Zrocker119: So this is something that has been stewing in my mind for awhile now. The original idea was just for this story to be about Ichigo, but I decided to through Chad into the mix because he doesn't get enough love on this sight. Now I won't update this story often, only when I feel the need to take a break from my other stories. Anyway I hope you enjoy.

Also, the Quincy half of Ichigo's powers will be referred to as Tensa and his Hollow/Shinigami is Zangetsu.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the character that appear within this story, with the exception of OC's. Everything else belongs the their respective creators.

"Normal speech"


"Tensa speech"

"Zangetsu speech"

-The Transcendent of Fairy Tail-

On the outskirts of Magnolia

Deep within the nearby forests of the bustling city of Magnolia all went silent. The animals, even the very wind that blew through the area stilled itself. What seems to be a crack appeared in the air between the trees. The sound of shattering glass is heard as the air seemed to break and fall apart, and revealed a black void. A bandaged hand reached out and grabbed the edge of air, as if it now had a solid form and someone pulled themselves out from the emptiness. The tear in space closed once two people were completely out.

The first person was definitely male, about 6ft1in, with a frame full of nothing but compact muscle and zero body fat. His hair was pitch black, seemingly absorbing all traces of light, and reached his waist, a stark contrast to his pale skin. Protruding from the left side of his head was a large, bull-like, white horn with a black seam that ran down the middle. A blue bandage-like carapace covered his torso, right arm, neck and over his nose and mouth in mask fashion. Black, flame-like markings spread across his chest and wrapped around his left arm, and lastly, the remains of a black cloak covered his lower body.

The other was also male and very tall, about 6ft7in and muscular. He's dark-skinned with pronounced cheekbones and has wavy brown hair with bangs that hangs over his eyes. On his left shoulder was a tattoo which reads Amore e Morte and consists of a heart with a snake and angel wings around it. He also has a small goatee on his chin.

His clothes were much more normal looking than his companions. He wore black pants, sneakers, a short-sleeved shirt with an open collar, and a brown coat with a fur lined hood. Lastly a medallion hung from a thin chain around his neck.

Once the tear in reality closed, the taller of the two immediately collapsed to the ground and entered the blissful state of unconsciousness.

The remaining man took a deep breath and opened his eyes, revealing that were two different colors. The right being red, while the left is a sickly yellow with the rest being black. The man does a full circle, taking in his surroundings.

"I-I did it." He said as tears came to his eyes, his voice breaking a bit. "I finally got us out of there!" His eyes dilate for a fraction of a second as an invisible ring of energy formed around him and shot outwards. In an instant he could feel the life energy of every living creature on the planet.

Falling to his hands and knees, the man lets the tears flow and turned to his fallen companion. "I finally did it, Chad." Cracks formed all along the bandages that covered his body before shattering. His long hair shed off and turned orange, now neck length and spiky, almost covering his eyes. He now wore a black shihakusho with white shoulder plates, that crossed over his chest in an X shape, the left one having three sections adorned in red scales. Tied around his waist was a white cloak with black markings

The shattered pieces of bandages turned into black energy and condensed into the form of a khyber knife variation, the inner part of the sword being black and has the handle fixed to it, while the base of the sword is slanted and the blade continues with a section jutting out from the underside as a guard. The handle is wrapped in white bandages and a few feet of black chain links hung from the bottom of the hilt.

The horn on his head broke apart and his skin became a normal peach color. The sword glowed once more before separating into two, one black and the other white.

The white sword was almost as long as he was tall and shaped like a khyber knife with the grip at the base of the blade and a handle extending from this about roughly the width of his forearm. There's a thin hollowed out portion that ran along the back edge of the blade, from the base to the middle.

The black sword was much smaller than its counterpart, but still the size of the mans arm. It was shaped like a trench knife that had an enclosed handle that served as the guard.

The man placed the larger blade on his back and the smaller at his waist, where the sheaths appeared to hold them in place. He then wiped the tears from his eyes, bent down and put one of his friends arms over his shoulder.

"Come on Chad, let-" He fell forward, joining Chad in unconsciousness.

"Faster Papa!" Alzack smiled lovingly down at his three year old daughter, Asuka. The two of them were currently riding his family's pet Hippogriff Smokey, named by Asuka due to her smokey grey feathers and hair, over the woods near their home.

