This is the FINAL CHAPTER in My Deliverer. I hope you all enjoy!

Ana's POV

"Well that was a little dramatic." Satan said in the distance.

He did this. He took him away from me.

Don't let him win. You are strong. You are brave. You are immortal. And you have the power. Look inside you. Find it." He lifted my chin with his finger. "He put power in you. Dark power. It is yours. Use it to your will. Use it to do good."

Christian's words echoed in my mind.

"Come, Ana, it is time to take over heaven."

"No." I said. I placed Christian lightly on the ground and gently rubbed his face before I stood. I was upset, I was angry. I was livid. "I am am going to kill you."

He laughed. "You can't kill me."

"Then I will die trying." Flapping my wings I took to the sky and gathered all my energy. I looked deep inside myself and found the emotions that would trigger the darkness that was in me. I had to let go. I had to let go of who I was and become someone who I couldn't even recognize. I had to let go of everything that was human. Forget all the goodness and let myself be consumed by the darkness, the darkness that has so desperately wanted me. I could feel my inner self change and the power that controlled me. This is what he wanted. He wanted me to succumb to who he thought I really was. This is what Satan wanted all along. He just didn't know how to bring me to this point. My breaking point. If only he had known that it had been Christian all along. Christians death would be my undoing. "Are you scared, Satan?" I opened my eyes.

I don't know what he saw, but what I saw in him was pure fear. And as bad as it may have sounded, it felt really good. "You will not defeat me."

I could hear the uncertainty in his voice. "You don't sound so sure." I laughed.

He rushed over to the body that grew cold with every second it lied there without a soul, Christian's soul. "I will disintegrate his body. There will be nothing left, nothing to save."

"I wouldn't even try it, you won't have the time," I replied.

He stepped closer to Christian and put his hand over him, smiling wickedly.

"I really wouldn't," I hissed.

Fire ignited in hand, trailing down his arm. He had the audacity to smirk.

I didn't give him another second to fuck around. I flew into him faster then he could blink. Slamming our bodies against a cliff, I wrapped a hand around his throat and formed a dark ball of energy with the other. "Why can't you listen? Why must you taunt?"

"Who would I be if I didn't?" He coughed. "You think you could really defeat me? I always come back. I could never truly die."

"Then I'll torture you." I put my hand inside his chest, letting the power from my hand, scatter through him. He screamed in agony, satisfaction filling me inside. I grabbed, what I'm guessing is supposed to be his heart. It was cold and hard. I felt my powers intensity as it seeped through his veins.. "And every time you come back, I will do exactly this. I will slowly let this power suffocate your insides. I will watch as your pathetic life comes to an end in an endless cycle." I let out a sigh that was also a laugh as I leaned in and whispered in his ear. "In a way this is better. Killing you once isn't enough for me. I shall have the pleasure of doing it over and over again, until you wish you had only been given one life. Until you wish to be dead, permanently."

Squeezing his insides tightly, Satan grabbed my arm. "Stop! Please."

"Please? Did you stop when anyone else said please?" I twisted my hand, shattering his dark heart. "Did you!? What about when you killed Christian?" I yelled. "You didn't stop then so why should I stop now?"


"I want to hear you beg."

"Please Ana, stop, I am begging you."

"You know what?" I squeezed a little harder. "You can take that apology and shove it up your fucking ass. It means nothing to me."

I pulled his "heart" from his chest in a quick notion and watched his body fall to the ground.

I looked over at Christian and whimpered, walking over to him I slumped down. Picking his head up from the ground and resting it on my lap. "What have I done?" I cried.

How could I have let it come to this?

Michaels POV

God and I appeared in hell. Looking around, we saw Ana, sitting helplessly on the ground with Christian in her arms.

I felt for her, for him and I thought to myself what I could have done to prevent this. If I had accepted her, would things have been different? If I didn't let Christian go, if I went after him, would anything have changed?

I took a step towards her.

She looked up and held Christian tighter in defense. Her eyes were blood shot red, not from crying but from something that had changed her. Tears stained her cheeks. "Ana, I need you to get up."

Her lips trembled as she shook her head. She gripped Christians body tighter. "No." She rocked him back and forth. "You can't take him from me."

"We aren't going to take him from you." I said. She looked completely broken and helpless. Ana was in pain, deep traumatizing pain and I didn't know if was something God nor I could bring her back from.

God stepped ahead of me. "My child, please, let us fix this."

Her eyes looked into His, searching for an answer, searching for truth. God smiled and reached out for her. "Everything will be okay, I will take care of him."

Whispering, she said, "No, he is dead there isn't anything you could do." Ana began to hyperventilate. "This is all my fault, if only I had listened then everything would be different."

"No, my sweet, Ana," this is how it was supposed to happen.

"I-I don't understand." She trembled.

"Take my hand." God reached for her.

She looked at Christian and kissed him softly on his lips. Returning her gaze to God, she hesitantly placed her hand in his. As her eyes changed from red to blue, she slowly stood.

"Take her." He said to me.

I took Ana's hand from His and held her close, her body was week as the power drained her. The tears from her eyes continued to fall and I didn't know what to do or how to comfort her. So, I just held her close as God raised Christians lifeless body into the air.

