Riding along the winds

Disclaimer I don't own Harry Potter, nor Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

Thank you all for the likes, faves and comment last chapter!

Chapter 6

Fon does not stay away for long.

In fact, only three weeks later he's standing in front of Skull's ever-moving doorstep again. Skull has moved on again from-… China, he thinks - to a motel in Kazakhstan and was planning to cross through Russia to Ukraine soon.

Skull's really just happy he recognises him right away this time. He does not want to think about Fon's disappointed, sad eyes if he managed to flap out 'Who are you?' to him for a second time.

Skull forces himself to focus on the baby standing in front of him, blinks and says ''Can Skull-sama help you?''

He sounds confused even to his own ears. And kind of rude.


Fon just blinks back at him, looking equally bewildered at the reception. So, Skull elaborates. ''You're here again?''

Fon keeps staring at him. ''Yes? It seemed prominent to have someone checking on you with your… predicament.''

''You saw me three weeks ago.''

And when Fon doesn't seem to understand, Skull exclaims ''For a week. I know Skull-sama's presence is a pure delight, but-! '' He trails off, not sure how to word his problem with this and thus waves his arms at the other frustratedly. The other who's looking more and more amused.

No one ever understood Skull's woes.

(Skull ignores the maybe guilty, sad glint in the other's eyes. He can't deal with that right now. Maybe ever.)

Fon then proceeds to tell Skull he can stay for only four days but he'll be gone for only two weeks next job, as it's located a lot closer.

Skull still doesn't quite understand.

It's only after Fon has casually forced his way into his room and has conjured steaming teacups from somewhere while settling on his couch that Skull manages to say ''You know I've been living like this for many years- decades! And I've been managing just fine!''

Fon takes a sip from his tea and moves his sleeve subtly in front of his mouth. Oh, Skull knows that look. This smug, condescending bastard.

''Skull-sama does not need a babysitter!'' He screams indignantly.

Fon nods solemnly. ''Of course not, Skull. Do you want to try the tea? I brought a new one. It's a new blend I've been trying. It's originated from Japan.''

Skull gives him a suspicious look at the not so subtle subject change.

''My family recommended to me.''

Skull blinks. ''Wha- Family?! You've got a family?! You never told me!''

Fon gives him a blank but somehow judgy look. ''Of course, I have a family.''

Skull sputters.

It's only later when the sun has already gone down and they're both lying in bed that Skull grumbles as he realises Fon's dirty trick of redirection.


Fon's creepy stalking continuous.

(It's kind of nice.)

Skull's been running himself ragged every time Fon leaves on a mission in an attempt to hide as well and as far away as he can, but Fon manages to find him often anyway.

It's weirdly fun, like hide-and-seek to the extreme.

Sadly, Skull loses almost every time. He supposes he could try harder at being more subtle. But well, subtle has never been among one of his talents really, as Harry or Skull.

Besides, Fon seems to enjoy it better this way.

''I think it's only fair you cook. You've been freeloading of my motel-rooms enough.''

Fon gives him a look.

''And you cook well enough that you use a food-stand as cover.''

The black-haired man takes a sip from his tea.

''And- and- '' Skull sputters, looking for more arguments, ''Skull-sama could poison your meal, so it's only smart of you!''

Fon actually snorts. Skull gapes, not sure if he's more flabbergasted because of the snort from Fon or offended. ''I-I could totally poison you.'' He indignantly decides on.

The man gives him another look.

''I could!''

Skull ends up cooking.


Honestly, Skull hadn't meant to do it. It was an accident, truly. He really did trip. That didn't mean that he didn't burst into laughter when it happened though.

Fon's face!

Even Lichi seems to be amused.

Of course, the absolutely drenched Fon is less so. ''Skull.'' He says warningly.

Skull does not stop laughing. Can't, really.

He gets a cutting look and then Fon is moving. Drops of water splashing everywhere. Skull gives a loud squeal and then he's moving too, trying to avoid the water. Running away, Oodaku's small aquarium forgotten on the floor, together with Oodaku smugly splashing about.

''No-! I'm sorry! It was an accident- '' He wheezes out through his laughter, ''I didn't mean to, mate! I'm sorryyy.''

They end up running circles around the couch for longer than was probably acceptable for two adult men. Fon tackles him finally though and ends up squashing him under his drenched clothing.

Skull still can't stop laughing between his whining though, even when water starts dripping through to his.


