Not entirely happy with how this chapter turned out but I have had such lovely reviews I thought I would update early. Happy Monday.

Thanks to everyone who has reviewed, you are so kind I really apprectiate it.

When Draco opened his eyes he was back safe and sound in his own bed, he couldn't remember moving from the sofa so he assumed that Harry had moved him whilst he slept.

His Gryffindor hero was quietly snoring behind him, his arm slung lazily around Draco's midriff, his nose was pressed into the back of Draco's neck. Draco frowned, he had never really seen himself as the 'little spoon' but he supposed he could let it slide this once. Smiling to himself, Draco wriggled down deeper into the embrace and enjoyed the heat emitted from the warm, firm body behind him.

Closing his eyes once again he drifted back off into a dreamless escape for just a little longer.


Hermione was digging noisily through her clothes, she was trying to find something that might be considered even a little bit sexy and she was seriously struggling.

"Why is everything that I own so..."

"Hideous?" Asked Fay Dunbar, one of Hermione's dorm mates from across the room.

Hermione was about to defend herself but looking down at the pile of clothes strewn around her she realised Fay was exactly right.

"Yes." She said exasperated.

"Judging by the way you were dressed yesterday I would imagine you have an eye on a certain someone... is that correct?" Fay asked with a twinkle in her eye as she dropped herself down to sit on Hermione's bed.

"No comment." Hermione said suspiciously.

"Well maybe I need a little help with some Arithmancy homework and just maybe I have a very cute little burgundy mini dress that you would look divine in. I guarantee that whoever your prey is, he would have to be blind, deaf and dead to resist you in it."

"Done. Where's the dress?" Hermione said, standing up sharply.

Fay's eyebrows shot up into her hairline and she quickly made her way to her trunk and pulled out the mini dress and a thin black cashmere cardigan to complement it.

"Here you are."

Hermione's eyes shone, it was absolutely perfect.

"I will have your homework done by Sunday evening" Hermione said as she pressed the dress up against her, admiring the reflection in the floor length mirror at the far side of the room.

"We are friends Hermione, I just want your help with it not for you to do it for me. Honestly girl, if I didn't know any better I would have thought you had been polyjuiced, you're like a Crup in heat. Between the outfit yesterday and the way you are acting this morning anyone would have thought you had gone nuts." Fay said, moving back to lay down on Hermione's bed.

"You have no idea." Hermione smiled at her friend.

"Just be careful Hermione, Slytherin's are known to be devious little bastards."

"Yeah so I've heard... wait, I didn't tell you he was a Slytherin." Hermione panicked.

Does she know it's Snape? Oh fuck.

"You didn't have to, everyone got a glimpse of your knickers yesterday. You know I don't think I have once seen you voluntarily wear anything in Slytherin green. It's a dead giveaway."

Euch, and I thought I was being subtle. Hermione let out the breath she didn't even know she was holding. At least she doesn't know who.

"So who is it?" Fay pressed, turning onto her belly so she could face her friend.

"Ah, now that would be telling." Hermione started to sweat, but she smiled.

And you would die on the spot if I told you. She added mentally, grimacing.

"You tease!" Fay went silent for a moment whilst she seemingly tried to come up with a viable option.

"Is it Zabini, he is fucking gorgeous and the way he was eyeing you yesterday, I think he would definitely give you a go."

"Ew, no. So not my type and really Fay, 'Give me a go' that's so coarse."

"Now that sounds more like the Hermione I know. Not Zabini then..." Fay mused "Oh Jesus, it's not Malfoy is it?"

"That wouldn't make any sense, nobody but Harry has seen Malfoy since the Battle so no, it's not Malfoy." Hermione said as she pulled on and smoothed down the mini dress that hugged her petite body in all the right places, shrugging on the black cardigan and moving back to the mirror to appraise herself.

"You know Hermione, that dress looks way better on you than it did me, you should keep it."

"Are you serious?"

"I'll just buy myself something new." Fay nodded waving her hand.

"What about the shoes? What should I wear?"

"Your black ballerinas I reckon, they would look adorable"

Hermione nodded and after digging unsuccessfully through the piles of clothes still lying on the floor she finally grabbed her wand and cast Accio moments later the shoes flung themselves at her, narrowly missing her head. She sat on the bed next to fay to put them on before huffing at the destruction all around her. With a determined look on her face and a practiced flick of her wrist every scrap of it was banished, disappearing in an instant.

