Here's chapter 2! Thank you for your wonderful review Randalls-Angel! That's so neat that you're a Christian too!

Disclaimer: I forgot to put a disclaimer on my first chapter but I do not own Monsters Inc. or any of the characters.

Mike's thought are in '' marks. This is the last chapter. Enjoy!


I stared at the heavy snow for a moment before pushing off. "Thanks for everything!" I called to the Abominable. "No problem!" He replied, "I hope that."

But I couldn't hear him anymore for the wind was roaring in my ears. The sled was going so fast that I began to fly up in the air. "AAAGGGHHHHH!" I hollered. I quickly grabbed a hold of my vehicle and continued screaming as I raced past several rocks and went speeding down hill.

As I was sledding several thoughts started coming to my mind. I saw Boo's face and heard her little voice say "Mike Wazowski!" I remembered the Scream Extractor that Randall had started to use on me. What if they tried that on Boo?! How could I have not wanted to help Sully rescue her? 'Hold on Boo! Mike Wazowski's coming!' I yelled in my head.

Next I saw Sully lying in the snow, unconscious, with no one to help him. 'NO!' I thought. 'Sully's going to be okay. He's gotta be!'


The sled struck something. I went zooming through the air and landing hard in the snow. "Ummmfff." I lifted my head to see what I had hit. A lump grew in my throat when I saw the scattered remains of Sully's sled.

I picked myself up and looked for Sully. "Sully!" I called, "Sully! Where are you?" He didn't answer and I started towards Sully's wrecked sled.

"Ooooof!" I fell into some kind of hole in the snow. I hauled myself out and turned to study it. I discovered that I had spoiled a large footprint. My heart leapt when I found several more heading towards a small village. "Sully." I breathed. I tried to follow the tracks but I sank down in the snow. "Oh great." I mumbled, "What am I going to do?" All of the sudden a brilliant inspiration struck me. I pulled myself out and began jumping from one footprint to another.

When I finally arrived at the village I was out of breath. "Maybe I should work out with Sully once in a while." I panted. I followed Sully's tracks to a small dark house. What was Sully doing?

"MOM!! DAD!! There's a monster in my room!" A scream came from inside. 'Oh, I get you now Sully.' I thought. I tried the door and found it unlocked. I stepped in but halted and walked back outside. I bent down and quickly made two snowballs. 'After all Sully did leave me, I can't just ignore that.'

I dashed inside and followed the screams to a bedroom door. I hurriedly went in and found a hysterical kid. "MOM!!!!!" He shrieked when he saw me. "Shhhhhh! Don't cry!" I hurried over to him. "Here watch this!" I started a bouncy, but nonetheless complicated, dance. At the end I twirled really fast and toppled over (on purpose of course). "Ow!" I cried. The kid stared at me for second and then burst out laughing.

"Nice meeting ya kid. See ya 'round!" I ran for the door but tripped over. George's scare assistant? "Wazowski? What are you doing here?" He asked. "No time now! I gotta run!" I gathered up my snowballs and ran through the closet door.

'Wouldn't I love to smack Randall with on of these babies.' I thought looking at the snowballs as I raced towards the secret passage where Sully undoubtedly needed my help.

Sully and I may have our arguments and misunderstandings, but nothing will ever tear apart our friendship. Nothing.

The End