''Lichi! No! Those are my nuts! Get your own!''

Lichi keeps nibbling out of his bag. ''That's Skull-sama's breakfast, you bastard! Fon, get your beast of me!''

Fon is smiling softly at them. Like a psycho.

''Fon- goddammit. Oodaku would never do this.'' Skull grumbles, completely ignoring the actuality of what Oodaku would or would've not done and any similar situation that may or may not have happened before involving fish.

Oodaku preens.

Lichi chitters at him and reaches out a handful of nuts.

Oodaku accepts the nuts without hesitation.

''AH! TRAITOR! Wait, no! Those aren't good for you! FON! Your mongrel is corrupting mine! My breakfast! Yes- I called you a mongrel! It's what you deserve! Oh god, can octopuses eat nuts? Fon?! No- Oodaku!''


''Please, please, please, please!'' Skull begs. ''You've got such nice nails, dude! Just for this one time!''

Fon gives him a long-suffering look. Skull isn't deterred.

'' It doesn't have to last long anyway! Besides, you can easily remove it if you really dislike it.''

Fon still doesn't answer and his nails are still out of reach. So, Skull continuous trying ''I'm just saying dude that you need to live a little! You've never stepped out of your norm even a little. Doesn't that get boring?''

Fon blinks at him, seemingly surprised at the sudden shift of his tone. Skull is pretty sure that if Fon did normal things like shrugging his shoulders, he would've. Instead, Fon just stares at him for a little longer, his trademark gentle smile plastered on.

Ugh, it's still so unnerving though.

''I have no need for such fashion, Skull.'' He finally says.

''But don't you want to? I mean at least to just try, only once! I mean Skull-sama was like you once! Always wore the same ol' boring things- First because I didn't really have a choice- but after I just didn't know better. Can you believe I didn't have a lick of purple in my closet?'' He grins at the other ironically, but then he continues on a more serious note. ''It's fun though, you know. It's all you- no one else's. Free in your choice and all that.''

A lesson learned too late by Skull if he's honest with himself. Even though Skull's outfit had started as a costume and the paint of his face and nails had started as a mask, it had become a part of him now. He never thought it possible, but he enjoyed putting on the make-up in the morning as it was oddly calming. He enjoyed the bright colours. He enjoyed the freedom to wear completely ridiculous things and that no one was able to stop him. It was all his. All his choice.

Fon eyes him a little closer. ''Your parents didn't allow you to wear nail-polish?''

Skull laughs. ''My parents died when I was young. Not sure what they would've thought about it. But my dear aunt wouldn't have in a million years. She would've probably dropped dead in a faint if she even saw me now. Though I probably wouldn't have willingly worn it at that age anyway.''

''Oh.'' Fon says awkwardly, ''I'm sorry.''

Skull shrugs. ''Don't worry about it, mate. It was a long time ago. I've made peace with it.''

Fon ruffles his sleeves. Slowly, very slowly a hand appears. ''One hand. And you remove it afterwards.''

Skull's face twists in a full-blown grin. ''You're going to love it. I promise! Skull-sama is going to give you the prettiest nails of the city!''

Skull does both hands and Fon keeps it on for a duration of a full two weeks.

He doesn't allow him to do it again, though.


Skull laughs at the other man. ''Took you long enough, dude!''

Fon doesn't loosen up. ''The establishment where you slept in previously was burned down.''

''Huh?'' Skull blinks at him. He must mean the place he stayed at in Lyon. A mostly abandoned apartment building where the owner hadn't minded his shady appearance and him hiring the room for just a week. ''It did?''

Fon doesn't look amused. Skull doesn't need him to.

''That's so weird! Well, I guess the people there weren't the most conventional.'' He shrugs. ''Lucky me for avoiding it!''


When Skull tells Giovanni about Fon over the phone, the answer is mixed. On one hand, he seems kind of excited for Skull, on the other hand, he is kind off disapproving. ''Took them long enough to finally begin to bond properly.'' He grumbles to Skull's confusion.

''What?'' He asks, but he gets ignored.

It confuses Skull so much that he tells Fon about the remark. Fon stares at him for a long time, before saying slowly, a bit condescendingly ''Skull, we are Arcobaleno.''. Which, as usual, cleared up exactly nothing.

Not that Skull would get any answers out of him if Fon's not-really-but-kind-off-wrinkled-nose is any indication.

