Author's note: Hi everybody! I'm sure I'm not the only one who waited with baited breath when Loki said 'I'm here,' and then felt cheated when we never saw the brothers hug. So, I've written how I think the scene could have gone. Hope you like it.


"If you were here, I might actually give you a hug," Thor commented drily as he tossed a decanter top at his brother, fully expecting it to fall through an illusion.

But Loki caught the stopper in a swift movement of his hand, taking the thunder god by surprise.

"I'm here," Loki announced simply, a smile tugging at his mouth at the expression on his brother's face.

Thor regarded his brother carefully, as Loki stood, both wary of making the first move, and, for a moment, there was silence between the two brothers.

"I'm glad you came back, brother," Thor began softly. "What made you come to help us?"

"I almost didn't," Loki admitted. "You were gone. I was alone. And there was a ship and a crew before me, ready to leave and needing a leader." He let out a breath, his mouth stretching into an ironic smile. "It would have been easy."

"Yes," Thor agreed. "You could have gone anywhere you wanted," he took a slow step forward, offering Loki a glass. "So why did you come back to Asgard?"

Loki took a breath, accepting the glass before taking a gulp of the water as he gathered his nerve.

"Is Asgard not my home too?" Loki asked, placing the glass on a nearby table.

"Of course," Thor granted. "But I know there's more to it, than that."

Honesty wasn't really in Loki's nature, but he knew, that if he were ever going to get anything he truly wanted, he would have to start. At least, a little.

Taking another breath, Loki stepped forward, considering his words carefully.

"I wanted to be worthy of something," he answered slowly, keeping his eyes low.

A frown of confusion appeared on Thor's forehead.


The ironic smile was once again on Loki's face as he continued to avoid his brother's eyes.

"I've told you before, I only ever wanted to be your equal, brother," Loki began. "You've always had the love and trust of the Asgardian people. Everyone always admires you, wherever you go- don't deny it," Loki cut off his brother before he could protest. "You're always bragging about how popular you are, even with the humans on Earth."

Thor stayed quiet, as he allowed his brother to continue.

"My magic," Loki resumed his explanation, "was the one thing I could always do better than you. So, I used my tricks to get what I wanted. And when I was impersonating Odin…" here, Loki appeared to reflect, laughing slightly. "At first, I thought I'd achieved my desire. People treated me with respect, they called me their king," Loki shook his head. "But it was all an illusion," he informed his brother. "They weren't giving their love and respect to me, they were giving it to Odin."

Realisation dawned in Thor's eyes.

"So, that's why you had the plays, and the statues," he surmised.

"If I could not have the love of the people in life, I would have it in death," Loki admitted reluctantly. "I wanted them to believe I got one thing right, even if it turned out to be my biggest trick yet."

"And then I revealed you," Thor nodded.

"And I'm back on the 'hate' list," Loki chuckled humourlessly before becoming serious again.

"It would have been so easy to leave," he repeated quietly. "Surviving is, again, one of the few things that I am very good at."

"Agreed," Thor conceded.

"Though I have to admit," Loki granted, meeting his brother's eyes for the first time, taking a step closer. "That trick you pulled with that electrocution device was…rather impressive."

"I learn from the best," Thor grinned mirroring his brother's movement forward.

"I hate you for that," Loki goaded, his voice flat, but holding no real malice. "It really hurt."

"Call it payback," Thor countered easily. "Now, go on," he encouraged. "Why didn't you just take the ship and run?"

The younger brother sighed.

"Because, if I had," Loki swallowed, "then that would mean that I would be condemning you, and all of Asgard, to death at Hela's hands." The prince gave a cynical shrug. "What would my worth be, then?"

Thor took another step forward in concern for his brother, making him now almost close enough to touch.

"Hela's threat was far greater than me, than you, than anything we'd faced before," Loki continued. "And, for once in my life, I wanted to do something that was more than myself. Something right. Something…" he swallowed, "real."

Loki nodded, thinking that was good word to describe what he needed to.

"I wanted to do something real, instead of a trick, for a change," he said slowly, taking a final step forward.

"So, I came back, to help my people, to help you," he concluded, "because, I wanted to be more than just…me. And," he added carefully, "I couldn't just leave you to die, brother."

Thor regarded Loki for a moment, before reaching out and pulling his little brother in for a hug.

The movement caught Loki by surprise, and as Thor felt him tense, he wondered if his brother would shake him off.

But slowly, cautiously, Thor felt his brother return the gesture and, for a moment, it felt as if everything was as it was before.

"It is good, to have you back, my brother," Thor said with affection as they broke apart. "We owe our lives to you."

"I'm still the God of Mischief," Loki reminded him flatly.

"Yes, Mischief," Thor granted. "Mischief, Loki. Not evil. You play your tricks, but you know when it counts." He clapped his brother on the shoulder. "Think on it, brother," he put forward. "If you hadn't stolen the access codes from the Grandmaster, and then tried to betray me, I wouldn't have left you in the hanger for you then to encounter Korg, commandeer this ship and return to Asgard in time to save us."

