Chapter 7

They were at the outskirts of the little town, the people asleep, unaware of the horde at their doorstep. She saw Elsa had been silvered and contained and yet, she knew that she had been the only one, besides the royal couple., who had known of the power within her. Power that was now freed. But she was hesitant to make a big show of things…she felt like it wasn't quite time. She felt his hold on her loosen slightly as he got into her face, seething for a moment and looking more than ready to end her.

"I don't want to do anything to you….I just need you to take that thing off…it is what they wanted for you….they weren't right in the head and neither are you and it is all the fault of someone you yourself killed. You need to help me with this, to try to set things right. If possible. Your sister is alive still…."

"My parents are dead because of your meddling in things you aren't meant to be involved in. I have a destiny to fulfill, it is what they wanted for me and I will do what is needed." he looked towards the village and there was a lust, a greed unlike anything she had ever seen before and though he had her in a tight grip, she knew she needed to do what she was about to. She let her light flow, around her, spooking him enough to let her go, though the crow around them looked murderous. And with a fast movement, she reached up and had her hands on the crown on his head, only to be snatched back by one of his men. Ignoring her, he moved fast from the site, the rest following as she struggled against the two holding her. And though they tried to restrain her, she kept using her light, reluctantly killing some of the vamps in the process. And that was when she started hearing shouting, screaming, seeing things beginning to be set on fire, to lure the humans from their homes as they were safe so long as they didn't invite any of them inside. Drawing out the humans, Eric led his men in a orgy of bloody fighting and capturing, Sookie hearing him ordering his men to take who they could, to do what was needed. Finding Elsa bound and left behind, Sookie helped her free herself and sighed.

"The best thing we can hope for now is that at least no one is killed. Killings lead to turnings." Sookie surmised and nodding, Elsa seemed to have a new confidence.

"I think…..I have enough magic left for one more trick up my sleeve but we need to get him to safety. And to himself."

Making a beeline for him, Sookie felt her legs almost turn to jelly as she saw him mercilessly dragging a couple aside, handing them off to one of his loyal men and as he headed for another home that was ablaze, Sookie fired her light as fiercely as she could, aiming for her target. And it was then the goal was reached, the crown being knocked from his head, the magic within it destroyed on impact. But as he stood in place, looking bewildered, the rest of the vampires seemed to keep wanting to do as was ordered by their then magically possessed ruler. She raced over to him and he saw her coming, he too coming at a run to her. But she was knocked to the ground by one of the vamps and bitten hard, blood flowing instantly from her neck. She felt the heavy body over her being knocked away as she found herself looking at her hero who seemed horrified at that which was happening.

"Are you ok? She asked, ignoring the holes in her neck, getting to her feet thanks to his help, hugging herself to him as he slumped against her, the magnitude of everything hitting him hard. "I tried to keep things form coming to this, to-

"We have to kill them….all of them….unless you can break the spell and it would take a lot of magic….and maybe with what little I have left-there was a last resort spell I was told I could use if things got out of control, the prince to me would be heavy….but it could be enough to set everyone else free…..I think the magic, the pull they felt with him being in control, it isn't broken. Another clever little caveat woven into the magic of that crown." Elsa said, not hiding the bitterness and though he didn't like the idea, it was after a group of pillaging men nearly escaped with the two women and Eric was forced to behead them that it was clear something needed to be done before more damage was done. No fatalities with the humans yet and only a couple buildings burning, this could still end well.

"Take my hands in yours….now." Elsa said and nodding, Sookie did as she was told and together, their power-dark and light fed off one another and something like a sonic boom emitted from them, soft light radiating through every last one of the still enchanted men raiding the town. And then all of a sudden as if waking from a dream, they all stopped dead in their tracks and to the surprise and relief of Sookie, they seemed to still be awaiting orders from the one that had led them here and sure enough, as one, the remaining warriors took a knee before him, looking reverent and yet there was clearly something about them that looked troubled. That they hadn't meant to harm innocents, that they had lost control, lost to a darkness that they had failed to fight off.