Though, maybe it was because of the topic. Skull very vaguely remembers Colonnello complaining about Viper starting a bond with another Italian dude. He had been really irritated at it too, almost mad. Skull hadn't bothered to ask. Mostly, he found peace in his ignorance.

However, Fon's disgust could also be from the fact that Skull was texting Giovanni again. Fon does not really seem to like Giovanni. Not dislike exactly, Skull thinks. But. Yeah.

Skull isn't really sure what the problem is. At first, Fon had been interested when he saw Skull texting, about why, who, what. Then after a few weeks, Fon would get this subtle wrinkle in his nose every time Skull's phone pinged more than three times in a row.

It had gotten even worse when Fon found out that Giovanni was a member of the Carcassa.

(''The Carcassa? Your new… friend is part of a familigia?'' Fon asks.

''Wha-? Oh, yes, why?''

Fon stares at him again as if he would be able to find the answer to all his question somewhere behind Skull's eyes. It would be easier if he'd just asked. Skull would probably answer. He's had quite enough of people finding their answers and his memories through his eyes.

''The Carcassa do not have a favourable reputation.'' He says finally instead.

Skull shrugs. ''People like to talk and say a lot of shite. Giovanni is a good bloke.''

Fon gives him a disapproving stare but as far as Skull is concerned that's the end of it.)

Skull had expected Fon to be amused at Giovanni. Maybe in the condescending way of a child looking at an ant running around his feet, but amused nonetheless.

… Skull shouldn't be so bothered by this. Fon feels indifferent about Giovanni. Yes, that's it. Fon feels indifferent about a lot of things. He always looks kinda indifferent at least.

Maybe Skull just wasn't an interesting story-teller. No. That's false. Skull is the best storyteller. Obviously, it went wrong somewhere else.

Meh. Whatever. It will be fine.


Fon does make operating and helping the people Skull meets harder, but that's mostly because Skull doesn't really want him to notice it, honestly.

There's only so much of a burned down trail to leave before it becomes suspicious. Skull's sure Fon's already kind off suspicious anyway.

It means he inevitably meets less with the locals. Which is guilt-inducing and distancing but relieving at the same time.

It doesn't stop people from recognizing him from earlier visits though.

''Skull-sama!'' For once the title doesn't come from Skull's own mouth. It's actually a young woman. ''Skull-sama, you came back again!''

Skull grins through introductions and Fon's questioning gaze.

The good thing is that people rarely like to talk about the tragedies that happened to them. The bad thing is that they always feel the need to thank him more than once.

It always becomes harder to ignore Fon's gaze after such gratitude.


Fon doesn't care much for silly things like personal boundaries or modesty. It's one of the first things Skull learns as Fon continuous to ambush him. It's little things, like him casually nudging or carrying Skull away or him casually saying that they can share the only bed. It isn't weird because they're both babies and there's more than enough space to share. It is weird because Skull has never been much of a casual toucher, especially without his now standard motor suit on. It's weird because the touch is invasive even if it's not and so there with only a thin layer of cotton.

Skull isn't sure if it's a good or a bad weird.

He knows which one he's leaning towards, however.


Skull does not forget Fon again.

One of the first things Skull begins to notice after a few months is that it's... easier now. To keep the days in line and remember some people. When Fon is there, he is always right there. He's just so present that there's literally no time or way to forget him, and Fon talks surprisingly much about the other Arcobaleno. So, it's harder to forget them too.

(It's amazing and Skull loves it, but the clarity comes with the prize of Fon's constant presence. And Fon's constant presence comes with the prize of occasional spikes of gooey affection he's trying to avoid.

It's hard to decide if it's worse.

When the warm feelings become too bad, Skull suddenly becomes a lot better at their game of hide-and-seek, hoping the extra time away will make it better, easier. But Fon always finds him again eventually and when Skull opens his door up to a smug blank-faced Fon, the relieved spike of happiness is always there.

He's really hopeless.)

Giovanni's texts and calls had helped him too of course, but not to this extent. Not this daily almost coherence of his thoughts. Giovanni's probably what keeps him straight in the periods that Fon is gone though, even if Skull does not really want to admit that.

Additionally, Fon starts every day with sitting Skull down with a cup of tea and interrogating him what he remembers and not. Always looking too proud on the day where Skull manages to remember somewhat more, and never looking disappointed on days like these, when Skull can't even remember that Reborn took on a student without being told.

Skull can't even find it in himself to mind it.