"What do you say Smokey, can you go a little faster?" The eagle horse hybrid cawed in response whilst she picked up speed. Asuka shouted in glee and hugged Smokey's neck to keep herself from falling off. The father daughter duo were enjoying the moment when a feeling of what can only be described as a tingle shot up their spines. It's only for a split second but it's enough to cause Smokey to stop and flap her wings in a frightened state.

"Smokey!?" Alzack pets the beast's neck in an effort to calm her down as her head jerked around as if she was trying to find something. After several moments the Hippogriff finally settled down. "What is it girl? Is there something nearby?"

Smokey looks down below them. Following her gaze, Alzack could barely see the outline of a person that peeked out from between the treeline. Nugging Smokey's sides he has her descend until they landed a few meters away from what turned out to be not one, but two downed figures.

Seeing the sword on one of their back's Alzack went on guard. "Stay on Smokey, Asuka." He said as he hopped down and rushed the strangers, one hand close to his pistol. He kneeled down and flipped them over to reveal that they were both young men, one probably a year or two younger than himself while the other seemed a little older. "Hey," He shook both their shoulders in an attempt to wake them but to no avail.

Biting his cheek Alzack cursed to himself. From what he could see they don't seem to be injured, but even if they're strangers he couldn't bring himself to leave them out here. Making up his mind, Alzack called Smokey over.

After several minutes of trial and error Alzack managed to secure the unconscious men onto Smokey's back. Once on himself he nudged Smokey along, "Smokey, home!" The beast caws and took to the air, the added weight slowed her significantly but she flew regardless.

Opening his eyes the man found himself lying on his back, underneath a thick set of blankets and staring at a ceiling. Sitting up he looked around, seeing that he's in a moderately sized bedroom, almost completely barren except for a single desk, nightstand, chair,window and the bed he was currently in. He sighed in relief as he spied his swords leaned up against the wall opposite of him.

He looked down at himself and noticed that he had been stripped down to his boxers

'What happened?' Closing his eyes he turns his senses within himself and found that his reserves of spiritual pressure were almost empty. 'I knew that shattering the boundaries between dimensions would leave me a bit drained but I wasn't expecting this much of my power to be gone.' From what he could feel it would take months for his power to return fully.

It then hit him that his best friend was nowhere to be seen, "Chad!"

The sound of movement brought his attention to the door which had just been opened. He was caught completely off guard to see just what peaked its head in.

She was a small girl of about three with long, dark green hair tied into a small ponytail. She had purple eyes and perpetual blush on her cheeks. On her head sat a orangish-yellow cowgirl hat. All in all, she looked like a overly adorable cowgirl.

She must not have expected him to be awake as she froze once she noticed that he was no longer laying down, but sitting up. The two stared at eachother for a few moment before the man raised his hand and gave a small wave.

"Hi." He said, his voice had a slight rasp to it

The girl smiled and waved back. Pulling back she cried out. "Mama! The strange man is done napping!"

The sounds of approaching footsteps is heard and a moment later the door opens completely. Standing next to the girl is a young woman, presumable the girl's mother. She's very beautiful with long, straight green hair that reached down to her lower back. The lower section of her hair was tied into a thick braid and a set of long bangs framed her face. She has brownish purple eyes, and wore red lipstick. The man also couldn't help but notice that she had a curvaceous body with large breasts, slim waist and shapply hips.

Her attire was rather skimpy, consisting of a revealing bikini top covered in dark stripes below an open, dark buttoned vest. A similarly colored skirt adorned by a series of light strips hanging down from it in the middle part covered her lower body, whilst a pair of high-heeled cowgirl boots decorated by matching strips are on her feet. Also present are a set of armbands that circled her biceps, paired by darker, simple long bands around her wrists. On her head was a cowgirl hat with a curved-up brim, adorned by a lighter-colored band covered in large studs

In his younger years the man would've been a sputtering mess at the woman's choice of clothing, but after all he has seen and done, he could care less about her sense of style. He was just glad to see other people.

The woman offered him a kind smile. "Glad to see that you're awake."

"Where am I? How did I get here? Where's my friend?!" He managed to ask before he broke into a fit of coughs. The woman disappeared down the hall for a moment before returning with a glass of water in hand. Handing it to him he downed the whole thing in less than a second. "Thank you." He said, his voice sounded much better than before.

"You're welcome." She sat in the only chair and put her daughter on her lap before speaking. "To answer your questions though, you're in my house and you were found unconscious in the nearby forest by my husband and daughter."