"Hey fay? Want to go shopping?"

It was Fay's turn to look excited and she nodded enthusiastically.


Harry was awake, he had been for about half an hour but he was completely unwilling to move lest he wake Draco who was sleeping soundly beside him. Harry had used his time awake to think and he had come to the conclusion that he was content. Everything about, whatever it was, that was going on between Draco and himself should by all accounts scare the living hell out of him. None of it did though, not the arguing, or the fact that he was currently cuddled up with his arch nemesis. Not to mention the fact that he was in fact cuddled up with a boy. Just a few months prior, the knowledge would have been more likely to give him a heart attack or lead him to believe he was officially going insane, but now that couldn't be further from the truth.

He gently pressed a kiss to the soft blonde wisps of hair at the nape of Draco's neck. When the other boys breathing remained deep and even he pressed a little harder, kissing his way to the back of Draco's ear. He felt a little braver, he was sure that Draco was awake now as his breathing had quickened ever so slightly. Harry pushed himself up on his arm, kissing further still past Draco's ear and onto his cheek.

Draco hummed his approval, rolling towards Harry onto his back in order to allow him access to his mouth.

"That may be my new favourite way to wake up." Draco said, his voice raspy with sleep.

Smiling up at Harry and stretching himself out languorously, he continued.

"I didn't say stop" Draco whispered.

Harry blushed, and offered Draco a playful smile.

"If it's your favourite, perhaps we should make it a habit." Harry said, leaning down and kissing Draco gently on his lips.

"That depends. Are you planning on making this an everyday sort of habit? Or more like an every once in a while, sort of habit?" Draco asked.

Harry faltered at that, he was lost as to what the correct answer to that question was. His mind was screaming everyday but would Draco go for that? Maybe Draco just wanted a quick fling with Harry. For lack of an answer he decided to give a shrug and made to lay back down next to the blonde.

Draco rolled his eyes pulling Harry back to him none too gently before kissing him deeply licking his tongue gently over Harry's lower lip in the echo of an apology for the bite he had given him the night before.

"I believe every day would be more than acceptable." Draco assured Harry, pressing his morning erection firmly into Harry's own to affirm his interest. Harry's eyes slid shut at the feeling, pressing himself forwards in reply.

"Harry" Draco gasped.

Neither boy could be quite sure how they both ended up naked in the moments that followed, desperate hands tugged at the clothes that kept them separated with such abandon that it was any wonder one or both of them hadn't ended up injured. When their cocks met again, skin on skin Draco moaned and Harry shivered pleasurably pressing himself as close to the other boy as possible. There was an intesity between them that threatened to burn them both alive and before they knew it they were moving against each other, rocking gently almost shyly but gradually gaining momentum.

Their eyes were locked together as the heat began to increase with each movement. Harry whispered a charm that Draco's ears failed to catch but not a second later there was a soft slickness between them and Draco was grateful.

"Ever the gentleman, Potter." Draco grinned as he thrust against Harry firmly.

Harry's movements faltered at the use of his last name, it was undeniably hot to hear Draco use it in this context. There was no venom and it sounded like pure sex.

"God Malfoy, you feel so good."

Draco only nodded keeping his eyes trained on Harry's.

Harry was blushing he knew it but to hide his nervousness he moved himself to lay completely on top of Draco one hand planted on either side of Draco's shoulders. It was Draco's turn to blush as he allowed Harry to position himself between his thighs, spreading them wider with more enthusiasm than he thought he might.

They rocked more insistently now, the new position allowing more friction. Harry set the pace, quick but not too quick and he lowered himself to Draco's mouth for a kiss immediately begging entry with his tongue which was granted almost as quickly.

The two boys kissed deeply as they both pressed forwards towards their orgasms, Draco's hands trailing down Harry's back and grasping his arse taking a firm hold of it as it tensed and relaxed with each press of his hips.

It wasn't long before Harry's breathing turned ragged, the demanding hands on his arse turning him on even more. Harry was embarrassed, he was hoping he could have lasted longer trying to impress Draco but he was so turned on he couldn't control himself.

"Draco, I'm gonna."

"Yes Harry, yes... me too. God you feel so good."