(He's going to get hurt. Skull always manages to get himself hurt.)

It continues like this for some time. Until finally, Fon has to go on a long mission again, one taking actual months. He gives Skull guilty puppy-eyes for days, which less pity-inducing and more shiver-inducing because Fon's puppy-eyes aren't puppy-like at all.

The tall man is honestly just intently staring at him all the time without any expression. It's creepy, very uncomfortable and Skull is entirely not sure how to deal with it.

He's been forcing himself to feel grateful for the extra alone time, to separate himself somewhat again, but Fon hadn't acted like this the first few times he had left for a longer time. Fon hadn't acted like this… ever.

So, instead of feeling relieved or whatever like he's supposed to, Skull is quietly freaking out, really.

He's already tried to tell Fon several times that he'll be alright like always and Fon would accept his words with nod and smile and then continue his annoying fussy behaviour without any hesitation, completely ignoring Skull's awkward attempt to avoid it.

Finally, Skull has enough and just kicks Fon out of his hotel room early.

When his mission finally finishes months later, Fon hastens to find Skull. He finds the cloud in the middle of nowhere in Kenya a whole month later. Looking downcast, hopelessly lost, confused, and his skin burned red from his days outside, Skull looks like the picture of misery.

When Skull sees him, he hesitates just too long before greeting him by his name. Fon smile twitches.


''You're quite knowledgeable about astronomy,'' Fon remarks a while later, while they're staring up the sky. There're thousands of stars twinkling above, lightning the sky. Fon hadn't seen this sight in a while. The sky seemed to become obstructed when you got close to cities, hiding away most of the stars by dirty air and an obnoxious amount of lights. Here, however, deep in Africa, far from even the most remote villages, the stars still shone brightly in a way Fon sometimes forgot.

Skull blinks at him surprise. ''huh?''

Fon shifts in the grass, moving in a position where he can look at Skull better. He pokes at glowing coals of their previous campfire. ''I was just surprised. You indicated you knew where you were by the genealogy of stars. It is quite the old practise, especially for westerners. Unless it's an interest or you study it, of course.'' He explains, giving Skull a sharp look, hidden under sugary lashes and a gentle smile.

''Skull-sama is not!'' Skull sputters, answering Fon's very first remark. ''I just knew where we were because of the constellations.''

''Yes...'' Fon trails off, looking a bit confused, leaving questions hanging in the air.

Skull blinks before getting it, laughing sheepishly. ''Well, I went to this old-fashioned private school. It was taught there. It can be quite useful when travelling.''

Fon blinks in surprise. ''Really?''

''Hmmm,'' Skull nods enthusiastically. ''I also know all about astrology and all that stuff. Ah, if you believe in it, of course.''


''Do you not know about constellations?'' Skull asks, unable to squash his curiosity.

''I know a bit.'' Fon hums. ''So, it's not an interest then?'' He asks, sounding a bit disappointed.

''Well, I'm not sure about an interest... But I like them, the stars, I mean.'' He turns his head back to look up again, leaning on his arms. Softly, feeling home-sick, he continuous, ''They're still the same, no matter where you are. Even here, they aren't any different. It's kind of incredible, actually.''

It takes Fon a while to react to that, probably trying to piece the answer together. ''Ah, you mean it's familiar?''

''Hmm,'' Skull nods. ''Like a piece of home.''

Fon finally moves his eyes back to the sky again, but not before he gives Skull a long searching look Skull ignores.

Skull stares up at the ceiling.

He can't sleep.

He shoots a glance to his right, where Fon is laying on the second bed of the room.

It's always weird to see Fon sleep. Mostly because Fon always had this subtle control in his gait with his movements just a bit too measured and careful. In Fon's sleep, he's… loose. Nothing flops around but his limbs are lax and his movements are less graceful and rougher. Unplanned. Unrestrained.

It's not as weird as seeing Reborn truly sleep though, because where an awake Fon normally seemed more languid, like a snake ready to strike without anyone noticing it, Reborn was more like a- a... bird of prey or a panther or something, always looking ready to attack.

To not even speak of the open eyes that occur sometimes. He shivers.

A sheepish smile tugs at his lips at the thought. Skull really still feels uncomfortable when he thinks of Reborn sleeping in his adult form, even after all those years. He thinks all of them do, if even a bit. Reborn probably knows and revels in it, the bastard.

Then he blinks and scowls.

See, this is the reason he can't sleep.