"Smokey carried you on her back!" The girl shouted happily.

"That she did." The woman said, tickling her daughter a bit which made the child giggle. "That was three days ago. As for your friend Chad, he woke the other day and just stepped out to get some fresh air."

The woman smacked herself lightly on the forehead, "Sorry I forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm Bisca Connell and this is my baby girl Asuka."

"Hi!" Was Asuka's response.

The man's permanent frown cracked as he chuckled quietly at the girls bubbly nature.

"I'm Ichigo, Ichigo Kurosaki." Ichigo greeted with a small bow of his head. "Thank you very much for taking care of my friend and I, Bisca-san."

His formal action caused the mother to giggle, "Please, it's just Bisca. Adding san just makes me feel old."

Footsteps could be heard coming from down the hall. A moment later and Chad stood in the doorway, looking no worse for wear.

"Ichigo," The giant closed the distance between them and held out his hand, "Glad to see that you're finally awake."

Ichigo clasped his hand with Chad's, "Glad to be awake. Find out anything interesting while I was out?"

He received a nod, "Feel the air."

Knowing what he meant, Ichigo reached out with his senses and notices a strange energy in the air. Not only that, but the energy was also coming from Bisca and Asuka as well. It was similar to spiritual pressure yet at the same time, completely different.

Ichigo turned to two of their hosts and asked them one question, "Where are we exactly?"

'So we ended up in a world where 10% of the world's population is capable of using magic.' Ichigo couldn't help but shake his head in amusement. At least he and Chad wouldn't have to hide their powers.

After Ichigo and Chad talked with Bisca for the better part of an hour, she invited them to come with her and her daughter to their guild, Fairy Tail. Feeling that enough of his strength had come back for a simple walk, Ichigo agreed to come along .

After getting dressed in his clothes that had been taken and washed by Bisca and securing both Zangetsu, the group of of four were well on their way. Along the way Asuka had asked Chad if she could ride on his shoulders.

Before Bisca could tell her daughter that it was rude to ask them that, Chad had plucked the tiny girl up, making her cry in glee and set her on his shoulders. The sight of her daughter happy and a reassuring nod from the quiet man caused any protest to die.

After a rather lengthy walk that took them through the forest and up a large hill, the group arrived at a building that looked like it had seen better years. Undeterred by its outside appearance they went inside.

The inside was rather humbling. There was a bar, a few table and a board with papers near one of the walls. There were a handful of people inside, but Bisca led them toward a man with dark hair and a poncho.

"Papa!" Asuka called from her high perch.

"Hey baby girl." Alzack picked her up off of Chad's shoulders and gave her a kissed her cheek. While she giggled he turned his attention to the newest faces. ", Hey Chad, I see that your friend's finally awake." He held out his hand. "I'm Alzack."

Ichigo shook it, "Ichigo Kurosaki. Bisca told me that you were the one that found and brought us to your house," He gave him a small bow. "Not everyone would willingly help a stranger, let alone two, with nothing but good intentions. You have my thanks. Don't hesitate to ask us for a favor." Chad grunted in agreement

Alzack looked slightly uncomfortable at his declaration. "Now now, there's no need for all of that. I couldn't call myself a member of Fairy Tail if I extorted someone I helped out."

Ichigo straightened back up and nodded. "Okay, but should you ever change your mind our offer still stands."

"Hey Alzack," A older looking man with dark blue hair called out, "Aren't you going to introduce the new guys?"

The new guys in question turned to face the man. "Ichigo Kurosaki," Ichigo jabbed a thumb at his friend. "The big guy here is Yasutora Sado, but feel free to call him Chad."

"Why Chad?"

"Ichigo's terrible at remembering names and kept mispronouncing mine." Chad said as bluntly as possible. "He just started calling me Chad because it was easier. I didn't mind."

Ichigo looked more than a bit sheepish as he rubbed his neck.

"Haha, well it's nice to meet you Ichigo, Chad. I'm Macao Conbolt, the fourth guild master of Fairy Tail. Come take a seat." Macao gestured for them each to take a stool "Hey Kinana, can you fetch some drinks for our friends here please?"

"Sure thing." The shapply, purplette reached beneath the counter and pulled out a mug for each of them.

Ichigo scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Thanks but we don't have any money."

Macao waved his reason off. "Then it's on the house, now come sit. My usually drinking buddy is out on a request and I don't like drinking alone."

