Author's Notes:

Hello, and welcome to my story: Fear These Knights, a sequel to The Forgotten. For those familiar with my work, there are a few different things I wanted to try this time around.

1. Even though Fear These Knights is a prequel to KOTOR like all my other stories, the prologue and epilogue will fast forward to the end of KOTOR. The reason for this narrative jump should become obvious as the story progresses.

2. The story will be narrated by a character I introduced in one of my earlier stories. Don't worry, Revan is still the protagonist of Fear These Knights. Try and think of it as a Sherlock Holmes device except with more explosions and politics.

3. The main story revolves around an event called the Triumph. All chapters will chronologically count down towards and beyond it. The reason for this will also be made clear.

4. For new readers who may not be familiar with my other stories, here is the proper reading order: The Gathering Storm, The Enemy's Hand, The Forgotten, Fear These Knights.

5. The update schedule for this story will not be as frequent as my previous stories. Things are always busy so my writing schedule is erratic at best. Also the scope of the story is…audacious. The good news is I have the whole story mostly mapped out so long delays are not because of writer's block, but because it takes time to structure. Basically what I'm trying to say is that if the story isn't updated for awhile, it's because details need to be added.

6. Standard disclaimer. I do not own any Star Wars characters. This story is for purely recreational purposes.

As always, feedback is always appreciated. Thanks and hope you enjoy the ride.