It's… It's getting too much again, the warm feeling in his chest.

He thinks about leaving. Just for a bit… but then he would leave Fon here alone, without even saying goodbye.

He throws another look at the bed beside him and sighs. Skull does not sleep that night.

(Skull forgets sometimes that he doesn't want to be here.

Fon makes him forget. Oodaku makes him forget.

Hell, even Lichi makes him forget sometimes

When it's evening and they're just sitting, drinking tea and everything is calm and nice. When they're having breakfast and Fon hustles Skull in reading his notes again while Lichi and Oodaku are juggling their food around. When it's midday and Fon is working out in the middle of their hired room while Skull tries to look unimpressed and is messaging Giovanni on his phone.

Sometimes Skull is even glad his attempts until now have failed. Just so that he at least had the opportunity to experience this. Something… Something like home.

For them, this, those few extra years… Well, they're worth it.

Aren't they?)

Fon needs to leave again. He says it's to meet with a student. I-pin. And he needs to train her for several months.

Somehow this ends in Skull getting kidnapped by him and brought to one of Verde's lairs. Fon uses his previous excursion in Africa as an excuse.

(''I'm sorry Skull. However, you were lost for two weeks.'' Fon says, smiling gently as he drags the struggling Skull behind him by his foot.

''I knew what direction to go to when it became evening! Besides, Skull-sama wasn't even going somewhere! How can you be lost if it doesn't matter where you are!''

Fon doesn't dignify that with an answer.

When the struggling continues however, he says tensely ''I couldn't find you for a month.''

You did not immediately recognize me, he doesn't say.

Skull falls still.

''You found me. You would again.'' He says finally, but it doesn't sound as sure as it should.)

Verde doesn't question Fon carrying a struggling Skull inside his current hide-out. He just nods at them and tells Skull he's cooking as a compensation for the time he stays. Skull is left grumbling in his new room for the next month at least.


It doesn't even take a day before Verde grabs him and pulls him deeper into his lair, towards his even creepier lab, proceeding to gently push him in a chair and hooking some machine on, ignoring Skull's obvious reluctance.

''Verde, come on dude! Can we just not do this for once!'' Skull tries to protest, even though he knows it to be futile.

Verde ignores him and moves to some computer screen off to the side. ''Okay, in three, two, one- '' He flicks the lever. Immediately there's a flash, electricity flying and less than ten seconds later there's the insulting sound of the machine shutting off.

They both blink, and then Verde whirls to look at Skull. ''What did you do.''

Skull gapes. ''Skull-sama didn't do anything! I was just sitting here, like you told me to, for you to electrocute me, which isn't something we discussed by the way!''

Verde scoffs.

''Oh my god!'' Skull complains, not even bothering to lecture Verde on consent-issues because he knows it'll be ignored anyway. It's really better for everyone that Verde mostly works machines. ''It's like this doesn't always happen you try this. I told you electronics and Skull-sama aren't a great combination!''

Verde grunts annoyed. ''Not always. Besides, you use a phone.'' He says petulantly as if that detracts from the fact that he has forced Skull to ruin dozens of his own machines. ''And no other cloud-flame that I know off ruins electronics.''

Skull whines.

At the end of his stay, there's an insultingly big pile of fried machines heaped in the corner of the lair. When Fon asks, Skull carefully does not answer.

The next time Fon leaves, Skull tells him he'll visit Giovanni and the Carcassa before he can attempt to drag Skull somewhere again. Fon does his version of wrinkling his nose, but Skull does not care because Skull is going to avoid another Verde-scenario even if it kills him.

Skull is sure Verde and his machines appreciate his efforts too.

They agree to meet up a month later.

Skull does not make it.

(''Why aren't you here?'' Fon's voice comes calmly through the speaker of Skull's telephone. Skull gives a panicky look to the screaming children in the school bus they had accidentally stolen. With the children in it. And a concerning number of explosives.

''Oh! Uh... Was that today?'' He squeaks. ''I- uh. I forgot! I'm not going to make it on time... Sorry!''

''What's that noise in the background?''

''Nothing! Nothing!''

Giovanni screams from somewhere behind him. ''You'll all get ice-cream, okay?! Just calm down and get out!''

Skull almost sighs in relief as the screaming quiets down a bit.

Then, ''Momma says you shouldn't accept sweets from strangers!'' A boy screams loudly while pointing an accusing finger at Giovanni. ''Pervert! Creep!''

