Hi everyone! This is a one shot. A long one shot. This idea was floating In my head so I had to write it down. I hope you enjoy it. It's something different. Enjoy.

Christians POV

This was a suppressing issue, an issue that needed to be handled delicately. I personally had been asked to step in, to watch, to put at ease, and handle. There have been many instances where I've had people take it too hard and couldn't cope, but that's where I come in. I make it a little more bearable.

I sat in the corner of the coffee shop, waiting. I knew she would be here. I knew everything, right down to the millisecond. I watched her for a few days, getting to know her from a far. She was different from many others, as in, sweet and maybe a little naïve. There was a sense of urgency everywhere she went and every time she looked at her phone, I could see the fear take over.

I knew what that fear was. It was the reason I was sent to help.

The door opened, sounding the bell and there she was. A beautiful petite woman, with blue eyes and chestnut brown hair. She was a true sight to behold. I watched her stand in line a fidget with her fingers. She was nervous, anxious, and all the while maintained a positive aura through it all. When she reached the front of the line and ordered, she looked around the room trying to find an open place to sit. The coffee house was little packed, all the tables filled, right down to the last chair, except for mine. I had two available seats and I hoped she would work up the courage to take one of them.

She made eye contact with me and I smiled. Her cheeks flushed, turning a soft red that was easily noticeable on her pale skin. She continued to stare for what seemed like a minute but the barista called her name and she quickly turned her head, reaching for her coffee. I watched her lips mumble a thank you and she walked over to a table where three people had just gotten up. Dammit.

I needed to push myself into her life. There wasn't any other option.

Ana's POV

I looked around the room, hoping to find a good spot. My favorite was the back corner. Somewhere that was a little secluded, but I could still see what was going on around me. The corner was taken by a man with copper colored hair. He was a beautiful man, unlike any other that I had ever seen. There was something about him that was different from other men. I couldn't quite figure it out, but that smile made my heart flutter.

"Here you go, Ana."

I took the coffee from her hands and gently replied with a, "Thank you."

Now, where to sit? I couldn't bring myself to sit in the corner with Mr. Handsome. It would have felt extremely wrong and I could only imagine what would happen if I were to get caught.

Thank the lord! I yelled in my head as a table of three cleared. I quickly shuffled my way past them and plumped my small behind in the seat. Setting my coffee on the table, I pulled out my phone to check the time. "Okay, I have 30 minutes. That's enough time." Still looking at my phone, I reached for the cup of coffee. I, honestly, don't know how but I managed to accidently knock it off the table. I hadn't any quick reflexes, so I couldn't do anything but watch. The cup hit the floor, making a thud sound and spilling out all of my Peppermint Mocha coffee. I was extremely devastated, because I didn't even get have my first sip, not to mention how embarrassing it was to have everyone staring at me. I got up from the table and bent down, grabbing my, now, empty cup.

"Here, let me help you with that."

I looked up and saw the man who was sitting in the corner, eyes gray as a stormy sky. My eyes had deceived me. He wasn't just handsome, he was the epitome of male beauty, a true sight. I couldn't even muster up any words to say. I just looked at him and bit my lip nervously.

He had a handful of napkins and bent down in front of me, placing them over the dark spilled liquid. I watched him, solely concentrated on cleaning up my mess. "Thank you," I finally said.

"It was my pleasure." He stood, walked over to the trash, and discarded the drenched napkins. I lifted myself up and resumed my seated position in the chair, coffee-less. I can't believe this and I don't have the time to stand in that long line for another one. "Mind if I join you?" I was pulled out of my thoughts.

"Um, what?" I said.

He chuckled. "I said, do you mind if I join you?"

"Oh, um, sure." I was a little hesitant. This was a first for me. I had never been approached by a man before, asking to be in my company.

"Thanks." He smiled and sat, staring at me and then his face revealing a puzzled look. "Oh, did you want me to buy you another coffee?"

"No, thank you." I can't have this man buying me anything. It wasn't right.

