Esther-himechan - You're going to have to wait and see who her brother is.

Sheraal - I am glad you like it, that makes me very happy. As for the guys you are wanting, well I do plan on having them in the fanfic!


Sakura's Point of View

"Wow I can't believe I lived here for about ten years, scary huh?" Naruto asked me. I patted him on the back, "Yeah. It's scary that we've had so many memory here for about maybe 9 years. It feels like just yesterday we became friends." I said as I packed my clothing into a small luggage. "Remember the first time how we met?" Naruto said. "How can I forget? Hero." I teased.


No one's Point of View

A seven year old Sakura was not having the best of days. A group of girls formed a circle around her and started chatting and taunting her. She was trying her hardest not to cry, so she sniffled and tightened her grip around her legs, trying to shield her teary face behind her bleeding knees. "Hey what are you ugly girls doing!" a blonde hair boy yelled as he ran up to them.

All the girls scattered, leaving the poor pink hair alone. "Hey! You okay? Did they hurt you?" he asked her. Sakura looked at him for a few seconds before getting up. "Um, not as bad as other days, today they just pushed me and told me mean things. Thank you, no one but my brother helped me before." She quietly said to him.

"You're the new girl right, the super smart one in our class, right?" he asked. "Wait a minute, they always pick on you?" he yelled as he just understood what she just said. "Yeah, I um my family moved here, so yeah um… I'm new. Um yeah those girls have always been mean to me, I haven't done anything to them." She said sadly. "I just want to have a friend."

"Well, its cause you're very pretty! Like a flower! I'm Naruto! Future super hero that will be loved by all! Dattebayo. And from now on I'll be your best friend! If they mess with you they mess with me!" He smile at her.


Sakura's Point of View

"Then during class when they tried to mess with me again you convinced me to punch them in the face. They hadn't mess with me after that." We both laughed. "Dattebayo, you made me sound like the greatest hero out there!" Naruto said. "I think it was about two years after that, I found out that you were living here." I said.

"Yeah? Oh yeah! After finding out you made it your life mission to help me out. It was what every Friday? Sunday?" Naruto asked. "Saturday night, I'd sleep over, teaching you how to clean and cook. Lord knows you needed it." I told him as I ruffed his hair. "That's when I officially met your brother right? Oh shit sorry Sakura didn't meant to bring him up." He said quickly.

"Yeah, yeah. Many memories here. I think it was when we were either 12 or something we tried dating." I got up and walk to the living room, pointing at the couch. "We gave each other our first kiss then felt disgusted with the thought of dating. Ended it there, only wanting friendship." I laughed and Naruto blushed feeling embarrassed. "Whatever! I told you that I liked you but you said no, only friends." "Yeah, and like always you should have listen to me!" I interrupted him. "Yeah, yeah you dated me just to shut me up. How mean." We both laughed.

'Let see what else happened in this house.' I thought. "Many birthdays, that's for sure. Many secret was shared here. I never noticed how much I'm going to miss being here." I said sadly. "Yeah I know, I was thinking of keeping this place and coming back for long breaks, but decided not to. I'm just going to stay at your place and protect you from all the evil horny men living with you, cause you know, I am a hero of course. Dattebayo!" He yelled and gave me a pose. "You are such a dork." I told him.

"Okay so, I will take all of the kitchen stuff with me, your bed and the television. Anything else I'm missing." I asked as I put my name on the boxes. "My ramen chair! Sasuke-Teme said if I bring it to the dorm he will burn it. Oh and the desk, you're going to need it. You can also take the rest of the food we never used." "Right …" I said not wanting to take the chair.

"Okay then I guess that does it, we'll pack cover and pillows tomorrow seeing as we are going to be using it for tonight. Tomorrow we also need to put the unwanted things to Goodwill." I told him. We took a picture together on the bed as a last time we spend the night at this house. The rest of the night we spend it watching movies on Netflix on my computer. We feel asleep together in Naruto's room around 3 in the morning.

I woke up to Naruto smacking me in the face, 'Thanks Naruto, it's not like I need sleep or anything.' I looked at my phone to check the time. '10:50, not bad.' I noticed that Sasuke texted in our group chat.


Lord of Ducks

Sakura, what time are you guys going to the house, I need to know when to get there.