Aaand they're screaming again.

''What?'' Fon's voice crackles out of Skull's phone. He startles before he covers his phone with his hand, whisper-yelling at Giovanni. ''Tell them that we'll get them home. Just says we're going on a surprise excursion and the teachers couldn't make it or something! Make something up!''

Giovanni proceeds to follow his instructions. Skull brings his phone back to his ear before remembering, and covering his phone again- ''Also, who makes a mistake like this?! It's a school-bus. It looks like a school-bus. How can you even mistake this for one of your own vehicles!'' He continuous before Giovanni has the chance to answer. ''Also don't blow up the base of the Barbolani Familigia. It's in the middle of the city! Besides, the wine they stole from you is inside. It would be a loss.''

Some random Carcassa underlings whine disappointed as if not exploding things is the worst that could happen to them, even if it's an accidentally stolen and weaponized school-bus before Fabiano slaps them on the back of their heads.

Skull almost sighs in relief at his interference. Fabiano, Giovanni's right-hand and impulse control for basically the whole familigia. So, if anything, you could always rely on Fabiano at least, who seemed one of the most sensible of the Carcassa out there.

Then Fabiano proceeds to stare awkwardly at Giovanni and the screaming children, obviously at loss.

''W-Well, Fon, Skull-sama's really gotta hang. I'm really sorry but I'll be there tomorrow!''

Skull hangs up before Fon can respond.

''Well, if that's true, ''A kid answers Giovanni suspiciously, ''What is the name of our teacher, huh?!''

Skull resist the temptation of banging his head against the wall, ignoring his ringing phone.

Why was it always him?)

Fon says he's not allowed to visit Carcassa anymore and Skull just sticks out his tongue. They both know that Fon can't really stop him.

''The children all got home safely and more than satisfied,'' Skull mutters pettily and Fon actually makes some pained noise Skull has never heard from him before.

Fon has been leaving a lot lately.

It's because of his student I-pin. He needed to have a close eye on her, with her young age. He'd invited Skull to come with him, but Skull had refused.

It's not that he doesn't like her, because he does. She's cute if a bit shy. However, he decided it better to just- keep some distance from Fon. Overall.

So, he tells himself, he doesn't really mind. Shouldn't really mind.

He chose this himself.

He gives his latest sleeping-place a look. It's a room for one. He shakes his head.

Turns around and heaves his bag around his shoulder.

And on the road goes.

Eventually, nearly a decade after Giovanni's coup, Skull gets a call from Giovanni.

Now, this isn't a new occurrence, nor is Giovanni beginning to whine about random creeps asking to join up again, done with the assholes threatening for deals he won't deliver, about how his familigia had been working for years to get some respect in the market and people just weren't listening.

''You know what?!'' Giovanni says suddenly, interrupting the haze Skull had entered in as he listened to another rant. ''I'm done! Enough is enough!''

Skull blinks. ''What?''

''Fabiano!'' Giovanni calls, and Skull hears some paper rustling. Fabiano was probably reading some random international newspaper again. ''Buy a boat!''

''What?'' Skull asks again

''We're going to attack Mafia-land!''


It takes Skull seven hours to find them. The men are already loading in a new boat. It's dark coloured with a bright slogan on it in a language Skull only vaguely recognizes.

He sighs.

He had tried to warn Giovanni this is the wrong way to go about it, and it will sooner get the Carcassa ridicule than respect, but Giovanni tells him he'd rather have ridicule than creeps propositioning him. And… Skull can relate to that.

Giovanni isn't the sort to change his mind after he's made his decision, anyway.

Fabiano had the right idea. He hadn't even tried.

The black-haired man does make sure to tell Giovanni that Skull probably won't be actually joining into the fight seriously, which Skull is thankful for, but Giovanni waves it away just like his earlier protest.

Well. It's not like Skull's got a lot to lose. Maybe he can practise his hand to hand combat.

He sighs.

''Let's do this.''

Oodaku cheers.


Colonnello is not amused.

Even less when after about a year, it happens again. And again. And again.

It's kind of hilarious.

Fon is mostly just disappointed when Skull tells him on the phone.

That's weirdly funny too.


''When did you even become friends with the Carcassa?!''

The voice is sudden, exasperated and loud, easily hearable over the dramatic screaming coming from below.

