CH 3

I found a motel that would let me stay for the meager fifty dollars I had left, and I gratefully accepted the key. As soon as I was in the room I locked the door and went into the bathroom with the bag I had bought.

I took out a pair of scissors and held up a chunk of hair, my lip trembling as I held the scissors near it. "Come on," I coached myself, "if you don't, they'll find you…" Even with those words in my mind, I couldn't, and I dropped the scissors on the counter.

"God, I'm so weak…" I muttered before grabbing the hair dye. I could, at least, do that. I followed the instructions and soon my hair was covered in white goop that would turn it a natural dark brown color. I washed off the dark eyeliner and make up, looking at my fresh and natural face before slicking on neutral tones and natural lipstick before changing into nondescript blue jeans, a pale blue top, and a silver hoodie. I kicked off my boots and pulled on a pair of snug winter boots.

I took a breath before flipping my head over and doing a complex braid and tying off the end. In my reflection was a girl I would personally label as 'basic'. "Unassumingly basic."

I tucked everything into a garbage bag and tied it off, getting ready to catch some sleep before I had to be moving again. I put my headphones in and played 'Damage' by Fit for Rivals and closed my eyes, sleep quickly claiming me.

"She should really be more careful," I heard a voice said softly and I jerked away, my hands up and controlling the women in my room.

"Who are you?" I demanded to know, the taller one opened her mouth to speak.

"I'm Bo, this is Kenzi," she said, introducing them. The girl called Kenzi waved. "I'm just here to help." The women both had long dark hair, but the taller one's was curly and up in a ponytail, whereas the other woman's is in straight waves and blunt bangs.

"How do I know I can trust you?" I ask, my voice steady despite my pounding heart.

"Because I was where you were," Bo said, slowly lowering her hands. "You can control people with your hands?"

"Yes…'s scary sometimes." I admitted, letting them sit down.

"Oh, I get it," Bo said, smiling gently. "I'm a succubus. Do you know what that is?"

"I thought they weren't real?" I asked, confused.

"How do you explain yours? That's not supposed to happen." Bo pointed out.

"So, what am I?" I asked her, fearful of the answer. Her brown eyes smiled warmly at me and I slowly relaxed.

"You're a Mesmer. We knew another one…he's not here, though," Bo said. "We think he could be your father since you are like him."

"Like him? A father who left me a wee infant?" I asked, incredulous.

"Wow, she's even got the accent," Kenzi said sarcastically.


"What? Just being honest."

I stared at the ceiling. A father who gave this to me?