Harry kissed Draco again at that and hummed in satisfaction when he felt the lithe body beneath his go tense and a warm wetness spread over his body and cock.

"Harry. Fuck yes. Potter" Draco cried his head tipped back and his eyes squeezed shut as he canted his hips upwards in jerky motions.

That was too much for Harry and he followed Draco with an explosive orgasm glancing down between them for the first time and seeing their cocks pressed together coated in their mixed spendings, he thought he might come again from the sight alone.

As the last wave of bliss crashed over him he collapsed on top of Draco, whose arms wrapped around him in a possessive embrace. They stayed like that whilst they got their breath back before Harry extricated himself from Draco's hold to lay back down next to him.

"Well that was..."

"That was what?" Draco interrupted nervously.

Harry's closed eyes shot open and landed on Draco, he was frowning and he looked a little like he was either going to punch Harry or burst into tears but he wasn't sure which. Sensing that Draco was about to have one of his mood swings Harry didn't bother trying to fathom out which he just answered quickly.

"Amazing? Sexy? Perfect? All of those things." Harry smiled a genuine smile at Draco and the boy visibly relaxed touching his fingertips to Harry's bare chest.

"Thank you, Harry." Draco breathed.

"I think we might have to make that an everyday kind of habit too, don't you?" Harry smirked.

"If you think you can manage it, though I have several other ideas that might just rival that one."

Harry laughed but quickly grimaced at the drying fluids on his belly. He flicked off the bed covers and rolled off the bed making his was round to Draco's side and holding out his hand.

"Would you care to take a bath with me?" Harry asked with a lopsided smile.

Draco laughed nastily at that, staring at Harry's hand he laughed even harder bypassing Harry's hand altogether and pushing the other boy roughly out of the way heading for the bedroom door.

"Please Potter, I am not a girl you needn't treat me like a pretty princess." Draco turned to see Potter staring at him paying little attention to a word he was saying.

"What?" Draco snapped.

"It's just your arse." Harry replied, his eyes never leaving said arse until Draco turned to face him his arms folded and his lips pursed.

"I'll have you know I have never had any complaints about it before, it's a very fine arse." Draco said in a stroppy tone, dropping one hip and looking to Harry like he was sex on legs.

"Oh it certainly is, that's the problem you see, I can't take my eyes off it and now you have gone and hidden it. Turn around Malfoy."

Draco was physically flustered.

"Potter if you are having me on I swear to any gods that are listening I will …"

"No really..." Harry interrupted. "...turn around Draco, I just wanna bite it."

Draco's mouth dropped open at that and he backed up to the door.

Harry smirked, he had successfully averted another of Draco's mood swings.

I'm getting damn good at this. He thought to himself happily before advancing on his prey.

"Potter I'm warning you if your teeth come anywhere near my arse, so help me god I'll..." Draco threatened as he fumbled for the door handle his back pressed against the wood protecting his rear.

Harry had reached Draco before he had won his battle with the door and he now had him pinned firmly up against it chest to chest once again.

"You'll what Draco?" Harry breathed seductively.

Draco's knees almost gave way with the shivers that wracked his body.

"I'll do something you really wont like" Draco answered weakly.

Harry chuckled and moved in for a kiss, just before their lips met Draco whispered something Harry didn't understand.


Harry was too preoccupied with Draco's mouth to notice the little dragon behind him. He wasn't too preoccupied however, to notice the fierce burning sensation that licked at his own arse seconds later.

Harry let out a yelp and flew round to be greeted with Draco's ethereal Dragon bounding in circles at a job well done. Frowning and rubbing at his tender arse by the time he had turned back to Draco the boy had already bolted out of the door and towards the bathroom laughing heartily at the Gryffindor's expense.

The little shit!

Harry couldn't help but laugh a little himself, though he made to follow Draco pretty quickly when the beast in front of him looked as though it was going to add a hot dog to the menu as it eyed his nether parts.

"No fair Malfoy, now give me a bite of that arse." He called.


Hermione was back in her dorm alone, Fay had left her to organise her dozen or so shopping bags and had headed down to Dinner with the Patil twins. Hermione was spoilt for choice, she had at least twenty different outfits. Some were functional but sexy, her hands stroked over a pair of tight and extremely soft black skinny jeans. Some were just sexy and definitely something Hermione would have to get used to, she eyed a bag with a black dress in that was so tight she would have to go commando to wear it. Lastly there were some that were just down right slutty, even Pansy Parkinson would have a hard time justifying wearing those and she was planning on keeping those for after the battle with Snape had been won.