"Are you sure? I don't mind." He was persistent.

"No, really, it's okay. I don't have enough time." I pulled out my phone to check the time. What? How could 20 minutes pass by so fast? I can't be late, I just can't. I was late last time just by a minute and that had terrible consequences. I looked up from my phone and saw his jaw clenched and angry look in his eye, but when we made eye contact it quickly went away. What was that? "Thank you so much for helping me, but I really need to go." A look of disappointment crossed his face and I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed myself. I don't know what, but something compelled me to place my hand over his, but I did. My skin tingled, and a warm sense just washed over me. I smiled and said, "I didn't get your name."

"Christian," he took a deep breath. "My name is Christian."

A beautiful name, for a beautiful man. "Thank you, Christian." I gave him one last smile, which he returned, and made my way out of the coffee shop, still desperately wanting a coffee.

I quickly made my way home, running as soon as I got on my block. My feet couldn't have carried me any faster. I dreaded walking into that front door and I wanted nothing more than to turn away and run in the opposite direction. But I knew better than that. I ran up eight flights of stairs and reached the door, before entering I took a deep breath and gathered myself. I fixed my hair and wiped the sweat from my forehead. One more deep breath.

I opened the door and walked in. It was slightly dark, a small hint of light, coming in from the blackout curtains. I faced the door, shutting it slowly, trying not to make a sound. Click. I turned and felt a sudden stinging pain against my cheek. The blow was forceful, sudden, and I fell to the floor. "Where the fuck have you been?" His voice was deep and menacing. He reached down and grabbed my arm tightly, shaking me.

A sob escaped my lips. "I-I told you, I went to get coffee."

"Where's this coffee then?" He spat out and pushed me against the door. "Huh?"

"I drank it there." I sat up against the door and pulled my knees up to my chest. "I'm sorry, Jack."

"You're always sorry." He turned and walked away. "Get up! And go clean yourself. We're going out."

Christians POV

"The situation might be a little worse than we thought." I paced back and forth. "I saw her today, I met her, I talked to her. She has bruises on her arm." I stopped and looked at Michael. There was concern in his eyes. "What?"

"Don't make this personal, Christian. Remember, you are there for one job and one job only. We knew how bad the situation was and how bad it will get. That's why you're stepping in."

"I know, I know, but I can't help but think if there is something, anything we can do." I was frustrated and I couldn't understand why. This had never happened to me before. I could always sympathize, but that was all.

"It is not your place, Christian." He lectured. "You are not in the field of catching criminals, you are something else entirely. You know this."

"Michael you don't understand."

"You know that's not true." He sighed. "I understand, but you have a duty to her. Now, go."

Ana's POV

We sat there at the dinner table, surrounded by people from Jacks work, people I hardly knew. I felt uncomfortable and Jack was laughing, smiling, and showing me affection as if nothing has changed. His touch disgusted me. I was angry on the inside. I was angry at him for the person he had become. I was angry at him because he hit me, constantly. I was angry because this isn't how it was supposed to be, but most of all, I was angry at myself for not doing anything about it.

The dance hall we dined in was big and there were tables that circled around the entire dance floor. The carpet was black and so were the table clothes. The décor was a mixture of black and white, the dance floor, along with the guest's attire was the only thing that wasn't black or white. It was a beautiful medium colored wood.

"Leila, care to join me for a dance?" Jack stood and reached for her hand.

She snuck a quick glance at me and nodded encouragingly. "Are sure you don't want to dance with your wife?"

He looked at me with fire in his eyes. "She doesn't like to dance." That wasn't true. I did like to dance, but not with him. "Come Leila." She reluctantly took his hand, looking at me. I still shook my head at her eagerly, because I wanted nothing more than for him to have his attention focused on something else other than me.

"Thank you, Ana." She smiled at me. Jack looked at me and place his hand on my shoulder squeezing so hard I could practically feel the blood vessels popping and forming the dark bruises that were now a part of my everyday life.

