Rifiuto: Non Miriena

A/N: Written: 2006. Found: 2018.- Licia

Kathleen studied him, searching for an ounce of distrust or deceit and finding none. Kiertan met her gaze, allowing the paramedic to study him. He spoke the truth- he wanted only to meet the children he never got to meet, the children who'd been stolen from Avianna a year after they'd been born. It was a father's request; despite his magic, despite his mythical appearance, he was a father, same as John.


Her heart constricted; her beloved husband had taken everything in stride- sure, discovering that the two children they'd adopted that long ago day possessed magic had been a shock, but after a while, it had gotten to be natural and normal. He'd even seemed to be slowly accepting that their children weren't actually fully human, like they'd both thought, and John was a lot quicker to accept something than Kathleen was. He had dealt with everything the kids had thrown his way- not just the typical teenage issues, but the magical ones as well, and taken it all in stride.

But to be left behind, while she went with Avianna to retrieve their children... Kathleen felt her heart constrict even more. She knew the pain her husband felt because it was making its presence known with each beat of her heart. John loved the kids, absolutely loved them; they were his kids, his babies, the children they had adopted after they'd been discovered on the beach in New Hampshire. Yes, Kathleen was close to her children, but John's relationship with Tim and Sarah was special. He was more than just their father, but their protector and teacher. John... John had raised both Tim and Sarah with a steady, gentle hand, especially considering at first, when Kathleen had shown up in the hospital with them, he'd flat out refused to have anything to do with two children they didn't even know, but those same two children had captured his heart immediately, despite his resistance. If she didn't get them back, it would kill not just her, but John as well.

She glanced at Avianna, before turning back to Kiertan. "You speak the truth?"

The prince nodded, stepping back and bowing before her. She watched him, trying to remember her fairy mythology. Penny had told her something in regards to the rituals of the fairy courts, but-

You are the one who bows before the Fae, not the other way around. It is a way of acknowledging the high status of the royals; it's a way of giving respect. For a Fae to bow to you, it means they are showing you the same respect, and acknowledge that you are of the same status- but only in certain circumstances.

Penny's words rang loud and clear in her head, and she knew that was what he was doing; acknowledging that in this circumstance, they were of the same status. When he finally stood, Kathleen met his gaze, the dust of the bars having fallen away. She stepped back, as he joined them, never breaking eye contact. He was tall, slender- so much like Tim, it made her heart nearly stop- his long, platinum hair shimmered in the darkness. "Thank ye, lass. F'rev'r in yer deb' I am."

She nodded, silent before glancing at Avianna, who stayed back, as though she didn't quite believe he stood before them. A moment passed, before Kiertan turned to Avianna, who choked on a soft sob. Without a word to her, he closed the gap, kissing her firmly. The action startled Avianna, and she stumbled back, breaking the kiss after mere moments, eyes wide. Kathleen watched, seeing the tension between the pair. Her gaze lit on the transparent shimmer of his wings, and she swallowed, quickly lowering her head and dropping her gaze to give them privacy.

Traditional fairies don't have wings; it's a Victorian invention. She glanced back up quickly; Avianna stood with her head down, long dark hair hiding her face. Kiertan studied her, as observant as Tim was. A moment passed, before he finally spoke.

"'twas a time when ye w'lcom'd me kiss. 'ave ye really chang'd tha' much, Avianna?" The selkie didn't speak; she met Kathleen's gaze, and Kiertan glanced between the two. It took him mere moments to put the pieces together. "Th' chil'ren? Is tha' why..." He turned back to her, glancing quickly at Kathleen. "I see. 'twill ge' 'em back, an' then ye two canna work ou'..." He stopped, shaking his head, deciding it was better to drop the issue until they were in a safer position. "Come, we mus' 'urry, if we're t' ge' 'em back."

And without another word, he turned and strode away; Kathleen glanced back at Avianna, before following. After a moment, the selkie followed. When Kathleen looked down next, it was to Avianna taking her hand.

They made their way down to the Cliffs of Moher, the breeze ruffling their hair. It felt strange, being back in Ireland after so many years away. Tim glanced at his sister. Sarah's gaze was locked on the shore below, on the waves crashing and receding on the beach. He reached out, taking her hand, and she squeezed firmly, before meeting his gaze. "You feel it to, Timmy?"

"The pull?" She nodded. "It's not a pull, Sarah." He released her hand, hurrying down the trail that led from the cliffs to the beach.

"Tim? Timmy, wait!" The girl hurried after her brother. He stopped, holding out a hand.

"It's not a pull, Sarah. It's a call!"

Finally, they made it to the beach; the breeze picked up, tugging at their hair and clothes now. The waves continued to crash upon the shore, and after a moment, Sarah turned to her brother. "Brother?"

He nodded. "I can feel it. Coursing through my blood."

Sarah watched as her brother removed his shoes and moved down the beach to the water; she could feel it in her blood as well. A tingling, like when a limb fell asleep, except this was stronger... so, so much stronger. Without a word, she also removed her shoes and hurried to join her brother. The water lapped at their ankles, and she stared out at the horizon. It was as though the sea was calling to them, some distant siren song neither could get out of their blood, that would soon cause them to be dashed upon the rocks, it was so strong.

The siblings shared glances, an entire conversation passing between them. Both knew they should have gone back to the house, talked Molly into letting them see the rings, but neither could seem to leave the shore. This wasn't like when they would go down to the beach back home, this was different. Stronger. Whatever this was had them firmly within their grip and would refuse to relinquish them until they'd had their fill. Tim bit his lip briefly, before taking off at a run. Sarah watched for a moment before following.

In a matter of moments, both had dived beneath the sea.