Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or My Little Pony

Holly 'Dusk' Lyric Potter looked at the potion in her hand and then at Hermione, "Are you sure this one will make it so we can skip the whole process of meditation to find our animagus form?"

"Yes, Dusk," Hermione smiled at her, "I followed the instructions exactly and it's the perfect color,"

Taking a deep breath, Dusk nodded, "Alright. Shall we?"

The potion was ladled out into vials and each took one. Taking a deep breath, Dusk looked at Hermione and the bookworm said, "Bottoms up!"

Dusk downed the potion quickly and put down the vial, "How long until it works?"

"The books said it should start working within two minutes of it being ingested," Hermione replied while putting down her own vial.

"C-cool," Dusk suddenly felt a little light headed, "Am I supposed to be feeling light headed?"

Hermione's eyes widened and she looked in the book before nodding, "Yeah. Hey, I'm feeling light headed as well."

Dusk was about to say something when her eyes started to blur and she felt a little sick. She covered her mouth and stumbled back against the wall. With a groan, she closed her eyes and slid down the wall...

Dusk opened her eyes and found herself in a room covered in dark blue drapes. Dusk pushed herself up from the rather plush bed with great reluctance and stumbled towards the covered windows. She pushed them back and found her breath caught at the sight below the window. A bustling village was laid out below the window only it wasn't full of humans. No there were ponies of all sizes, colors, and breeds walking around. Over head, a few pegasus flew around. Dusk could see a few ponies with white fur walk around dressed in guard uniforms. Dusk tore her eyes away from the sight in the window when she heard the door open and watched in shock as a beautiful mare with a dark blue coat and a mane of stars. The mare was larger than the other ponies she'd seen and had not only a pair of wings, but a horn. She smiled lightly as her sky blue eyes settled on Dusk, "Vesper Frost, you should be napping."

Dusk was surprised when she replied, "I'm sorry, Mama. I wanted to watch the ponies more."

The mare, an alicorn her mind supplied, let out a soft laugh, "I understand, Little Dusk. I too enjoyed watching the ponies go about their day when I was your age."

Dusk felt herself being lifted up and saw the dark blue glow surrounding the mare's horn. The mare's magic settled her on the foreleg of the mare. Dusk nuzzled into her enjoying the warmth radiating off of the mare, "Are we going somewhere, Mama?"

"Since you're up from your nap early, I think we can move that visit to the castle seamstress up," The mare told her with a light smile.

Dusk pouted lightly, "Do we have to, Mama? Can't we play?"

"Sorry, Little Dusk," The mare murmured, "You need to get a dress for your birthday party,"

Dusk caught sight of herself in a windowpane as the mare walked down the hall. She was a young pony, a filly her mind supplied, with white striped pale blue fur. She had a mostly white mane with dark grey stripes and a similarly colored tail. On her head, she had a pale blue unicorn horn. What shocked her most was her eyes, they were a bright almost glowing green rather than the dark green she remembered.

Dusk jerked awake with a gasp and pressed a hand to her head at the ache behind her eyes. She groaned softly and pushed herself up as Hermione groaned out, "Dusk?"

"Yes, 'Mione?" Dusk closed her eyes which helped with the ache a little.

"Let's never do that again," Hermione suggested earning a soft laugh, "Did you see anything?"

"I think I was a unicorn or something," Dusk opened her eyes to look at Hermione smiled lightly, "I had a really weird dream,"

"Same here only I dreamt of being some type of cat," Hermione told her.

"I guess we've got some work to do," Dusk's head slowly began to stop aching, "After we get some proper rest,"

Dusk looked at herself in the mirror with a look of shock. She reached up to touch the white strands of hair in shock. Of all the things she'd expected to happen when she started learning about her animagus form, Dusk had not expected her hair to begin to whiten or gain streaks of white. She heard the bathroom door open and a gasp sounded, "Dusk?!"

"'Mione," Dusk turned to Hermione, "Was this supposed to happen?"

"No!" Hermione shook her head, "The potion was only supposed to show us our animagus form not anything else,"

Dusk looked back at her hair and said, "What are we supposed to do?"