He took her hand and walked out onto the dance floor, gripping her body tightly. I finally exhaled the breath I was holding in and for the first time, since the coffee shop, I was able to relax. The people around me kept chattering away, some taking a leave of absence to join Jack on the dance floor, and soon, I was left alone. What else is new? I picked at the food on my plate. The pork chop I didn't finish because there was too much fat was now cold, and the corn bread was now soggy, from the juices of the green beans. The meal wasn't very tasty and I was very much dissatisfied. I looked over the dance floor and saw Jack dancing. I couldn't help but to imagine how it used to be, before he became abusive. We were happy. He was my high school sweetheart, my first for everything. He used to be a gentlemen, someone who cared about how I felt. Now, he's an empty shell of man with no heart, no sense of how wrong it is to treat me the way he does. I know he sleeps with other women and I honestly don't care. In fact, I hoped that he would find someone else and just let me go. But he hasn't. He won't let me go and he never will.

My thoughts took me to that night….

"I can't do this anymore with you Jack, I'm done." I packed my bag with as much as I could. I had to get out of there. It was no longer a healthy environment or relationship. I had to go before it killed me. I didn't wait for him to speak, I just zipped up the bag and headed straight for the door. He was quiet, too quiet, and I knew his silence was dangerous.

My hand reached for the knob and before I could open it, I was spun around and slammed against it. "What? You think you could just leave me like that?" His fingers touched the sides of my face, and I turned away, looking towards the sunlight seeping from the window. I didn't want to look at him. I couldn't. "You are my wife, my property. You aren't going anywhere."

"I can't be with you anymore." I still want looking at him. He needed to know that this was over, I would let him keep treating me this way, so I said the one thing I thought would make him let me go. But I was wrong. "I-I don't love you anymore. I hate you." I was so terribly wrong.

In that instant his hand came to my throat and he squeezed. I felt the air being sucked from my lungs. "You do love me and you're never going to leave!" His yell was crazed, unlike anything I have ever heard. "You are going to stay with." He gritted his teeth and the pressure around my neck only got worse. "If you ever try to leave, I will kill you." I knew right there and then that I was stuck and there was no way out. He continued to spit word at me, but by then I could even hear them anymore. I felt the blood pumping in my veins, and the sound of his voice eventually turned into nothing. My heart pounded against my chest and everything around me suddenly went black.

I was pulled out of my memory by the change in music, not realizing I had my hands wrapped around my throat. That memory was burned in my brain and if I ever needed a reminder, it was always there to do just that, remind me.

My eyes darted across the room and leaning up against the wall was the man from the coffee shop. Christian. He smiled dashingly and I couldn't help but to smile back. He was doing it again that thing he to make my heart falter. He wore a black tux with a gray tie, bringing out his eyes in a way that made him so luring, he looked exquisite.

The beautiful sight I was witnessing was replaced by a disgusting one as I turned my attention to Jack who was coming back to the table. My jaw clenched and I tensed. My relaxation was over. I snuck a glance back to where Christian was standing but he was gone, disappointment filling my heart. I continued to sit there as the talking buzzed around me, wanting so desperately to jump out of the window. "Excuse me, but may I dance with this lovely lady?" My eyes looked up to Christian standing at the end of the table, looking straight at me. Christian, what the hell are you doing?

"I'm sorry, but she doesn't dance." Jack said, jaw clenched.

He smiled. "That's quite alright. I'm not very good at it either."

Jacks hand gripped my leg tightly, making me wince. He looked over at me, smiling a condescending smile. "Go ahead, Ana."

"A-Are you sure? I don't have to."

"Just go." He pinched me and I quickly stood, walking towards Christian and taking his hand.

His hand was warm and inviting. The tingle was there again and it felt nice. When I was with him, everything didn't seem to matter. It was like nothing else existed, but only for a moment.

Once I got home, I knew there was going to be a whole lot of pain waiting for me.