Andy, Mateo and Carlo were causing havoc down on the streets. The Carcassa members were relatively new on the field and Skull had kindly offered to look after them. It was always a mix of funny and pitiable to see them struggle their first few times.

Colonello's visit to his hiding place in the tree wasn't a surprise though since he had been doing that every time Skull decided to join the Carcassa again in their, now, almost yearly failed invasion of mafia-land.

Every single time.

''And I mean why? They're dum- '' Colonnello pauses at the face Skull pulls in his direction, but then proceeds to ignore it in a way every Arcobaleno seems to excel in. Skull rolls his eyes.

''-exactly the sort of people a lackey like you would choose to hang out with.'' Colonnello finally ends the statement with an annoyed grimace. ''But even you have got to set some standards, you know- ''

It's fun. Sure, Colonnello is mean sometimes, but easier to let his guard down around people like Skull. He wasn't necessarily not as smart and observant as the others, but easier to fool nonetheless. In return, it's easy for Skull to let his guard down a bit more with him, as he doesn't notice any anomalies, or writes them off easily enough.

Of course, it has its disadvantages too.

Because, funny, happy Colonnello who is often loud, doesn't seem to be loud enough this time.

''Oh, but this just isn't proper.'' Her voice, like saccharine venom, mocks. ''You've honestly surrounded yourself with barbarians. Not that it surprises me, honestly. You have never been right in the head. I told them so then, and I will tell them now. I've known from the beginning and it's just a matter of time before the rest will realize how utterly stupid they've been.''

It's been a while since he's actually had a hallucination while there were people he knew around, so Skull has to blink a few times and check if Colonnello really hadn't heard the voice, no matter how unlikely.

His lips twitch. The pink dressed teacher, even as hallucination, looked completely ridiculous sitting there with her equally pink tea-set, balancing on a branch. But withstanding that, this toad-faced woman is the most annoying hallucination he's ever had without contest. Skull honestly always has to refrain from cringing every time he accidentally turns and takes in the pink travesty

''They should know better than to associate themselves with you.'' She tuts. ''After all, you never did learn from the lessons I gave you so generously. You should have been thankful for my help back then, just as you should be now. Do you remember, Mr Potter? I think you should write down a few lines more. 'One mustn't tell lies', maybe fifty or so?''

Skull clenches his hand and immediately forces himself to relax it again. She hums. He just wants to punch her in the face, so badly.

''It seems you do remember.'' She smiles. ''Well, there's one lesson I know you did pick up though, even if it's unintentional on my part. What they don't know, doesn't hurt them, isn't that right, Mr Potter?''

Skull flinches.

Colonnello obliviously keeps on ranting about Giovanni's antics, head turned to the streets below.

''Oh. That's not a good face. If you're not careful to hide, you're going to lose the game, Mr Potter. But that would serve for a good punishment, wouldn't it? Naughty children need to punished. And I think you know, deep down… you deserve to be punished. Don't you, Mr Potter?'' Skull could just see the condescending twist of the woman's lips. There was a click which Skull recognized as the sound her cup made when she took it from its small plate to take a sip.

''Do go on.'' She says to Colonnello. And Colonnello was a long-range fighter- he was never one to recognize micro-body language or expressions the way Reborn, Viper, or even Fon could, so Colonnello does.

It shouldn't make his blood boil and his stomach drop, but it does.

(Umbridge was always very good at spotting the weak spots. And she uses that skill graciously, digging her claws and twisting the hurts viciously. Skull thinks he hates her the most.)

Time passes.


Skull wanders.

He hasn't seen Fon for several months now. He has avoided prying but the Triad's are on edge for some reason. Between that and I-pin Fon has his hands full. They keep in contact. Fon tries to call in once in a while, checks up on him and that's nice.

Skull kind off misses him.

He blinks at the road-sign in front of him.

Hmm, south or north. Some colder weather would do him good probably.

Hmmm, mountains. Skull is going to travel some mountain ranges, that would do him really good.


''I'm going undercover. I… don't know when I will be finished. I'll most likely be unable to call or take any calls.''


''I'm sorry.''

''No- No! Skull-sama doesn't mind! It's fine!''


He wanders.


He slips.

His phone falls out of his pockets and it slips right down a chasm, several painful clatters marking its way down.



He loses a few weeks.

He's- not lost, but also not really not lost.

He doesn't really know where to go to get to civilization the fastest is the short summary of his problem.

And well the long way, well, it's a very long way.