Hermione frowned softly, "I don't know. We'll have to research this."

Dusk almost groaned at the thought of more research, "I was hoping you wouldn't say that," She sighed softly and tugged on one of the streaks, "I do have to admit this isn't that bad," She tilted her head lightly and looked towards Hermione, "It's actually kind of nice."

"I guess," Hermione shrugged lightly, "Are you going to glamour it?"

"Nah," Dusk shook her head, "Might as well keep it, people might not pay any attention to me with my hair like this,"

"Right," Hermione rolled her eyes, "Let's get going, we should get down to breakfast and eat quickly if we want to get some research in before class,"

Dusk pushed the book away with a groan, "Damn it, 'Mione. We've been at this for over a month and haven't found anything."

"Dusk," Hermione gave her a disapproving look, "We need to keep looking,"

"It's becoming quite obvious that we won't find the answers in the school library," Dusk replied feeling more than a little irritated with the lack of answers, "We can't get answers from the restricted section since you won't let me sneak in there and we can't ask a professor for help since we brewed that potion without their knowledge,"

"I know, Dusk ," Hermione looked down and Dusk sighed deeply feeling a little bad for snapping at the bushy haired witch.

"Sorry for snapping at you, 'Mione," Dusk ran a hand through her long and curly hair, "I'm just tried and worried we won't find out what's going on with me," Hermione looked at her, "The headaches are getting worse and my dreams are so odd,"

Hermione gave her a concerned look, "You never mentioned the dreams."

Dusk groaned softly, "They just started occurring a few days after we drank the potion," Dusk looked at her, "It wasn't so bad until a few days ago. I started seeing images and hearing voices that weren't there."

"That's why you've been staring off into space so much," Hermione realized with a gasp, "Dusk, I think it's time we go to one of the Professors,"

Dusk was hesitant to do so since going to a teacher for help hadn't worked before, but knew it would be for the best. What if she had one of those moments during an important time? Taking a deep breath, Dusk nodded, "Alright. I hope we can figure it out before next month"

Dusk didn't want to give her relatives more reasons to hate her than they already did.

Professor McGonagall gave the two a disapproving look, "I am so disappointed in the both of you. Not only for not telling me about your attempts, but not fully researching the potion you were going to take."

"Professor, we understand that," Dusk frowned at her, "But please, do you know what's going on with me?"

Professor McGonagall sighed deeply, "Miss Potter, I don't know what going on. The potion you girls used was phased out of use for how unsafe it was and how the results were not always the same."

Dusk frowned softly, "So what do we do?"

"You learn how to transform into your animagus form," Professor McGonagall told her, "Hopefully, we will get our answers once you do,"

"Oh, I hope this doesn't take too long," Hermione said with a frown, "Our OWLs are so close,"

Dusk snorted softly and muttered, "Worrying about tests like usual."

Hermione glared at her for the comment while Professor McGonagall chuckled.

Dusk looked towards Professor McGonagall, "This should work, right?"

"Yes, you should be able to transform now," Professor McGonagall told her.

Dusk nodded and closed her eyes while taking a deep breath. She concentrated on wanting to transform while keeping the image of the unicorn filly she'd seen in that first dream. Nothing happened at first before Dusk felt her fingers start to go numb and a warm feeling began to fill her. As warmth ran through her, she felt something startlingly cold emanate from her scar and the necklace she'd always worn. The necklace was rather simple being made of some type of silvery metal in the shape of a crescent moon lined with sapphire blue stripes. The coldness sent an ache through her body and made her want to stop transforming as it hurt. She grit her teeth and focused on the image even more. The warmth increased to almost unbearable heights as the coldness tried to overpower it. The coldness seemed to be preventing the transformation making her inwardly growl. She didn't know what was going on, but she wouldn't let whatever it was stop her from transforming and getting her answers. Focusing even more, Dusk willed her magic to overpower whatever the coldness was and transform her. The warmth increased as did the coldness and the two seemed to battle.