Addressing them in their native language, Eric seemed to rally them and sent them off the glamour the townspeople and while they were doing that without question, he turned to the spot there the two had worked their magic and he saw the two on the ground, His sister in Sookie's lap and looking like she was barely alive.

"We need to get her back where its arm, I think I can help her but…not out here in this weather." Sookie said as the winds were shipping and the snow started flying fast and furious.

The idea of losing his sister again was not anything he wanted to face but he nodded stiffly and within five minutes, he was leading them all back to the castle, his sister in his arms.

Chapter 8

They had brought Elsa into her own room, where Sookie had thought she would be most comfortable. "I can't explain it, not entirely but ever since I came to be full blooded…that my powers were boosted like crazy, I have a instinct, a sixth sense about people and I can sense that she lost what power she had and she managed to somehow take it and with mine, turn it into doing something good with it. Something she wasn't supposed to be able to do. Her power was dark…..maybe with mine, it tempered it, neutralized it…..magic is still kind of confusing to me sometimes and there are things I know that can't ever be fully explained. Mysteries of life and all that….." she didn't wait for him to respond and used her light carefully as well as offer her blood to the semi conscious girl. And there came the miracle that was hoped for as Elsa rose from the bed on her own accord looking almost rosy in color, looking as if she hadn't felt this well in some time.

"Oh, thank goodness…..I feel…..cleansed… good…." she said as she flung her messed up braid back over her shoulder and looked at Sookie. "Where is he?"

"He went to try to settle the survivors down…..the villagers in that town attacked, they were glamoured, each and every one and there will be a mysterious supply of fresh cut wood mysteriously left there tomorrow night, enough to rebuild that which was destroyed…." Sookie trailed off. "I have seen him take charge before, but this time is so different. I see him in a new light, as the king he was meant to be….I wonder if he really would prefer staying here…."

Elsa and Sookie turned to the table at the bedside where the formerly cursed crown rested. "Even without wearing it, he commands respect and loyalty and I am glad more of us weren't lost in this mess…and I won't lie. I would be sad to see him leave here. To be separated from him again. I-" she was stopped when the door to the room opened and there appeared the man in question, the apparent heir to the throne. He looked relieved to see both were doing well and as she got up to greet him, Sookie looked in his eyes to see if she could get a sense of where he wanted to be. "How are you feeling? " she asked, wary that perhaps somehow there was a lingering trace of that magic left somehow. But he assuaged her fears by holding her like he always did, playing with her hair like he always did and with a relieved breath, she leaded her head face first into his still fur clad chest. "You know, I kinda like this look for you." she admitted. "Macho and fierce….but it begs the question-"

"I am not staying. In fact…" he walked over to his sister and took the crown from the table and held it out to her. "It would meant a great deal to leave this in the family and with your bravery, that fire I see in you…I couldn't see anyone else have the honor… for me of course." he smirked, pulling the crown from the grip of his sister. "Of course, I would be remiss if there wasn't a ceremony for you…you more than earned it, helping this one save me." he said with a serious look on his face.

"I don't deserve such a honor…..I should have been able to save mother and father as well…but that they snapped out of it, saving our skin, it helped make this moment possible. They were so far gone that her magic wouldn't have been enough, that they had been cursed to die if they failed….." Elsa shook her head. "We need to mourn them too. Before anything else and I think you may be well served to find another to lead the remaining ones here in our little kingdom here. I really feel unworthy." she bowed her head but her brother, who she had barely gotten to know, save for what she had picked up over the centuries by news and some sleuthing, he guided her head to look at him.

"You are more than worthy after today and I would feel better knowing that out family legacy remains strong here. I never imagined I would see you again or them and I had a chance to do so, albeit briefly with them and knowing how they went out…they helped preserve a future I would really like to make possible." he turned to glance at Sookie for a moment before turning back to his sister. "I have faith in you and I an not one to beg but I…implore you to be the leader for the people here."