Christians POV

Ana was absolutely stunning in her red dress, bringing out the color of her eyes. A powdered blue was the best way to describe them. I led her to the dance floor and I felt her hand shaking in mine. I gripped a hold of it tightly and gently stroked her hand with my thumb. She looked nervous, scared and the thought of the reason why made me angry. Once we face one another on the dance floor, I softly grabbed her waist and pulled her close to me. I heard the slight gasp escape her lips and the feeling it gave me was something I couldn't describe.

We have yet to say a word to each other and I could no longer stand the silence. "Are you okay?" it was all I could manage to say. I swayed with her to the music and she looked up at me with suspicion in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" She asked with a shaky voice.

"I can tell something is wrong." I looked into her eyes, trying to find something in them. My eyes searched her body and on her shoulder I could see a bruise forming. "I'm very observant. There is something about you that is, how do I say, intriguing. You look as if you'd rather be anywhere but here and the man you were sitting with seems to be the reason why." I returned my gaze to hers, eyes wide as can be. She was scared, frantic even.

"I-I-I don't know what y-you mean." She gripped me tightly as if I were an anchor holding her to the ground. "I think I should get back to…"

She was too closed off and I needed her to open up. This wasn't part of the job and I wasn't supposed to be interfering like this, but there was something about her. Michael was going to kill me, big time, but at this moment I didn't care. I just wanted her. "I know he abuses you." Her head snapped to me so quickly, I thought it was going to pop off. I pulled her back to me and made it look like we were continuing to dance, not letting on that I knew his darkest secret and her feeling of regret. "I'm sorry to just say it like that, but I want you know that you aren't alone. I'm here."

"You don't even know me." She said.

I knew her. I knew her more then she knew herself, but I couldn't tell her that. "Let me get to know you."

"That's not a good idea." He head turning to the direction of her abusive husband. "He wouldn't like that and if you know as much about it as you say you do, then you know that there would consequences."

I knew there would be and I am about to cross a line. What am I talking about? I've already crossed multiple line. "You don't have to go back, you can get away from him and I can help you."

She shook her head, "No. I tried and I almost ended up dead."

"But this time you'll have me."

She thought about it for a second, but I could see she was fighting what her heart wanted. "I can't, Christian." We continued to dance in silence, the music creeping on its end. I was so much to save her from him even though it wasn't my place to save her. I wasn't sure if she could be saved because she couldn't even find the courage to save herself. "Thank you for the dance, Christian.." she slowly walked back to the table, but not without turning back and saying, "Please, don't tell anyone."

It wasn't my place to tell.

Ana's POV

Luckily for me, Jack was drunk and he didn't have the energy to try and beat me. He simply dropped me off. "Clean up the fucking place, will yah? Ill deal with you later." Rolling up the widow, he sped down the road, running a red light.

I took a deep breath, letting the cold air hit my face. Today was a long day, but not all bad. Aside from the abuse and the dread of being alone, there were moments in today that made me smile. And his name was Christian.


"Mmm." I could help the smile that was plastered on my face. He knew my secret, my darkest secret, and I felt a sense of relief knowing that someone else knew. I went through the door and went up the eight flights of stairs, still smiling. I hadn't had any social interaction with anyone aside from Jack. I almost forgotten what it felt like to experience that feeling. I unlocked the door and stepped inside, closing it behind me. I walked in as if it were a home, my home and not as if I was sneaking in like a teenager.

I showered and changed. I cleaned like I was told. I didn't need to be hit anymore and I was going to do whatever it took to prevent that from happening.

An hour went by and Jack still hadn't returned. I was thankful for the time alone. I curled up on the couch and started to read one of my many books. I was lost in another world, so lost that I forgot about the nightmare that continued to consume me every day and every night. It was even a nightmare, that's putting it mildly. It was more like I night terror.

A knock on the door brought me back to reality.

I was hesitant. There has never been a knock on the door before. It couldn't be jack, because he would never know. He would just slam the door open. It can't be friend, because I have none.

I unlocked the door and slowly opened it, gasping.


Christians POV

"What are you doing here?" She asked, "How do you know where I live?"