The light that shined from within him was bright, almost blinding. Ana looked away and I draped my wings over her, shielding her from the light.

The light seemed to last for a while as silence filled the atmosphere. There has been so much that has happened over the past couple of months. So much confusion, pain, heartache and frustration. All Christian ever wanted was to be with Ana and I will forever beat myself up for interfering. I just wanted him to be safe, to not go down a path that would lead him to something that was even worth it and instead I lead him to his death. I could apologize to Ana a million times and it would never be enough or prove to her just how apologetic I am.

Once the light finally died down, I lowered my wings.

Christian stood there. Alive. His wings towered over him and his smile was warming. Ana let go of me and ran towards him, her own wings dragging behind her. She yelled his name and he embraced her. "I never want to experience another minute away from you." She nuzzled her face in his chest.

God walked over to me and we stood their, watching a miracle.

"Let's take this else where." God raised his hands and the scenery changed from hell to something peaceful.

The sun was bright and the grass was green. The trees towered over the meadow, creating a peaceful serenity. It was beautiful, relaxing. A place to ease ones mind. "Where are we?"

"This is where it all started, where they," He gestured to Ana and Christian, "started. This is Ana's creation, her afterlife, where they truly fell in love, where she crossed over and where she was pulled back. This is where the darkness formed and where she became an angel. This is in all aspects, Ana."

"It's so peaceful," I said.

"Yes." He smiled at the two angel who were reuniting. "It is."

"Has the darkness gone?" I asked.

"No. It is a part of her. It can never truly be gone. Only suppressed." I looked to Ana. She seemed happy, bright as if there was never any trace of evil. "She will learn to control that side of her and Christian will be her anchor."

"But she is good?"

"She is good, very good. But I suggest, not making her angry." God laughed. "She's an Angel with a little bit of and anger problem, nothing that can't be handled."

"And her powers?"

"Hopefully, she no longer has them, but one cannot be too sure." He sighed as if a weight had been lifted. "In time, we shall see. Now, come. Let us leave these two to there shenanigans."

God and I returned to heaven, happiness in our hearts.

Ana's POV

"Don't you ever do that to me again!" I said, punching him in the shoulder.

"Ahh." He laughed. "Okay, relax."

All joking aside, it was the scariest thing I had ever experienced. When I lost him, nothing else seemed to matter. I wanted to be lost with him, to die with him just so that I could see him again, kiss him and hold him again.

What if God wasn't able to bring him back? What if he died, permanently? There was an ache in my heart at the the thought. There were a million out comes, a million scenarios that could have popped into my head, but I didn't want to think about that. Christian was alive and knowing that I was the cause of this whole ordeal brought tears to my eyes.

"Why are you crying, Ana?" Christian places both hands on my face and looked at me with worry.

"I-I'm just so glad to see you alive." I shuttered, "all this was my fault, if only I had fought harder, none of this would have happened. You wouldn't have died."

He held me close and wrapped his wings around us. "Ana, it doesn't matter whose fault it is. What matters is that Good won and we are together."

"Are you sure good won?" I said. "I killed Satan."

He chuckled. "You didn't kill him. You merely put him in a…" Christian searched for the right words, "coma of sorts. He will be back in about a hundred years. And just because you defeated him, doesn't mean you aren't good. I think we all have a little bad in us, it's nothing to be ashamed of." He wipes my tears with him thumbs. "You should be proud of yourself. I know I am."

He leaned down a kissed me softly, gradually deepening the kiss. I missed this feeling, the intimate bond that I had with Christian. Unfolding his wings, he gently laid me on the grass, his body following suit. "I have missed you." His lips were warm and inviting, kissing me more and more eagerly.

Breaking the kiss, he looked into my eyes and said. You don't even know how much I have missed you. It feels good having my Ana back." Christian kisses my nose and then returned his lips to mine.

I began to feel an ache in between my legs, a feeling I had dreadfully missed. I longed for his hands to touch me, to caress me, to make me feel good. Grabbing his hand, I moved it further down and he laughed against my lips knowing exactly what I wanted.

"Being with you is more than anything I could ever hope for." Christian whispered against my lips. He lifted his head and looked into my eyes. "Promise me it will be like this forever."

"I promise, Christian." And I meant it. "There isn't any other way for a pair of soul mates. I love you."

"And I love you."

There was a sweet serenity in our words. And as he continued to take care of my body, there on the soft grass, I reveled in the thoughts and the feelings this Angel was giving me. We would do good things together. I would love him everyday and never again succumb to the darkness that was inside of me. I had Christian to fall on and he would always have me in his corner.

There would never be a day where we wouldn't be together, never a day where we wouldn't fight. He was mine and I was his and we would take the time to enjoy one another, to experience new things and to take each other to new heights and there would always be room for mistakes. There would be room to learn and to grow and to love each other more and more every day.

Because we had FOREVER.

I want to thank you all so much for reading this story! It truly means a lot and I had so much fun writing it! Please review. I would love to read all of your thoughts and feeling about your journey through this story!

Please feel free to check out my other re-upload/revamp: Two Can Play A Love Game.

Much love, xoxo, Bre.