Loki frowned, eying Thor suspiciously.

"What are you saying?" He asked.

"I'm saying," Thor began, "that while you'll always be you-"

"Let's hope so," Loki quirked a smile.

"Maybe, that doesn't have to be a bad thing," Thor finished slowly.

There was a stunned silence as Loki regarded his brother, before a knock at the door caused them both to look around.

Valkyrie stood nonchalantly at the door, leaning against the frame.

"Interrupting a brotherly moment, am I?" She queried.

"No," Thor and Loki answered in unison, shifting uncomfortably at the intrusion.

"Well then, in that case," Valkyrie smirked as she stepped inside the room to stand proudly in a salute, "I have come to collect Asgard's king for his coronation."

"Coronation?" Thor queried.

"We are all refugees," Valkyrie reminded the royal pair. "The people need to feel safe, that they will be taken care of."

"I don't think…" Thor began reluctantly

"The people need a king," Loki stated firmly, stepping to his brother's side. "They need to be reminded of who they are, in order to rebuild their lives. They need to believe that our culture is not lost, just because we've lost our home."

Thor turned to Loki.

"Why do you not accept the throne, brother?" He asked, for that short speech was more eloquent than anything he could have come up with. "You've ruled them peacefully for the past four years."

"In the guise of our father," Loki reminded his brother, shaking his head in the negative. "They would not accept me. But, they'd accept you. Besides," he added, "I never wanted the throne, anyway. Being a king is all about enforcing the rules, and I prefer-"

"Breaking them?" Valkyrie supplied.

"Bending them," Loki amended pointedly, flashing a smile.

Valkyrie stood aside, gesturing to the door.

"This way, Your Majesty."

Glancing at his brother, Thor squared his shoulders, steeling himself, as Valkyrie led the way to the ship's bridge.


Sitting quietly in the captain's chair after the simple ceremony had been completed, Thor studied the stars outside their ship.

He was now king of Asgard.

When he was younger, he'd dreamed of taking the throne in triumph, having his father proclaim him king, and hearing the people cheering his name. He'd yearned for the throne, then.

But, after the many trials he'd been through, Thor realised his dream had, indeed, been that of a child. The reality was now, he had every person on this ship, looking to him to ensure the survival of their people.

Thor let out a breath, feeling overwhelmed at the responsibility on his shoulders.

He was sure Earth would help them. He had helped defend the Earth more than once. Father himself, had said that the place they'd found him, Norway, was a good place to end his days.

Norway… Thor recalled the place where his father had died and wondered whether that would be a suitable area to rebuild their home.

The people would see it fitting, rebuilding in the place where their beloved Allfather had died.

Thor nodded to himself. He would see to it as soon as possible, once they'd reached Earth.

Loki, being the best pilot amongst them, had set the co-ordinates to Midgard, or Earth, before leaving Valkyrie and Heimdall at the helm, to join his brother, studying the stars.

Standing by his brother's makeshift throne, Loki felt strangely calm. He no longer envied Thor the power and responsibility he had, for Loki understood all too well, what the role of King truly entailed.

But, while things were much repaired, if not entirely forgiven, regarding himself and his brother, Loki felt there was a key aspect of this plan that he felt needed to be addressed.

"Do you think it wise, for us to go to Earth?" Loki asked, doing his best to keep his voice light.

"Yes, of course," Thor answered, turning to view his brother. "The humans will help us. They love me on Earth," he insisted. "I'm very popular."

Loki laughed.

'Some things never change,' he thought.

"Let me rephrase," he tried again. "Do you think it wise for me to go to Earth?"

Thor stood up to fully face his brother, his expression understanding.

"I doubt they will accept me," Loki predicted, "after all I've done."

"They will accept you," Thor insisted, ever the optimist. "Just as I have."


Author's note: So, what do you think?

This is the third Thor one-shot I've done in about a week, and I still have other ideas for possible scenes and story-lines. I'm wondering whether I should keep this fic open, in case my ideas evolve into a full story.

I'm meant to be writing a Fantastic Beasts Fan fic though… however, while I'm having writer's block on one, there's no harm in starting another, right?

I'd love to try writing a Loki focused story, perhaps giving him some form of redemption, while showing that he can still use his proclivity for mischief to fight the good fight, even if it's not apparent at first glance.

Or, I could just keep writing short drabbles, of the scenes and ideas that are in my head: Sigyn. The Enchantress. More Thor and Loki backstory and development, and how will the people of Earth react when Thor asks them to accept Loki and his people as refugees?

I admit, I don't know much about the Thanos backstory/character to feel confident enough to write about him, though I may at least make several references- I think Loki went through a hell of a lot between the time he fell from the Bifrost in the first Thor movie to when we see him in the first Avengers movie…

Let me know if you think I should keep writing.

Please leave a review.