Maddie Fenton POV. Same time as last time.

I wander up the stairs with the Fenton Family Finder and look into Danny's room for something with his DNA. Looking from his bed to his dresser I can't see anything with it guaranteed to have some on. Then I see a hairbrush on his dresser. That will work. I pick it up and take one of his long strands of hair and put it in the machine.

"Initialising DNA. Programming directions." The devise explaines.

I wait a moment an it finally gets a tab on him. I knew it! He is still in Amity Park. An in the town! I run down the the stairs and grab he keys shouting.

"I'll be back soon sweetie!" As I jump in the Fenton RV and start her up. The signal is going left right and centre but it is easy to tell that he isn't going anywhere. I drive quickly but not as reckless as Jack and reach the area of the signal.

Some ghost is terrorising many places and is causing fear as always but it looks like the ghost boy is fighting it off. But that doesn't make sense. The ghost boy phantom must have taken Danny!

"Skulker! Stop it! Why can't you go hut something else?" The ghost boy - wait no girl! Shouts. The ghost girl? Does phantom have a sister? Who is this? I notice Sam, Tucker and Jazz standing close to the fight. As the ghost girl throws down the other ghost Sam opens one of our Fenton thermos's ad it sucks the ghost in.

The ghost girl floats down and they begin to talk.

"Thanks guys. I don't know how he does it all the time. Skulker is aweful." The ghost girl said.

"No problem Dani it's the least we can do for you as Danny is missing. We don't want the town being over run."

They look around then notice the Fenton RV.

"Uh guys? Why is the RV here?" Sam asks.

"Did anyone check to make sure the Fentons weren't here?" Tucker asks. Why would they need to do that. I hear a beep and realise the Fenton Family Finder has located Danny. I quickly look at it and realise that the dot is directly where the ghost girl is. I gasp which grabs the attention of Sam.

I don't hear anything for a moment and suddenly I come face to face with Samantha.

"Mrs Fenton? What are you doin here?" She asks innocently. It's time.

"Oh Sam. Is Danny here? I linked the Fenton Family finder up to Danny and it says he is here." I say. If I act dumb they will tell me.

"Oh uh..." She darts her eyes around the corner as the devise beeps. "I don't think he's here. He's been missing. Suddenly Sam jumps slightly and she flinches.

"Uh where did you get the DNA from?" Sam asks strongly.

"Danny's hair brush." I state easing an eye brow. What is going on?

"Oh haha, that's nothing to worry about. That's pointing to me see." She points down at the devise and as she said so, the devise is pointing to her. "I use Danny's brush regularly so you must have gotten my hair."

"Okay." I say. Not buying it. These kids know something. "Who is that ghost girl?" I ask. She flinches again.

"Ghost girl? Oh you must mean Phantom's cousin. Dani Phantom. Yeah. Phantom has gone to the ghost zone for a vacation and Dani is here to help out." Who taught this girl how to lie?

"Okay. Well where's Jazmine? It's time for Dinner any way." I put a note in my head about that.

"Oh, Jazz is-"

"Right here! Hi mum." Jazz pops out of nowhere and greets. "Dinner you say? Yum okay. I'll see you all later," she waves to Sam and Tucker comes into view. They wave back.

"Bye!" "See you later dude!" They walk away.

"Okay dinner! Let's go. " she jumps into the RV and I sigh as I walk to it. I need to find out what is going on.

Dani's POV

"Wow that was close." I state. That was awkward.

"Yeah. She must have heared me say how we were going to meet you just before we left the house and she must've thought that we said Danny not Dani." Sam says. If she suspects something then...

"It's Mrs Fenton guys. I'm sure nothing is wrong. She must be looking for her son." Tuck said.

We all go to Sam's house to plan the next battle... And to get a new thermos.