There are just mountains everywhere. The high peaks and scenery are breathtaking. It's beautiful and Skull still loves it as much as he hates it right now.


He's got his notebooks.

So, the first time he thinks he forgets something, someone- them, he sits down in the middle of the path to hysterically begin to leave through them until he can recite the pages on Fon. Then Giovanni, and on.


He should've probably packed a map. Fon was always going on about maps, anyway.

He decides to go to the highest point of the highest mountain he can see.

Maybe it would give him some oversight.

Otherwise, he could just continue north until he stumbles onto something.


(Skull wonders why he's freaking out so much.

He's been alone for a long while before.)


He's got their phone numbers written down.

He just needs actual civilization and a phone.

Giovanni is probably worried.

Fon is probably long past worried.


When Reborn gives a proud smirk at his latest student that week, finally having finished the training of the Cavallone heir, Skull does not notice.

Fon does not either.

They're both preoccupied.


Skull is a mess when he finally finds the town.

Well, mentally at least.

An elderly couple takes him in and let him borrow their phone. It's old and static covers their entire conversation but Giovanni just cries a lot and curses him out, so it doesn't really matter.

Fon doesn't pick up.

(Fuck, fuck, fuck- Is he angry? Idiot, of course, he's angry! Didn't you promise to call at least once a week! How many weeks has it been? Fuck!)

He tries again a few times, but in the end, he has to give up. Maybe tomorrow.

He tries to ignore how it weirdly hurts, how disappointing it is. Tries to tell himself that not hearing Fon's voice isn't a big deal at all after only a few weeks.

Who's he kidding though?



He finds the symbol on the ground the next morning. It's as much a curse as it's a happy coincidence.

It's the first thing ever he sees from home. Truly home.

Carved into the light rock of the mountain range he could finally navigate the mark of the Hallows of Death barely stands out. But Skull had noticed it nonetheless.

How long has it been? Skull thinks and it must have been decades already.

What does it mean? Was- Could it be connected with his inability to die? Harry had thought about it a few times but almost always thrown the thought out again. Out of fear more than anything, but if it's a clue if he can understand- …

He looks back at the small town, thinks about phoning Fon, but this- It could wait. Fon wouldn't mind. He would understand. Besides, it isn't like he owes Fon anything.

He just wants to look around a bit. Just for a little while.

It'll be fine.

Here I am! Possibly more than half a year later. Whoops, sorry about that. I hope you all like the chapter regardless…

There's a reason, but it's the basic 'life'. If you're interested: I graduated. Got accepted into law-school by some miracle while simultaneously having a mid-life crisis if I really wanna do law for the rest of my life- the answer to this is still on-going btw- and have moved to a new city where I know absolutely no one and I had been to in total of three times before. Besides the actual law-study-thingy I'm following now, it's all already a lot. To not even speak of the money this all costs… Yay!

I'm doing fine though! It's been stressful but I managed to make friends and get a job and all. Besides, I managed to get a reasonably prised room, so we all love that.

I did manage to post another (possibly one-shot) BNHA story called Waiting for the Rainbow. So, if you're interested in that, check it out.

But as many of you- I'm now quarantined, and my job is now on-hold. So, I need stress-relief and I've got time. ?

Now, on the actual chapter. I actually managed to bite myself in the ass, because of my last chapter. I had some things written out, but I ended up not liking those at all, so decided to scrap them but I found I wasn't able to come out with the deadline I set. So, this is the result.

Somewhere in the middle of the chapter there's one scene with this weird almost POV-switch to Fon. Sorry, about that. Tried to work it away, but I like the way it was too much. So, decided to keep it in there. Sorry if that annoys you.

Also, guys, why Skull is reacting so badly to becoming cursed and all will be explained in later chapters. Have some patience with me. I promise there's a reason!

Also, this story has gotten surprisingly popular? I know I've said this before, but it's got like a thousand faves/kudos, whatever. That's way too intimidating. You're all too much. Still thank you for all of your love. Your comments really keep me going, and any ideas or criticism is always welcomed!

Anyway, next chapter y'all will finally get Canon-times, the confrontation with Fon and everything will finally begin to hurry up a bit. I think I need like three more chapters or so to finish the story? We'll see.

Lastly, I want to wish all safe with everything that's been happening! I know it isn't much, but stay safe and inside! And my biggest sympathies for everyone who's losing their jobs, or in danger of it, or losing a loved one. Stay strong!

My biggest kisses to you all!