Dusk almost screamed due to how much pain the battle caused her and she almost gave up as it continued to increase. Just as she was about to give up, something snapped inside of her and the coldness was overpowered. Dusk was dimly aware of an unnatural scream echoing through the air and her mind, but didn't pay it any attention as her body finally transformed. It was painful, but not as bad as when her magic battled against the coldness. The headache she'd been dealing with for so long began to fade along with the pain from the transformation. When it was done, Dusk opened her eyes to find that she'd fallen onto the floor. She slowly raised her head as Hermione called out, "Dusk, are you okay?"

Dusk groaned softly, "I think so-"

"Miss Potter," Professor McGonagall gasped out, "You shouldn't be able to talk!"

Dusk looked at her before looking down at herself and face-palming. Hermione walked towards her, "Regardless of your ability to do the impossible, how do you feel?"

"Achy, but other than that I feel fine," Dusk replied slowly pushing herself into a sitting position, "Why?"

"Well," Hermione conjured a tissue and wiped away something on Dusk's forehead making the witch turned pony grimace, "Your scar burst open and this stuff seeped out,"

Dusk felt sick as she looked at the oily black substance on the tissue, "I think I'm going to go see Madam Pomfrey once I transform back."

"That would be a good idea, Miss Potter," Professor McGonagall told her, "Now try to stand up and get used to your animal form,"

It took her a few tries before Dusk managed to get to her feet. She took a few slow steps as walking on hooves was difficult especially on stone, but she managed it.

Dusk panted as she ran away from the death eaters chasing her while mentally screaming at herself. Why did she have to be such a fool to believe they had Sirius? Why hadn't she tried other ways to contact Sirius? Dusk continued to berate herself while mentally hoping that her friends would make it out okay. She managed to find a new room and slammed the door shut behind her. She panted softly as Luna sprinted into the room with Neville right behind her. They ran towards the center of the room where a stone arch way covered in dimly glowing runes. As they reached it, Dusk noticed that the arch way had a not quite there fluttering veil. Whispering voices echoed through her ears that she couldn't quite hear. She moved closer to the veil and the clamor of whispers increased. Before she could get any closer, the doors slammed open and Death Eaters streamed in.

Dusk saw the spell darting towards Sirius and didn't even think about it as she shoved him out of the way. When the spell hit, Dusk was sent flying and felt something cold surround her. She looked at Sirius' wide eyes and smiled even as she was pulled away from the entrance of the veil. The whispers had surrounded her and Dusk heard voices that sounded somewhat familiar though she couldn't understand why. Names and faces appeared in her mind as memories that she had never known before hit her.

A white furred earth pony with a silky blonde mane and silvery blue eyes beamed at her. A quill and ink pot sat on her flank while Dusk's mind called her Willow Song, "Well done, Princess Vesper Frost. Keep it up and you'll be able to move up to the next level soon."

A laughing unicorn colt with golden yellow fur, a shockingly bright orange mane, and forest green eyes ran past her. The name Golden Carrot entered her mind as he shouted, "C'mon, Vesper! We gotta run before the guards catch us!"

A zebra stallion with white striped pale grey fur, deep golden eyes, and a Mohawk mane nuzzled her lightly. A spiral of stars sat on his flank as the name Zahran echoed through her mind, "My little ghost, you've gotten so big since I last saw you."

The mare that had haunted her dreams since she managed to complete her animagus transformation appeared and she knew the mare to be Luna. Luna's wing settled on her back as they stared at the stars, "Vesper, even if we're parted, the skies will always guide us home."

Another alicorn mare appeared in her mind only she had a pure white coat and a mane the color of a rainbow. She peered down at Dusk with light purple eyes. On her flank, a sun sat and the name Celestia echoed through her mind, "Your magic is powerful, my beloved niece. It will serve you well as you age."

Dusk's head began to hurt as images assaulted her. By the time they slowed down, Dusk wasn't sure who she was anymore...

Vesper carefully levitated the apple she wanted off of the tree. Just as she was about to grab it, someone stole it. She spun around, "Hey that was...mine?"