Hermione decided to stick with the dress that Fay had leant her but swapped her shoes for a new pair of black patent leather kitten heals that were another trophy from today's shopping trip. Hermione touched up her makeup and decided it was time to head down to the dungeons.

As she neared the Potions classroom she kept repeating a line of advice that Fay had told her over coffee that afternoon. 'Confidence is sexy Hermione, show him who's boss.' Taking a deep breath, she didn't hesitate when she reached the door, she opened it with as much confidence as she could muster and walked gracefully into the room.

The sight that greeted her wasn't only disappointing it was horrifying. There he was, sat behind his desk shuffling papers and failing to look up at her once but that wasn't so much of a problem. There was a problem though, a huge one and it went by the name of Cormac McLaggen. The stuck-up idiot was sat at the first desk, smiling at Hermione and patting the seat next to him as an invitation.

Hermione tried not to throw up in her mouth as she made her way over to Professor Snape. Standing before him, she cleared her throat. Once again failing to look up at her, he responded.

"Yes miss Granger."

"Have I gotten the time for our lesson wrong professor, only it appears that Cormac is sitting at my desk."

"How astute an observation, perhaps you should consider Auror as a profession Miss Granger. As it happens Mr McLaggen here shares your interest in advanced potions and it would be a grave misjustice for me to deny one student extra tuition when I have already granted my precious time to another would it not?"

Hermione's mouth fell open and her lower jaw jutted forward in disbelief, she looked between Snape and her stalker trying to formulate an argument to rid herself of her fellow Gryffindor. Snape had her over a barrell though and she knew it, as lovely as the image was that popped up into her lust filled brain she knew she was defeated.

"Of course professor." She remarked coldly, heading over to the seat next to McLaggen and sitting down.

You sneaky, sexy git. She thought as she took out her supplies for the lesson.

Snape finally looked up at her when she had taken her seat, his eyes quickly moved onto the only other person in the room when he noticed her dress and for the rest of the lesson Snape made a point of looking only at McLaggen or at his desk. Of course, McLaggen made a point of only looking at her and asked her if she would consider meeting him that night for a romantic walk of the grounds no less than three times before he got that message the she was uninterested. The lesson was tedious as her classmate was slow on the uptake and it was obvious from the start that he would probably be failing his newt never mind expert level potions.

Uncharacteristically Snape seemed to have all the time in the world for any questions Cormac came up with, all of which Hermione had known the answers to since she got on the Hogwarts express in first year. When it finally came to the pair of them being dismissed Snape took one last look at Hermione before he exited the classroom and entered his private quarters.

Hermione was pissed off to say the least, Cormac couldn't wait to get out after being so vehemently denied a date so it didn't take long for her to be left on her own gathering her books and stuffing them in her bag angrily.

She had reached the exit of the classroom before she stopped, why should he be allowed to get away with ruining her lesson. Regardless of any extracurriculars she desired with her professor she still wanted to pass this qualification and Cormac had been such a hazard during the past two hours that Hermione had learnt next to nothing. Throwing her bag down she stormed over to the door through which Snape had exited and knocked on it sharply.

"Professor, I need a word with you urgently."

There was no reply, so she knocked again, more loudly this time. When she received no answer a surge of courage overtook her and she seized the door handle and to her surprise it opened.

It's not like anyone but me would voluntarily risk their lives to pursue Snape into his private quarters. Her mind chipped in.

The room she entered into was absolutely stunning, there was a fire blazing in the old fireplace. It was massive and was obviously connected to the floo network at one time or another. All of the furniture was antique mahogany and plush black velvet sofas adorned the room on two sides, to Hermione's surprise there was no Slytherin green to be seen. She mentally made a note to get some black underwear next time she ventured out of the school for a shopping trip.

There was a strange sound coming from the room off to the side of the sitting room Hermione was sat in and she quietly made her way through to the door behind which the sound was coming from.

The sight that she was confronted with was something out of her wettest dream. Snape was naked from head to toe, and he was sat on a large black velvet chaise that stood at the side of the room. The dim candlelight was bathing Snape in a warm glow that made him look less sickly, less gothic. His head was tipped all the way back, his mouth open and his eyes closed. His thighs were spread wide and Hermione was greeted with a full view of him as his hand moved up and down slowly on gliding over his hard cock. His chest was moving up and down in deep labored breaths as though he were closing in on his orgasm already.

