StarlyGirl does not own Pokémon: all rights go to the rightful owners.


"Ok where am I?" Ash replied to the voice looking around.

"Your dream... Duh,"

"Ok who are you and why are you in my dream?"

"Ok you are DEFINATLY denser than led," The voice replied. At that moment Ash could see. Everything was white except for a certain someone in the center of the void.

"Darkrai!?" Ash yelled surprised.

"What's up my boi?" Darkrai said, smirking at Ash.

"Things are decent, again why are in my dream?"

"You're in a coma,"


"Naw bro, I'm just messing with you. Have fun when you wake up, your girlfriends waiting,"

"What do you mean waiting?"

"I made you sleep in late, have fun!" Darkrai said before vanishing.

Seconds after Darkrai said that, Ash woke up. Glancing over at the time, he saw it was now 11:30.

"ASH! LET ME IN THIS INSTANT!" Serena yelled from the other side of the door.

"Damn it Darkrai," Ash muttered under his breath, getting out of bed, "One second Serena!"

"Ash!" Serena warned

"Here happy now," Ash replied opening the door.

"Very," Serena replied, "We are going to the Pokemon school today, get ready,"

"I don't need to go back to school!" Ash yelled, annoyed.

"To teach Ash, calm down!" Serena replied.

"K good, now let me change," Ash replied, closing the door.

"Ash why did you yell to Darkrai when he isn't even here?" Pikachu asked curiosly.

"Remember how Darkrai decided to 'haunt' my dream in Sinnoh?"


"He did it again."

"Do I hear Drama?" Greninja asked, opening his own ball.

"That's my line Greninja!"

"Both of you be quite, I'm trying to change." Ash replied closing the door to his bathroom.

"What now Pika?"

"We wait for him to realize I stole his pants."


"Good morning Crystal." Sakura said, letting herself into Ariana's room.

"What do you want?" Ariana replied still in bed.

"You to get up, it's 11:40!"

"Oh heck no!"

"Oh heck yes!"

"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep!" Frost yelled. Only Sakura could understand her and her sister vulpix, Ember. No one knew this so Sakura decided to ignore her.

"What's frost doing in your room?" Sakura asked as Ariana reluctantly got out from her bed.

"You woke her up, so she left." Ariana replied.

"Really sis?" Ember asked her sister.

"Yes really, now shut up!"

"I'll be back in a few minutes." Sakura said, allowing Ariana to get changed. Today was going to be an interesting day, she could tell.

"Ash are ok in there?" Serena asked him after being downstairs for half and hour.

"Blame Pikachu," Ash moaned, making some loud thumps in the process.

"ASH ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME FOR A POKEMON!" Serena yelled, getting the wrong idea.

"What the!? No! Pikachu stole my pants!" Ash replied, "Those thumps were me chasing after him and knocking things over.

"I'm just gonna leave," Serena replied, walking down the hall.

"The hell did I just witness," Ariana said from the other side of the hall. Walking up to the door she knocked on it, "Ash how's your love triangle coming?"

"What the heck Ariana! Did you hear all of that?" Ash replied opening the door, with thankfully pants on.

"Yep and I think I have to fine you for bestiality," Ariana replied.

"About damn time! How many years ago was that when you kissed..."

"OMFG PIKACHU SHUT UP!" Ash yelled slamming the door and chasing Pikachu around the room.

"I'm just gonna leave now..." Ariana said before trying some bleach.

"God Ash is so annoying so times!" Serena whisper yelled before adding a bit more quietly, "But I still love him,"

"Who the hell is Ash?" Sakura asked, sneaking up behind Serena.

"My boy-friend and who are you?" Serena replied.

"Sakura, Ariana told me you would be down here," Sakura replied.

"I wonder where she is. This morning she sent me a text to meet her down here," Serena replied.

"Right there," Sakura said pointing to Ariana, who at the time was dragging Ash.

"Hey scrubs, found this idiot 'playing' with his Pikachu," Ariana said, earning her a shock by Pikachu.

"Ariana you little..."

Pikachu langue!" Ash yelled as the yellow rodent jumped back onto his shoulder.

"I have to agree with Ash there Pikachu," Greninja added.

"Please no..." Ash muttered sitting down and tried to look away from Greninja beating Pikachu up, even with a type disadvantage, "So what's up?"

"Ash, outside pls," Sakura said dragging him.

"Oh come on give me a turn!" Serena muttered.

"Geez he's dense," Ariana said watching Ash being dragged off.

"How is he ever going to get a child?" Serena asked

"Well when a performer and Pokémon trainer love each other very much..."

"Ok ok no need to go there, we are only thirteen,"(AN1)

"Right... We'll see."


"What do you want!? And who are you!?" Ash yelled when Sakura stopped dragging him. Looking around they were in some kind of forest. Every tree had some kind of berry on it and there was no sign of human influence in sight.

"My name is Sakura and you can talk to Pokémon!"

"Shh!" Ash replied then added, "I don't know what you mean.

"Idiot! It's obvious you were talking with your Pikachu and Greninja! Also were you that kid in the finals of the Kalos league?"

"A. yes I was, B. Fine I was talking to my Pokémon, but I can only talk to those two and C. I'm not a kid!"

"You're thirteen, I'm fifteen, therefore a kid,"

"You're better than Iris at least,"

"Ok then... Getting back to the topic in hand, I can talk to two of my Pokémon too and I have no idea why. Do you know?"

"I have a theory, ever heard of Aura?"

"Yeah, do you think that I have Aura?"

"Everyone does, ours are just exceptionally strong."

"ASH WHERE ARE YOU! WE LOST YOU IN THE FOREST!" Greninja yelled, scared for his best friend.

"Ash you idiot where are you!" Pikachu added, though not quite so loud.

"Ten feet to your left," Ash replied to Greninja through their bond.

"You sure?" Greninja asked being paranoid.

"Yes, I'm sure," Ash replied right as Greninja and Pikachu came running into the clearing.

"Ash you had us so worried!" Greninja yelled briefly hugging Ash, before realizing Pikachu was behind him, "Shit,"

"Overprotective much? You act like a big brother to Ash WAY too often," Pikachu said before it evolved into another playful fight.

"Hey Ash?" Sakura asked nervously.

"Yeah Saku?" Ash replied, having come up with a nickname for her.

"We'll figure this out together right?"

"Well since we both are going through this... Sure," Ash replied with his trademark smile.

"Aura wielders?" Sakura asked extending her fist out.

"Aura wielders." Ash replied fistbumbing her. This was the start of a bond that would last a life time. Only they didn't know quite how close they already where. Neither realizing their farther was both freaking out that his son was in Alola and his daughter was gone to god knows where.

Starly: What's up this is Starly here and thanks for reading. I hope I didn't make you wait too long...

The Fans: Over. Two. Months!"


The Fans: Fine...

Starly: Now that's out of the way lets get to the AN!

AN1: In this story Ash turns 13 during Kalos and AGES. Also Sakura is two years older than him.

Thank you for sticking with this story and don't expect frequent updates. Hopefully I won't have anymore two months hitiases or you ccould calling me Steven Universe! Not funny... Ok then see you next time and peace.