I couldn't tell her how I knew, it wasn't the right time. "That's not important." I sighed, wanting so bad to touch her. "I want to apologize about earlier. I shouldn't have said anything about what was going on between you and," I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, "him."

"Its fine, really, but you need to go before he comes back." She was frantic and was urging me down the stairs.

"I can't leave." I wouldn't move. I walked towards her, passing the threshold.

"W-why?" She backed up slowly, nervously.

She was so beautiful, unlike anything or anyone I have ever seen. I had this urge to touch her, to feel her warmth. And I couldn't control my hand from touching her face, she was so soft. Her eyes closed to my touch and she let her face lean into my hand. "I have to know you, I want to touch you."

She breathed heavily. "Christian, I can't."

"But, you want to?" I had to know if I was the only one feeling this…feeling.

"Yes." Ana opened her eyes and looked into mine. "This cannot be."

"It can." I tilted her face up and searched her eyes for disapproval. There wasn't any sign and she wasn't trying to push me away. "Please, I want to try something." Her eyes grew with nervousness, uncertainty, and wonder? "Stay still." She was opening her mouth to say something. "Don't move." Her mouth shut and I continuously leaned in letting my lips gently caress hers.

I didn't know what I was feeling but it was….something.

Ana's POV

His lips were unlike anything I have ever felt. What the hell am I doing? I'm kissing a man I know nothing about, he's practically a stranger. Practically? No he is. But why did this feel so good and so right? He was intoxicating and I wanted to take him all in. So I did.

I quickly became hungry for him. I didn't know what came over me, but I wasn't going to stop. A feeling of security washed over me, whenever he touched me. I felt safe, protected, something I don't think I've ever felt before. He lifted me up, his muscles flexed around me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and continued to kiss him feverishly. He was so strong and beautiful, almost inhuman like. His legs carried me to the couch where he gently leaned me down. He broke the kiss and looked into my eyes, searching for something. Permission to continue? I didn't want him to stop, causing me to reach up reconnecting our lips.

All of my thoughts were scattered everywhere. I couldn't comprehend everything that was going on and I knew I shouldn't be doing this, but my feelings and my heart were suddenly in the driver's seat, controlling every decision I made when it came to Christian.

My hands reached for his shirt and lifted it up and over his head, his chest was firm and I could see his abs flexing. I touched him, his eyes closing and his mouth releasing a small growl. It turned me on.

He took my t shirt off, revealing my bare breasts, suddenly it occurred to me that I have never been with another man, beside Jack. I suddenly felt self-conscious and tried to cover myself.

His hands grabbed the shirt and pulled it away, tossing it on the floor. "Hey," he said gently. "You're the most beautiful thing, I have ever seen." My heart nearly shattered. I couldn't contain the way he made me feel. A tear feel from my eyes.

Christians POV

I wiped her tear and kissed wear it fell. "Don't cry." She smiled lightly and returned my lips to her, letting my hands run down her chest, cupping her breast. I had never experienced something like this with anyone. I couldn't, but with her, I could and I could feel it. I could feel everything and I didn't know why. Her soft moan dragged me from my thoughts. I undressed her until she was sprawled out in front of me, completely naked. As God had made her. She was beautiful. I had never seen such beauty.

I slid off my jeans and revealed myself, exposing my God made body. Her eyes went wide as she took me in, studying every inch of me as if it was something new. I've witnessed love being made, but experiencing it was something completely different. I wasn't sure of the appeal, but being here with her, made me understand.

I leaned over her and kissed her neck, traveling down her body, until I was near her most private area. She was delicate and she smelt so good. "Can I?" I looked at her for assurance and she nodded, her body shaking. She was nervous and so was I. I kissed her there. Her body arching into me, opening my mouth and letting my tongue slowly dip inside her.

"Oh," She whimpered.

It must have felt good to her, because it felt good doing it. I gripped her legs and held her open, giving myself complete access to please her. I wanted nothing more than to please her, to make her feel good, knowing I was the only one to make her feel this way.