The being standing there wasn't any pony she she knew of or any creature she had encountered before. He had the head of a pony though it wasn't shaped like any she had ever seen before. He has a deer antler on the right, a blue goat horn on the left, one long fang, different-sized pupils, a snake tongue, a goat beard, and white bushy eyebrows. He has the right arm of a lion, the left claw of an eagle, the right leg of a lizard, and the left leg of a goat. In addition, he has a bat's right wing, a Pegasus' left wing, a horse's mane, and a dragon-like snake's tail with a white tail tuft. The shape of his body resembles that of a snake. To be quite honest, he looked both kind of funny and scary. The being chuckled, "Saying something, Little Filly?"

Vesper was tempted to shake her head, but she really wanted that apple for a snack, "Yes, sir. I was going to eat that apple, so could you give it back to me? If you're hungry, I can cut it in half and give you some."

"Oh?" He looked surprised.

"Mhmm," Vesper hummed lightly and levitated the apple out of his grip, "I've always been told to share when some pony needs it. Even if you aren't exactly a pony and a stranger to me, I can't let you go hungry just because I want a snack,"

Vesper carefully used her magic to cut the apple in half and levitated one half towards him while taking her own. The being took the half she offered with wide eyes and stared at it as Vesper ate her half. He looked at her, "Why would you offer this to me when I took it from you?"

"While you taking it from me was a bit mean, it doesn't mean I should be mean back," Vesper smiled lightly at him, "If you don't mine me asking, who are you? My name is Vesper Frost,"

"Vesper Frost?" He ate his half of the apple and held out a paw, "My name is Discord,"

"Discord?" The name sounded a little familiar, "Are you friends with Aunt Tia and my Mama?"

He smiled lightly, "You could say that. Hey, I need some help with something. Would you mind assisting me?"

Vesper Frost didn't have a good feeling about this, but her auntie had always told her that she needed to help people when they asked. Swallowing, Vesper nodded earning a grin from Discord.

Vesper looked at the magic circle curiously, "Excuse me, Discord?"

"Yes, Vesper?" Discord looked at her while pushing her towards the circle.

"What exactly is that for?" Vesper asked him while attempting to avoid entering the circle.

"Oh this circle is a present for your dear mother and aunt," Discord shoved her into the circle and Vesper landed roughly with a gasp, "You see, they're very annoying with how much the oppose me, so I decided to do something in return,"

Vesper heard shouting and the sound of hooves on the ground rushing towards them. Vesper got up with a wince and attempted to exit the circle only for it to flare brightly as a wall of energy formed to prevent her from exiting. Vesper beat her hooves against the wall as her mother, aunt, and a group of guards entered the room. Vesper shouted, "Mama!"

"Discord!" Her mother shouted, "Release my daughter!"

"No," Discord chuckled as the circle flared and an unseen wind whipped through it, "You've been a thorn in my side for far too long. Maybe losing your dear daughter will change that or not,"

Vesper felt something extremely cold wrap around her and looked down to see wavy black shadows coiling around her. Vesper looked at her mother and felt a whimper tear itself from her throat, "Mama."

"We will get you out of this, Little Dusk," Luna promised her, "With your necklace and the stars, we will always find one another,"

Discord reached into the circle and tapped her necklace with a chuckle, "I can't allow you to do that," A dark coldness rushed over her, "Now that pesky tracking spell out of the way, you will never find your precious little princess again!"

The magic of the circle rose up taking Vesper with it. Vesper struggled against the magic only to find it too strong. She looked at her mother with tears, "Mama, I'm so sorry I didn't listen to my instincts. I want to stay with you."

"We will find one another again," Luna promised her, "I promise you that,"

"We will find you," Celestia promised her.

The magic exploded outward and Vespers vision went dark as pain filled her. When it faded, Vesper felt cold and weak as snow fell around her. She struggled to keep her eyes open. She struggled to her feet only to find her body pitching forward. Looking down, she gasped at the sight of not hooves, but something else. The appendage had five protrusions. She heard rushing footsteps and struggled to raise her head. Some type of creature she'd never seen before approached her. It reached her and bent down to pick her up. The being spoke in a male voice, "While not quite what I was expecting, you will be perfect for the task at hand. But first, you need to be prepared. Those memories need to be locked away as well as most of your magic, you also need to be deaged and your appearance adjusted. I will say this, I am sorry for what is to come, but I have no other choice."