Seeing as how they weren't going to convince the olderman to change his mind, the tuo accepted the seats offered. Now seated Kinana slid them their drinks. "Thank you." The both said and each took a drink.

"So, what are you going to do now that you're both up and moving about?"

The two dimension hoppers shared a look before shrugging, "Don't really know," Ichigo stared into his cup, "We no longer have a home to return to so We've just been traveling for the past 7 years." He left out the fact that they had no contact with anyone during that period of time.

It was only due to Ichigo's immense power acting as a barrier that Chad was even able to make take the journey at all. While powerful in his own right, he just wasn't built to handle the void between the dimensions without help.

"So you guy's lost your homes aye. Well you two wouldn't be all that out of place if you decide joined Fairy Tail." Macao said with a knowing smile. "We may not have the former glory that came with our golden years, but we'll gladly accept another member into our family. That's what being in this guild is all about after all!"

Ichigo eyes seemed to hollow at the mention of family, as he thought back to the one that was robbed from him. "I-" What ever he was about to say was interrupted by the guilds doors being kicked open and sent flying off of the hinges.

"Knock knock Fairy Tail!" From the doorway walked in a group of rough looking men strolled in, the one in from being the one that spoke.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?!" Macao asked through grit teeth as the rest of the guild members gathered around him.

"Well you see," began the front guy with green hair in the form of a mohawk, clearly the leader of the group, "The boys and I are throwing a party but it would seem that we ran out of food and booze. So seeing that you owe us, I figured that we would take yours."

"We already paid your guild this month, and barely have enough to keep ourselves fed as it is." Macao shook his head, "We can do without the alcohol but the food needs to stay."

Mohawk guy didn't seem satisfied with his answer. "We thought you say something like that, so we brought this along to give you all some proper motivation." One of the men reached behind them and shoved something to the floor. It was a young boy with dark purple hair. He's bruised pretty badly and his clothes are torn.

"Romeo!" Macao rushed forward along with the others to retrieve his son, but are stopped when one of the men put a club near the boys head.

"Now now, let's not do anything we're gonna regret." Spoke the lead thug with a sickening smirk.

"You bastards!" Cried the young woman with long lavender hair.

"Now, we're gonna give you five minutes to bring us every little bit of-"

Ichigo and Chad, up till this point, had yet to move from their stools by the bar had with their backs facing everything. Having had enough, Ichigo finished his drink and slammed in on the counter, not hard enough to break the mug, but succeeded in catching everyone's attention.

He stood up and said to the intruders with a dull look, "I'm feeling in a particularly good mood right now, so I'll let you off with a warning. Either you leave now, or I'll make you."

The thug leader took exception to that, "Oh, and who the hell do you think you are telling us what to do, carrot top." He said while approaching Ichigo and getting right in his face. It was at this point that Chad stood up as well and the thug found himself sweating as the giant stared him down.

Ichigo doesn't even look remotely amused and responded by raising his hand, curled his middle finger. He then made a flicking motion...and the man suddenly wasn't there anymore. Only a whooshing sound is heard, followed by a loud crash as a human shaped hole appears in the wall to the right of the entrance.

The thugs jaws practically drop as they could barely made out the prone form of their boss as he laid face down in the dirt several hundred meters away. The members of Fairy Tail were equally shocked. Not even their top guild members could send a person flying that far with what looked like a half assed flick of a finger.

"Just some guy and his friend that we're thinking about joining the guild you guys are harassing," Ichigo continued speaking like nothing happened, "Leave now," He pointed at the rest of the thugs with the very same finger that just incapacitated their leader and curled it again, "Or I'll actually put some effort into the next one."

When the thugs just stood there frozen, Ichigo flexed his finger in preparation. This caused them to break out of their stupor and finally process what had just happened. The man that brandished the club roared in anger. Charging Ichigo he brought his weapon up for a heavy, two-handed strike, only for it to be halted by a dark-skinned hand.

Chad applied pressure to it, casually turning the club into splinters before punching thug two in the face. The punch had the same effect at Ichigo's flick, launching the man along the same path as his boss. The rest of the men eyed the two with new found fear in their eyes.

A few second of silence pass and then Chad said in perfect monotone, "Boo."

The effect was instantaneous as the thugs collectively shit themselves and took off running.