All of a sudden Snape's head snapped forwards, his eyes open and trained on Hermione. There was such an intensity behind them that Hermione felt about 10 inches tall. His hand didn't falter however and he continued to stroke himself to his completion.

"Are you thinking of me professor?"

Snape nodded his breath catching as his thumb pressed into the sensitive slit of his leaking cock and he spread his legs a little wider, pressing his hips up into his hand.

Emboldened by this Hermione took a step towards him, then another until she was standing just out of arm's length of him.

"What am I doing in your thoughts professor?"

Another sharp intake of breath and Snape closed his eyes for a few seconds trying to regain control of himself, his hand never stopping its rhythmic motion.

Hermione took control, remaining out of arms reach she shrugged off the cardigan and threw it to the floor.

"Are you fucking my mouth professor? Or am I bent over your desk perhaps?" She reached for the hem of her dress, pulling it up and over her head deftly after which it joined the cardigan on the floor. She stood before him in nothing but a set of deep red underwear.

Snape started panting more heavily but didn't respond other than to shake his head.

"I see." She said stepping close enough to him that she could feel the heat from his body teasing her thighs. She leant in so her lips were scarcely a hairs breadth away from his ear and she whispered.

"Am I riding you here, right now? Bouncing on your cock whilst I scream your name? Severus."

That was enough for Snape and his hands came up to lift her wrapping tightly around the waist pulling her to him and placing her on his lap so the lace of her knickers was the only thing keeping him from entering her.

Hermione squealed at the power of the man beneath her and she smiled at him in victory. He pressed his lips to hers forcing his tongue into her mouth and she gladly accepted kissing him back hungrily.

"Please Severus." She begged before resuming the kiss.

He required no further prompting as he tore her underwear from her and entered her in one hard thrust of his hips. It was painful, Hermione might not be a virgin but she was far from experienced and she winced into the kiss.

Snape stilled pulling back only far enough to rest his forehead against hers, still buried to the hilt inside her. His hold on her became gentler, his hands smoothing up and down her sides in a soothing gesture.

He kissed her softly then, and Hermione's heart fluttered in her chest. He kissed her lips, cheeks and forehead before he removed his hand linking his fingers behind his head and leaning back to watch her on his lap.

Hermione shuddered, as she realised he was giving her the control and she took it rolling her hips experimentally and moaning at the feeling of him twitching with arousal inside of her.

Kneeling up a little Hermione did her best to move pleasurably up and down on his cock, she was shaky at first but she soon found her rhythm and he watched in awe as she rode him with abandon. She placed her hands on his chest to steady herself and eventually plucked up the courage to search out his lips for another kiss.

Snape's hand slipped down between them, his fingertips began to circle her clit and she began losing her rhythm as she moved quickly towards her orgasm. Snape took over pressing up into her at a punishing pace. It only took Hermione a few seconds to come at that and she collapsed onto his chest allowing him to pump into her a few more times before he lost himself to a powerful orgasm.

They panted heavily, Snape wrapping his arms around Hermione's waist and pressing her tightly to his chest.

"Tell me it almost worked?" Snape asked, the first words he had spoken since she had entered the room.

"Your little stunt with McLaggen you mean?" She asked, pulling back so she could look at him.

"Yes, tell me it almost stopped you."

"Stopped me? Stopped me from what, having mind blowing sex? Professor, nothing you could have done would have kept me away but if it makes you feel any better then yes, it almost worked."

Snape nodded.

"I am not the man you want to get involved with Miss Granger. You can't save me, I am beyond that."

Hermione's gaze softened at that, raising her hand to his cheek and stroking her thumb gently across his cheek bone.

"I don't intend on saving you. It is however my intent to prove to you that you are very much the man I want to be involved with and I want you just the way you are. Especially the way you are right now." She rolled her hips once more, his softening cock still inside her to emphasise her point.

He smiled at that, and there it was. The smile that she had so desperately wanted to see. It was small and it only lasted a few seconds before he pulled her back in for another sweet kiss but it was there and Hermione decided that her next mission was to make sure that smile was on his face more often that it was not.