"Please, don't stop."

I let my tongue dip in and out, circulating around her most pleasurable area. "Never," I replied, breathlessly. She continues rocking her body against my mouth and I kept going and going until I felt all the muscles in her body release all the tension that was building up.

Her breathing began to slow and I kissed my back up to her body, landing on her lips. She returned the kiss, her hands wrapping around my head and her fingers tangling in my hair. "I want you inside me," she whispered. I looked into her eyes and there was a new person. She looked happy, less worried and no longer uncertain. "Please, Christian."

I didn't hesitate when she said please. I eased my erection inside her. She was tight, wet, and warm. Her walls grabbed hold of me and I growled with pleasure. I couldn't describe this feeling, it was mind blowing. I couldn't get enough of this feeling, enough of her and I continued swaying into her, pumping in and out. I went into a frenzy and I just couldn't control myself.

She moaned my name and I, hers. I was going over the edge, falling.

Ana's POV

I lied on the chest of the man, who had just shattered the world that I knew. I had never been so happy. He gave me the courage to actually consider a life without Jack, to pack up everything and run. I was suddenly less afraid. The world around me didn't matter, the consequences didn't matter, only he did. Christian mattered and the way he made me feel. I never wanted to go back to the emptiness, the loneliness, I had once felt. I wanted to feel free, to be free. I didn't want to be scared and I no longer wanted to be forced and push around in this loveless relationship that I had with Jack.

The pain in my bladder brought me to the conclusion that I really needed to pee. I slowly lifted myself off of him, making sure I didn't wake him. Walking quickly to the restroom, I wondered when Jack would be back. It was getting really late and a sense of fear washed over me. I sat down on the toilet, breathing deep breaths to calm myself down.

And then I heard what I desperately didn't want to hear. The front door slammed open against the wall and I could hear his menacing voice yell out my name, "ANA!"

Christian POV

"What have I done?" I said to myself. I got up as soon as Ana was in the restroom, got dressed, and I left. I quickly walked out the door and took off. The feeling I had with Ana was indescribable. It was beautiful and pure. I knew I shouldn't have done it, but I couldn't help myself. There was no controlling the urge I had, and if I were being honest with myself, I didn't want to. I knew Michael would find out, one way or another. I had to tell him. I had no choice but to. I owed him that.

I made my way to him. I could tell by the look on his face that he knew.

"I can explain." I said.

"Christian, this is exactly what I told you not to do." He was stern. "You put yourself at risk and you decided her fate."

"Her fate was already decided." I hissed.

"Yes, but you could have delayed it!" He yelled. "Instead, now it will happen sooner, sooner then you realize."

"What do you mean?" I said, panicked. "Why does it have to be this way? I can save her!"

"You cannot Christian. You cannot alter what is meant to be." He sighed, putting his hand on my shoulder, "You can only help accept what is."

"But…" I said. I knew this was wrong and I knew shouldn't have done what I did. I can't say I regret it. "I love her."

Michael froze. "You cannot love."

"But I do, Michael. I love her."

He ignored what I said. "Go, Christian, it is almost time."

"Now?" My eyes grew wide with fear.

"Yes, now. Remember that this is your own doing." He sympathetically put his arm around me. "Go, Christian." So I went.

Ana's POV

"Where are you, you little bitch?" He was still drunk and the sense of security I felt with Christian was now completely gone, replaced by fear. "Ana, come out here right now!"

My hands began to shake and I was terrified that he caught Christian still on the couch, but as I went out into the hall I quickly glanced at the couch and he was gone. Jack was the only one there, standing with a beer in one hand and gun in the other.

This is it…

"And, come here." His voice wasn't recognizable. This wasn't Jack. He has never been this bad. "I said to come here!" I slowly walked over, scared out of my mind. "Do you know hoe pretty you are?" He dropped the bottle and grabbed my waist, pulling my closer. The gun in his hand he used to trace the sides of my face, gently stroking it. The gun was small, cold, and I suddenly had an out of body experience. It was if I was a fly on the wall, watching him torment me. "I didn't like you dancing with him." I spat at me. "Do you like making me jealous?"