8:20 AM MMS


Hey Sasuke. Sorry I didn't reply earlier I just woke up, Naruto is still asleep. Seeing how it's about 11 right now, we still need to do a couple of things before going to the house so it's most likely going to around maybe 2. I will also let Kakuzu right now, so don't worry about it. 3

10:55 AM MMS

Lord of Ducks

Fine, make sure Dope doesn't sleep long, text me when you are on your way to the house.

10:57 AM MMS


Good Morning, it's Sakura Haruno. I am most likely going to be coming in around 2 the latest 3:30. Just a heads up a friend of mine will be staying the night, but don't worry I'll make sure to he won't cause any trouble.

10:59 AM MMS

Kakuzu Roommate

Good Morning, that is fine, by that time most of the others will not be here, but hopefully in the morning we could have a meeting to discuss about the rules with you. Have a nice day.

11:02 AM MMS

I took a shower and got ready, putting on some legging and a black crop top that says 'Fee Me Ramen', once I finished, I went to wake Naruto up, while trying for the fifth time, and I've finally got him to take a shower. While he was in there, I folded all the covers and put them in a box, separating my covers and pillows from Naruto's.

I put all the boxes in Naruto's truck and Naruto helped me with the heavier things in the back of the car. We went down to the owner of the apartment and handed the keys to him. The old man wished us luck and asked us to visit him anytime. We looked at the apartment one last time before heading out. We stopped by a Goodwill and then by a fast food place and eat in the parking lot. I texted Sasuke and of course Naruto texted along, just to bother Sasuke.



Hey Sasuke we finished with all of the things, we are just eating some food. 3

1:28 PM MMS

Hero of Ramen



1:30 PM MMS

Lord of Ducks

Okay, text when you get there

1:32 PM MMS


Hey Sasuke, I here, but I've noticed that the garage is empty. Is anyone here? You know I didn't get keys, right?

2:25 PM MMS

Lord of Ducks


2:26 PM MMS

We waited for about two minutes before Sasuke got out of the house. "TEME!" Naruto yelled as he jumped on Sasuke for a hug. Sasuke tried his best to push Naruto but failed to do so.

"So is anyone home right now?" I asked. 'Don't want any of them to see that ramen chair' I thought to myself. "They all went out for food I believe" Sasuke said as he hugged me. "I'll just shoot Kakuzu a text anyways" I said more to myself then to my boys.


Afternoon Kakuzu, just wanted to let you know that I have arrived. I see that Sasuke is here, so don't be surprised if I am in the house. :)

2:27 PM MMS

Kakuzu Roommate

Sakura, I am glad that Sasuke made himself useful, seeing that I have given him your set of keys to the house. I apologies that I was not able to greet you at the house, I am currently eating with some of the others, but if you wish we could hurry and help you unpack.

2:30 PM MMS


There is no need to do that, please take your time. I'll just make sure that Sasuke and Naruto are on their best behavior and doesn't cause any mess. :) See ya soon!

2:33 PM MMS

Kakuzu Roommate

Very well then, see you in an hour or so.

2:34 PM MMS

After I finished texting Kakuzu, we unloaded my crap from Naruto's car and put it right outside my room. Sasuke had Naruto move his truck in the garage so that Naruto doesn't have to worry about all his boxes in the back.

We started unpacking all the food, bathroom and kitchen things first putting them where they need to go. Next we started to fix up my queen bed, the desk, and a small drawer, once done we then started with my cloths.

I was unfazed with my boys helping me with my cloths seeing how they like to help with laundry. We put all my underwears, socks and bras in the drawers. All my shirts went in the closet with hangers and I left my pants in the suitcase.

"Next weekend, we'll go to IKEA and get a draw for the closet for your pants." Sasuke said. "I'll make a list of things I will need and other for what I would like to have ready for next weekend. Now all we have to do is make my bed and then we could watch some Nexflix." I said as I stretched.

We quickly made the bed and Naruto grabbed the Ramen chair, centered it in front of the bed, put Nexflix on my computer on top of the chair and we started watching my favorite Anime called Death Note. I was happy to fall asleep next to my boys, I don't know what I would do without them.


Date: 3/5/2018

Words: 1,816

Thank you for the fav. and follow!


Ester Izanami


Kakashi dreamer




donghae lover











I am very sorry it took me this long to update, I hope you understand that life is shitty. I promise that I will try to update this next Monday. Or the following Monday. Till next time!