There was a silence and then she sighed, taking in a breath she didn't need. "I suppose I would like to keep the legacy alive, strong and I am good with weapons, by the way, if you'd like to see…perhaps a sparring session later on?"

"I do love a challenge." he replied and Sookie sighed with relief, knowing that the people here would certainly remain in good hands. And though she knew what he was giving up, she understood something that he would conform later to her. That this part of his life was over, that he had to live his life as he know knew it.


There had been a short and respectful ceremony for the new queen of the village, the cheering and shouting for their new queen reverberating through the castle and outside into the courtyard. from spies sent to look at the town that was so briefly pillaged, it was confirmed that construction had begun on the places that they had damaged by the spelled vampire Vikings and that made the them feel better. Sookie had watched in amusement, the sparring between the siblings and sure enough Elsa was quite handy with a blade but even better with a bow and arrow and she had certainly impressed her, to say nothing of her brother. And it was a couple days before the couple had decided it was time to return home, before Pam decided to come after them. Something that they had been somewhat surprised hadn't happened yet.

Elsa walked her brother and Sookie to the outskirts of the town in the dead of night, Eric having procured a flight home and a new set of modern threads. Though he was glad to be back in his leathers and wife beater, Sookie had made him promise to bring his Viking wear home. "For a fun evening at home…." she had said when she had made that odd request. "How about one night we go medieval?" she had added, which made his face brighten wickedly.

"So this is goodbye." Elsa said as she stood at the gates, dressed in a sky blue dress, flanked by three guards and patting her fur stole. "Hopefully the weather holds off so you can fly out of here…..though I wonder why you didn't take to the skies yourself?"

"Well, I don't want to risk running into the sun with the time difference and also, I was hoping for some time to decompress…" Eric replied cheekily as Sookie rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, he is definitely back to himself again….." Sookie sighed and went to hug Elsa. "It was really good to meet you and believe me, we will visit again soon. There is a lot of family you need to meet, so brace yourself."

"Yes, I have heard he has expended his family in several ways…..and perhaps it will expand again." Elsa added, looking at Sookie knowingly. Trying to diverge from this sensitive subject, Eric hugged his sister and kissed her forehead. "The funeral was well done, though we had no bodied to burn, you took charge of it well. With any luck their spirits are at peace"

"Hopefully they dwell in Valhalla with our ancestors." agreed Elsa as the recalled the night before when they had had the ceremony for their parents. Hauntingly beautiful, a pyre had been lit with clothes worn by the couple and incenses thrown into to create a serene, tragic and yet almost calming atmosphere. She hadn't said anything to him but Sookie had taken notice that even in the dark, she had seen tears down his cheeks as he had to once again bid farewell to his parents. It spoke to the changed brought about him him and yet she made no mistake, he was deadly if crossed and one would be suicidal to do so.

And with a final set of goodbyes, Eric scooped Sookie up, the pack on is back filled with some trinkets Elsa had given them, along with his clothes and a few things for Sookie to wear. Once on the plane, they had meant to enjoy other things but both exhausted, they merely slept in their bed, all the while two ghostly spirits appeared at the foot of their bed as Astrid and Ulfrik smiled down on the couple, blessing them with a Viking prayer before vanishing. This was not the end, they would meet again, sooner rather than later and not in the way their son would expect. For now, the knew he needed time to recover from this. But Halloween fast approached and that night would prove to be one not soon to be forgotten. That they had a offer of a gift for the both of them that though while it would require a sacrifice on one of their parts, the payoff was one that surely, they may come to regret not risking anything for. And it was, like so many good things in life, a one shot deal. Soon they would visit her and make their one time offer and though not a easy thing to ponder, they knew that by this, they could give the girl something she sorely wanted. Something they knew their one and only son wanted as well.