifted Kara's chin so their eyes were level. "We are your family. Kara, you are my family. And I couldn't have asked for anyone better. Kara Danvers, you are my baby sister, of course I want you here."

"Then why were you guys talking about me?" Kara asked, though with a little less doubt than the first time.

"We were only talking about those nightmares you had last week. How they were about your parents abandoning you. But after that, we talked about how we could never do that to you and how we just want to be there for you. How I want to be there for you. We're not bringing you along because we feel obligated, Kara. It's because we love you. And more importantly, I love you... I thought I didn't at first, and I resented you. It's true. You turned my life upside down.

But you have been there for me every step of the way with no complaints, even with all the crap I gave you. And I know I was a horrible sister. I realize that now. But I want to change that. Kara, I love you, more than words can express, and I swear I will always be here for you whenever you need it. You're my little sister and it's my job to take care of you. When you're feeling down like this, come talk to me first before you assume I don't want you. Because I do. I really really really really really re-"

Alex was interrupted by Kara giggling. And her heart warmed at the sound. "I got it Alex. That you really really really want me here. Just so you know, I want you here just as much, or maybe even more. And I love you too. You're the best big sister ever. Also, for the record, you were never a horrible sister to me, I always thought you were amazing and tough, and wanted to grow up to be just like you."

Alex teared up a little at that. And then she realized,"Hey... did you just call me your big sister? For the first time?"

Kara's grin was back full force. "Only AFTER you called me baby sister and little sister."

Alex said smiling,"We really are a family. And I am not going anywhere." And with that, she tickled Kara on the stomach, causing her to crash into her sand castle.

"Hey!" Kara protested in between her laughs. "You better help me rebuild this."

Alex teased,"In your dreams, you clumsy little alien. Not in a million years." And they sat there laughing and smiling.

Next thing she knew, Alex felt the arms of her baby sister crushing her in a hug. "Thanks for cheering me up and becoming my sister officially. I was right. Today really has been the best day ever! I love you."

"I love you too, Kara. More than you know." And with that, she placed a tiny kiss on Kara's head and they sat there with their arms wrapped tight around each other. Beaming so bright it blinded even the sun. Perfectly content with each other's company. They both simultaneously realized that all they truly needed was each other.

Jeremiah and Eliza watched this whole interaction from a distance. And wide grins broke out across their faces. Grins that not only symbolized pride for their daughters, but also gratitude for their complete and loving family.

All this.

All this love and passion. All this care and kindness. All this light.

Soon to be torn away. Completely ripped apart.

Not in months, weeks, or days.

But in a matter of hours.

May all the light gathered, on this day, help prepare them to face the dark days ahead.