"I-Im sorry," I said shakily, letting a tear fall down my cheek, "I didn't mean t…"

"Shut up!" The blow to my head almost made me black out and the ringing in my ears drowned out the sound of his voice. I fell to the floor, but was quickly picked by my arms, his hands tightly gripping me, shaking me. I slumped in his hands. I didn't have the strength to do anything else. He released me and I lied on the floor. I could see nothing, I could hear nothing and I just wanted to die. There was nothing left for me to live for. I had no family, no job, no money, and nobody to even care.

And then I thought of him. Christian. I felt something for him and he felt something for me. I had him, he would help me, take care of me. He made me feel safe, maybe even loved. I wanted to feel that and so much more and it was him who gave me to courage to get up and do something.

I lifted myself from the floor, the dizziness fading away. "And wear the hell do you think you are going?" I heard Jack say behind me. I crawled to the door, my body still weak and my head throbbing. "You're not going anywhere, Ana. Remember, you're mine and nobody else will ever want you." He pulled me up from the floor and pushed me into the living room. He was never this violent, but then again, he was never this drunk. He was out of his mind and his eyes were filled with anger. "You're disgusting, Ana. Do you really think anyone will want you after I've had you?" He stalked toward me the gun still in his.

I cried. I let all the anger spill out of me, all the hurt and the sadness. "You're wrong."

He laughed, threateningly. "And what makes you so sure, Ana?"

"Because I met someone." I immediately regret saying those words as soon as they came out. He yelled something I couldn't understand and suddenly his hands were around my throat, squeezing. "I hate you, Jack." I grabbed at his hands trying to loosen his grip. "You disgust me and I wish you'd die." Here was fire in his eyes, his anger turning into rage.

Nothing could prepare for what was about to happen next.

The next thing I knew, I was out on the balcony, pieces of glass all around me. My arms were cut up and my hands had glass wedged into my skin. I hissed at the pain. I was picked up, my back against the railing. "You do love me, Ana!" He shouted. "You will love me!"

Tears were stinging my eyes. I knew this was the end. My world was filled with so much pain. There was this ache in my heart. I wasted my life with this man, someone I depended on to keep me safe and instead he was the one I need to be kept safe from. This wasn't how I pictured my life, this wasn't how it was supposed to be. "I will never love you! You are nothing to me!"

With those last words, he screamed, and I suddenly felt nothing underneath me. I could hear the wind in my ear and I let my thoughts wonder to Christian, the beautiful gray eyed man who helped me feel like I was worth something, who made my heart feel whole again and who I desperately wished I could be with. I thought of what could have been and then nothing. Everything went black.

I stood up and dusted myself off, looking around me. What the hell? Looking down, I saw my body on the concrete ground, laying in a puddle of blood. My hands came up to my mouth, trying to hold back the tears. "Oh my God." I couldn't breathe. "This isn't happening. I can't be…"

The street that I walked on everyday was gone. It vanished, along with my body, and was replaced by the greenest grass I'd have ever seen. The sky was blue and the trees were tall, thick, and beautiful. I felt a sudden wave of peace wash over me and I was no longer scared. "Ana." I turned slowly and saw the man I never thought I would see again.

"Christian?" I was confused, lost. "What are you doing here? Where are we?"

"The afterlife. A world before the next." He held out his hand. "Come, its time."

"Time for what?" I hesitantly grabbed his hand. He was warm and I had the same feeling I've always had when we touched. "Who are you?" He smiled. I loved that smiled.

"I'm your Guardian Angel."

Please review. I am planning on doing a second one shot of this story. Revealing what will happen with Christian and Ana in the afterlife. It is destined they be together and I always make that happen. If I get enough reviews, I will continue on to the next chapter of Christian the Guardian and Angel and Ana the deceased mortal whom he loves and what will become of their epic love story.