Dragons and Thrones: Final War – Doom Upon All The World

Chapter 1 of the final chapter in this crossover series, hope you enjoy it.

First note, things are still in the same year so everyone is still the same age they were in the previous story.

Also, in terms of appearance, except when in battle, where she wears regular breeches and a tunic with a mail shirt, gauntlets, greaves and a light helmet, Arya wears her Season 7 attire, but in terms of appearance, especially hair length and style, she is now in her Season 6 look.

Reviews from previous story:

Boris Yeltsin: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it :)
Marina Ka-Fai: True, things do look bleak but, well, we can always wait and see what comes.
Wolfgirl2013: Thanks :)
Veridissima: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it; thought you'd like them :)
Ahrimal: Yes, indeed, glad you enjoyed it and well, those are actually Daenerys tasks now, tasks she is well-aware of I should add. Well, we can only wait and see :) Yes, he was and yes, true enough. Very true :)

Now onto the story.

Disclaimer: Game of Thrones belongs to George R.R. Martin, Dragon Age belongs to Bioware.


The sound of the birds and the noises of the people outside were what woke Arya Stark from her slumber. She yawned as she sat up, stretching. The chambers she was in were not hers, but that didn't bother her. Standing up from the bed she approached the window and looked out over King's Landing.

'It's recovered well; there are still signs of the battle...mostly at the walls, but...' She reflected. 'Overall I'd say the repairs were almost complete.'

She was in the Red Keep, the main castle of the now occupied capital of Westeros. Arya had helped in the battle along with her husband Gendry, her father Lord Eddard Stark and brother Robb, all of them fighting with their army under the banner of Daenerys Targaryen to restore her family to the throne and unite Westeros.

She managed a small smile. 'Although not without cost, we succeeded and now we're ready, for the real battle, for Corypheus.'

Arya knew they wouldn't have much time; that battle drew closer every day. Which was why she relished these private moments she could share with Gendry; in the chambers they had occupied for their own use following the successful battle.

She was startled out of her thoughts by a pair of strong arms comfortable wrapping around her middle.

She smirked. "How many times have I told you not to do that?"

Gendry laughed. "Too many; but it's still wonderful to know I'm the only one who can take you by surprise."

She rolled her eyes and turned to face him; a challenge held in her expression. Until they then kissed.

As they got dressed for the day; Arya bit her lip.

"I still can't believe, after all that...we really won, that...Revenant."

Gendry nodded. "I know Arry, I'm just glad there were Maesters and Mages that were able to help us recover and that it's over."

Arya agreed; yet it was clear, as she secured her belt, along with Needle and her dagger, that something was still on her mind.

"I wonder...I wonder what Queen Daenerys has planned." She said at last.

Gendry shrugged. "I overheard she had announcements to make and...political matters to resolve before we make our next, deal with the true threat."

Arya sighed. "Ah yes, I think I heard that too; well, we might as well go. Father and Robb will likely be expecting us."

Agreeing Gendry began to approach the door when he realized Arya wasn't following. He turned; she still had that expression on her face.

Finally she just shook her head. "Gendry, she's dead now, so I doubt it makes any difference but...Do you think we should tell Queen Daenerys; about Cersei's plot, to assassinate you?"

Gendry paused for a moment, thinking, feeling awkward.

"Arry I..." He began but then made up his mind. "Let's not, as you said, it makes no difference really, the attempt failed, Cersei is dead...Plus we have bigger problems."

Arya nodded in response. "Alright, yes, you're right."

So with that her expression brightened considerably as she joined him and together they left. Before the meeting in the throne room however, Daenerys was meeting with several important nobles privately. They planned to join her father and brother when she spoke with them.

While making their way to the Royal Chambers however, they were encountered by a court noble. Arya didn't recognize him, but then, she wasn't surprised. When she had stayed in King's Landing, what felt like so long ago now, she had made no effort to get to know those nobles, despising them.

"Ah, Lady Arya, I was hoping to run into you." He said with a grin.

Arya tensed; in her eyes, that was never a good thing. "And, why was that?"

He looked her up and down as he spoke. "I must admit, I was rather...surprised..."

Arya rolled her eyes, seeing right away he was judging her for her masculine attire; the same sort of Stark leathers her father and brothers wore, and the fact she bore weapons.

"But hearing about your actions on the battlefield were certainly impressive; you do credit to your house, as a warrior..." He replied. "Indeed..."

Arya bristled at his back-handed compliment. "If you could kindly get to the point."

He seemed a little put out by this but quickly regained his composure.

"Ah, yes, of course. Well, I feel our families couldn't benefit, especially..."

Arya froze, her anger building, she had stopped hearing his words. She knew right away what he was planning. He was completely disregarding the fact she was already married, that her husband was standing right there, and proposing a marriage alliance.

Still smirking the man continued. "So you see, Lady Arya, I can't see any reason to refuse my son, surely this..."

"I can." She snapped.

At once he stopped, looking at her in shock.

There was a stony silence until finally the noble spoke again.

"Lady Arya, I do not..."

"Maybe the fact I'm already married." She said sharply. "So I can hardly marry your son."

The noble shook his head; shocking Arya with his look of disgust.

"Well, Lady Arya I am trying to help you there. I am offering you a chance for a worthy marriage. Not marrying some, baseborn smith just because you couldn't find anyone else who..."

Arya felt her temper explode. "You say one more fucking word about Gendry and I'll bleed you dry!"

The noble was wide-eyed, horrified, Arya now had him pinned against the wall, her dagger out and held to his neck.

"This is an outrage, I am trying to help you and you…!"

Arya wasn't going to stand for it however. "No, you're trying to help yourself. You clearly know nothing about love, you fool. Gendry is also far more noble than scum like you will ever be!"

"He is a bastard, there is no nobility in him and…!" The noble spat, but stopped.

It soon became clear why when Arya felt Gendry gently pulling her away from the man. Looking up at him, she saw the coldness in his eyes.

"You overstep your bounds." Gendry remarked coldly. "My Lord."

It was the most sarcastic, least genuine use of that address Arya had ever heard Gendry use. Then, before anyone could say anything else, Gendry led her away.

Once alone Gendry stopped and then embraced her.

"Just take a moment Arry."

She wriggled in his grasps. "I'm fine."

He shook his head. "No, you're angry, just take a moment to calm down...maybe we do have something to speak to Queen Daenerys about now?"

"I...suppose you're right." She replied; doing as he said.

Finally calming down she nodded and together they resumed their journey, ready to meet with Daenerys.

End of chapter, hope you enjoyed it, read and review please.