The images, no memories, faded away leaving Dusk conflicted. She was Vesper Frost, daughter of Princess Luna and the zebra Zahran, but she was also Holly 'Dusk' Lyric Potter, daughter of Lily and James Potter. She felt something warm wrap around her and a soft voice speak, "Child, you have been lost for a very long time."

"W-who are you?" Dusk asked in confusion, "And where am I?"

"I have many names, but you may call me Magi," The voice replied as the warmth pulled her somewhere and stars began to appear, "As for where you are, you're in the gateway of worlds. Each world has one, but many are forgotten. The one the wizards have hasn't been used for it's intended purpose for years,"

"What all does this mean? What do those memories mean?" Dusk asked Magi looking at the stars which were really worlds, "And who am I?"

"You've found a way to your true home," Magi replied patiently while Dusk felt the warmth around her surround her injuries and ease the pain they were giving her, "Those memories are yours, Child. They were locked away by Albus Dumbledore in order to use you for his own purposes. You truly are Vesper Frost, the lost daughter of Princess Luna and the royal star-gazer Zahran. You are also Holly 'Dusk' Lyric Potter, the adoptive daughter of Lily and James Potter,"

"What am I supposed to do?" Dusk asked in confusion.

"You will be going back to your home of Equestria," Magi explained as the warmth slid through her and surrounded her necklace, "Equestria has changed quite a bit since you were last there, but you should still be able to find your way home,"

Dusk, she would stick with Dusk for now, frowned as they drew closer to one of the stars, "What do you mean by 'changed'?"

"Over a thousand years have passed since you were taken," Dusk's eyes widened and she gasped in shock, "Your mother and your aunt alongside Discord are still alive. Discord was turned to stone while your aunt and mother are alicorns which have allowed them to be almost completely immortal,"

Dusk stared at the world that was supposedly her home and asked, "Why do I have a feeling you aren't telling me everything?"

"Because life is meant to be a journey," Magi stopped in front of the world, "Now, I wish you luck child,"

Without another word, Dusk was tossed towards the world with a shout of surprise before quickly passing out.

Dusk groaned as she came to and shook her head lightly. Carefully opening her eyes, Dusk found herself in a clearing filled with redwood trees. She slowly sat up and decided to take stalk of her body. She was surprised to find that she'd turned into her pony form, but figured it was to make things easier on her. She was surprised to hear a familiar screech and turned to find Hedwig flying towards her. Hedwig immediately began pecking at her and Dusk tried to sooth the owl. It took a little while and a promise to never leave her anywhere again. Dusk slowly got to her feet and walked in the direction Hedwig had come from. She was surprised to come across not only her school trunk, but three other trunks. She got closer and found a note stuck to the trunks:

Think of this as a gift to aid you on your journey

Dusk opened the newer trunks one by one. The first had bags of seeds and a few saplings along with a lot of vials filled with potions ingredients. The second opened up into a library filled to the brim with books. The last contained what was probably the entire contents of her adoptive families vault though the money seemed to have changed. She picked up what had once been a galleon with her magic to observe it before shaking her head. She picked up a pouch and extracted a hoof full of the money to put in the pouch before closing the trunk. Using magic, she tied the pouch to her necklace before shrinking all of the trunks save for her school trunk. She opened that trunk and pulled out the modified back pack she'd had Dobby help her make in order to carry things in her unicorn form. After getting it out, she closed the trunk and shrunk it as well. She placed the trunks into her back pack before pulling it on. She turned to Hedwig, "Well girl, it looks like we've got to find civilization and figure things out for ourselves. I doubt we're going back."

Hedwig hooted at her and Dusk smiled lightly. At the very least, she wasn't starting out alone.

First chapter of a story I might do. Tell me what you think.