A week had past and since Ichigo and Chad had come to the guild. Twilight Ogre, the guild the thugs were apart of, had yet to retaliate for the beating that two of their members had received. No doubt to the fact the the ones responsible had yet to leave.

They were going to be waiting awhile because the dimension hoppers had decided to join Fairy tail. Ichigo had gotten his mark placed on his chest, right above his heart, black in color. Chap had opted to get his in dark green on his right shoulder.

They integrated pretty will into guild life, they got along with everyone in the guild with Romeo and Asuka taking a special liking to them. Romeo would always ask to fight with them all the time while Asuka just wanted to play with her, as she put it, big brothers.

All in all, it was a nice change of pace for the two.

The two had yet to go out on requests yet, choosing to help out around the guild until they had recovered more from their hazardous journey. They kept themselves busy by doing maintenance on the building, Chad's experience from working in construction helped immensely. Now the hall looked like it wouldn't collapse in on itself if a storm came by.

Nothing needed to be done at the moment so Ichigo took the time to sit outside and meditate. His Zangetsu's sat in his lap and he seemed oblivious to the world around him.

"Why does Ichi-nii keep doing that," Asked Romeo as he "helped" Chad with some warm up exercises. Chad was shirtless and currently carrying a boulder that was about the size of an average house on his back while doing squats.

Romeo was "helping" by sitting on top of the rock.

"He's trying to speed up the process of regaining his energy," Chad barely grunted as finished his squats, threw the boulder into the air, Romeo along with it, leapt into a handstand and caught in with his feed. Romeo landed back on top without harm as Chad proceeded to balance the boulder while doing handstand pushups.

"But he's been doing it for several hours already." Romeo watched as orange-haired man didn't even seem to breath, even when Asuka went up to him and climbed onto his back. It was a cute sight to behold.

Finished with his workouts for now, Chad sent the boulder into the air once more and stood up. Without any trouble, the fullbringer caught and set it down with hardly a sound. Romeo slid down the side to ground level.

"The way we traveled here took a lot out of Ichigo," Chad explained, "He told me that he wouldn't be back to full strength for a least another three months." He walked and took Asuka off of Ichigo's back, placing her on his shoulder.

The young mage's eyes bugged out. "Really! Ichi-nii much be really strong if it's taking so long to come back." Chad just nodded as he led to two youngest members inside, leaving Ichigo to his meditation.

Ichigo sat on one of the many building within his inner world with one leg dangling lazily over the edge. The place had seen better days, with the majority of it submerged in water. The normally blue sky had been taken over with thick, dark clouds that threatened to rain at any moment.

"I really fucking hate this place when it's like this," Ichigo didn't react as the hollow/shinigami half of his powers stood beside him. The inverted version of himself was dressed exactly like Ichigo and for once, didn't seem to want to kill anything.

"In this we find common ground," Spoke the ever calm and collected Quincy half, who too stood beside their wielder. The Trio watched as the water flowed through the world below their perch.

After several moments of silence, the Quincy half spoke, "You and Chad have been given an extraordinary chance Ichigo."

"I know Oldman," Ichigo was more than aware of how lucky the two of them were to find this world, even more so to be taken in by such selfless people, "I just wish that the others could be here with us." Despite having come to terms with the events that had happened seven years ago, Ichigo still felt guilt for not saving everyone.

"Stop thinking like that Kingy or I'll have to beat the everliving shit out of you!" Growled Zangetsu. "We're the most powerful Shinigami to ever fucking exist, yet one being can only do so much!"

With a heavy sigh Ichigo stood to face his Zanpakuto Spirits. "I know," He looked the two directly with determination in his eyes. "That's why I need my powers to be restored as soon as possible. So I'll be ready should another like Yhwach show themselves."

"We are doing all we can to speed up the restoration process Ichigo," Said Tensa, "But even so it will take time."

"About another three months," Zangetsu clarified, "So until then try and,(sigh) I can't believe I'm saying this, try and s-st-st-sta-"

"Try and avoid trouble," Finished Tensa after seeing that his more violent half struggle to even say the words. "While your body is strong, we don't know what fighters this world hold. People like Yhwach and Aizen could be common place here."

Zangetsu had fallen to his knees in depression and was now tracing circles in the windows, "I couldn't bring myself to say it. I can't even comprehend the notion of not fighting."

"Be careful, got it." Nodded Ichigo as he faded from his inner world.

Tensa looked towards the cloudy sky, silently praying that it wouldn't rain anytime soon.